
Chapter 626 A Truth Unheard, Part 2

Ritsuka gritted his teeth as he threw himself onto his feet. Everything shook as he looked for Keng. Evan was screaming for someone to help him as Keng was at the epicenter, shaking.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Keng shouted. "Not now! Please!" The change of Dark Matter was apparent. The silver and cosmic energy was beginning to fade out, replaced by some sort of darkness. Ritsuka started towards Keng, trying to keep his balance. He had tossed everything that had happened and deserted his sword for Keng. He needed to get to Keng before something worse happened.

"You traitor!" Liz shouted. "He's trying to kill us and you want to help him?!?" Liz raised her hand and fired a bolt of lightning at Ritsuka. Ritsuka went flying further away from Keng as Liz stumbled to get herself up. "I'll end this!" She stomped forward, slowly, catching herself as Evan screamed for help.

"Help!" Evan shouted. Rocks fell from the ceiling, spooking him as they caught in the bubble.

"This place is going to cave! Get out!" Manny shouted.

"Not after we kill that thing!" Liz pointed.

"Liz! Enough with this madness!" Manny shouted. "Leave him to die! He isn't going to hurt us!"

"How would you know that? Altering our memories? Deleting them? Why don't I understand anything that's happening, huh? I should be able to remember what he stole from me!"

"He didn't do it!" Manny shouted. The earthquakes suddenly stopped. Manny's voice had cut through Keng's distorted voice, bringing a strange clarity to him he thought was impossible. Purple lightning crackled as Liz watched Manny stand. "He's not the reason for your memories being wiped."

"What?" Liz quietly asked, taking a step back.

"H-help first!" Evan shouted. Keng sat up and lifted his hand up to Evan. "Anyone but you, please!" Olivia shot onto her feet and jogged over. She gave Keng a nod to lower him and helped Evan back onto the sweet ground. "Thank god!" Evan kissed the floor. "I thought I was going to die."

"What do you mean by 'your memories being wiped?'" Liz asked a bit louder. The group turned to look at Manny in confusion. Manny looked at each of his teammates. It seemed even this 'Keng' was confused by what was happening.

"I…" Manny began. His fist bundled.

'Do I tell them the truth? It's not like it matters anymore… But my mission…' Manny let out a sigh and gulped.

"Someone powerful tried to wipe the entire city's memories away except for a handful of people." Manny began to explain. "I… was a part of that handful of people to not get their memories wiped…"

"Who else is there?" Evan asked. They all looked at Manny pained by the sudden development of news. Keng kept his head down. It didn't matter what he felt at that moment. It didn't matter that the nightmarish voice tried to take over. What mattered was getting answers. Keng pushed himself onto his feet. His five tails lowered and fused into a single cosmic tail as Keng looked up. Manny was staring at him with some sort of apologetic look.

"I… I can't tell you." Manny quietly answered. "Rather, I literally can't tell you anything else other than… Keng's not lying about your memories being altered or wiped about Lee Seng's true existence." He lifted his finger up and pointed at Keng. "Lee Seng has a tail exactly like that… but white. The whole stars and galaxies thing is new to me."

"That's all?" Liz cocked her head. She was angry. Lightning coursed through her entire body as she took a step forward. The air felt charged as if it was waiting for something to happen. "That's all you can tell us? So, what, I'm supposed to just believe you? What if you're on this too, Ritsuka?"

"I'm no—"

A bolt of lightning fired out at Manny. The next thing Manny knew, he was still standing with someone in front of him.

"That's enough." Keng sighed. The shield began to crack. He wouldn't be able to hold it long enough against Liz. She was angry so her power would only grow on top of its B-cusp tiered power. Keng redirected the lightning off to the large hole. Stars and silver light sparkled in front of Keng as he watched Liz. "It doesn't matter if you believe me, Ritsuka or even Manny. I'm telling you the truth."

"Then why isn't Olivia saying anything? Shouldn't she be the one to let us know you're telling the truth or lying? Or is she in on this too?"

Liz raised her hand. A single sigh flew out of Keng's mouth as his eyes glowed.

[Possession was used on Liz Walts.]

Liz's body seized up for a second. Her veins bulged as she shook.

"What're you doing…?" Manny asked. "What're you doing to her!" Manny swung at Keng, only to hit nothing. Keng's body entirely disappeared, and Liz's body went slack. "Where did he go? Where the hell did he go!?!" Manny angrily turned to Ritsuka for answers. Ritsuka shot his hands up.

"I don't know what that is. Don't ask me!" Ritsuka defended himself. Manny rushed to Liz's side. He cocked his head and lowered himself a bit to look at her slack face. The anger that was once there was suddenly gone, left with nothing.

"Liz." Manny shook Liz. "Liz. Are you okay? Liz!" He continued to shake her.

Keng entered a cloudy landscape. Lightning coursed around the area as a random assortment of random memories formed in this area. This was probably Liz's Soul world. He walked around for a bit, not sure of what he was looking for. Memories moved past him, revealing a bit about Liz as he moved forward. She grew up in the city. She never ventured out of the walls and spent much of her time reading in the many libraries around Capitol City.

When her power manifested, her parents were shocked to see Liz had such a power. Instead of being supportive of her powers, they actively looked for ways to get rid of it. There was no such thing and inside Liz grew a bit uneasy with it. When she was met with some men in suits, they offered her a better solution. To come and train and put her powers under control. There was no way of removing the powers, but at least she could use it if she wanted to.

The more Liz used her powers, the more unstable she felt inside. The more she grew accustomed to it, the more the strange void within her felt… Very incomplete.  Sobs snapped Keng out of it. Thunder rumbled as lightning crackled across the entire Soul world. Sobs drew him further into the world until he found her.

Liz was sobbing as she wiped away her tears. Her back was to him and a single spotlight shone down on her. A closed scrapbook with magazines was littered around her as she continued to cry. Her hair seemed longer, reaching down her back, as she kept her legs close to her chest.

"Why… Why won't it… Why won't it make sense?" Liz asked. Lightning hit next to Keng, as if on cue, as Liz continued to wipe her tears away. "How am I supposed to believe that? I can barely believe myself half the time… 'Be strong for the newbies. Be the cool friend you needed when you were so scared.' Why did I tell myself these things? Look where it got me!" She swiped the magazines away from her, turning to see a glimpse of Keng.

Liz almost didn't register him if it weren't for the fact he wasn't in his human form anymore. A cosmic white fox sat there waiting. She sniffed and wiped her nose as she turned to face him. She cocked her head to the side, studying him and the realization grew on her face. This was Keng. This was that guy claiming to be Lee Seng.

"What're you doing here!?! What did you—" Liz began to say as thunder bellowed out, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

"There's so much turmoil in here." Keng looked around. "Dark skies are always thundering with lightning… Does it have to be this way?"

"What do you mean? I don't even know what this is!" Liz shouted. Lightning cracked striking in front of Keng as he turned his head away. "I just want to live a normal life. Please just let me live a normal life!"

"But nothing's normal." Keng replied, looking at her. "Normal makes you weak, being strong makes you shoulder too much responsibility and having a dangerous ability makes you scared of what you can do… I'm not here to talk about whether or not you are qualified or right. I'm here to find the spell and break it, so you remember Lee Seng… So, let's take a walk, shall we?" Liz looked at Keng confused.

'He didn't come to… Talk me out of it?' Liz wondered. The surroundings began to lighten up a little as lightning coursed through the clouds. A strange Fox was sitting patiently in front of her, waiting for her answer. 'No, he isn't waiting. He's already doing what he said he came here to do.'

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