Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

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“They’ve asked for cannons? And Crown Prince, you are considering it positively?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

At Hyang’s response, King Sejong looked at him with a face full of worry.

“You do know what a cannon is, don’t you?”

“How could I not?”

Sejong nodded at Hyang’s answer. After all, the person who had been most deeply involved in the research and development of various types of cannons, including the new models that were about to be deployed, was none other than the troublemaker standing before him.

“So… Which cannon do you wish to provide them?”

“The ‘Matchlock Cannons’, Your Majesty.”

“‘Matchlock Cannons’…”

At Hyang’s answer, not only King Sejong but also the ministers seemed relieved. However, because of the responsibilities they bore, they continued to question Hyang.

“Why the ‘Matchlock Cannons’?”

“According to the reports, the merchant ships that have come this time are large but do not seem to be very sturdy. In the case of the ‘General Cannons’, even cargo ships cannot withstand the recoil, hence they cannot be equipped with many of them. Therefore, even if we gave them ‘General Cannons’, they wouldn’t be able to use them effectively.”

At Hyang’s words, the ministers who had experienced battles from the conquest of Tsushima to the early Joseon period all nodded in agreement. They had received similar reports several times before.

Seeing the ministers’ reaction, Hyang continued.

“The firepower of cannons lower than ‘Matchlock Cannons’ is comparable to or slightly superior to bows and arrows in terms of range and lethality. Their rate of fire is even worse than that of bows and arrows. Thus, hasn’t the military unified the use of ‘Reinforced Cannons’ and ‘Small Reinforced Cannons’ for both the navy and the land forces, and melted down the ones lower than ‘Matchlock Cannons’?”

With Hyang’s point, the ministers were once again faced with the reality.

“That’s true. That was the case.”

“It wouldn’t be feasible to make new cannons just for these merchants, so the ‘Matchlock Cannons’ seems most appropriate.”

As the ministers’ attitudes shifted to favor, the Chief State Councillor voiced his concerns.

“I understand what the Crown Prince is saying, but what if, just if, these Westerners copy our cannons? What if they mass-produce them and turn them against us?”

Hyang replied with a smile to the Chief State Councillor’s words.

“You are worrying too much. Our Joseon is already armed with cannons far superior to the ‘Matchlock Cannons’.”

The ministers nodded at Hyang’s point, murmuring among themselves.

“That’s true.”

The Chief State Councillor’s face flushed at the ministers’ murmurs, and Hyang added an explanation.

“Besides, copying it is a matter of technology. Just looking at the shape of a cannon and replicating it? If they had such technology, they wouldn’t need to ask us for cannons. Cannons have been around since the Yuan Dynasty and have spread to many countries.”


At Hyang’s words, the Chief State Councillor closed his mouth.

With the closing remarks of the Chief State Councilor, none of the ministers opposed the proposal. Observing the reactions of the ministers, King Sejong reached a conclusion.

“The ministers have no particular objections, and I also think that offering the Matchlock Cannons would be appropriate. So, how much will you offer them, Crown Prince?”

“First, it would be right to judge after inspecting the condition of the ship they arrived on.”

King Sejong nodded at the reply.

“That seems appropriate. Then, what about the payment?”

“I am thinking of substituting half of it with the coffee they have brought.”


King Sejong perused the list of items.

“Coffee… Coffee… There is no such item on the list?”

“It is written here as ‘black bean tea’.”

With the explanation, King Sejong searched the list again.

“Black bean tea… Ah, here it is. And there is ‘green bean tea’ as well?”

“Black bean refers to coffee beans that have been roasted for drinking, while green bean refers to the raw, unroasted coffee beans.”

“Is that so? What are the benefits of this tea?”

Upon King Sejong’s inquiry, the minister explained the effects of coffee.

“When one is tired, drinking it can quickly restore vitality, it helps those who have difficulty urinating to do so properly, and it has various other benefits. However, the most important thing is its distinctive flavor.”

King Sejong stroked his chin as the answers flowed smoothly.

“How do you know so much?”

The minister, who was excited at the prospect of being able to drink coffee, suddenly looked embarrassed at King Sejong’s question and made an excuse.

“I read it in a book.”

At the mention of a book, King Sejong’s eyes lit up.

“A book? I would like to see it myself.”

“It was mistakenly mixed with the books that were burned last time… Please forgive my carelessness!”

“Oh no! Treat books with more care.”

King Sejong lightly admonished him and moved on. However, the ministers did not let it pass so easily.

“Your Highness, you burned books? Books are precious. They contain the knowledge of our ancestors.”

The minister, steeped in Confucianism to the bone, replied with an embarrassed look.

“It was a collection of frivolous texts…”

“Alas, it was you who once said there is something to learn even from frivolous books! Don’t you think this sounds like an excuse?”

When faced with the Chief State Councilor’s criticism, Hyang quickly racked his brain for a solution.

‘To get through this predicament… That’s it! If I say it was a book that this gentleman would despise, that’ll be the end of it!’

Finding his escape, Hyang answered with a troubled expression.

“The book in question was about the relations between men and women… It seemed detrimental to public morals, so I promptly burned it.”

“Oh dear… Well done!”

As Hyang anticipated, the Chief State Councilor immediately changed his stance and praised him.

However, the expressions of King Sejong and the other ministers darkened.

The book that had influenced Hyang’s notorious nightlife was precisely the book that had been burned – or more accurately, the book he claimed to have burned.

“Hmm! Ahem!”


Since the subject was not one to be openly discussed, King Sejong and his ministers all coughed uncomfortably.

Noticing their demeanor, the Chief State Councilor muttered in confusion.

“Why, what is it?”

Startled by the unwelcoming gazes directed at him, King Sejong hurriedly changed the topic.

“What about the other half then? What do you plan to do?”

As King Sejong continued his inquiry, Hyang calmly proceeded to explain. Slowly, the corners of the mouths of the King and his ministers began to rise.

“Enough! Crown Prince, listen! I entrust this trade matter to you, and you are to take care of the firearms issue as well. Do your utmost with the nation’s interest in mind!”

Upon King Sejong’s decision, Hyang bowed her head and replied.

“I will bear your command in mind and act accordingly!”

* * *

After leaving the council hall, Hyang smacked his own mouth.

“This cursed tongue! Can’t you discern time and place? Let’s stay focused.”

Warning himself, Hyang mumbled as he walked toward the Eastern Palace.

“Now that I think about it… Why were the Islamic folks late in arming themselves with firearms? Wasn’t it them who introduced gunpowder to the West? Why then?”

While pondering this sudden question, the bell of the watchtower rang, indicating the time.


Hearing the distant bell, Hyang recalled a passage from a book he had read before.

“Was it all thanks to the bell, after all?”

When the first cannons were made in Western Europe, their creators welded iron plates to construct them. However, these cannons, aside from their performance issues, were incredibly prone to exploding.

Nevertheless, cannons were a useful weapon, so countries across Europe conducted extensive research to create safe and convenient cannons.

This led to the birth of the bronze cast cannons. These quickly became the standard.

The widespread adoption of bronze cast cannons was facilitated by the numerous church bells across Europe. Bell makers, skilled in the art of casting large objects from bronze, easily transitioned to producing bronze cast cannons. (Note 1)


Bell casters were involved in the casting of cannons, and this was true during the Goryeo period as well. It was thanks to the presence of skilled bell casters that it was possible to produce cannons suitable for battle not long after the introduction of gunpowder.

After Buddhism was introduced to the Korean peninsula, metal casting technology rapidly advanced. The Bell of King Seongdeok is an object that proves the casting technology of the Unified Silla period.

It was during the Goryeo period that this casting technology further developed.

As Buddhism reached its zenith and many temples were built, skilled metal casters emerged through the process of supplying bells needed for these temples.

Upon this conclusion, Hyang uttered a bitter smile and murmured,

“For a religion that preaches peace, the finely honed technology to be used for slaughter… It is indeed one of the common ironies of history.”

* * *

Hyang, who had been entrusted with all the processes by Sejong, diligently proceeded with the work.

“Contact the Ministry of War and relay a message to find out how many cannons without firing mechanisms are available for use.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Not long after, upon hearing the message delivered by the eunuch, Jo Mal-saeng came to Hyang and asked,

“Did you mention cannons without firing mechanisms?”

“That’s right.”

“Wouldn’t cannons with firing mechanisms be more useful?”

To Jo Mal-saeng’s question, Hyang pointed out a problem.

“It’s because of the gunpowder. We’re already stretched to supply our own needs, how can we afford to supply them as well?”

Realizing the oversight, Jo Mal-saeng’s face showed a sudden realization.

“Ah! Of course! I’ve made an error!”

“No, it’s not your fault. Thanks to you, we’ve identified an additional item to be procured.”

“What might that be?”

Upon Hyang’s newfound item to add based on his own remarks, Jo Mal-saeng showed interest.

‘It must surely be something related to the military because of me!’

To Jo Mal-saeng’s question, Hyang briefly replied.


“Ah! Of course! If we can procure mercury properly, we can increase the production of gunpowder!”

Jo Mal-saeng’s face brightened at Hyang’s response.

In Joseon, to obtain mercury, cinnabar had to be imported from Ming and processed, but this process resulted in a number of people being harmed, making mercury a difficult product to mass-produce. Therefore, Joseon had to opt for the alternative of purchasing mercury from Japan.

“But, will they be able to procure a lot of mercury?”

To Jo Mal-saeng’s question, Hyang leaned back in his chair and answered, “That I do not know for certain. However, the Westerners have been using a lot of mercury in their study of alchemy, so I presume it should be easier for them to procure.”


Thanks to Sejong’s permission, the contract proceeded swiftly.

“Before we finalize the contract, we must inspect the ships you’ve arrived on.”

“Yes, why is that?”

Mansur and the captains’ faces grew serious at Hyang’s words about inspecting the ships.

A ship was a captain’s territory. It was unthinkable to casually allow outsiders onto one’s territory, which is why the captains’ expressions had turned so stern.

Hyang explained to them the reason for needing to inspect the ships.

“Due to the significant recoil of the cannons, if the ship is weak, it cannot bear their weight.”

“Ah… I understand.”

Two days later, naval officers and artisans responsible for Joseon went down to Jemulpo to inspect the condition of the merchant ships Mansur’s group had arrived on and submitted a report.

—Considering the size and strength of the hull, it is absolutely impossible to mount heavy cannons, and at most, only three light cannons can be mounted per ship.

After reviewing the report, Hyang negotiated with Mansur based on these findings.

“Alright. Then let’s purchase a total of nine cannons at three per ship.”

“For the nine cannons, the gunpowder, gun carriages, and sighting rings, what will you pay with?”

Faced with Hyang’s question, Mansur replied with an awkward expression.

“It’s quite a strain to buy goods from Joseon right now, so maybe on credit…”

“No credit for the full amount. Let’s do this instead. Pay half the purchase price in cash, and for the remainder on credit, but we will send some of our naval personnel with you.”


At Hyang’s proposal, Mansur discussed with the elder, Rajab.

“Ah! We will calculate the cash part without any interest, based on the price you paid.”

The additional demand from Hyang made Mansur’s party look displeased. However, after Hasan subtly signaled with his eyes, they accepted Hyang’s terms.

“Fine. But why must you embark Joseon’s navy on board?”

“Do you think you can aim and fire the cannons properly just by learning?”


“It’s a task that requires long practice. Besides, even though our relationship began with trade, shouldn’t we continue it for a long time?”

Hyang spoke gently, with a rather kind expression.

Mansur replied with a bewildered expression, taken aback by Hyang’s sudden change in demeanor.

“Ah, I see what you mean…”

“As they proceeded, it would serve as sufficient training. Moreover, it would be even better if you could bring someone capable of determining the value of the items you acquire.”

At Hyang’s words, Mansur’s party once again put their heads together to discuss.

“There’s merit in what you say.”


“Could it be a ruse to figure out the sea routes?”

To Rajab’s comment, Mansur made a face that suggested it wasn’t a big deal.

“Of course, that’s possible. But what’s the problem? It’s a sea route well-known to the merchants of Ming.”

After a long discussion, Mansur accepted Hyang’s suggestion.

“We will follow the prince’s proposal.”

“Good. Then take the coffee with you today without fail.”

* * *

That evening, Mansur had to deeply regret his decision.

“They said it was the entire lot, but they really swept it all away!”

The Joseon officials took all the coffee that Mansur’s party had left over to drink.

* * *

(Note 1) ‘Cannon, Sailing Ship, Empire’ by Carlo Cipolla, published by Unknown Books

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