
Chapter 661 Paranoia

A red energy oozed into existence as the clutter fully trapped Keng and the Druid inside. The tea shook in Keng's cup as it slowly pulled out of the cup. He could feel a strange energy inside of him swirl. The Druid's eyes lit up green as she rose out of her seat.

"Your partner is here." Druid Corrum spoke. Her head looked off to the side. She tried her best to keep a calm demeanor but the red energy was growing larger. "S-something's coming… Something wrong…" Keng looked towards the left where the Druid was looking. He couldn't see what she saw but the ominous red energy kept him from looking away. "There's something horribly wrong with this! H-he's… He's not human!"

The connection severed immediately. Everything fell, turning the area into a complete disaster. The Druid huffed as she took a moment to breathe. Keng continued to stare at the lingering red energy.

"Keng…" It called to him. "Keng…"

"It's… I know where it is, but… Do you really want to know?" The Druid asked once she collected herself. She noticed her own words fell on deaf ears. The Fox Spirit was staring at something she couldn't see. The red energy flashed showing Keng the demonic form of Lee Seng. The image dissolved, leaving the sound of screams as a loud crunching noise went off.

"No!" Keng stood up. The chair fell behind him as he searched for the red energy. It was nowhere to be seen.

"Fox Spirit Keng." The Druid called out to him. Keng snapped out of it, clearly still shaken. The Druid stepped away from her chair and cocked her head at him. "Did you see it, too?" Keng turned away. He didn't want to say what he saw. He didn't want it to be true. "Then you know what Fate has in store for you if you go. You shouldn't go there if you don't have to."

"I don't have a choice." Keng told her. He turned to look at her despite the fear running in his system. He tried to act brave but his bravery was only an attempt to scare off whatever things he saw and heard. "Where is he?"

Keng pushed the door open and all of the strange pressure lifted off of him. He let out a shuddering breath as he held the paper in his hand.

"All done?" Akio's voice cut through like butter. Keng looked over to the left and noticed Akio was there. "That took longer than I thought it would. What did she say?" Keng turned and moved past Akio.

"Let's get to the car first." Keng told him.

The two moved through the city without much talk. Akio was confused on Keng's behavior, but decided not to push it. There was clearly something bothering him. The paper in his hand shook with force as Keng held it in his hands.

'It's happening too fast.' Keng thought. His chest burned with the same energy. It was eating at him like it wanted out. 'Not now… Steady yourself, Keng! You have to find him first!'

"So what's this all about?" Akio asked when they got into the car. Keng gulped and smoothened out the crinkled note.

"She said it would be best if I stayed away if I could." Keng handed the note over. "I told her that would be impossible because I need to find him. She told me that." Akio's eyes scanned over the note, eyes widening.

"How is this possible?" Akio asked looking up from the note. "I just visited not too long ago? How could he be there?"

"I dunno." Keng shrugged.

"Are you sure this is right? Could she be wrong? She could be a fake." Akio suggested.

"She isn't." Keng looked at him. The fear in his voice was fighting with Keng's resolve. "She wasn't lying. I felt it. I felt that… That thing come for me. It must be true. Lee Seng's at the Lab."

"It doesn't make sense though, Keng. The Lab has been closed for an extended period of time over the last couple of months. The Creator went out on business with a team and won't be back for awhile. Nobody can get in there but a handful of people and the Numbers. How are you going to get in there?"

"You can help me." Keng told him. "Help me get in there. I just have to look for him. You don't have to help me in anyway after that."

"I…" Akio looked away.

"Akio, this is your brother we're talking about. I risked me and Calis's secrets with you, your sister, and Mr. Chan-Yeol because I really thought you could help me despite Akali threatening to kill me. Despite all of that, I just want to find him. Can't you help me with this?" Keng pleaded.

"I… I want to, Keng, but…" Akio's voice trailed. Keng could feel the dark energy bubbling. He almost mistook it for anger. Just as he was about to say something, his phone rang. Keng pulled it out and noticed it was Calis, answering it.

"What's up?" Keng asked, clearing his throat. He turned to look the other way, not wanting to let the rage build within him. He needed to be steady.

"Keng, Chan-Yeol and I went back to the apartment complex and I managed to pinpoint the Portal." Calis spoke.

"Where does it lead to?" Keng asked.

"Another point in the city."

"Are you there?"

"I am, but Chan-Yeol wouldn't come through. He didn't dare to! Isn't that strange?" Calis asked.

"Why would he not go through a Portal? It's the easiest way for us to figure things out. What did he say?"

"He said Akio told him not to go into it. He said he couldn't help us." Calis answered. Keng turned to look at Akio, who was looking at him. Every fiber in Keng's body shook.

"He did?" Keng asked, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"What's even stranger is he tried his best to make me not go in! He used force, Keng! Force!" Every goosebump in Keng's body shook.

"What?" Akio asked.

'Why does he sound so void of… Everything?' Keng asked.

"Nothing." Keng lied.

"What did Calis say?" Akio asked.

"Calis, I'll call you back, okay?" Keng told Calis. "I have something I need to do first."

"But Keng! You should—" Click.

Keng slipped his phone into his pocket and kept staring at Akio.

'Is he working with them too? Why would Chan-Yeol use force to not let Calis go in? He didn't have to go in himself. It's fine if he didn't but…'

"What did Calis say? Are you okay?" Akio asked. Keng turned and unlocked the door, opening it before Akio could do anything.

"I have somewhere I have to be." Keng lied. "Don't wait up for me. You can go home first."

​ "Where are you going, Keng?" Akio asked. "Don't tell me you're going to the lab! You can't go there!"

"What, you gonna stop me?" Keng asked. He opened the back door, closing the front one and reaching for his backpack. Akio's hand flew on it, holding onto it, drawing Keng's eyes up to his.

"You can't go there. Nobody is allowed there right now! Just wait another few weeks." Akio pleaded.

"You know I can't wait, Akio!" Keng hissed. He looked around, pulling the backpack harder as he leaned in. "We're both going to die if I don't do anything. You're either with Lee Seng and I or against it. Pick one. Just know you have a reputation to keep." Akio's face loosened. The seriousness in his eyes grew as Keng pulled the backpack away.

"Whatever reason you have, I can respect it only so much. You may be Lee Seng's brother, but your word isn't truth around here. If you didn't want Chan-Yeol to go into the

Portal that's fine. Don't make decisions for me or my ally. We're both in this together, so step aside and play the role you were given." Keng told him. "I'm going to find Lee Seng and if you want to wreak havoc in front of civilians, then do it. Become the monster everyone fears Lee Seng to be."

Akio gulped as Keng swung the backpack over his shoulder and shut the door. Keng's phone buzzed, again. He mumbled in frustration as he pulled it out and stared down the street, leaving Akio.

Akio's phone buzzed. He pulled it out and picked it up.

"They're heading to the Lab." Akio answered. There was some silence as Akio looked into the rear-view mirror. "Yes, I tried to stop him but he didn't want to. What do I do, sir? Mmm. I will do as you say, Creator. I'll keep an eye on him then. What should I do if he goes to the Lab? Should I use force to get him away…? Yes, sir. I'll watch. I'll make sure to let you know if anything else happens. Yes, sir. Bye…" Akio sighed hanging the phone. He tossed the phone onto the passenger seat and turned to watch Keng blend into the crowd, talking on the phone.

"I'm sorry, Lee Seng." Akio whispered. "I hope you won't be mad at your brother for what I'm going to do…"

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