
Chapter 670 The Silver Eclispe

Lee Seng and Keng didn't know what happened next. One second, they were at odds with each other and the next second they were both floating in space with the remnants of Eleven. Lee Seng reached out many times to grab Eleven's energy but couldn't budge. He was suspended in a twilight of stars with Keng barely visible in the distance.

Lee Seng watched as a distant planet slowly spun on its axis. He felt uncomfortably hot like he was going to burn himself away. It never came, though. The golden light radiated off him, endlessly. The uncomfortableness sat with him for what felt like eternity. Slowly, he would see the moon show itself. It inched closer towards Keng, who burned with a bright silver light.

'What was even happening?' Lee Seng wondered. 'How much time has even passed? Why are we both here?' The moon slowly but surely reached a perfect point with Keng. The silver light was blocked by the moon, and everything started to distort.

"What's happening?" Lee Seng asked. The stars, the moon and the large planet faded from existence, leaving a floating Keng and Lee Seng. A black landscape covered them. The noises the demonic fox made quietly moved in the background, reminding Lee Seng what had happened. Before he could even address it, Lee Seng and Keng were pulled together. He could see Keng much clearer now. He was in a fetal position, naked. His arms wrapped around his legs as he peacefully slept.

Lee Seng glanced down and noticed he was naked, too. The golden light that radiated off of him had blocked him from seeing anything until now.

"It seems it's time." A female voice spoke. Three colorful lights appeared. Blue, silver and gold popped up one after the other in a straight line.

"Has he really done it?"

"Fate hasn't deemed them, yet?"

"I do not think so." The female voice answered. The three energies came closer, revealing themselves. Rox'su and Vox'su stood next to a woman with flowing blue hair. She looked like she was dressed for the beach in her dress and sandals. She looked like a model and her beauty instantly pulled Lee Seng to her. She looked over at Lee Seng, acknowledging he was awake and then looked to Rox'su and Vox'su.

"Sister, you still haven't explained why you are here. These two are our charges. They're our responsibilities. Let us handle this." Vox'su told her.

"But Keng is my champion, no?" The woman smiled. Rox'su shook his head and looked over to Lee Seng. He clearly wore a disappointed demeanor.

"I didn't think you'd choose vengeance." Rox'su shook his head. "But here we are."

"If Keng didn't interfere then—"

"Then we would have no choice but to watch." Rox'su cut Vox'su off. Rox'su was clearly angry. Their sister sighed and moved forward. "Hydran, you shouldn't—"

"Tell me, human child." Hydran addressed Lee Seng. The smell of water permeated her. It was oddly nostalgic. "Why do you want revenge?" She looked at him with a clear sense of 'I don't understand' and Rox'su seemed like he wanted to forcibly stop his sister from asking the question.

"Calm down, Rox'su. She said we could only visit with her here. Do not ruin this opportunity. We don't get to talk to the Blessed often." Vox'su reminded his brother. Rox'su growled and looked away. He seemed pained and that was bothering Lee Seng.

'Am I feeling his pain? His anger?' Lee Seng wondered.

"Did your father do something so irreversible that deaths of the innocent are needed?" Hydran reformulated her question aloud. Lee Seng looked at her. He couldn't feed off the anger he felt inside. She wouldn't allow him to do that. He couldn't act with the intention of anger and pain in front of her. "You killed innocent people who were doing their job. Though I am not one to talk because Earth isn't my domain, I can feel the intense rage inside of you. I guess my brother still has a temper and it has clearly attached itself to you."

"How is it my fault?" Rox'su asked. "I chose him because they were twins!"

"A simple answer." Hydran chuckled. "Are you simple like my younger brothers, Lee Seng? Do you act upon your feelings? An eye for an eye? Those who hit me, I will hit back. What good will come out of needless violence?"

"It's necessary." Lee Seng answered. "You don't know how many people he's hurt, thrown under the bus and given up on because of his goals. Should I be one of those people? No. I won't be." Lee Seng desperately wanted her to feel his pain and anger, but he could only speak neutral. Hydran nodded and looked over to Keng.

"And you would cast the one who gave you this new life? Just like that?" Hydran asked. Hydrosphere flashed into her hands as a large trident. The orb that sat between the hilt and the blade of the dagger, sat at the base of the trident prongs.

"Don't I have that right? The right to be angry? The right to cast someone aside if they aren't going to allow me to be angry? Why do you have to intervene? Your domain isn't on Earth. Leave it at that.' Lee Seng told her. Rox'su moved past his sister and grabbed Lee Seng by the throat.

"Don't talk to my sister like that, human." Rox'su growled. Lee Seng could feel his neck burning as Rox'su held him up. "No one ever talks to her like that. I should deal with him myself, Hydran. He's too stubborn. Too stuck in his ways to see what error he has caused."

"Flawed creatures, aren't they?" Hydran looked at Rox'su. Vox'su wandered over to Hydran's side and linked his arm with hers. She happily took it as the three gods looked at Lee Seng.

"Why do they exist in a world where their God is quiet?" Rox'su looked at his sister. "It doesn't seem right to give them free will."

"But our people have free will with us in their lives. They argue, they fight, they create needless wars. It is how it is, brother. Release your Blessed before you incinerate him." Hydran motioned with her eyes. Rox'su released Lee Seng, letting him fall to the black floor. He coughed as he grabbed his neck. He could feel the burn marks. They weren't healing.

"We may have our opinions on your matter, human child." Hydran continued. "But if you choose it then so be it… We aren't even here because of that. We're here to warn you about what's to come."

"Listen, closely." Vox'su unwrapped his arm around his sister and stepped forward. He looked over to the sleeping Keng then to Lee Seng. Vox'su squatted down and gently lifted Lee Seng up. "The Deimons are planning something. We've seen a couple of them come into our world and there's reports of them going to other Realms. We need you to stop them."

"Why should I do that?" Lee Seng asked, pushing Vox'su's hand away. He rubbed the burn mark scar like he was trying to erase it. "I don't have free will so just have your brother make me do it."

"I guess you won't get to figure out what your Dad has been doing then." Rox'su sighed. He lifted his finger and waved a golden energy around. Lee Seng could feel something invade him, almost reaching his head.

"Enough." Hydran told her brother. Rox'su pulled the sensation away and Lee Seng felt himself re-enter his body.

"What the—" Lee Seng muttered. Hydran pointed the trident at Keng. The trident shot straight at Keng, turning to water as it washed over Keng. Keng gasped, waking up and frantically looking around.

"Did it work?!?" Keng asked, surprised. He looked around and noticed the gods in front of him. He noticed Lee Seng standing there naked and then noticed he was, too, naked. "What's going on? Why are you here, Lady Hydran? Lord Rox'su and Lord Vox'su? Have we died?"

"Ha!" Rox'su chuckled. "If you died, you'd know that."

"We're here to warn you of what's to come." Vox'su informed Keng. "You and Lee Seng must work together to fight off the Deimons in your world. I'm afraid the Deimons you've met are just a few pieces to the whole."

"Fight them? W-why?"

"Vang Chang has created something which shouldn't have been made. And it seems only right Lee Seng proves himself worthy of being my Blessed by doing it." Rox'su informed him. "If you two do that, I'll forget the stunt you pulled."

"Stunt? What stunt?" Lee Seng asked. "I didn't do anything."

"Not you, human." Rox'su shook his head at Lee Seng. He pointed at Keng. "Him."

"What did I do…?" Keng asked, clearly confused. Vox'su moved over to Keng and put a finger onto Keng's head. The memories came back.

"You casted a spell you shouldn't have casted." Vox'su told him. He stepped away and rejoined his siblings in the middle. "Just because you have knowledge of these spells from prior Saviors doesn't mean you have to use them. That one is forbidden. That one directly calls upon my power and I had to intervene while my brother asked Hydran for her help. The gods are asking questions, you two. They'll think we're treating you better than the others because you're backed by not one, not two gods. But three!" Vox'su held three fingers up.

Lee Seng looked over at Keng. His head hung low like he knew what he had done. 'What did he read? He had that much time aside from training?' Lee Seng thought. He let out a sigh, scratching the burn mark on his neck. It was fresh and annoying. He had a horrible thought that he would be dealing with it for the rest of his life.

"The Deimons are your problem. Figure it out and kill them." Rox'su ordered. A golden and silver mark glowed on Keng and Lee Seng's chest.

"What's this?" Keng asked, clearly surprised by the sudden symbol.

"A Blessed Order from your gods. Ignore it and you'll suffer far worse consequences than the demonic fox." Rox'su answered.

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