Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 176: Baby dragon making the noises

Chapter 176: Baby dragon making the noises

Gao Lan Mei was not sure what happened next. Wei Jiayi turned predator and she was the prey. She could only follow his rhythm helplessly. 

Her legs were numb, but the spiritual energy that he shared and pleasure from the strenuous activity overlapped her tiredness. 

It was already sunrise, when he slumped next to her, sweat on his caramel skin, some of his long hair sticking to it. He was looking at her with a satisfied smile, while still breathless breath. 

His hand reached to push her back, that was covering her face, "Anywhere painful?" He asked softly, concern and worry showing on his face now. He started to feel bad because his strength and stamina might have been too much for her, to do it over and over again. 

With a snort, "You are just remembering to ask me now?" She said mockingly. How many times she had asked him to slow down? That it was too much? But her plea fell on deaf ears  He still continued to do as he pleased. 

Just remembering their intimate moment, her face heated up and she couldn't even look Wei Jiayi in the eye. 

Wincing guiltily, despite being entertained with her shy expression, "You can spank me if that would make you feel better..." He offered, playfully. "Try the benefit of it and see that it will be worth it." He said knowingly. 

Rolling her eyes, instead of responding she lifted her hand and tried to condense spiritual energy. 

The static from the spiritual energy surrounded her hand until it formed a very small black vortex. It was so small but good enough for Gao Lan Mei, for now. She would just practice later. 

Surprised, "You can cultivate Devour?" He asked, not expecting that she had the same skill as Feng Ji. It was a long lost art. 

Ah! Wei Jiayi remembered something that calmed him down. There was really no reason for him to be surprised, it totally made sense why she knew the method of Devour as she was the sparrow's master.  

Nodding her head unsatisfied, " It's still too small," she said releasing a deep breath, "What's my degree now?" Then suddenly asked. 

Wei Jiayi looked at her intently before answering, "I think you are on the sixth degree. You did not notice earlier?" In fact, he also wasn't able to determine her exact degree.

There was a big difference for cultivation, using double repair than the normal one. She had increased ranks but it was not that noticeable. 

Shaking her head with an embarrassed smile as she was not able to really focus on cultivation earlier, with him keeping her distracted every single time. 

Wei Jiayi smirked knowingly then sat on the bed moving closer to her for another heated kiss, no need to ask him what he wanted as just by the way he looked at her, and the noticeable dent on the blanket covering his lower half, it was a no-brainer if she would not realize it soon. 

"No more. I am sore." She said breathlessly when he moved to her neck attacking it. 

"Hmm. That's easy, a dragon's saliva can heal. Let me take care of it..." He said moving lower. "Since we are compatible let's cultivate some more." Wei Jiayi uttered, trying to be convincing. 

"Wei Jiayi! I am sweaty and hungry!" She exclaimed before he could even reach his destination. Her stomach even helped her by making an embarrassing growl. 

"Hmp. Is that your stomach or that's a baby dragon making the noises?" He asked, with a fond smile, touching her stomach. 

She swatted his hand from her stomach, "What baby dragon? That's too early to tell. We are not even married yet." Her heart skipped a beat when he had mentioned that. She couldn't be pregnant. She should not be. 

Seeing her scared expression, though feeling a little hurt, he understood, as she had a right to feel that way. 

He couldn't deny the fact that he had somehow manipulated her into agreeing to be with him.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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