
Chapter 663 Sea Of Red And Black

An annoying buzzing noise rang in the air as Lee Seng tried to sleep. It sounded like a persistent fly trying to enter his ear. He would raise his hand to slap it, only to hear the noise continuously buzz. Lee Seng groaned as he forced himself up.

'Where am I?' Lee Seng wondered. Everywhere around him was red and black shaking back and forth like someone was scribbling. It shook side to side and would occasionally blink forward, only to continue the cycle. 'What is this place?' He pushed himself onto his feet and started to walk in a random direction.

'This isn't my Soul world… It doesn't feel like it… What happened to me?'

"Argh…!" Blood splattered in the distance following the pained voice. Lee Seng turned to around, only to find a bloodied Eleven lying on the floor. "Fuck…" Lee Seng watched Eleven as he struggled to pull himself forward. Eleven's bottom half was gone, replaced with blood and entrails. He grabbed the shaking ground and pulled himself forward. "I will… not die… Here!" Eleven's eyes shook with determination as he slowly crawled his way past Lee Seng.

'Can he not see me?' Lee Seng wondered.

"Damn this curse!" Eleven grunted. "I was tricked! I should've lived! He should've died!" Sounds of reverb caught Lee Seng's attention as Eleven turned around to look behind him. "Shit, they're coming again!" Eleven started to crawl faster, pulling himself forward as the noises of shrieks grew loud. Three humanoid figures grew from the black and red void. Their limbs oddly pointed in odd directions as their jaws fell further than humanly possible.

"RAAAAA!" The creatures screamed. Lee Seng scrambled the same direction as Eleven, going into a jog and passing Eleven with ease. Lee Seng turned to watch as the monsters descended onto Eleven, ripping him into bits. Purple energy ripped off his body as bloody screams echoed. Lee Seng watched in horror as Eleven's body disappeared into purple energy, floating above as the red and black monster rose and looked at him. They growled as they imitated sniffing the air.

The creatures roared as they scrambled off to the right, leaving the purple energy behind. Lee Seng watched the monster run into the eternal black and red scratchy sea, losing them instantly as they vanished into thin air. The purple energy floated in the air like orbs, bouncing up and down as Lee Seng cautiously made his way over.

'They ate pretty much everything…' Lee Seng observed. Bloods and bits of Eleven were all that was left. Lee Seng gulped, stomaching the sight as he forcibly turned his attention away from it. 'What's this residual energy?' He reached for it, inches away from the purple orbs as a guttural scream shook the entire space around Lee Seng.

Lee Seng jerked forward, orbs flying into him as he hit the ground. Blood seeping onto his clothes as the guttural scream continued. The floor turned, flipping Lee Seng through the air as the sea of black and red swirled around him.

'What's going on?!?' Lee Seng thought as he screamed for his dear life. He desperately tried to catch himself in the air, but nothing was happening. A strange burning feeling grew in his chest as the sea of red and black squeezed onto Lee Seng's head.

"ARGH!" Lee Seng's head jerked forward, slamming into the metal bar. He howled in agony as he recoiled backwards. Something was strapped on his entire head, covering his eyes from seeing anything. Everything in his body told him to get out.

"He literally tried to bite me! Why are you asking me to go in, again?!?" An unknown male voice whined.

"Go in and fix the device. It's not registering anything!" A female voice ordered. Virgil groaned as the sound of metal opened.

Click. Click. Click.

Lee Seng grunted as he tried to move. Something metallic stopped him each time. Lee Seng grunted as he quickly realized he was strapped in something.

"Hold still, Spawn." The male voice spoke to him. A hand grabbed something on his head and clicked on it. "It's on! Do you want me to reset it?!?"

"Why're you asking if you know what to do?" The female voice responded.

"I'm asking because you keep complaining." The male voice mumbled.

"Hey!" Lee Seng shouted. He could hear the unidentified male in front of him jump backwards. The metal clanked underneath his feet as Lee Seng's covered eyes followed him. "Let me out!"

"W-woah, he talked!" The male spoke to the female. "What do we do now, Captain?"

"Where am I? Who are you people? Are you with those people who tried to kill me?" Lee Seng asked.

"I'm not getting any readings whatsoever on the Spawn anymore." The female voice sighed. Something moved onto a surface and footsteps shuffled. Two sets of footsteps entered the metal holding cell Lee Seng was in.

'C'mon, let me see!' Lee Seng thought. His eyes burned as he forced his eyes to see past the veil.

"C'mon!" Lee Seng shouted aloud. His eyes quickly showed him the Dark Matter around him. Three humanoids stood in front of him. The one in the middle burned with the heaviest energy out of the three. Lee Seng gulped as the figure cocked their head to the side, studying Lee Seng.

"Are you the Spawn or the Creator's son?" The female in the middle asked.

"Neither the spawn nor his son." Lee Seng answered. "Where am I? What did you do to me? What happened?"

"He doesn't know what happened?" A British accented woman spoke to the right of the female in the middle. She turned her head to look at the man but got no response from him.

"Neither." The male scoffed. He folded his arms and let out a sigh. "Then who are you? Have any idea what you just did earlier? You almost killed one of the so-called Queen's men. I've never seen Neo look so pissed before. Serves him right."

"Silence." The woman in the middle ordered. "You're revealing too much before he can know. Answer my question. Who are you then if you aren't the Creator's son nor the Spawn?" The binds over Lee Seng's face loosened just enough for him to physically see who was in front of him. The golden breastplate woman with silver hair caught his attention first like her DME did. She looked like the ringleader to the two behind her.

A bald African woman stood to her right. She was at least six feet tall and thin. She had violet eyes that stared at him. The man to the right was an African American man. He had short hair and facial hair. His brown eyes studied Lee Seng as he casually played with a dagger.

"Who are you?" The golden breastplate woman stepped forward. "Answer me… If you don't, I can play along." Lee Seng flicked his eye away, trying to gather as much information of where he was.

'I'm… Wait… I can't be in the lab… Can I?' A hand pushed hard against Lee Seng's abdomen, burning Lee Seng. Lee Seng screeched in pain as he instinctively tried to pull away. He couldn't get away as the woman asked her question, again.

"Who. Are. You?"

"Lee Seng!" Lee Seng shouted. The woman instantly released her burning hand and folded her arms together again.

"Lee Seng Chang. You said you weren't the Creator's son, hmph." The silver haired woman shook her head. Lee Seng groaned as his body quickly healed the burns.

"So, it is true. He heals quite fast." The violet-eyed woman spoke. "I wonder if everything else is true then. It's been a while since I've been with other human beings."

"Don't, Wysteria. Now's not the time to toy around with the humans. We got a job to do." The silver haired woman spoke. Wysteria pulled away, nodding. The silver haired woman turned her attention back onto Lee Seng. "If you're here then where's the Spawn?"

"Who?" Lee Seng asked.

"The Spawn. The thing inside of you." The man elaborated. "The thing that's trying to take you over. I'm pretty sure you've felt him by now."

"Oh him?" Lee Seng chuckled. "He died."

"What?" Wysteria's eyes widened. "You killed him?"

"What if I did?" Lee Seng asked. "Would you let me go? I just wanna go sleep…  On a bed… And be a normal student."

"You're not normal." The silver haired woman told him. "You were never going to be normal, little Master." Wysteria and the man looked at the silver hair woman like they were just getting new information too.

"What do you mean?" Lee Seng asked. "Who are you… to tell me that? To me, you're just a lackey in that man's plan… Disposable once everything's over— Argh!" The silver haired woman's fist punched Lee Seng's stomach, burning away part of his clothing. She punched him over and over until blood and bruises began to form. Lee Seng's healing stopped anything dangerous from happening as he took the blows.

Blood spewed out of his mouth as Wysteria spoke. "Captain, he only seeks anger out of us. I don't think we should—"

"Shut up!" The Captain punched Lee Seng hard. He could her fist move through his flesh and create a hole in it. Blood spilled out of Lee Seng's mouth and the newly formed cavity in his stomach. Flames spluttered to life, burning the new hole as the Captain ripped her fist out of it. Lee Seng cried in pain as he could do nothing but stand there in the chains.

Wysteria and the man didn't react to their Captain's violent nature. She burned his blood into nothing and wiped her hands on her pants and looked Lee Seng right in the eyes.

"You think you're all that? Just cause you're important doesn't mean I can't have some fun."

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