
Chapter 668 Emergency Response IV

"Rrrghh…" The groan broke the creepy silence in the pristine home. Keng stopped in place and listened for anymore noise while staring at the opened basement door. "Rrrghh…" It came again.

'It sounds like it's coming from below…' Keng slowly crept forward until he reached the basement door. He stopped a little bit before the doorway and listened. Another groan followed by coughs. 'Is that Lee Seng?' He peeked through the doorway and noticed a faint light was on. More coughs came and Keng's legs moved. He rushed down the stairs, turning the corner. The finished basement was in disarray like somebody threw things aside. The coughs came from behind the cough.

"Lee?" Keng called out. He wandered over to the couch, noticing a bloodied purple eyed Deimon on the couch. Keng's face grew serious as Hydrosphere appeared in his hand. "You!" Keng leapt over the couch, bringing Hydrosphere down onto Eleven.

"Stop!" Lee Seng shouted. Keng's hand shook as he tried to plunge the dagger into Eleven.

"You're the reason why this is all happening!" Keng shouted. "Die dammit!"

"Keng, stop!" Lee Seng ran over, placing the bowl and bloodied rag down on the table and grabbed Keng's hand. "Don't kill him!" Lee Seng pulled Keng off of Eleven and pushed him away from him.

"What're you doing protecting the guy that wants you dead?!?" Keng pointed at the Deimon. "You should kill him and take over your body before it's too late!"

"Keng, calm down! I can explain!" Lee Seng threw his hands out. "He won't do anything, alright? If anything, he's trying to help me!"

"Help? How?!?"

"Just listen! If it weren't for him, I'd be dead from the smoke in my lungs!" Lee Seng told him. Keng's face froze.

"Smoke?" Keng quietly spoke.

"Yeah. Smoke from a Deimon Captain!" Lee Seng nodded. Keng held his position for a while and then let out a sigh. He released Hydrosphere and threw his hands up. Lee Seng sighed, glancing at Eleven.

"What happened to his lower body? Why is he like that?" Keng asked.

"It's a long story." Lee Seng sighed. Eleven coughed, groaning in pain. "Ah, I wish I could help you some more… But all I can do is wipe the blood off of you." Lee Seng grabbed the bowl of water turning red from the bloodied rag and dipped the rag in. He wrung the rag and started to wipe Eleven's face.

"So, what happened?" Keng asked. He stayed where he was. He didn't want instinct to take over.

"Well, I got captured when I came back to Earth and woke up in a padded cell room. Eleven was trying to fight for dominance but I was injected with something that hushed him. It made me weak. It made us weak, I guess… I was trapped there for days. I don't know what happened but before I knew it, I was being whisked away to a room full of Deimons.'' Lee Seng started to explain. HE carefully wiped the sweat off of Eleven as Eleven weakly watched.

"Just… kill me…" Eleven whispered. "Please… You can have it all… Kill me…"

"Made a bet with Eleven to get out of there and I managed to do it with the help of devouring seventy-five percent of the Protocol. I broke out, got hit with a bullet and turned… Demon."

"What's this about a bet? Why would you make a bet with a Deimon? That one's been nothing but a pain in the ass." Keng asked.

"Eleven fears the other Deimons, Keng." Lee Seng turned. "Apparently enough to make a bet with me, the person he's trying to take over… But I would've died if it wasn't for his help and the demon taking over…" Lee Seng dunked the rag back into the water, watching the blood fill the murky water. He wrung it once again and continued to wipe the sweat off Eleven's face.

"I don't know the full details because the demon blocked so much of it from me, but… I got captured by people who probably work for the Creator. A silver haired woman named Captain Childs. An African woman named Wysteria. She bound me to a jail cell box and seemed strong enough to neutralize my powers. Then this African American guy named Virgil. He didn't seem like he wanted to be there…" Lee Seng bit his lip.

"Kill me…" Eleven repeated. Lee Seng looked at him and shook his head. "Take the Protocol… Take my life force… Anything to end this misery."

"I still think this is the worst-case scenario for you." Lee Seng smiled. "I get to take care of you and stop you from dying and let you wallow in your own misery."

"Please…!" Eleven groaned, throwing his head back. "That mutt managed to almost kill me in one go!"

"What about the smoke?" Keng asked, stepping forward. "I felt that smoke. I almost died to it. If it wasn't for two doctors being at the café I was at, I would've died!"

"What?" Lee Seng turned to Keng. "You felt the smoke?"

"It was like it suddenly appeared!"

"I think it's Captain's powers." Lee Seng told him. "She has pyrokinesis and somehow can manifest smoke into my lungs."

"So how did he help you?" Keng motioned at Eleven.

"He played with the demon and released him."

"Why would you risk that? Y'know what's even happening outside right now?" Keng asked. "That thing is murdering anyone in its way! It killed police officers, fire fighters, medics, and even those gray antlered monsters in the lab!"

"What? Monsters in the lab? That's not possible."

"People are dead because of his gamble!" Keng pointed. "It's more reason to off him and gain full control of the Protocol!"

"I... I need a lot of answers and if innocent lives must be given for these answers, I will do what I must." Lee Seng told Keng. Keng took a step back, shocked by what was said.

"You'd give up innocent lives just to have answers? About what exactly? Why did the Creator alter and wipe millions of people's memories of you? Who are these Deimons? What do they want? You'd let people die just for that?" Keng's voice rose. He pushed down the sorrow he wanted to release seeing Lee Seng. "You'd really do that, huh?"

"I need to know, Keng!" Lee Seng shouted. He casted the rag aside and stood up. "Why am I the one subjected to this? Why am I a pawn in the Creator's game – in my Dad's fucking game?!? I don't want to be a part of it!"

"But you are!"

"So why can't I get some fucking answers!" Lee Seng stomped his foot. Keng jerked backwards. The pressure in the room was pushing down on everything. Eleven began to cough more while the small items began to crush. "I want answers and I'm willing to kill for it! If you were in my shoes, wouldn't you want it?"

"I would." Keng agreed.

"Then why do you sound like you're against this? Against what had to be done?" Lee Seng asked.

"Even if I had the choice of getting answers… By killing someone… I'd find another way of doing it… Even if I must die." The pressure released as Lee Seng turned away in frustration. Eleven coughed while Keng caught his breath.  "Just because you have a fate that seems so dark and probably unmanageable, you still have a choice… Killing innocent people to get them shouldn't be one of them."

"If it's for the greater good then is it okay?" Lee Seng asked. The red and black energy crackled around him. He looked over his shoulder at Keng. "I don't know who to trust anymore, Keng. Those people might have well been under my dad's control. Are their hands clean then? Should I spare anyone who is under him?"

"And how would you know?" Keng quietly asked. "You wouldn't."

"So, I have to do a background check on every fucking person?!?" Lee Seng shouted. He turned to face Keng, who looked away. Keng's fists were in balls as he tried to calm himself down. "I am the way I am because I was made this way. If he wants a killer, then he'll get one. He'll get one who is willing to kill anyone to make him pay for what he did to me!" Keng nodded as a tear rolled down. He turned to look at Lee Seng and stared at him.

"You don't have to resort to this ultimatum! You've grown a lot since then. Let's figure this out together!"

"Where were you then?" Lee Seng's voice was filled with pain. "Where were you when I needed you the most? You know I can't do this alone… and now I must.... With or without you."

'I was too late, huh?' Keng thought. 'I couldn't get to you before you chose the answer, I didn't want you to choose…'

"I guess I have no choice then." Keng spoke in Fox tongue. "If you're going to be a monster, I'd rather put you down and kill us both." Keng vanished from in front of Lee Seng and appeared next to him. "The weight of sin is unbearable, but I know my duty. Kill the corrupted. Savior's Blessing: Silver Eclipse."

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