
Chapter 689 Sudden Visit II

The prison apartment didn't feel so lonely anymore to the prisoner. Lee Seng watched his friends settle in as they all collectively took their time to catch up.

"I thought you guys were gonna wait a bit longer." Manny spoke to the three that just came in. Olivia, Ritsuka, and Evan settled into the remaining seats, leaving Lee Seng's original spot open.

"We happened to see Calis so we asked him for some help." Ritsuka grinned. Manny and Liz looked over to ask the next question but Calis simply answered with a nod.

"Don't worry about it. I told them this would probably be the only time you guys came to see Lee Seng like this. They just told me to remind you guys to not come in a group. The Creator isn't keen on him having visitors, but it isn't against the law." Calis told them. Manny and Liz nodded and continued to sip their coffees.

"Nice place." Olivia complimented. "Is this something you like?"

"If it wasn't a prison, I think I'd enjoy this view every day." Lee Seng commented. He crossed his leg as he sat in the chair and drew his friends' attention. "I guess y'all came to see me, too? Ask if Keng was okay?"

"Is it okay… to say that aloud?" Evan asked, suspiciously. Evan and Ritsuka began to look around as Lee Seng chuckled and sipped his coffee.

"There's no cameras here." Lee Seng answered. "Ask Calis if you don't believe me."

"There isn't." Calis shook his head.

"Anyone follow?" Lee Seng looked over at Calis.

"No, sir. No one did."

"So, what happened to Keng?" Ritsuka asked, switching topics.

"Trapped in here because we got punished by gods." Lee Seng pointed to his chest.

"You were punished… by the gods?!?" Calis's eyes went wide. Lee Seng nodded. Calis stood up and started to pace. "Y-you didn't care to mention that before?"

"You didn't ask."

"Because you were… That's not the point!" Calis shook his head. He put a hand up and looked at Lee Seng with a sense of panic. "Does that mean you can't help me find the cup? Don't you need your Fox Spirit abilities to do so?"

"I can still find the cup." Lee Seng watched some of the panic lift away. "Don't worry about it, Calis. It works out better this way, anyways. I'll make some excuse to have to wander around and we'll go look for it."

"You say that like you'll actually be able to get out, sir." Calis sat back down in his seat and leaned forward. "You're stuck in here unless the Creator says otherwise. How're you gonna get out?" Lee Seng's eyes slipped over to Manny and the group. A mischievous smile grew on his face.

"How early can we begin our 'internships' with a Guild?" Lee Seng asked.

"We've applied already… You could apply." Manny answered. "Why do you want to apply? Your dad won't let you in." Lee Seng stood up and circled around to the back of the chair and leaned on it. "Want in on something?" He raised his eyebrows before continuing. "The Creator put a Protocol on me years ago. Specifically, around the time we got injected with our own serums."

"He what?!?" Manny stood up. Liz looked up at Manny who was in complete shock.

"Is that a… big deal?" Evan asked.

"Isn't the Protocol what the Numbers took?" Olivia asked.

"That's exactly what they took!" Manny replied with a head nod. "If you have the Protocol in you, doesn't that make you…"

"Number 11." Lee Seng nodded.

"You're Eleven?!?" Manny grabbed his head and turned to look at Liz. "He's Eleven! He's a… a…!"

"Calm down. Breathe." Liz tugged on his hand and pulled him down to the safety of the couch seat. Manny and the others turned to look at Lee Seng. They were all shocked about it. Calis simply nodded like he already knew.

"You knew?" Ritsuka looked over at Calis.

"Yeah. It was in my briefing." Calis nodded. Ritsuka nodded and turned back.

"What does that mean for you?" Ritsuka asked Lee Seng. Lee Seng took another sip and shrugged.

"Currently, it means I'm stuck up here until the Creator wants me to do missions for him. I'm being pulled out of the Academy and being home schooled… again." Lee Seng answered.

"And you got a plan?" Ritsuka asked. Ritsuka could tell Lee Seng had something. It was in his eyes. Ritsuka motioned at Lee Seng's eyes. "Your eyes are a bit purple now, too. Is that because of that thing?" Lee Seng nodded.

"What thing?" Olivia looked between Lee Seng and Ritsuka.

"Besides the fact I got the Protocol injected into me and the Fox Spirit stuff, I also got injected with one more thing - the D31 serum or better known as the Deimon serum." Lee Seng replied.

"Demon? What's that? You somehow get injected with demon blood?" Evan asked. Lee Seng shook his head.

"The odd behavior you guys saw… I think more specifically… When I suddenly left with that strange guy in the security guard outfit…" Lee Seng recalled, nodding as he clearly remembered him. "That night."

"Oh, when you were being weird." Manny pointed. Lee Seng nodded.

"The Deimon serum injects… a 'parasite' of sorts into you. It's a living organism that infects your body, fighting for control. I think it's based on the tests that were done with one of the brothers."

"Brothers?" Liz gave Lee Seng a confused look.

"A Fox Spirit brother. More importantly, the Fox Spirit I got my Protocol powers from - Eshra." Lee Seng told them. "I don't know much about him because I haven't met him. He, uh, gave me powers that could mutate or alter abilities." The entire group's face was a mix of shock. There was a lot of stuff being thrown at them, but Lee Seng settled on Ritsuka and Manny. Manny glanced down like a puzzle piece had fallen into place.

"So that was the reason…" Manny whispered.

"Hm?" Liz looked over at Manny.

"Nothing." Manny shook his head. "So, your original Biohuman power is mutation?" Manny's question drew everyone back together. Lee Seng nodded.

"I don't know how, but I think I did it to Ritsuka first." Lee Seng pointed out. "Did you find anything strange happening to you, Ritsuka?"

"Mmm… Yeah, I guess, but I thought it was because of my power evolving a bit. That was because of you then?" Ritsuka asked.

"Mmm. Whatever happened to you, must've happened to Manny then, too. Keng entered your Soul, right?" Lee Seng looked at Manny.

"Y-yeah. How did you know?" Manny asked.

"I've been graciously given Keng's memories. Things have been put in place. Daros, his training, Calis, you guys. I know it all." Lee Seng nodded.

"You did know this entire time." Calis smirked. "I had a feeling you knew and that's why you were treating me differently from the others. I thought you'd just liked me."

"So  my sudden Tank ability is because of you?" Manny asked.

"You officially got it diagnosed?" Liz asked.

"Yeah." Manny nodded. He folded his hands together, a clear indication he was planning what he was saying next. "They said it was strange that I suddenly grew to be a Specialist… I guess things make more sense now."

"That triggered because of Keng though." Ritsuka pointed out. "So does Keng have your Biohuman power?"

"Dunno. He could always use gravity…" Lee Seng shrugged. "So the chances of him having access to the mutation ability is… Not far off."

"The Protocol gave you your actual mutation ability… But why didn't it ever manifest?" Olivia asked. "Did you ever figure out how to make it work?"

"No, I don't know how it works. It randomly mutates my abilities or alters them. I've only ever done it once, technically." Lee Seng shook his head. "I'm not even sure if I can willingly do it now."

"Why didn't anything happen to me, then?" Liz asked. "Keng went into my Soul… Why didn't anything happen?" She glanced at her hands.

"Dunno." Lee Seng shrugged. "But it does explain why I had no energy… Well, besides the fact the Protocol serum was made to block my energy, too… That's besides the point. Between those two things and the D31 serum being injected in me, the D31 produced the… Extreme results. Another person that was against me and Keng… Constantly trying to harm me."

"What happened to… the Deimon?" Evan asked. Lee Seng set the coffee cup down and bit the inner part of his bottom lip. His eyes flicked up and locked with each person, slowly just staring at them.

"W-wait, your eyes… They look kinda different." Liz pointed out.

"Right? It wasn't just me." Ritsuka looked over at Liz.

"Now that you point it out… Is that… purple mixed in? Your heterochromia get even more complicated." Evan nodded.

"I don't see it." Olivia leaned forward, almost falling out of her seat. Lee Seng smiled and wandered over. He squatted down and leaned forward as Olivia's head rose. Their noses almost touched as she stared into his eyes. The red and blue eyes were basically the same. There was a part of each eye that was slightly more purple now.

"See it?" Lee Seng asked.

"Y-yeah." Olivia nodded. Lee Seng moved away and sat back down in his seat.

"The Deimon died." Lee Seng told them.

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