Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Seated on his throne, King Sejong exuded an imposing aura.

Feeling the weight of this aura, the tribal leaders immediately knelt in deference upon seeing him.

Seeing the leaders bow before him, Sejong commanded in the Jurchen language,

“Stand up.”

The tribal leaders rose from their seats, their faces showing astonishment at Sejong’s fluent command of the Jurchen language.

‘The current King of Joseon was born and raised in Joseon! How could he be so proficient in Jurchen?’

Seemingly unaware or uncaring of what was going through their minds, Sejong continued to speak.

“It has been quite some time since I inherited the throne, and due to various circumstances, I have not had the chance to meet with you all. You were all loyal to my grandfather, King Taejo, so I owe this meeting to his virtue… Therefore, I have called you here.”

“Your grace is boundless!”

“Accommodations have been made for you at Bukpyeong Hall . Rest there for tonight; we will meet again tomorrow.”

“We accept your command!”

The tribal leaders bowed once more. After Sejong retreated indoors, they were escorted out of Gwanghwamun gate by interpreters and the royal guards, heading toward Bukpyeong Hall.

Once they had settled in at Bukpyeong Hall, the leaders immediately convened in the banquet hall.

Food and drink were prepared for the tribal leaders, and geishas entertained them with dances, but the mood was unusually serious.

“Shall we ask the courtesans to leave?”

“We have matters to discuss among ourselves.”

At the leaders’ request, the courtesans exited the banquet hall. Now alone, the leaders let out a long sigh.

“Ah, that family…”

“I thought our ties with that household ended when the elder passed away…”

“But couldn’t this be a good opportunity for us? Have we ever been at peace as we were under the elder’s rule?”

Those who had experience with or memories of living under King Taejo (whose birth name was Lee Seong-gye) conversed with mixed feelings of worry and anticipation.

In contrast, the younger leaders, unfamiliar with Lee Seong-gye, discussed the situation with faces full of concern.

“Why do you think the King of Joseon has called us?”

“He probably wants us to submit voluntarily.”

“Even with Ming around?”

“Do you think the Ming fools will care about us, who live at this far eastern edge?”

“Plus, there’s another reason. Do you know the original state of the lands our tribes have settled in? It’s the region that old man Lee Seong-gye used to rule. Ming probably can’t say much about it either.”

“So is this a choice between surrendering to Joseon or leaving?”

Another tribal leader added,

“There’s another option. Being annihilated.”

The word ‘annihilation’ cast a dark shadow over the leaders’ faces.

“This is…”

“I don’t even want to think about that.”

* * *

The following day, a feast was held at Gyeonghoeru Pavilion.

In attendance were not only the invited tribal chiefs of the Jurchens, but also King Sejong, Hyang, and various ministers and officials.

“I am truly delighted to meet those who had ties with my deceased father! Unfortunately, due to the circumstances of our Joseon, we could not offer you proper hospitality; this is regretful and shameful on our part.”

Among the tribal chiefs, the oldest, Hatui, spoke as the representative.

“It is not so, Your Majesty! It’s quite an honor to be remembered and invited after such a long time has passed!”

“We are grateful!”

Upon hearing the chiefs’ words of gratitude, Sejong smiled.

“Is that so? Even though such a long time has passed, you do not consider us as strangers?”

At Sejong’s words, Hatui hastily waved his hands.

“It is by no means so!”

“Is that so?”

“That it is!”


Despite Hatui’s response, Sejong silently observed the chiefs.

The chiefs glanced around nervously. At the top seat sat Sejong, and next to him was a boy who appeared to be the crown prince. Around them, guards stood in stern formation.

“I will trust your words. I hope this goodwill can be maintained for a long time.”

“We shall make it so!”

The chiefs all responded in unison.

Having subdued the tension, Sejong gradually eased into conciliation.

“The reason we invited you this time is to apologize for our previous neglect. As compensation, although modest, we have prepared something for you to take on your way back.”

“What might it be?”

At Hatui’s question, Hwang Hui stepped forward to answer.

“It is salt. Depending on the size of your tribe, we will distribute it from ten carts to dozens.”

“Your grace is boundless!”

“Your grace is boundless!”

At Hwang Hui’s words, the chiefs courteously bowed, expressing their gratitude.

For those who led a semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral lifestyle, salt was extremely essential. Ironically, they were near the sea but lacked artisans who could produce salt.

Softening the atmosphere with the gift of salt, Sejong immediately pivoted.

“It’s been already 30 years since the establishment of our Joseon. However, the land where our royal family originated and where King Taejo rode his horse is not yet under our control. What do you think about this?”


At Sejong’s words, Hatui couldn’t immediately think of a response.

“The land where you all reside is where King Taejo started his great undertaking. But now, it’s not within our Joseon territory. What should be done about this?”

‘Here it comes!’

‘Damn it!’

The  tribal chiefs blinked at Sejong’s question. Though the question seemed to ask for an answer, the implication was the exact opposite.

‘Our Joseon will take that land! What will you guys do?’

“Why is there no answer?”

At Sejong’s question, Hatui stammered.

“That, that is something we never considered…”

“Does it mean that while staying on the land founded by King Taejo, you had no thoughts about the original owners of the land? Hmm, what am I supposed to make of this?”

“That, that is…”

Under Sejong’s pressure, Hatui was visibly sweating and stuttering. At this, Mutoi, who belonged to the younger generation, retorted.

“Your Majesty, it seems you have already made up your mind. What would you have us do?”

At Mutoi’s question, Sejong briefly replied.

“It’s simple. Either join us or leave. I will not stop you if you choose to leave. However, if you cannot be with us, you will regretfully realize the power of our Joseon army.”

“If we join forces, what benefit is there for us? Your Majesty has many subjects to rule over, and you take care to see them prosper. Our tribal chiefs are the same. Although our numbers may be fewer compared to Joseon, we have tribe members to look after, and we also have to ensure their well-being.”

At Mutoi’s words, King Sejong nodded.

“That’s a fair point. If you join our Joseon, you’ll receive the same treatment as our subjects. However, there’s a precondition. If you follow the laws and customs of Joseon, the ministers and the court will treat you without discrimination. Over time, your sons or grandsons could even become officials in Joseon.”

“Is that a promise?”

“A king’s words are not empty.”

At Sejong’s response, Mutoi closed his mouth. After contemplating for a moment, he answered.

“I need some time to think.”

“And the others?”

“We also need time.”

When the tribal chiefs asked for more time, Hyang opened his mouth.

“Father, may I offer some advice to them?”


After permitting Hyang’s request, Sejong introduced him to the tribal chiefs.

“This is my eldest son. He is the one who will lead Joseon after me. Listen well to the advice he offers you.”


With the attention of the tribal chiefs on him, Hyang stood up and spoke softly, with a small smile.

“I am the Crown Prince of Joseon. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.”

“It’s an honor to meet you.”

“Thank you. What I wish to discuss now is why it would be beneficial for your tribes to join Joseon. What troubles you the most now might be the problem of starvation, isn’t it?”

“That’s correct.”

Responding promptly to Hyang’s question, Mutoi listened as Hyang continued.

“If you join us in Joseon, the issue of starvation will be resolved. Currently, Joseon is expanding its trade with multiple nations and is growing economically. This growth means we need more workers in various sectors. Even slaves in Joseon are paid for their labor, as mandated by national law, so won’t the issue of starvation be solved?”

“However, we mainly know how to ride horses and herd sheep.”

“I’ve heard that you’re also skilled in sailing? I’m well aware of the infamy of the Jurchen pirates.”


At Hyang’s pointed comment, Mutoi closed his mouth. Hyang continued speaking.

“As Joseon grows, the demand for various goods also increases, including meat. Isn’t livestock farming your expertise? If you join us, you won’t have to worry about starvation. Consider this well.”

After finishing his speech, Hyang sat down, and Sejong looked at the tribal chiefs.

A long silence ensued before Mutoi reluctantly spoke.

“Please give us a little more time.”

“I hope to receive your answer before you leave.”


After the banquet, King Sejong returned to his quarters and gave orders to his ministers.

“Regardless of their family background, proceed with the operation starting this winter according to plan. We must cross the Tumen River when the waters are frozen.”

“Your command is received!”

“Also, has the selection of envoys to send to Ming been finalized?”

At Sejong’s question, Lee Jik immediately answered.

“The Left State Councillor and Minister of Rites will go personally.”

“Both of them?”

Looking at Maeng Sa-seong, the Minister of Rites, Sejong nodded his head.

“That’s fine. And has the appointment of the Special Administrative Official, who will be in charge of the administration in the newly settled area, been finalized?”

“Your Majesty, not yet…”

At the Left State Councilor’s answer, Sejong clicked his tongue.

“Tsk! Still not yet? Is there no one willing to go?”

“Your Majesty.”

“Finalize the appointments as soon as possible.”

“Your command is received!”

Lee Jik, who was scratching his head, had something he didn’t say to the end.

It wasn’t that no one was willing to go, but that there were too many.

* * *

While the Pyeongan Province Surveillance Commissioner was in charge of strategic planning and administrative organization in the western region of the Odori Tribe, but due to the special peculiarities of the area, a Special Administrative Official had been appointed for the Hamgyeong-do area1.

“There will be those who surrender peacefully, but also no shortage of those who resist!”

“Considering the size and population of the new territory, it’s too much for the Hamgyeongdo Surveillance Commissioner to handle! We need a dedicated Administrative Official!”

Following the suggestions from the military and the royal court, Sejong ordered the Council of State to select the Administrative Officials who would work alongside the Special Administrative Official.

As soon as Sejong’s order came down, an enormous number of requests flooded the officials at the Council of State.

“Send me!”

“No, send me!”

“I’ll show you what devotion and hard work mean!”

“Me! Me!”

Officials from all six ministries, and even those from the Censorate and the Office of Special Advisors, submitted boastful self-introductions. The thoughts of all the applicants were the same.

“Once I go, I can hold out until the development roughly concludes!”

“It’s a chance to legally get away from the royal court!”

And it wasn’t just the self-introductions.

Massive gifts began pouring into the homes of the officials.


“My lord husband, is there some good news? Gifts are suddenly pouring in.”

The officials who returned home after work were shocked to see a mountain of gifts.

“Good heavens, what are these people thinking! Is there any reason to send us gifts like we’re in need of favors? Wife! Send all of these back immediately!”

“What? Even these precious items?”

“Do you not know what happened to Lord Jo? Do we want to make our house a subject of gossip?”

“My goodness! I’ll send them back right away!”

The officials who were sending the gifts back were also in a desperate situation.

‘The competition is too fierce! No matter whom we choose, there will definitely be someone who’s dissatisfied! We need to stop this right at the bud!’

Translator’s Notes

They just want to get away from overworking under Sejong and Hyang 🤣🤣🤣

  1. Located northeast of Joseon[↩]

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