Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

The problem with materials was not an easy one to resolve.

Finding the optimal ratio for copper alloy to make parts for measuring instruments consumed time and funds, and the same was true for finding the right material for the steam engine’s body.

Hyang, along with the researchers and the overseers, created a scaled-down model of the early steam engine made by James Watt using brass. Following the successful completion of this experiment, Hyang gathered all the researchers and overseers for a meeting.

“Would it be too much to make the engine parts out of brass?”

When the researchers proposed making the engine parts from brass, the overseers shook their heads.

“There would be problems with the supply of copper.”

“Then, is iron the most suitable material?”

At Hyang’s question, all the overseers nodded.

“It has to be iron.”

“Would pig iron (raw iron) be unsuitable?”

To Hyang’s question, the overseers unanimously nodded.

“Of course not.”

“It’s not suitable due to lack of elasticity.”

After a continued discussion, it was decided that the material for making the engine parts would be soft iron (mild steel).

Returning to his office after concluding the meeting, Hyang couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“It’s a bit regrettable that mass production of steel is difficult with our current technological level.”

Although the ironworks in Anju produced iron in large quantities, most of what was produced was soft iron.

Of course, a lot of steel (hardened iron) was also being produced, but the quantity was barely sufficient for manufacturing various weapons and tools.

“I wonder if things will improve once the expansion of the Anju ironworks, as planned, proceeds….”

The court ministers, having seen the performance of the Anju ironworks, had all agreed to its expansion.

Despite his disappointment, Hyang soon found a positive aspect and encouraged himself.

‘Soft iron is good too! The iron rails and locomotives that were prominent during the Industrial Revolution were made of soft iron, and even the Eiffel Tower was made of it! Instead of just waiting idly for steel to be abundantly available, let’s start making and using what we have! Once people get used to convenience, they naturally seek better things!’

With that, the production of steam engines using soft iron began in earnest.

However, the manufacturing of the steam engine was sluggish.

“What’s the reason?”

At Hyang’s question, Jeong-cho immediately responded.

“The quality variation of the iron we receive is too great.”


Upon receiving Jeong-cho’s report, Hyang summoned Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer to investigate the cause.

Following Hyang’s order, Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer went to Anju to conduct the investigation. After gathering data, they exchanged opinions.

“The iron ore always comes from the same mines, and the coal is also always the same….”

Eliminating suspects one by one, Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer identified the most likely culprit.

“Could it be the wind?”

“It has to be the wind.”

Having identified the problem, Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer immediately reported back to Hyang.

“The issue isn’t with the raw materials, the iron ore and coal. The problem lies with the wind.”

“The wind?”

According to Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer, the problem arose during the process of melting iron in furnaces. The furnaces were supplied with air by bellows operators, but manually operating the bellows resulted in inconsistencies due to various factors like physical strength and experience.

“But hasn’t this issue been overlooked until now?”

Jang Yeong-sil quickly responded to Hyang’s point.

“Because we haven’t made devices like steam engines before.”


To solve this problem, Hyang recalled his memories.

“It has to be that….”

Thinking of the centrifugal blowers used in 21st-century forges to supply air to furnaces, Hyang immediately started designing.

With a working prototype created by Jang Yeong-sil and the senior overseer, Hyang proceeded to manufacture a large centrifugal blower using animal power.

The completed blower was dismantled into parts and sent to Anju. It replaced the bellows operators, supplying a large amount of air consistently, thereby maintaining a uniform quality in the produced iron.

This process of overcoming trial and error brought significant changes to Joseon’s metallurgical technology.

Immediately, the classification and quality of copper alloys and iron improved, enhancing the quality of tools, weapons, and metal products made from these materials.

With the stable supply of high-quality iron and copper alloys, new artillery for the Joseon army was developed and deployed.

Furthermore, these metal materials were used to improve the quality of printing types, leading to advancements in printing technology. The development in printing technology, in turn, spurred the growth of the paper industry.

Not only traditional papers but also mass-produced yellow paper developed in Area 51 using pulp started to be widely used.

After the Hanseong Great Fire, centrifugal pumps, derived from the blower technology, were manufactured. These pumps were used in water wagons by the Goldhwagun (禁火軍) – the official name for the fire brigade – and for channeling water from rivers and reservoirs into canals.

However, the greatest benefit came from the vast amount of data obtained in the process of resolving these trials and errors. The researchers at Area 51 and the institute compiled this data into books, enabling Joseon to move beyond relying solely on artisans’ experience.

Unintentionally, through this classification process, the field of statistics began to develop.

“Statistics, of course, means charts and graphs!”

Thanks to Hyang’s input, the people at the institute and Area 51 began to skillfully use tables and graphs.

The spread of these charts and graphs from the Treasury Department to the rest of the government was only a matter of time.

* * *

Hyang grumbled about the nearly six years it took, but this was a misjudgment on his part. Despite various trials and errors, successfully creating a commercially viable steam engine in about six years was indeed a remarkable achievement, especially considering the level of Joseon’s metallurgical technology.

Eventually, while reviewing the related records, Hyang had to critically assess himself.

“This idiot. This isn’t the 21st century!”

* * *

‘A commercially usable steam engine has been created!’

As soon as this report was submitted, Sejong, along with his ministers, headed to Area 51.

Chug-chug, puff-puff!

Watching the steam engine operate amidst loud noises, Sejong exclaimed in admiration.

“Ho! Truly marvelous! Well done, everyone! You have all worked hard!”

“Your Majesty is too generous!”

At Sejong’s praise, Hyang, the researchers, and the overseers all bowed deeply in gratitude.

Sejong, looking at the steam engine with curious eyes, asked Hyang.

“Crown Prince, according to your report, this steam engine can be used for many purposes. Where will it be used first?”

“At the Anju ironworks, glass workshops, and mines, Your Majesty.”

“Ironworks, glass workshops, and mines?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. You may be aware that we sent a blower to the ironworks due to the issue with bellows operators.”

“I know. It was quite expensive.”

Sejong, who was immediately concerned about the price, was vigorously nodded to by Kim Jeom behind him. At that time, the budget was tighter than now. The Treasury Department had struggled to allocate funds for the blower’s manufacturing costs.

“Yes, it was expensive. But to properly use that expensive device, this steam engine is necessary.”


Sejong looked over the steam engine again carefully. While observing the moving parts of the steam engine, he nodded.

“I see. As long as the steam engine is supplied with water and fuel, it can operate continuously without resting, making it far more advantageous than manpower or animal power. The same applies to the furnaces in the glass workshops.”

“That is correct, Your Majesty.”

“And I understand the ironworks and glass workshops, but in the mines…”

Sejong was about to ask about the mines when he suddenly stopped, then nodded.

“Ah, I see. I’ve heard that draining water from the mine shafts is a major task. If we connect the water pump from the water wagons to the steam engine, that should work.”

At Sejong’s words, Hyang nodded vigorously.

“That is indeed the case!”

‘Sejong the Great, indeed!’

“Hmm… Can we also connect these engines to the automatic looms?”

‘Now he’s thinking about applications!’

Hyang couldn’t hide his admiration and continued to enthusiastically agree with Sejong.


“Well then. Apart from the bidding price, we’ll need to collect additional funds, won’t we?”

“No, Your Majesty. It won’t go to auction this time.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

When Sejong expressed his confusion, Hyang immediately went into explanation.

“It’s because of the limited production capacity of Area 51.”

“Ah… I see.”

Nodding at Hyang’s explanation, Sejong made a remark.

“With all the tasks you’ve taken on, it’s not just one or two….”

“It’s only a matter of insufficient personnel. If you give us more time and budget….”


Hyang, who tried to seize the opportunity to request additional budget, promptly shut up when he saw Sejong’s fierce look.

“Anyway, you always ask for more budget whenever there’s an opportunity…. How long will it take to distribute steam engines to the public?”

“I am thinking about 5 years. By then, we will have developed even better models.”

“And the trade guilds will compete more fiercely, won’t they?”

To Sejong’s comment, Hyang responded with a smile.

At this, Sejong shook his head slightly.

“Ruthless child… Terrifying… Who did you learn it from…”

The ministers standing behind simultaneously thought the same thing.

‘Whose child is he!’

Whether Sejong knew the ministers’ thoughts or not, he made his decision.

“While we need to deliberate on the budget with the ministers, let’s proceed with your plan for now.”

“I accept the command!”

* * *

A few days later, while Hyang was doing paperwork at the institute, a visitor came to see him.

“Your Highness, Prince Jinpyeong – the future Su Yang – requests to see you.”

Upon hearing the report from the eunuch, Hyang stopped his work and looked up.

“Is it? Let him in.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Shortly after, Yu entered Hyang’s office.

“Your Highness, it’s been a long time.”

“Yes, it has. Despite receiving an official title, I heard you have been diligently working at the institute. Commendable.”

“Thank you.”

Jinpyeong, who had always found Hyang intimidating along with his older sister Princess Jeongso, smiled as Hyang praised him.

“So, what brings you to me today?”

At Hyang’s question, Prince Jinpyeong quickly composed himself and spoke.

“It’s nothing else, Your Highness, but I heard that the steam engine has been completed.”

As soon as Jinpyeong mentioned the steam engine, Hyang immediately realized the purpose of his visit.

‘This guy is a metal fanatic!’

“Yes, it’s completed. But it will be a while before we can make a locomotive.”

“Why is that?”

“While a usable steam engine has been made, it’s not quite perfect yet. It needs more time.”

“Couldn’t we develop it concurrently with the locomotive?”

“The locomotive requires more advanced technology. We need to develop and refine these technologies first.”


“The people at the institute and Area 51 have many tasks other than the steam engine. Therefore, we lack the personnel, and the budget is tight as well.”

“What could be more important than the railway! We should allocate all our budget and manpower to it….”

Before Jinpyeong could finish, Hyang shouted.

“You! Out!”

* * *

After being scolded by Hyang and chased away, Jinpyeong immediately ran to Sejong.

“…Therefore, we urgently need more people and budget….”

“You! Get out!”

Chased away by Sejong as well, Jinpyeong walked towards Gwanghwamun, grumbling to himself.

“How important the railway is! Especially since Hyang created it and even His Majesty…”

Muttering complaints about Sejong and Hyang, Jinpyeong made a resolution as he crossed Gwanghwamun.

“I’ll do it myself!”

However, Jinpyeong was not Hyang.

“No matter how much I think about it, it’s difficult to do this alone. But gathering people is another challenge…”

Remembering that everyone he knew who was capable was already at the court, the institute, or Area 51, Jinpyeong struggled to find a solution.

After much contemplation, he finally reached a conclusion.

“If there are no people, then I’ll just have to raise them!”

A few days later, Hyang received an unusual report from an eunuch.

“Jinpyeong is taking around Gu – the future Prince Imyeong?”

“Yes, Your Highness. They came together again today.”

“Where are they now?”

“At the location with the railway model…”

“Let’s go and see.”

Upon arriving at the room with the railway model, Hyang paused at the voices coming from inside.

“This is a railway and a locomotive. Impressive, isn’t it?”

“Yes, big brother!”

“It will be amazing once it’s actually built, right?”

“Yes, big brother!”

“Would you like to join me in this?”

“Yes, big brother!”

Hearing Jinpyeong persuading Gu to join his work, Hyang muttered to himself without realizing.

“Is this a pyramid scheme…?”

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