Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Faced with the unexpected command to enter official service, Lim Soonwook desperately tried to excuse himself.

“Although it’s an honor to be commanded to enter service, am I truly qualified?”

To this, Heo Jo stepped forward.

“Isn’t it true that you passed the civil service examination?”


As Lim Soonwook hesitated, Kim Jeom gently persuaded him.

“Sholar Lim, why did you take the civil service exam in the first place? Wasn’t it to fulfill your aspiration of becoming a distinguished scholar of this country? Circumstances might have forced you to give up on that dream, but now you have another opportunity to realize it.”


Still unable to decide, the Inspector General intervened.

“Scholar Lim! Taking the civil service exam and entering official service is a duty of Joseon’s scholars! Why hesitate? Such hesitation is unfaithful!”


At the mention of ‘unfaithfulness,’ Lim Soonwook’s face fell, and he inadvertently let out a sigh.

At this, Kim Jeom explained the situation in the court.

“It might sound like a bolt from the blue to you, Scholar Lim, but the court is in a difficult situation right now. We are short of people.”

“But haven’t the civil service exams been wide open for a few years now?”

Lim Soonwook’s objection was met with a sigh from Kim Jeom.

“Hoo~. That’s true. But many of those who have entered since then are still in minor positions. Additionally, the ongoing reforms have caused new problems.”

“What kind of problems?”

“There’s a lack of proactive individuals. It’s something we too must reflect upon. But currently, the officials are too busy keeping up with the reforms initiated by His Majesty.”

Kim Jeom elaborated on the situation in the court.

With Sejong’s reforms, the number of officials began to rapidly increase.

There were two ways this increase was being accomplished. In the central government, people were recruited through the civil service exams, and in the provinces, local subordinates were promoted to formal official positions.

Promoting local subordinates to official positions was a double-edged sword. It provided them with a salary and opportunities for promotion but also subjected them to the strict application of the avoidance law, which prevented officials from serving in their hometowns.

As a result, the subordinates either had to leave their positions or move to a different region.

Despite this large-scale recruitment of officials both centrally and provincially, problems continued to arise.

The first issue was that both the new officials and the former subordinates struggled to adapt to the reforms. Both groups were having difficulty learning arithmetic, which had become a basic requirement for officials.

While this process allowed for the identification of promising individuals, their numbers were limited, which was a concern.

Continuing his explanation, Kim Jeom added,

“Of course, from this year, we are giving more opportunities to people from the northwest and the ‘serfs,’ which should help us recruit more talent.”

“Forgive me for saying so, but it seems like a mistake on the part of the court.”

Lim Soonwook’s assertion that ‘the court had made a mistake’ drew the focused attention of the ministers, as well as Sejong and Hyang.

Whether he was aware of their focus or not, Lim Soonwook explained what the problem was.

“Those who take the civil service exams are still primarily preparing by studying the classics and poetry. Of course, some may prepare for arithmetic if they have relatives who are current officials, but how many can that be? It needs to be clearly stated what will be assessed in the exams – whether it’s the classics, poetry, or arithmetic. Only then can people avoid double efforts.”

Continuing, Lim Soonwook pointed out what the court had missed.

“Similarly, it’s necessary to inform those who fail the exams exactly why they failed. I’ve witnessed several exams in Hanyang, and they only announced who passed or failed. A little effort to explain the reasons for failure would help those aspiring to enter service to prepare properly and would more clearly distinguish the outstanding candidates.”


At Lim Soonwook’s observation, Sejong and the ministers all nodded in agreement.

However, the one who was most shocked was Hyang.

‘I forgot about this! Reflect! Reflect!’

Sejong looked at Lim Soonwook with a pleased expression.

“Indeed, a talent! Definitely needed in the court!”

“Your Majesty, but I am…”

As Lim Soonwook tried to excuse himself, Kim Jeom interjected again.

“The issue of junior officials can be addressed as such, but the problem lies with the middle and senior officials.”

“Excuse me?”

“The provinces haven’t seen much change yet, but the central government in Hanyang is undergoing significant changes. The most noticeable change, as just mentioned, is the significant increase in the number of officials. As the number of junior officials rises, it’s natural that the number of middle-ranking officials who manage them should also increase, isn’t it?”

“That’s true.”

Lim Soonwook was unwittingly drawn into the conversation by Kim Jeom’s articulate speech.

“As the number of middle-ranking officials quickly increased, problems arose. Whether it’s due to lack of experience or issues with work distribution and management, the challenges are there.”

“The only answer to that problem is time, unless the top-ranking officials take decisive action…”

Lim Soonwook abruptly stopped talking. He realized he was indirectly criticizing the ministers present, and even the king seated above.

‘I’m doomed!’

Realizing his blunder, Lim Soonwook’s face turned pale, and he began to sweat profusely.

However, neither Sejong nor the ministers reprimanded him. Instead, Kim Jeom nodded in agreement.

“Your observation is correct! That is the problem! Frankly, His Majesty and the Crown Prince are leading the reforms, and we are barely keeping up. That’s why we need people like you!”

“I fear you may overestimate me…”

“Honestly, we don’t know the extent of your capabilities. Perhaps we are seeing too much in you. But it’s clear that you possess what we lack.”

Lim Soonwook became curious at Kim Jeom’s words.

‘What do they see in me?’

Finally, Lim Soonwook asked Kim Jeom,

“What do you see in me?”

“Your perspective. The ability to see what we have missed.”

Kim Jeom explained frankly to Lim Soonwook.

-We keep saying this, but with the current capacity of the ministers and senior officials, we’re overwhelmed just implementing the policies set forth by His Majesty and the Crown Prince.

This is not just a matter of capability, but also the workload is excessive.

“Cough! Cough!”

Sejong coughed slightly uncomfortably at Kim Jeom’s statement, but Kim Jeom continued undeterred.

‘If they don’t like it, let them dismiss me!’

-The overall atmosphere in the court is becoming passive. From the ministers down to the lowest-ranking officials, everyone is just executing orders.

-While this may not seem problematic now, it will become a major issue in the future. There are too few who can ensure we’re headed in the right direction.

“There are a few suitable people. Huang Mo and his group… But the problem is they are all busy up north right now.”

Seizing the opportunity to criticize Hwang Hui, Kim Jeom concluded his point to Lim Soonwook.

“Therefore, we need people in the court who can ensure that we are headed in the right direction.”

“Isn’t His Majesty and the Crown Prince already doing that? I am uncertain of my ability to contribute.”

Lim Soonwook continued to argue, but his initial defiance had significantly weakened. Sejong interjected, addressing Lim Soonwook’s self-doubt.

“You have sufficient capability, which is why the ministers have stepped forward. Thus, Scholar Lim, I would like you to enter service and assist me.”

When Sejong humbly requested using the term ‘I’ (referring to himself as ‘Gwain’), Lim Soonwook fell into deep thought.

‘I’ve not been without dreams of grandeur myself…’

For 20 years, he had considered such lofty aspirations beyond his reach, but now they resurfaced, compelling him to ponder.

Meanwhile, the ministers whispered among themselves with mixed emotions.

“Heh… It’s been a while since His Majesty referred to himself as ‘Gwain’…”

“That’s right…”

Before the purge of senior ministers symbolized by Ryu Jeong-hyun, Sejong frequently used the term ‘Gwain.’ However, after the purge of the senior ministers who had been pressuring the royal authority, Sejong rarely used that term.

After much contemplation, Lim Soonwook finally spoke.

“As a subject, it’s my duty to follow the command of His Majesty. However, I run a trading company. You say I could hand it over to my child, but if something goes wrong, it could tarnish His Majesty’s reputation.”

Kim Jeom interrupted Lim Soonwook’s hesitance.

“Does your trading company sell exclusive goods for the Ministry of Taxation?”

“No, it does not.”

“Or are you involved in construction?”


“Then what’s the problem?”

“However… a mere merchant becoming a court official could create unfavorable rumors.”

At Lim Soonwook’s hesitance, Sejong asked,

“Do you doubt your ability to avoid the concerns you’re worrying about?”

“No, I do not!”

“Then there’s no problem. Why do we have the Inspector General and the Minister of Law and Punsihments in the court?”

Speechless at Sejong’s words, Lim Soonwook fell silent again.

After more contemplation, Lim Soonwook stood up and bowed deeply to Sejong.

“I, Lim Soonwook, accept Your Majesty’s command! I am profoundly grateful for this immense opportunity given to such an unworthy person like me!”

As Lim Soonwook accepted Sejong’s offer, Sejong made a remarkable move. He stepped down from the throne and approached Lim Soonwook.

“Scholar Lim, stand up.”

As Lim Soonwook stood up, Sejong lightly patted his shoulder.

“I am counting on you in the future.”

“I will devote myself fully, Your Majesty!”

Lim Soonwook was moved to tears, feeling honored by Sejong’s personal encouragement.

Thus, a person who was not visible in the history before Hyang’s intervention now rose to prominence.

* * *

“Then start attending the court after five days. In the meantime, I and the ministers will decide where you will work.”

“Your Majesty, I am truly grateful for this honor, but may I request a fortnight?”

“A fortnight? Why?”

When Sejong asked for the reason, Lim Soonwook calmly explained.

“As per Your Majesty’s word, it will take about five days to sort out my trading company. However, I am not well-versed in the reforms implemented by the court. Although I have observed a lot from the outside, I am unaware of the details, and I need time to understand them.”

“I see. That makes sense!”

Sejong was even more impressed by Lim Soonwook’s explanation.

“Then, as you wish, I will give you a fortnight. However, the key records of the reforms are confidential, and they cannot be circulated outside. Minister of Law and Punishments, listen.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Sejong commanded the Minister of Law and Punishments.

“Grant Scholar Lim access to the archives where he can study these records.”

“I shall comply with Your Majesty’s command.”

Lim Soonwook bowed deeply again, expressing his gratitude.

“I am immensely grateful for Your Majesty’s kindness!”

* * *

Sejong, particularly pleased with Lim Soonwook, accompanied him to the entrance of Geunjeongjeon Hall.

Lim Soonwook, overwhelmed with emotion, burst into tears, creating a bit of a spectacle.

After seeing off Lim Soonwook, Sejong returned to the throne.

“Now, with whom shall Scholar Lim work?”

Having successfully recruited Lim Soonwook, Sejong asked with a light tone, rubbing his hands together.

Flap! Flap!

Immediately after Sejong’s words, the sleeves of the officials’ robes fluttered as the Chief State Councillor and the ministers raised their hands.

“Huh? Let’s hear from the Chief State Councillor first.”

Surprised by the unexpected turn of events, Sejong commanded the Chief State Councillor, Lee Jik, to speak.

“Scholar Lim’s greatest strength is his discerning eye, making him most suitable for the State Council. The State Council’s work involves coordinating issues raised by various departments, and Scholar Lim Soonwook’s insight will shine brightest there.”

“That sounds plausible.”

As Sejong nodded, Heo Jo urgently cried out,

“Your Majesty! Scholar Lim’s capabilities are perfectly suited for the Ministry of Personnel. The work of this ministry involves managing administration across Joseon. Given Scholar Lim’s insight and experience running a trading company, he is fully capable of handling these responsibilities!”

“Your Majesty! Considering his experience in running a trading company, Scholar Lim is urgently needed in the Ministry of Taxation! Balancing the national finances is a task of utmost importance!”

Starting with Heo Jo and Kim Jeom, the ministers from each department clamored, each claiming that Scholar Lim was necessary for their respective ministries.

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