Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 203: Mother-in-law

Chapter 203: Mother-in-law

He carried Gao Lan Mei, slowly making his way back to the courtyard, but was stopped by Gao Tsu and Li Mao. Both worriedly looked at him and the woman in his arms.

"Wei Jiayi, we will take Gao Lan Mei back." Gao Tsu said seriously, extending his arms to Wei Jiayi with the intent of carrying his granddaughter home.

"Gao Tsu, as my future grandfather-in-law, I  suggest you get out of my way." Murderous intents were clear in Wei Jiayi's voice.

His grip on Gao Lan Mei tightened for a moment, as he maintained his glare at Gao Tsu. There was no way in hell, he would allow anyone to take her away from him. He had almost lost her.

Just the possibility alone, of Gao Lan Mei, almost dying made Wei Jiayi want to go on a rampage. Gao Tsu had chosen a really bad time to say that to him. The limit on how much he could tolerate the old man was almost at its end.

Gao Tsu's reason for attacking him too had just been childish. So what, if he had slept with his future wife? Wei Jiayi may have had accidentally blurted that out due to his happiness, but so what? They would be getting married soon anyway, so it really made no difference.

Now, look at what happened due to that couple of minutes of delay. If he had just arrived sooner, none of this would have happened in the first place.

Wei Jiayi really wanted to hurt the old man at that moment. If he weren't holding Gao Lan Mei, he might've had already drawn blood from Gao Tsu. Anyhow, he was still her family member, and even though Wei Jiayi still was not sure why Gao Tsu was even in the Mortal Domain, right now he didn't want to deal with anything else.

"Your Highness We can take care of Gao Lan Mei" Li Mao spoke softly. They wanted Gao Lan Mei to be home with them first so that when she regained consciousness they could all discuss something very important. 

"It is also not appropriate," she added trying to reason with him.

"Mother-in-law, she will be fine with me." Wei Jiayi respectfully responded, making Gao Tsu face turn red. Why was Wei Jiayi respectful to Li Mao but so rude to him? He never intended to cause any harm to his granddaughter!

"Forgive me, but I can not allow her to leave. Ever," he added firmly, allowing no room for further discussion. Wei Jiayi's subordinates stood ready awaiting his orders, though sceptical if it were the right thing to do since Gao Tsu and Li Mao were their mistress' relatives.

Wei Jiayi continued, "Regardless of what you say, I have vowed to protect her personally."

Gao Tsu got ready to respond with anger when Li Mao stopped him gently, "We will stay then. Because we are her family." Li Mao cautiously emphasized the 'we', while staring at Wei Jiayi with bright scarlet eyes that held a challenge.

"Suit yourself," he uttered dismissively, not willing to fight his mother-in-law. He didn't have the time or energy to deal with anything other than Gao Lan Mei.

Li Mao nodded, as she reached out her hand to touch Gao Lan Mei's face gently, brushing off the hair covering her daughter's face, "Wei Jiayi, if you ever hurt Mei'er, I will personally kill you. I swear that to our ancestors, whom your kind have served." she said casually, still checking Gao Lan Mei's condition.

"Young Master Xi please lead the way." Li Mao left no room for Wei Jiayi to respond. Gao Tsu reluctantly agreed with his daughter-in-law because despite how Li Mao normally acted- like a normal house wife-, as a mother she would never allow anything to happen to her child.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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