
Chapter 698 The Red And Yellow Foxes

"What did he say to me?" Manny asked, throwing himself onto his feet. "Who does he think he is to say anything to me? I'm the one who has the right to say what I said to Lee Seng!"

"Kill me now…" Liz groaned. She lifted her index and middle finger and pointed it at Manny. Manny looked at her, eyes widened.

"What? You don't think so? Am I wrong? Enlighten me." Manny asked.

"It's not worth it, Liz." Evan spoke. "Let's go. I'm hungry. We should eat something and get a look around the place."

"Shang." Valen nodded at the group.

"Yessir!" Shang saluted. "Follow me!" Shang motioned as he led the rest of the group out of the room, leaving Valen with Manny. Valen huffed as he shook his head. Manny noticed this and turned to look at the Fox Spirit.

"What? You have something to say to me?" Manny asked, stomping a couple steps forward towards Valen.

"Ah, aw re ans rewa na…" Valen sighed in Fox tongue. "Do you want to finish your tantrum, or do you want to go back to your room?"

"My tantrum?" Manny scoffed. "I'm not throwing a tantrum! Why? I can't be upset or anything?"

"This whole thing doesn't affect you at all, you know that right? You can be upset for your friend, I guess, but you act like your world's going to end." Manny screamed and rushed at Valen. In an instant, Valen disappeared, and Manny swung his fist into the wall. Manny winced in pain as he pulled his hand towards his chest, cradling it. He grunted in anger as he turned.

"Can you stop? I don't like babysitting. It's annoying." Valen told Manny, sitting on the conference table. Manny shouted and ran straight for Valen. Manny swung straight for Valen's face, watching as a blur appeared, fist not connecting with anything.

In a matter of seconds, the blurred image disappeared, revealing Valen next to the door. Valen waved and watched Manny angrily rush at him.

'He's really simple minded.' Valen thought, jumping out of the doorway. Manny switched his tactic and rushed him, managing to wrap his arms around Valen as buried his head into him. They slammed into the opposite hallway wall. A blue dagger appeared in Valen's right hand and in an instant, Valen disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Manny whipped around, only to meet the blue dagger pointed at him.

"Look, nwa, I don't have time to play. If you want to blow off steam on someone who's a bystander, do it to someone else. I have plenty of other things to do." Valen said. Valen's red tails appeared behind him, fluttering like Lee Seng's tails. Valen had seven red tails and had reached a threshold he was struggling to push through. "You're up against a seven tailed Fox Spirit, nwa. I would listen and walk it off."

The Valentin young man didn't listen to Valen's warning at all. He plunged himself into the dagger, just to get a good hit at Valen. Valen stumbled backwards and watched in horror as Manny pulled the dagger out. It sizzled and burned him, but the guy didn't seem to care!

'What is this guy? Some kind of lunatic?!?' Valen wondered. The blue dagger dropped to the ground as Manny's wound began to heal. A green energy funneled into the wound, stitching it close. 'Observer, a healer… I should've known since his dad's—'

The green energy immediately swirled around Manny's arms and fists. His body rushed forward, catching Valen off guard. The green energy turned into a dark pine green as Manny threw out a right hook. Valen raised his arms to block, nullifying the hit.

'He left himself open.' Valen thought. He began to switch into an attack when the dark green energy latched onto him, forcefully pulling something away from him.

"Argh!" Valen instinctively whipped his tails out, slamming Manny into the wall as the pine green energy tore threads of red energy out. Valen cursed as he pulled his arm to the side. "What did you do to me?" Manny chuckled as the red fox tails pushed him harder.

"Harder." Manny chuckled. "I like it rough." The pine green energy ripped out of Manny's body, traveling up the tails and sending a sting of a thousand needles through Valen's tails. Valen screamed in pain as a yellow bolt flew out, severing the pine energy from Valen. In an instant, a yellow seven-tailed Fox woman pulled Valen's tails away from Manny and pushed him away.

"Ysa!" Valen gasped. Ysa's resting bitch face looked dissatisfied. She sighed as her hand wrapped around the gun strapped to her side. Manny growled as the red energy pulled into him. He gasped like he was enjoying the energy.

'It's just like Lee Seng's…' Ysa thought. Her fingers wrapped around the gun; her trigger finger ready for anything.

"Who're you? Get outta my way! You wanna die too?!?" Manny shouted. He lurched forwards as Ysa whipped the gun and fired. A yellow bolt of energy flew past Manny's cheek. The noise bounced around, leaving a small smoking hole where the energy bullet had disappeared into. Manny's cheek immediately bled, growing numb.

"Ysa, he's a guest! Don't kill him," Valen grunted, standing.

"I'm not. I thought you were better than this. You let him get on you with his mysterious power." Ysa commented. She kept her gun and eyes pointed at Manny. She wouldn't allow him to move a muscle towards Valen or her. "Damion Manny Valentin, you are a guest here, no? Do you want to be an enemy like your father and fake sister?"

"W-what do you mean you little –" Another bullet flew in the wall beside Manny. Manny jumped. Ysa had a different air about her. She didn't seem that strong to Manny and he would take his chances with her, but the annoying red Fox was beside her.

"I don't know what happened but if you act hostile towards any of my comrades, I will deal with you accordingly. An eye for an eye, tooth and nail – I'll make sure everything you've done to my comrades will be dealt a hundred times back. Shut your aura off and follow me to your quarters." Ysa sternly spoke.

"Ysa, he's just a kid. A stupid one. You don't have to be so harsh on him." Valen grabbed her gun hand and lowered it. "I'll handle it."

"Walk." Ysa ordered. Manny grumbled, not budging. Ysa pulled Valen's hand away and pointed the gun at Manny. "Walk or the next one goes through your arm." Manny glared at her as she motioned for him to follow Valen. "Go. Follow him."

Manny returned to his room, door locking behind him. He tried to unlock it, but it wouldn't budge. He pounded on the door, cursing and shouting for the dumb Fox Spirits to open the door and fight him. When no one came, he cursed and kicked the door.

Valen sighed in relief as he turned away from the door. Ysa was staring at him, obviously wanting to ask what had happened but her head seemed elsewhere.

"What?" Valen asked. "You wanna ask but you don't want to?" Valen moved down the hallway back to the door as Ysa put her arm up. Valen instinctively stopped, scared Ysa was going to do something to him. "What?" Ysa lowered her hand and nodded over to the door at the end of the hall, behind Valen.

"Lee Seng's in there." Ysa told him. "He seemed upset, so I left him alone. His energy feels different. Did something happen to him?"

"You got the report." Valen turned towards Ysa. "An assassination attempt happened on him and his friends. That's why they're here."

"Does his frustration have to do with that or pine boy?" Ysa nodded at Manny's door.

"Both, I guess? I dunno. It's a bunch of something with nothing. Don't think so much about it and let it resolve itself." Valen turned to walk. Ysa followed him.

"Can ya give me a summary? Do his friends and him have to stay here? Are they going to be relocated? What's the sitch?" They climbed the stairs, Ysa looking up at Valen, who led the way.

"Y'know the report that got sent out by Chrono about Deimons?" Valen asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Ysa replied with a question.

"Well," Valen sighed, rounding the corner and continuing the climb. "Lee Seng got attacked by a Deimon. Based on the news, it doesn't look like an assassination, it looks like a terrorist attempt to blow up a building."

"That's why they're here? Who brought him here?"

"Lee Seng made the decision for his friends and himself to come here. Chrono said he just showed up inside Merfolk Leader Calis's room."

"They were just… all there?"

"Yup. He needed help and Chrono asked for an emergency meeting with the Commander and the General, themselves. From what I gathered from that, Lee Seng doesn't have access to his Fox Spirit abilities and Keng is locked inside of him. He was punished by the gods that Blessed him and the goddess who gave Keng her God Weapon. Now Lee Seng is powerless in that retrospect because the other gods wanted punishment and he's forced to figure out this Deimon situation."

"So, what're we gonna do then? Babysit? A1 and B1 are on the move. Big Dog is starting to move as well. He's up to something." Ysa informed Valen. Valen and Ysa stopped at the top of Floor 1 and turned to face each other. "Doesn't it seem kinda… odd that all of this is happening?"

"It isn't a coincidence then, strategist?" Valen asked. Ysa shook her head. "Did you report this, yet?"

"I was headed towards where you guys were when I heard fighting. I take it the Commander and General left?" Ysa asked, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"They're somewhere. Want me to tag along? I have Shang with the other Biohuman friends." Valen smiled. Ysa shook her head and opened the first-floor door.

"Come on." Ysa motioned. "Make sure you check up on him."

"Yes, ma'am. I will~" Valen smiled, following Ysa.

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