Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Due to frequent expeditions led by his grandfather, Emperor Yongle, the finances of the Ming Dynasty were in tatters. For this reason, Emperor Zhu Zhanji constantly preached frugality. It wasn’t just lip service; he genuinely led a very austere lifestyle.

However, Zhu Zhanji was only human.

‘I am the Emperor, after all!’

Sometimes, he would grow weary of frugality and lament in solitude. Of course, as the emperor, he could indulge in luxuries that no one else could afford, but that would come at the cost of facing the scrutiny of his advisors.

“Your Majesty! The financial situation is dire! Please abstain from luxuries!”

“I understand. It’s my mistake.”

It was inevitable that such a confrontation would occur, and losing his temper to execute someone would only create more headaches later.

In such a situation, was there money coming in just for the emperor? Zhu Zhanji’s mouth watered.

‘Those glassware products will definitely sell well. That means huge profits. And those profits are mine to keep? That sounds fine. Joseon will handle the manufacturing, and I’ll manage the trading… Wait a minute?’

Zhu Zhanji, who was calculating the benefits, asked Hyang a question.

“What’s the profit-sharing ratio?”

‘He’s taken the bait. But considering what just happened, I shouldn’t be greedy! Play it cool!’

Hyang, assessing the situation, started with a reasonable ratio.

“It’s 7 to 3. Joseon takes 7, Your Majesty takes 3.”

No sooner had the words left Hyang’s mouth than Zhu Zhanji proposed a counteroffer.

“8 to 2. I take 8.”

‘This guy doesn’t know the first thing about negotiation!’

Hyang presented a logical reason for not accepting the emperor’s terms.

“Considering production and shipping costs, that would be too difficult. 65% for Joseon, 35% for you.”

Zhu Zhanji quickly ran the numbers in his head.

‘If it’s about shipping, we’re not to be trifled with either!’

“As for shipping… You’re aware of how vast the territory of Ming is, aren’t you? But I understand the situation in Joseon as well, so 7 to 3. I take 7.”

‘What? Will you deliver it yourself? Are you a fool?’

Hyang pointed out an aspect Zhu Zhanji had not considered.

“Does the joint venture need to handle shipping? The purchasing parties can come to Shandong themselves. Therefore, this ratio is optimal.”

At Hyang’s words, Zhu Zhanji closed his mouth.

‘He’s not wrong… I’ve been outmaneuvered. What can I use to negotiate further? Ah!’

“Offer the glass for the three external palaces and the three inner courts at a price of 7 silver coins. Also, guarantee that we won’t take eunuchs and palace maidens. And since Joseon’s interests also need to be protected, let’s make it 6 to 4. I take 6.”

No sooner had Zhu Zhanji finished speaking than Hyang launched his counterattack.

“Even if it’s seven hundred thousand taels of silver, a deficit is still a deficit. Plus, adding three outside provinces and three rear palaces won’t bring any more benefits to our treasury. Therefore, if you officially confirm the issue with the princess and the empress dowager in a document, I’ll agree to a 6 to 4 split. 6 for Joseon.”

Emperor Zhu Zhanji subtly exerted pressure on Hyang, who seemed to retreat but was actually looking out for his own interests.

“Have you forgotten that I am the Sovereign Emperor? How dare a vassal state make such a brazen proposal?”


Hyang, however, firmly pushed back.

“Trade is based on mutual benefit. Especially, you are the emperor of the Grand Empire. As you said, our Joseon is a loyal vassal. However, we are not mere subjects. Making an unfair proposal is not mutual benefit.”


Emperor Zhu Zhanji felt a headache coming on at Hyang’s words.

‘Damn it! I’m losing on moral grounds.’

At that moment, a courtier who had been listening to the conversation between the emperor and Hyang interjected.

“Your Majesty! It’s inappropriate for you to personally discuss this matter. Let the ministers handle it…”

“Enough! How dare you interrupt when the Crown Prince of Joseon and I are in discussion! Do you think you’re worthy?”

Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s rebuke made the courtier immediately kneel and bow his head.

“Discussing matters of financial interests in court demeans Your Majesty! I implore you to reconsider!”

“Ha! You’re concerned about my dignity and you think you can handle things? Why don’t you show that concern by actually completing the tasks that are still sitting on your desks! Take that insolent man and lock him in prison!”

“By Your command!”

The imperial guards dragged the audacious courtier out of the hall.

“Your Majesty! I beg for your mercy! Your Majesty!”

The hall fell into a cold silence after the uproar.

Courtiers, who had never seen Emperor Zhu Zhanji behave like this, stood paralyzed, their faces turning pale.

‘I just touched the dragon’s scales.’

‘I should keep my mouth shut no matter what happens.’

Emperor Zhu Zhanji, who had effectively silenced the courtiers, turned to Hyang.

“Fine! I’ll give in to one more of Joseon’s requests. But the ratio will be 55 to 45. I get 55.”

At Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s final offer, Hyang began to bring up something he had long considered.

“We have served as your vassals and offered tributes according to propriety. However, the record of our royal lineage has been erroneously documented and has not been corrected. Please rectify this!”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Zhu Zhanji showed a slightly awkward expression, as if such a matter had never occurred to him before.


Glasses were exchanged, pushed, and pulled, but it was inevitable to feel sorry for Joseon’s Crown Prince who would possess great wealth in the future.

“Another thing, our Joseon has unified the Tumen River region. This is a restoration of the place of origin by our founding father. If you can confirm these two things in writing, we will accept the command bestowed by Your Majesty!”

At Hyang’s words, Zhu Zhanji called the internal secretary and asked for the facts.

‘Rectification by Emperor Yongle has been promised, but not yet carried out.’, ‘Previously, an envoy from Joseon had advised, but His Majesty has not given a clear answer yet.’, reports like these were received, and Zhu Zhanji nodded his head.

“Heh, if the genealogy of our ancestors is incorrect, it’s our duty as descendants to correct it. Fine, I will correct the family lineage. I will also confirm it in writing. Same goes for the Tumen River basin. Is that okay?”

At Zhu Zhanji’s question, Hyang immediately bowed deeply.

“Your Majesty is infinitely wise!”

* * *

Thus, the diplomatic mission was successfully concluded. While setting the terms, Hyang requested strict control over those who fake ‘Pear Blossom trademark’ as an additional condition, and Zhu Zhanji readily accepted.

It was something Hyang also had to protect for his own benefit.

On the ship returning to Joseon, an accompanying officer asked Hyang with a worried voice,

“Anyway… didn’t you give too much advantage to the Ming Emperor? It could become an issue in the court.”

At the officer’s concern, Hyang chuckled and replied.

“Do you really think so?”


Hyang looked at the water without further explanation.

‘I’ve given the emperor a poison now. If the current or future emperor is benevolent, it will be spent for the good of the country. But if it’s a tyrant, it would immediately become a lethal poison. The pleasure derived from spending money is as intense as drugs.’

Staring blankly at the water, Hyang suddenly sighed.

“Speaking of which, a marriage proposal…”

* * *

Having received the official document containing the solution to the problem of family lineage and the princess, they finally concluded a contract regarding the terms.

A slight rupture had occurred during the contract writing process; it was regarding the distribution of profits.

-The currently agreed upon distribution rate will be maintained, and if a request for modification arises, the contract will be nullified immediately.

“This is a bit tricky,” pointed out Zhu Zhanji.

Hyang immediately replied,

“A contract is about trust. How can we continue the contract if one party cannot curb their greed and breaches that trust?”

“Do you not trust me, the Crown Prince of Joseon?”

Zhu Zhanji’s expression turned fierce, but Hyang calmly responded.

“Would Your Majesty think that I harbor such irreverent thoughts? This is merely a warning for future generations.”

“A warning for future generations…”

Chewing over Hyang’s words, Zhu Zhanji nodded.

“That’s fine.”

‘Whoever takes my place would find this useful for testing.’

Having made his decision, Emperor Zhu Zhanji smiled at Hyang.

“But since it’s a double-edged sword, aren’t you worried that it might be used against Joseon?”

“We’ll have to educate them properly.”

Smiling in reply, Hyang muttered under her breath.

‘Looking at history, the odds are much higher on their end, aren’t they?’

Thus, the contract was drawn up, and both parties – except for Ok-sae, who was absent – took photos and exchanged contracts.

Once everything was concluded, Emperor Zhu Zhanji turned to Hyang and asked a question.

“By the way, have you married?”

“Not yet, but I’m planning to marry soon.”

“I have some eligible ladies in mind…”

Hearing Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s words, Hyang broke out in a cold sweat.

“As soon as I resolve the issues at hand, I’ll arrange the ceremony. But divorcing now would damage the royal family’s reputation. Although I don’t know how to repay your grace, I believe in keeping my promises.”

“That’s true.”

Emperor Zhu Zhanji immediately agreed and withdrew, since the question was a spur-of-the-moment one.


Thinking back to the crisis, Hyang lost his appetite.

“If it was a Taiwanese member from a 21st-century girl group, I might have considered it…”

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, the beauty of the palace ladies he had seen while staying in the capital did not appeal to him.

“Do I have to ask Father to lower the standards?”

Hyang seriously pondered changing the criteria he had set.


Upon returning to Joseon, Hyang immediately went to a war council and reported on the negotiations.

Especially upon hearing that the diplomatic issues Joseon had long wished to resolve were settled, not just King Sejong, but even the ministers couldn’t hide their joy.

“Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous! The Crown Prince has solved our royal family’s long-standing issues! Truly a happy occasion!”

“Let us extend our deepest congratulations!”

“Let us extend our deepest congratulations!”

Unable to contain his joy, King Sejong commanded his Minister of Law and Punishments:

“Immediately pardon those among the prisoners throughout the country whose crimes are minor!”

“Your order shall be obeyed!”

The atmosphere inside the war room was more than just harmonious; not only had the royal family’s long-standing wish been granted, but even the political obstacles to the development of the Dumangang region had been simultaneously removed.

However, the harmonious atmosphere ended there. What awaited next was a heated debate.

The spark that ignited the debate occurred when the crown prince was speaking with Sundeok and used the term ‘vassal state’ at one point.

The first to attack was the Chief State Councilor.

“While the results Your Highness has achieved are indeed significant, there is a problem. Why did you refer to us as a ‘vassal state’? Although Joseon pays tribute, we are not a vassal state.”

The Minister of Rites retorted:

“Isn’t paying tribute and being a vassal state the same thing? We’re both calling ourselves subjectsand offering tribute!”

“They are distinctly different terms!”

The Chief State Councilor, loudly objecting, turned to King Sejong.

“If Your Highness had instead said we were a ‘suzerain state,’ it would not have been a big issue!”

Before he could finish, Hwang Hui rebutted:

“Suzerain state? Are you saying that Joseon is a piece of the Central Plains?”

“What kind of sophistry is this!”

“Why was the term ‘suzerain’ even created in the first place? It was created after King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang dynasty and divided up its territory! If we’re discussing it that way, then what does it mean for Joseon to be a ‘suzerain state’? Are you saying that Joseon’s borders should be part of Ming territory?”

For a good while afterward, the ministers continued to argue intensely, citing various historical instances.

“Enough! Stop!”

King Sejong’s shout brought the ministers’ heated debate to a halt.

Sejong looked at the crown prince and posed a question.

“Tell me, did you ever actually say we were a ‘vassal state’?”

“Father. How could I not understand the gravity of the term ‘vassal state’? However, smooth words must be accompanied by a good demeanor. Just as Han Xin crawled between the legs of thugs, what can’t be done for the sake of fulfilling our grand plan? I mentioned the principle of ‘serving the strong while biding one’s time.’ In the future, we will definitely repay this.”

“So, was the grand plan successful?”


Hyang briefly replied and handed the contract to Sejong through a courier.

Sejong picked up the contract and carefully checked its contents.

“Hmm… The profit sharing is 45% to 55%, huh? We get 45%… so the other party is an emperor?”

“Yes, it’s the emperor.”

“Well done. You did it right.”

“Please also look at the terms regarding contract termination.”

“Termination, you say…”

Reading the relevant clauses in the contract by running his fingers through the lines, Sejong smiled.

“You really did it right! Excellent! Marvelous!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. All thanks to the trust bestowed upon me by Father.”

The ministers who were listening to the conversation between the father and son wore expressions of incomprehension.

‘What does he mean by well done? We’re a vassal state, scraping and toiling just to survive. And now we’re going into business with them, and they get to take more of the profit?’

Seeing the ministers’ expressions, Sejong extended the contract to Chief Eunuch.

“Let the ministers read it as well.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Having received the contract from Sejong, the Chief Eunuch handed it over to the Chief State Councillor.

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