Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

The concentrated attack by the Inner Palace Guards and the Golden Army led to the annihilation of the soldiers brought by Yangnyeong and Seo Seon.

The last charge to break through the escape route for Yangnyeong and Seo Seon proved to be a fatal misjudgment for the soldiers.

As the soldiers charged, the firing from the Inner Palace Guards and the Golden Army intensified.

Until just before the soldiers charge, the situation was such that the Inner Palace Guards and the Golden Army, having converged from the Eastern Palace and the Central Palace, were surrounding the area and gradually reducing the intensity of their fire to prevent accidental friendly fire.

However, as the soldiers charge began and their formation stretched sideways, the Inner Palace Guards and the Golden Army did not miss this opportunity.

After the intense gunfire, the courtyard in front of Geunjeongjeon was transformed into a mountain of bodies and a sea of blood.

Clean up the battlefield!

Following the training commanders order, the Golden Army began to clear the bodies that filled the courtyard in front of Geunjeongjeon.

Physicians and female nurses, who had rushed upon receiving the order, were frantically treating the wounded Golden Army and Inner Palace Guard soldiers.

Similarly, the wounded enemy soldiers, after receiving basic first aid, were kneeling to one side under the watch of the Golden Army.

Meanwhile, King Sejong and his family were under the strict protection of the Inner Palace Guards. Sejong, positioned at the very center, was calmly leading the situation.

Where are the leaders of the traitors?

In response to Sejongs inquiry, the training commander answered cautiously. Although the man in question was a traitor, he had once been the crown prince and also the current kings brother.

Finally, the training commander chose a safe expression.

Answer briefly and concisely, omitting the subject.

They are confined separately.

Are they unharmed?


Upon the training commanders response, Sejong stood up, brushing off his robes.

Your Majesty?

I must see the leader of the traitors.

Understood. Escort His Majesty!


Escorted by the Inner Palace Guards, Sejong walked towards where Yangnyeong and Seo Seon were bound.


Seo Seon, why did you undertake such a reckless act?

Arriving where Seo Seon and Yangnyeong were bound, Sejong addressed his first question to Seo Seon.

To Sejongs question, Seo Seon retorted with a fierce face.

I ask you. Why did you do that to my son?

It was according to the law.

Was his crime so severe to deserve such a beating?

I repeat, it was according to the law. Those who use violence against a government official in official robes are to be punished with 100 strokes of the cane, as the law dictates.

To Sejongs firm response, Seo Seon shouted as if spitting blood.

He was my only son! Couldnt you have shown some leniency? After all Ive done for this country!

If I excuse one, I must excuse a hundred, then a thousand! Then what is the point of having laws! Does a former Minister of Law and Punishments not understand the weight of the law!


Biting his teeth in frustration, Seo Seon was confronted by Sejongs continued words.

Your attempt to harm me and even the Crown Prince is absolutely unforgivable. I will scour all the laws to make you pay for your crimes.

To Sejongs words, Seo Seon responded with a composed face.

What a pity. I wanted to make you experience the same sorrow as me.

Seo Seons mention of Hyang darkened Sejongs expression.

Lock him up! Make sure he cannot take his own life by binding him with chains and gagging his mouth!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Upon Sejongs order, the Inner Palace Guards gagged Seo Seons mouth with a cloth and dragged him to the prison.


After dealing with Seo Seon, Sejong turned to Yangnyeong.

What were you thinking?

I was merely seeking my rightful place, which was cunningly taken from me by your schemes.

At Yangnyeongs words, Sejong sighed.

Huh Your stepping down from your position was a decision made by our Father.

Yangnyeong roared back at Sejongs words.

That was all your scheme! You exaggerated my minor faults and blinded Father!

Even if it wasnt me, Fathers ministers would have informed him! And exaggeration? Do you not know what kind of person Father is!

Sejong, countering Yangnyeongs accusation, let out words he had kept in his heart.

Honestly, who was the most cherished child to the Father and Mother? It was you, Grand Prince! Things that would have brought thunderous punishment upon Prince Hyoryeong1 or me, were overlooked when it was you who did them! Even such parents pushed you away from your position! A minor fault? Speak sense!

I was to be the King of Joseon! Such faults could have been overlooked! But because of you! If only you hadnt interfered! Who are you to scrutinize every little thing!

Yangnyeong was referring to the time when Sejong was Grand Prince Chungnyeong. It was Sejong who had continuously criticized and tripped up Yangnyeong for his unrestrained and disorderly lifestyle.


A typical example was an incident that took place in September 1416, the 16th year of King Taejongs reign.

On September 19th, Yangnyeong, the previous crown prince, along with other princes, visited Heungdeoksa Temple to offer incense in memory of Queen Sinui, Taejos first wife and Yangnyeongs grandmother.

The issue arose when, immediately after the ceremony, Yangnyeong called three people to play Go at Heungdeoksa.

This act was naturally criticized by Grand Prince Chungnyeong.

As a royal prince, its inappropriate to engage in games with lowly people, let alone at the memorial service of our grandmother.

Chungnyeongs remark irritated Yangnyeong, who retorted loudly.

Why dont you go to Gwaneumjeon and sleep! (Note 1)

[TL/N: Gwaneumjeon is a Buddhist temple]

Such confrontations continued, and as Yangnyeongs misbehaviors escalated, the situation increasingly turned against him.

Consequently, Chungnyeong replaced Yangnyeong as the crown prince.


Sejong raised his voice in response to Yangnyeongs attempts to shift all the blame onto him.

What minor fault? Was trying to sleep with your brother-in-laws concubine a minor fault? Was sneaking in and sleeping with the concubine of a meritorious subject, just because she was said to be beautiful, a minor fault?

Any powerful man naturally attracts women!

Dont make me laugh! Theres a proper way to enjoy the company of women! Do you have any idea how much worry and sorrow you caused the Royal Father and Mother with that incident? You were dismissed because of your disgraceful behavior! Whats the use of lofty dreams if your daily conduct is a mess?

Such a fault for a king is

Shut up!

Sejong interrupted Yangnyeong harshly.

If a king behaves like that, the country will be ruined! Commander!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Imprison him! He is no longer a royal! Gag his mouth and bind him according to the law!

Yes! Take away the traitors leader!

Following the commanders order, the Inner Palace Guards gagged Yangnyeongs mouth and dragged him away.

The fierce battle ended, and the courtyard in front of Geunjeongjeon gradually regained its peace. Thanks to the Golden Army clearing the bodies, only bloodstains remained in front of Geunjeongjeon.


Sejong sighed deeply and looked around. Ministers were rushing through the wide-open Geunjeongmun Gate. Queen Soheon, the Crown Princess Consort, Princess Yongwon, and Princess Yongje were receiving care from female nurses on the stairs leading up to Geunjeongjeon.

And there, on one side, was the Crown Prince, carrying an unusual long rifle on his shoulder, giving instructions to the Inner Palace Guards.

Look at him

Sejong watched Hyang with a contented expression, and then his gaze fell upon Jinpyeong.

[TL/N: Jinpyeong is childhood title for Prince Suyang.]]

Like a chick following its mother hen, Jinpyeong was closely trailing behind Hyang.


When Jinpyeong arrived at Geunjeongjeon leading the Golden Army guarding Myeongnyeong Palace, the tide of battle had already turned in Sejongs favor.

Consequently, the Golden Army led by Jinpyeong was deployed to support the combat from the rear.

After the battle ended, Jinpyeong immediately sought Sejong.

Father! Are you all right?

I am fine.

Relieved at Sejongs safety, Jinpyeong let out a sigh of relief.


His relief was brief as Jinpyeong quickly turned his attention to his most pressing concern.

Jinpyeong grabbed a nearby Inner Palace Guard soldier and asked,

The locomotive! No, the research No, is the Eastern Palace safe?

To Jinpyeongs question, the Inner Palace Guard soldier answered with a bewildered expression.

Yes? Yes! The Crown Prince has already subdued it.

My brother?

Muttering softly, Jinpyeong looked around for Hyang.

Ah! There!

Upon spotting Hyang, Jinpyeong hurriedly ran to him.

Your Highness! Your Highness!

Eh? Jinpyeong? What brings you here amid such danger?

To Hyangs question, Jinpyeong quickly responded.

How could I stay away when Father, Your Highness, and the railroad are in danger?

Eh? Ahahaha!

Amused by Jinpyeongs response, Hyang burst into hearty laughter.

Thats right! Thats like you!

Laughing, Hyang patted Jinpyeong on the shoulder.

Anyway, thanks for coming!

Your praise is too generous, Your Highness. But

While humbly responding to Hyangs praise, Jinpyeongs expression soured slightly due to an unpleasant smell.

The smell

Eh? Sniff sniff! Ah, it must be the smell of gunpowder.

As Hyang brought his sleeve to his nose to sniff, Jinpyeong took another look at him.

Hyangs face was smeared with gunpowder soot, and an indescribable aura of intimidation emanated from him, with the smell of gunpowder strongly wafting from his body.

Seeing this, Jinpyeong stopped a passing Inner Palace Guard soldier and asked,

Did His Highness also participate in the battle?

He fought most valiantly.

Is that so? Understood. Go back to your duties.

After sending the Inner Palace Guard soldier away, Jinpyeong looked at Hyang with a newfound expression of amazement.

The usual impression Jinpyeong had of Hyang was that of a typical, stern scholar.

This was due to Hyangs role in teaching him when Jinpyeong was young and his usual demeanor in the research laboratory.

However, the way Hyang was interacting with the Inner Palace Guard soldiers, lightly patting their shoulders, embodied Jinpyeongs ideal image of a man.

As Jinpyeong gazed at Hyang, his eyes grew dreamy.

So cool



Your Majesty!

As the situation settled, the consorts and princes who had taken refuge returned to the palace. The first to rush to Sejong was Yong or Grand Prince Anpyeong.

Yong, who had not yet received a military title or fiefdom and was thus staying in the palace, had taken refuge with Sejongs consorts when chaos erupted in Geunjeongjeon.

Father! Are you unharmed?

I am fine. Thank you for your concern.

Sejong, pleased by Yongs concern, noticed the face of the eunuch following Yong and asked,

Why does your face look like that?

The eunuch, with his disheveled face, hesitantly answered Sejongs question while looking at Yong.

The prince


As Sejong turned to him with a stern look, Yong hesitantly replied,

I wanted to come to you, Father, but he tried to stop me by force

At Yongs response, Sejong smiled faintly.

They say blood does not stray far


Though the battle inside Gyeongbokgung Palace had ended, the fight outside the palace walls was still ongoing.

Huh! Huh!

A group of warriors was desperately running along the back alleys of Unjongga.

Breathing heavily with a sweet taste in their mouths, these warriors were soldiers who had escaped from Gyeongbokgung Palace.

They had broken through Gwanghwamun, but had not yet seized control of the gatehouse.

The soldiers who had split off to take over the gatehouse engaged in a battle with the defending troops stationed above the gatehouse.

However, subduing the defending soldiers on the narrow stairs leading up to the gatehouse was not an easy task.

As the soldiers engaged in a fierce battle, their faces turned pale upon seeing the Golden Army approaching.

Were done for! Scatter!

Following the order of their leader, the soldiers who were attacking the gatehouse retreated, leading to their current frantic run through the back alleys of Unjongga.

Where are you rushing to in such a hurry?


The soldiers, in the midst of their desperate escape, stopped in their tracks as they were confronted by men dressed in black.

The men blocking the soldiers way were members of the secret police, a group of swordsmen. The leader of the secret police at the front, with a smile full of murderous intent, said,

Seems like we have quite a few scores to settle with each other, dont we?


Note 1) A Single Volume Read of King Sejongs Annals. Authored by Park Young-Gyu. Woongjin Knowledge House.

  1. Sejongs second son.[]

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