Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

After surveying the marketplace, the level of confusion among the leaders had intensified upon the captains’ reports.

“We didn’t get a chance to see inside the Joseon naval base, but we scrutinized the warships setting sail. The ships that escorted us, as well as slightly smaller ones, were all equipped with cannons.”

“All of them?”

The leader’s question was filled with disbelief, to which the captains replied succinctly.

“Every single one.”


The leader let out a long sigh upon hearing the captains’ responses. To this, the most experienced captain—formerly of the Otaibi family’s ship—Suleiman, added more information.

“Of course, the ships armed with nearly 20 cannons were of the same class as those that escorted us. The smaller ships had about 2 to 4 cannons each. The even smaller ones didn’t have any cannons at all.”

The leader shook his head disapprovingly at the captain’s report.

“It’s impossible to pin down the identity of this nation. Looking at the marketplace during the day, it seems as backward as a remote village market far from Aden, but the alleyway restaurants have expensive porcelain and glassware on the tables, and the navy’s warships are loaded with those costly cannons… What kind of country is this Joseon, exactly?”

To the leader’s musings, Suleiman responded tersely.

“I really don’t know.”

“I, too, simply cannot comprehend this country.”

The elder, who had previously visited Joseon, stepped forward as the leader was immersed in confusion.

“Hassan and Sayid, who work as officials here in Joseon, told me that since the current king ascended the throne and the crown prince was designated, the country has been developing rapidly.”

“That’s right.”

The leader nodded lightly in agreement and let out a small sigh.

“Hmm. I need to reflect. I was disappointed by just the sight of the market outside the base. Had I not seen those ceramics and glassware…”

The leader critically reflected on himself.

* * *

Having learned of the great value of the products from Joseon brought by the elder, the leader embarked on the ship with high hopes.

“We’re a bit behind schedule, but let’s work hard. There’s a lot of money at stake!”

It had taken some time to acquire the fine breed of horses requested by the prince of Joseon, but the leader wasn’t particularly worried.

The merchant fleet that set sail from Aden endured a grueling journey, navigating through the pirate-infested waters of the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea.

It was after surviving such dire straits that the leader arrived at the marketplace of Joseon, only to fall into disappointment.

Having lived in the grand city of Hangzhou during the Yuan dynasty in his youth, the leader couldn’t help but feel let down by the modest marketplace of Joseon, especially when compared to the splendid culture he had experienced in Hangzhou.

“Can there really be anything worth money in such a country? Was that incident last time just a stroke of luck? I would’ve never thought a country right next to Ming could look so shabby.”

However, the moment he saw the small items hidden in that shabbiness, the leader had to eat his words.

‘A guy who has the goal to greatly expand his family! A guy who aims to become a great merchant! While I’ve repeatedly told others not to be deceived by appearances, I actually forgot about it myself!’

The leader deeply reflected on his mistake.

Five days later, a messenger who had returned from Hanyang delivered a royal command through an interpreter.

“His Majesty orders you to depart at dawn tomorrow and come to Hanyang. Our navy’s ships will escort and guide you.”

At the messenger’s words, the leader was overjoyed.

“Thank you very much!”

With the departure date set, the crew of the fleet prepared to set sail throughout the night.

The next morning, at the prow of the ship heading north, the leader made a firm resolution.

“There will not be a second mistake!”

* * *

After several days of sailing, the merchant ships arrived at Jemulpo and began to unload their cargo.

The cargo from the six large dhows was substantial, so the leader of the Otaibi family requested carts from the Joseon resident relatives waiting at the dock.

“We’ll prepare them right away.”

“I’d be grateful.”

While the carts were being arranged, the cargo was meticulously checked by the Ministry of Taxation.

A Ministry of Taxation official, after recording the list of goods, their quantity, and their prices, busily clicked his abacus and then spoke to a customs officer. The customs officer conveyed the message to the company’s interpreter in Chinese, and the interpreter relayed it to the leader.

“You are to pay 40 nyang in customs duty.”

“40 nyang of gold? Even for the goods brought at the request of the Joseon prince?”

To be precise, what had been requested by the prince was only the fine horses, but the leader, reluctant to pay the tax, emphasized “at the prince’s request.”

However, despite the emphasis, the official was unmoved.

Eventually, a dispute arose between the Ministry of Taxation, the customs officer, and the company’s interpreter.

The quarrel was somewhat calmed when a relative who had gone to arrange the carts returned.

“If you look here at the permit, there is a clause that requires you to pay the set tariff rate.”

“Even for the items and horses brought at the request of the Joseon prince?”



The merchant-like instinct of the leader was triggered, and he wore a look of emptiness. Comforting him, the elder said,

“Think of it as an investment. Investment.”

At the elder’s words, the leader groaned.

“Ugh… That’s how I have to think of it, yes. But what’s with the administrators being so inflexible?”

“Well… They may lack flexibility, but they’re not corrupt, are they?”


The interpreter, sharing the leader’s sentiments, faithfully relayed their conversation to the overseer. The overseer chuckled in response.

“Have you heard of a recorder?”

“A recorder?”

After a brief exchange, the leader of the Otaibi clan, having paid a tremendous sum of 40 gold taels, or the equivalent of 400 ducats, set out for Hanyang with a heavy heart.

* * *

The leader of the Otaibi clan led his people to a community residence south of Hanyang.

While the leader of the Otaibi family was unwinding from the journey, the elegant Hassan and Sayid sought him out.

“Brothers Hassan and Sayid are here to see the leader.”

With a polite yet warm greeting, Hassan and Sayid’s approach was reciprocated by the leader.

“I’m truly delighted to see how well Hamed’s children have grown! Especially Sayid, you look even better than the last time you were in Aden… Or not? Are you ill?”

Noticing the dark circles under the brothers’ eyes, the leader asked with concern.

“It’s nothing. We’ve just been a bit busy lately…”

“Oh! You must stay healthy for our clan to be strong. Shall I give you some medicine?”

As soon as the leader mentioned ‘medicine’, the Hassan brothers panicked and waved their hands in refusal.

“No, no! We don’t need any medicine! Thank you for your concern, but we absolutely don’t need any!”


Perplexed by their reaction, their father, Hamed, explained the reason.

“Among the officials of this Joseon, ‘medicine’ or ‘tonic’ is taboo.”


The leader could not hide his confusion at Hamed’s explanation.

Recently, among the court officials, the act of ‘giving medicine or a tonic’ had the same implication as saying ‘go drop dead!’ When a superior offers medicine to a subordinate, it means ‘I’ll work you to death!’, and when colleagues give medicine to each other, it signifies ‘I’ll soon give you a hard time!’.

After the brief disturbance subsided, the Hassan brothers delivered the document to the leader.

“His Majesty commands you to enter the palace tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Understood. Hmm… Can I enter the royal palace every time I come to Joseon in the future?”

Hassan gave a negative answer to the leader’s question, which was full of anticipation for an unforeseen opportunity.

“No. This time, you were summoned as a courtesy because you brought the items requested by the Crown Prince, and you came in person. From next time on, you will probably need to discuss matters with an official from the office called Ministry of Taxation.”

“Is that so? That’s disappointing. Tsk.”

The leader smacked his lips in regret at Hassan’s answer.

* * *

The next day, the leader, properly dressed, headed to the palace with the Hassan brothers and the elders.

“Here are the people who have come at His Majesty’s command.”

The gatekeeper, upon receiving and checking the document handed by Hassan, gestured, and Gwanghwamun Gate opened, allowing the merchants to step inside.

The gatekeeper and his men, who had been looking on with curiosity, soon widened their eyes in surprise.

“What’s that?”

* * *

“May His Majesty receive our greeting~!”

At the merchant’s loud call, the traders respectfully paid their homage.

“You have worked hard coming from afar. Please be at ease.”

Through Hassan, the merchants heard King Sejong’s command and carefully rose to their feet.

‘Young man! Is that why he is so active?’

The leader, after sneakily checking King Sejong’s face, introduced himself politely.

“It is an honor to meet the esteemed King of Joseon. I am Mansur Mohammed Kamal Al Otaibi, the leader of the Otaibi family!”

King Sejong, having received Mansur’s greeting through Hassan, replied with a smile.

“I am also pleased to meet you. Leader Mansur, please stand at ease.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

After a brief exchange of greetings, King Sejong went straight to the main point.

“I hear you have brought the horses the Crown Prince asked for. Have they arrived safely?”

To King Sejong’s question, Mansur immediately replied.

“Yes, they are a bit worn and thin from the long voyage, but all have arrived safely.”

“May I see them now?”

“The horses have been placed outside the gate, so you can see them right away.”

At Mansur’s response, anticipation began to flicker on the faces of Sejong and the ministers who had followed him out. Notably, it seemed Jo Mal-saeng was the most expectant of them all.

“Bring them over.”

As Sejong’s command was given, the Geunjeongmun Gate opened, and the horses came in.

“What is that!”

“Is that supposed to be a horse!”

The ministers, looking through the open gate at the incoming horses, had their gaze fixed on the horses at the very back.

It was just as surprising for Hyang too.

‘What is this! A horse that seems fit for an end-of-century monarch to ride!’

The horses leading the way were also about 1 cheok (approximately 34 cm) taller than the Jeju horses or those of the Jurchen tribes. But the four horses that entered last were another cheok taller than those.

As the horses came in, Sejong stepped down from his dais to take a closer look at the horses.

“Though they are big, they are remarkably agile in their build.”

Pleased with Sejong’s generous appraisal, Mansur responded with a face full of pride.

“In terms of running speed and stamina, there’s hardly any breed that can compete with them.”

“Is that so, what does the Minister of War think?”

To Sejong’s inquiry, the Minister of War, Jo Mal-saeng, bowed his head and replied.

“Though they appear lean, if we judge by their muscles and bones, it seems difficult to match them with Jeju horses.”

“How about compared to the Jurchen’s horses?”

“They seem superior to those of the Jurchen tribe as well. Of course, we’ll need to confirm this properly later…”

“I see. And…”

Sejong then moved towards the large horse that he was most curious about.

“I’ve never seen such a giant horse in my life.”

At Sejong’s assessment, Mansur immediately replied.

“This humble one has also never seen such before. We acquired the horse through Catholic merchants in the process. They said it’s a horse that came from a Western country called France.”

Sejong expressed his doubt at Mansur’s answer.

“Huh? I heard that you have bad relations with the Westerners who believe in a religion called Catholicism?”

“Just because relations are bad, it doesn’t mean we can’t do business, right? There are merchants with the same faith whom we don’t get along with, and there are those with different beliefs whom we have good relations with.”

At Mansur’s reply, Sejong burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha! What a foolish question (from me) and a wise answer (from you)!”

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