Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

After much deliberation, King Sejong finally came to a decision.

“There’s no other way. All three must be decided.”

Following Sejong’s decision, the three chosen women were all set to become royal consorts. Firm in his resolve, Sejong summoned Byeon Gyeryang and Yu Soondo.

“Examine the destinies of these women to see who is most suitable to be the Crown Princess. The other two will become royal consorts.”

Thus, Byeon Gyeryang and Yu Soondo selected the most suitable woman to be the Crown Princess.

“This is the one.”


After the royal consorts were selected, King Sejong once again called for the Crown Prince.

“The Crown Princess has been decided.”

“Who is it?”

“She is the daughter of the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.”

“Is that so?”

“And the other two will become royal consorts.”

“What? Father, I thought I was only to have one consort…”

Sejong promptly cut off the Crown Prince’s words.

“Having many children is also a duty of a king. I will not entertain any arguments.”

“But Father…”

When the Crown Prince continued to protest, Sejong revealed his true intentions.

“Do you wish to accept a princess or ruler from the Ming as a consort? We cannot give them an excuse!”


The Crown Prince immediately understood Sejong’s point.

If the Crown Prince had only one consort, then Ming could find various pretexts to push in another as a royal consort.

Then a problem arises. Even if a woman pushed in by the Ming becomes a consort, she essentially wouldn’t be a mere consort.

However, if there are official consorts already in place, then the Ming, out of their pride, will not send another, and even if they do, she will just be one among many.

Convinced by Sejong’s firm words, the Crown Prince bowed his head.

“My personal beliefs may differ, but I will obey your royal command.”

Sejong, observing the Crown Prince’s expression, spoke.

“You child! Wipe that smile off your face! You’re grinning so much, it looks like your mouth will tear!”

This spectacle was diligently recorded by the official.

– And so, the royal consorts for the Crown Prince were decided.

The official comments.

Whatever the reason, the Crown Prince was a man with no other options.


After such a minor commotion, the wedding of the Crown Prince was set.

The rumor, ‘The Crown Prince is getting married!’ soon spread throughout Hanyang, and people couldn’t help but discuss it whenever they gathered.

“Not only a Crown Princess, but with additional royal concubines?”

“That’s what they say.”

“Heh~. The crown prince will have his hands full now.”


“Look at the houses those ladies come from. Have you ever seen concubines getting along?”


“It might be good now, but just wait a few years.”

“But honestly, I’m envious. Three at once…”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

The unique marriage of taking three royal consorts at once had been the talk of the town every day.

In the history before Hyang got involved, Danjong was the first. But after Hyang’s involvement, the title of ‘first’ was now his.

Most people who heard the rumors discussed the peculiar marriage where ‘one groom, three brides,’ but some were talking about other subjects.

“Do you think another royal pardon will be issued?”

“Well… Hasn’t it been a short time since the last royal pardon? Might be difficult.”

“I wish one would be granted… It’s heartbreaking to see my enemy-like son imprisoned.”

After solving the long-standing problems of Joseon and the royal family, King Sejong issued a nationwide royal pardon. However, crimes are unavoidable where people live, so those who committed crimes and were imprisoned still remained.

Amidst the expectations for another royal pardon, some officials submitted a petition to King Sejong.

The topic was about the pardon of Shim On, Sejong’s father-in-law.

This happened one year earlier than it did in the history before Hyang got involved.

The reason they brought up Shim On’s pardon was also related to Hyang’s marriage.

Both the groom and the bride’s lineage had to be recorded, and a problem arose from the crown prince’s mother, Queen Soheon.

“The daughter of a major criminal as the crown prince’s mother… it’s unacceptable.”


Given the sensitive nature of the matter, ministers and senior secretaries gathered at the Royal Secretariat to hold an intense debate.

As a result of the debate, the officials reached the following inference and conclusion:

-King Taejong executed the related persons, including Kang Sang-in, before Shim On returned. It must have been to exile Shim On.

-Therefore, Shim On dying without even being properly interrogated was unjust.

The ministers submitted their petition based on these conclusions.

However, King Sejong’s response was ambiguous.

“I will consider it.”

With that, King Sejong did not mention it again.

* * *

While rumors about ‘Shim On’s Pardon’ were circulating in the palace and government offices, Hyang called for Jeong.

“Lord Jeong.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“What’s been troubling you these days? You don’t look well.”

“It’s nothing.”

Jeong-cho denied it, but seeing his unhappy expression, Hyang quietly asked.

“Is this related to issues with my maternal side?”

“No, it’s not!”

Although Jeong-cho waved it off, Hyang’s expression hardened even more.

“Lord Jeong, I’ll soon be getting married. The age of blissful ignorance is past. Even though I was just 4 years old at the time, I remember clearly how people shed tears of blood. Lord Jeong, if you know something, speak.”

At Hyang’s words, Jeong-cho let out a sigh.


‘I forgot that the crown prince has an extraordinary memory.’

“Lord Jeong!”

Still keeping his mouth shut, Jeong-cho finally spoke as Hyang’s voice grew louder.

“At that time, I participated in Lord Shim’s interrogation as a member of the the Judicial Office. Despite the torture, Lord Shim tried to make excuses. That’s when Lord Ryu Jeong-hyeon told Lord Shim, ‘Judging by the circumstances, confession is the only option.’ Hearing this, Lord Shim gave up any further arguments and accepted his punishment.”

Upon hearing Jeong-cho’s words, Hyang’s expression became even more rigid.

Hyang, with an equally rigid voice, asked Jeong-cho.

“What does ‘circumstances’ mean?”

To Hyang’s question, Jeong-cho briefly answered.

“It would mean the royal will.”

[TL/N: Royal will here means the king’s intentions. So in this context, Shim On thought that it was King Taejong’s intentions to kill him, but unbeknownst to him, he was actually deceived by Ryu Jeong-hyeon at the time.]


With a grunt, Hyang, who was tapping his desk with his finger, stood up from his seat.

“Lord! Let’s go!”

“Eh? Where to?”

“To Gangnyeongjeon!”

* * *

Having arrived at Gangnyeongjeon with Jeong-cho, Hyang reported Jeong-cho’s words to Sejong.

“Lord Jeong, please explain once more.”

At Hyang’s request, Jeong-cho repeated what he had said earlier to Sejong.


Upon hearing Jeong-cho’s explanation, Sejong let out a long sigh.

With a complex expression full of mixed emotions, Sejong finally spoke.

“If we go by what Jeong-cho said, Shim On’s confession must be considered coerced. But how would King Taejong have known this?”

Sejong was desperately trying to exonerate Taejong.

If it came out that Taejong killed Shim On out of personal malice or a misjudgment, it would be a significant issue.

“Lord Jeong, would you please step aside?”

“Eh? Yes. Your Majesty, may I, Shin Jeong-cho, be excused?”

“Go ahead.”

“Much obliged.”

After Hyang’s request and Sejong’s permission, Jeong-cho respectfully bowed and exited Gangnyeongjeon.

“Advisors and scribes, leave as well.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I won’t repeat myself.”

At Hyang’s firm command, the officers and secretaries looked toward Sejong.

“It’s my order. Leave.”


As Sejong gave the same command, the officers and scribes silently stood up and left the room. 

They could have stayed put if they’d wanted to, but they left promptly due to the previous incident with the “Hwangryongpo”.

To be precise, as soon as they left the room, they sat right next to the door and pulled out their pens.

In any case, once the officers and scribes disappeared from view, Hyang got straight to the point.

“Your Majesty, it seems bestowing favor upon my maternal grandfather has its limits. Haven’t all but him already been forgiven? It’s already been 10 years”

“It’s only been 10 years. The palace is still full of those who served not only the late king but also under the reign of Taejong. If we’re not careful, there will be those who will take this opportunity to undermine royal authority.”

What Sejong was worried about was precisely this point. If he acknowledged the errors of his father, Taejong, it would give those who wished to undermine royal power a reason to do so.

Hyang responded firmly after hearing Sejong’s concerns.

“Father. We must confront this head-on.”

“Confront it head-on?”

“Admitting the possibility that it may have been a mistake on Grandfather’s part.”

“You impudent child!”

“Instead, please employ Ryu Jeong-hyeon and me.”

“You and Ryu Jeong-hyeon?”


Hyang explained a plan to Sejong that involved using himself and Ryu Jeong-hyeon.

-First, according to what Jeong-cho said, Shim-on gave up his protest after hearing Ryu Jeong-hyeon’s words. The question is whether Ryu Jeong-hyeon was truly speaking about Taejong’s concerns.

Taejong only had suspicions, but there is a strong possibility that Ryu Jeong-hyeon eliminated Shim-on, who could have been Sejong’s loyal force, as part of a plot.

The reason this can be said is because of Ryu Jeong-hyeon’s actions. Before being purged, Ryu Jeong-hyeon had carried out various schemes to strengthen his power.

Therefore, it is likely that Ryu Jeong-hyeon used the “hint of Taejong’s concern” to make Shim-on step down.

“In that case, Father had no choice but to punish my maternal grandfather since he surrendered himself. Rather, you acted strictly according to the law, despite him being the grandfather of his grandson.”

“I see!”

According to Hyang’s solution, the downfall of Shim-on wasn’t what Taejong wanted. However, Shim-on surrendered himself, and Taejong had no choice but to punish him.

In this process, Taejong acted impartially and strictly followed the law.

“Then, what does sending you mean?”

Sejong asked, and Hyang immediately replied.

“Father, I am soon to be wed. Isn’t it thanks to you and Mother that I have lived trouble-free until the age for marriage? Therefore, I implore you, Father, to pardon my maternal grandfather. Mother is deeply upset. How can I, as her child, ignore the fact that she suffers because of her grief? I humbly beg you to acknowledge the minor merits I have accomplished and grant my request!”


Pondering Hyang’s words, Sejong thought deeply.

“The use of Ryu Jeong-hyeon” was indeed a possibility that couldn’t be dismissed.

The fact that Ryu Jeong-hyeon had spoken such words to his father-in-law was known to those who were in the royal council at the time, excluding Jeong-cho.

However, there was no concrete evidence to establish that Ryu Jeong-hyeon’s words represented the true intent of King Taejong.

Considering the acts Ryu Jeong-hyeon had committed to strengthen the new authority after Taejong’s death, it wasn’t unlikely that he had been maneuvering things from behind the scenes.

Moreover, “Hyang’s filial piety” was an excellent element to capitalize on.

In Joseon, a state where Confucianism was the national ideology, few things were as highly praised as filial piety.

Lastly, the biggest concern—royal authority—seemed almost irrelevant in the current situation.

Sejong’s own power was solid, and the presence of the crown prince, Hyang, was undeniable.

Particularly, looking at the military, the support was so strong that Sejong sometimes wondered, “Is the army of our Joseon mine or the crown prince’s?”

After weighing the pros and cons, Sejong finally came to a conclusion.

“Alright, let’s proceed that way.”

* * *

The next morning.

As the royal council meeting began and all the ministers took their seats, Sejong ordered Chief Eunuch.

“Go and summon Jeong-cho.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Thus summoned, Jeong-cho repeated the words he had spoken the previous night in front of Sejong.

Once Jeong-cho finished speaking, Sejong addressed the ministers.

“How do you think? Was the ‘situation’ Ryu Jeong-hyeon spoke of really King Taejong’s intent? On the contrary, considering Ryu Jeong-hyeon’s past behavior, it is likely that he was acting for his own benefit. Therefore, I think that the disfavor shown to Sim On was a misjudgment caused by Ryu Jeong-hyeon’s scheming. Hence, I will restore Sim On to his position. What do you think, ministers?”

In response to Sejong’s question, the ministers spoke in unison.

“As Your Majesty wishes!”

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