
Chapter 686 Path Of Uncertainty II

​ Akio turned his entire body, throwing Lee Seng away from the flag. He moved his right arm back towards the flag and listened to the flag shudder as Void energy surrounded it. Lee Seng bounced off the ground, denting each point with larger cracks as he eventually came to a sliding halt.

Lee Seng coughed, raising his hand to his throat. Akio had really tried to squeeze the life out of him! His eyes shook as he watched the Void Akio turn to look at him. Lee Seng tried to gulp down the fear running up his throat. He let out a nervous breath as Akio took a step forward. Akio's body blurred, appearing halfway closer. Lee Seng shook his head.

'That's the thing… from my nightmares.' Lee Seng scooted backwards. Akio took another step, appearing right in front of Lee Seng. Lee Seng let out a scream as Akio grabbed him and lifted him up into the air. Akio's entire eyes were filled with dark purple as darkness clung close to him. Purple streaks coursed through the darkness as Akio stared at Lee Seng.

"Don't worry. Just give in, little one. Maybe I'll go easy on you if you do." Akio smiled. Lee Seng shook his head. Akio cocked his head and frowned at Lee Seng. His grip tightened as he threw him into the wall. The wall turned pitch black as it absorbed the energy. The walls began to crack as Lee Seng groaned in pain. This wasn't the Akio he knew. This was someone entirely different.

'Come on…!' Lee Seng thought. He pushed himself up, struggling to find strength. 'It's an actual person! You can fight against an actual person!'

"Ah!" Lee Seng threw himself at Akio. Akio stepped away, watching Lee Seng fall on the ground. Akio karate chopped Lee Seng's back, watching as the ground cracked all around them. He pushed a foot down onto Lee Seng and shook his head.

"Give up." Akio's distorted voice demanded. "I won't have to make this worse for you. I don't want to hurt you."

"No." Lee Seng croaked. Akio's jaw tightened, putting more pressure onto Lee Seng's back. Lee Seng yelped in pain as he tried to muster up the strength to fight Akio. "Get… off me— Ahhh!" Void energy flew down onto Lee Seng, crushing the ground into pieces.

"That's enough!" Dr. Hayes' voice came from nowhere. "You don't need to continue this madness! That's enough, Number 10!"

"Shut up. You're the one who wanted results. I'll get them for you!" Akio shouted. He stood on top of Lee Seng, who cried out in pain for Akio to stop it.

"Enough!" Dr. Hayes shouted. "Or I'll have to forcibly get rid of you!"

"I'd like to see you try, Dr. Hayes." Akio turned to look at the nearest camera. A smile grew on his lips. His own madness was growing in this form. Akio began to jump on Lee Seng, laughing like a maniac. Each jump crushed the ground around Lee Seng even more. Lee Seng cried in pain, hoping his voice would snap Akio out of it.

"Akio! Please!" Lee Seng shouted. "Enough! I give up!"

"You give up!" Akio's legs spread as he hit the ground near Lee Seng. He leaned into Lee Seng's ears and clicked his tongue. "You're the one who did this to me!" Akio pulled the darkness away, revealing the scarred cut. "Who knew my little brother - the Creator and Chee's son - could ever hurt me like that?"

"This isn't you! Snap out of it!"

"This isn't me?" Akio stood up. Lee Seng began to get onto his hands and knees as Akio's foot went down onto Lee Seng. He pushed him down and shook his head. "This is the real me! You idolize me and my sister? Ha! This is who I am. Idiolize the monster I am! Idolize the monster I became to be because of your father!" Lee Seng sucked in scared breaths as he felt tears fall.

"You… You don't—" Lee Seng weakly whimpered. "You don't mean that."

"Your father is an asshole!" Akio lifted his foot and slammed it back down onto Lee Seng. "He forcibly took my sister and I because we had so much debt! He took foreigners who had nothing and made them into sick idolized people! Do you know what that's like?!? And to think it couldn't have gotten worst. Your own mother had to ask us to help you! Do I want to help you? No! I don't! I'd rather have you dead than help you!"

'No… He isn't himself… He's lying…' Lee Seng thought. Akio continuously kicked Lee Seng. The words melted into him like the kicks. Lee Seng couldn't help but feel all of his emotions disappear. 'He's… He's mad… That's all…'

"Your dead mother had to put a lot on my sister and I!" Akio continued. "She said you would have great luck but look at you! You have the worst luck of all time! She died! She couldn't handle your father who pushed her to death and basically forced you to become a shell! A shell of nothing! AND I HAVE TO STAY HERE AND PICK UP THE PIECES?!?"

Akio swung his foot hard, kicking Lee Seng into the wall. Lee Seng didn't yelp. He didn't make a noise as his died blonde hair fell over his eyes. Akio turned feeling the madness eat at him. His teeth gritted as he tried to regain his composure.

'I shouldn't have…' Akio began to think. He shook his head and the creepy smile grew. 'This is me. This is who we are now. Kill him.' Akio took a step forward towards the unmoving Lee Seng.

'Was everything true?' Lee Seng wondered. He could barely see. Akio had repeatedly kicked him and he was feeling bruised. The pain lasted longer than his wounds. They were engraved in him and Lee Seng's face relaxed. 'I was supposed to have great luck? Ha. That's funny…'

"To think… I was supposed to have good luck like that." Lee Seng weakly spoke. Akio's sinister smile faded as he picked up his pace. Lee Seng lifted his head to look at the Maddened Akio. "It's all bullshit… Just like you."

"You little—" Akio's foot flew faster than Lee Seng could react. Lee Seng's body lifted up into a sitting position and Akio's foot pushed him against the wall. The wall turned black as Akio pinned Lee Seng.

"This is just your madness talking." Lee Seng told himself. "Some of it may be true, but I know you better than that…" His hands bundled up into fists. His eyes fixed themselves onto the Void Akio. "Maybe you shouldn't have promised my Mom anything… You'd sleep better. You wouldn't have to work so hard… But, if there's one thing I like about you and Akali… It isn't over until it's over."

A spark. It was a single spark that kept Lee Seng going. He had felt it coursing in his chest as he let it grow. His anger. His sadness. His small shreds of happiness. The last fucked up year all growing within him. It was enough to set the AI off in his head.

[Prove them wrong.]

A large black hole opened up from Lee Seng's chest. Akio's foot disappeared in it and shortly afterwards, Akio screamed in pain. The pain was enough for him to snap out of his madness. He pulled away, noticing his entire foot was gone. It was gushing with blood as he began to fall backwards.

Lee Seng lifted his hand as the red and blue eyes slowly mixed and turned purple. Lee Seng closed it and listened to Akio's scream.


Akio's scream grew quiet as Lee Seng kept his eyes shut. Devouring Storm was dangerous. He knew it was dangerous just like his Cosmic powers. He kept his eyes shut and turned away. The black hole closed and his entire body felt relieved. The door opened and many people rushed in.

Even without moving, Lee Seng could tell how many people there were. Dr. Hayes rushed into the room with guards and medics. She looked left and right and noticed Akio was nowhere near Lee Seng. He was unconscious with no right foot. His head and back were bleeding. Dr. Hayes barked orders. The guards began to swarm Lee Seng. He lifted his hand up at the flag and made a pulling motion.

The flag ripped out of the ground and embedded itself mere inches from Lee Seng's cheek. The guards gasped as they pointed their tranquilizer guns at him.

"Cooperate now Number 11!" A guard shouted. "We will use force if we have to." Lee Seng sucked in a breath and opened his eyes. Tears fell as he let the tears fall. The guards surrounded him, blocking the view from Akio.

'Good.' Lee Seng thought. 'Do that. I don't want to see him. I know he didn't mean it.'

"What did do to him?!??" Dr. Hayes's voice came from behind. She pushed through the crowd of guards and stepped into the circle. Lee Seng turned to look at her. She looked at him like he was some sort of monster. "You were supposed to just get the flag! Not almost kill him! What twisted game are you playing?!? How am I supposed to report this?!?"

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