Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

As the loyalty of the naturalized Jurchen people increased, serious discussions began in the military and the Ministry of Military Affairs about incorporating the Jurchen people into the Joseon army.

Is it really a good idea to accept the Jurchen people?

Wouldnt there be a problem of betrayal?

The most pressing issue that the officials, from Choe Yun-deok at the frontlines to Jo Mal-saeng in Hanseong, were deeply concerned about and debated over was the matter of trust.

Can we trust the naturalized Jurchen people?

The debate on this issue soon went beyond the scope of the military and the Ministry of Military Affairs, and even King Sejong and the ministers began to participate in heated discussions.

Those in favor argued as follows:

They have pledged loyalty to our Joseon, and they rely on our Joseon for their livelihood to maintain their food, clothing, and shelter. In this situation, its okay to incorporate them into the military.

However, those opposed were also formidable.

The Jurchen people pledge loyalty in front but stab you in the back. Its not like it hasnt happened once or twice to Joseon and even during the Goryeo era, right?

As both sides had valid grounds, a fierce tug-of-war continued.

At this, Hyang proposed a third option.

What about imposing qualification restrictions?

Qualification restrictions?

We only accept the children of those who hold high positions in the tribe, or those who have started a family and have children, into the Joseon army.


That might work.

King Sejong and the ministers were intrigued by Hyangs proposal. However, there were also those who raised objections.

Please consider the case of Mentemu Dudu of the Odori tribe. He pledged loyalty to our Joseon by entrusting hostages, but in the end, he defected to Ming. And we had to send all the hostages back under pressure from Ming. Considering this, its not the best plan.

Hearing the objection, Hyang refuted again.

Of course, there are such cases. However, its even more dangerous to just leave them be. Think about the brutality of the Jurchen warriors. We need to incorporate them into the military and control them.


Then how about this method?

Hyang put forth a revised proposal.

The next generation of power holders, such as the chiefs sons, are placed in Seonggyungwan to receive civil official education and be utilized.

The children of the elders are placed in the military but maintained as hostages. The Jurchen warriors who join the military are grouped by tribe but divided into units (of 15-25 people) and mixed with other tribes.

They are given opportunities for promotion to encourage loyalty competition.

King Sejong and the ministers showed increasingly positive responses to Hyangs revised proposal. However, as there were still those who opposed, Hyang presented an additional revised plan.

Arquebuses are not provided to the Jurchen units. The Jurchen people only use traditional bows, spears, and swords as weapons.

Armor is also limited to helmets and breastplates. The full-body armor used by Joseon cavalry or spearmen is not provided.

If arquebuses are not provided, I will not oppose.

Even those who had expressed opposition turned to agree with the additional revisions Hyang proposed.

Following the decision of King Sejong and the court, a wave of change swept over the Jurchen people.

The chiefs of the naturalized Jurchen tribes held onto their sons who were leaving for Hanseong and gave them instructions.

Securing a position in the court is not only an opportunity for you but also a great opportunity for our tribe. There will surely be discrimination, but grit your teeth and endure it.

Yes, Father.

I dont expect you to reach the level of Prime Minister or Minister. However, you must at least rise to the rank of Danghagwan (Senior 3rd Rank to Junior 6th Rank).

Yes, Father.

Then go. Take care of yourself.

The families of the chiefs sons who left in this way settled in Hanseong. For their convenience, the court assigned them houses near Dongdaemun. Later, this would be the birth of the village called Dongyeochon.

For the sake of our Joseon, for the sake of your tribes, and lastly, for the sake of your own success and fame, do your best.

At the welcoming banquet for the chiefs sons who arrived in Hanseong, King Sejong gave the above instructions.

The Jurchen people attending King Sejongs instructions all answered in unison.

We will engrave it in our bones and hearts!

Three days after the banquet, they all entered the Hall of Appointment. The Hall of Appointment, who was in charge of guiding them, spoke to them about their future schedule.

For the next six months, you will study here and receive practical training. Throughout this process, you will be graded based on your attitude and performance, which will determine the rank bestowed upon you later. Also, how well you speak the Joseon language will affect the rank you receive, so I hope you do your best.


Thus began their eventful school days.

Since most of them had brought their families, they were paid the salary of officials of the 9th junior rank.

In addition, those with excellent grades received an additional fixed amount each month, so they competed with fiery eyes.

After a fierce competition, they were assigned ranks ranging from the 8th junior rank to the 6th junior rank and assigned to the court.


On the first day of reporting to the government office they were assigned to, they all sighed as they stood in front of the threshold.

Im Jurchen, I wonder how much discrimination Ill face?

They were full of worries, but the Joseon officials welcomed them enthusiastically.

Come on in! Welcome!

Youve come to the right place! Welcome!

The Jurchen people couldnt help but be suspicious of the overly enthusiastic welcome.

Is this a trap?

However, in less than three days, they understood why the Joseon officials had welcomed them so enthusiastically.

The work never stops!

Overtime every single day!

Save me! This place is hell!

As the Jurchen people cried out hell, a passing Joseon official chuckled and struck up a conversation.

This is just the entrance to hell. Do you know where the real hell is?

The Joseon official raised his hand and pointed to where the record-keeping office was located.

That place is the real hell. Work hard. If you make a mistake, youll be sent to that hell.

Overwhelmed by work, the Jurchen people seriously considered resigning.

Should I abandon my tribe and flee far to the north?

However, their attempts were met with strong opposition from their wives and children.

Where do you think youre going? Dont you dare ruin the childrens future!

Where in the world can you find a house and household goods like this? Just endure it for a bit! Your father said the same thing! He said to live without your liver and gallbladder for the time being!

This isnt a matter of pride, Im dying from work!

But the children arent starving, are they?

At the wifes final words, the men were deflated.

It was because, even as the sons of chiefs during their nomadic life, they had to live worrying about hunger.

In the end, they had to go to work with their shoulders drooping.

It was the sad portrait of husbands burdened by life.


However, their wives also had their reasons.

Although the salary their husbands received was meager, it was an enormous amount from the perspective of the Jurchen people.

Even from the Joseon perspective, the salaries received by the officials were substantial.

As the economy expanded through the reforms, King Sejong began to gradually make the salaries paid to officials and royal family members more realistic, as promised.

Of course, in return, if even a small amount of corruption was detected, most of their assets would be confiscated, and they would be thrown into the records office or mines.

Therefore, unlike in the past, the officials had to show an extreme aversion to bribes.

Anyway, the standard of living they enjoyed with the salaries they received was far higher than what they had experienced during their nomadic life.

Moreover, the treatment their wives and families received from the surrounding Joseon people was different.

They were not simply Jurchen tag-alongs but my lord who serves the country and my lords family members.

Additionally, according to rumors, the Samin schools  were scheduled to open soon. Rumors were rampant that if they received a little more advanced education through the Samin schools, they could work not only as officials but also in merchant groups with good treatment.

Hearing the rumors, the Jurchen women gritted their teeth.

There are Samin schools nationwide, but the number of higher-level schools is much smaller! Its obvious that the ones located in Hanseong will be the best! We must hold out in Hanseong no matter what!

It wasnt just Joseon mothers, but Jurchen mothers also began to show their ambition.


Meanwhile, the situation was similar for the Jurchen people who joined the Joseon army.

Although they were also cavalry, the Jurchen people only received breastplates and helmets, unlike the Joseon troops.

As for weapons, the Jurchen people were not given the arquebuses used by the Joseon troops. The Jurchen cavalry had no choice but to continue using the bows, spears, and swords they had always used as their main weapons.

However, the Jurchen people seemed satisfied.

Although the power of the arquebus is good, its range is short!

The Jurchen people pointed out that the range of the mounted arquebus, the main weapon of the Joseon cavalry, was short.

The Joseon cavalrys counterargument was also formidable.

Its true that the range is short. However, the range of the new mounted arquebus is much longer. And the range of the armored long arquebus is even longer. Lastly

The Joseon cavalry ended their words while tapping on the armor they were wearing.

The distance at which the mounted arquebus can pierce the Jurchen armor is much farther than the distance at which the Jurchen arrows can pierce this armor!

At the words of the Joseon cavalry, the Jurchen cavalry nodded their heads.

Yeah, we admit that. Thats why were not saying anything.

Although they only received breastplates and pointed helmets, the Jurchen cavalry had no complaints as they were given armor and helmets with exactly the same performance as those worn by the Joseon cavalry and spearmen.

Rather, the Jurchen cavalry preferred receiving only the breastplates and helmets.

The full-body armor worn by the Joseon cavalry has good defense, but its too heavy and cumbersome to move in!

The above was the assessment of the Jurchen people. It was more convenient to wear only the breastplate and helmet to perform the dazzling mounted martial arts that the Joseon cavalry described as closer to acrobatics than martial arts.

In this way, when the Jurchen cavalry was incorporated into the Joseon army, the Joseon military leadership organized them into a vanguard unit.

Utilizing the unique mobility of the light cavalry, they scouted enemy positions ahead of the Joseon cavalry units and delivered that information.

If the size of the enemy was manageable, they would independently strike the enemy and tie them down.

Once the enemies were immobilized, the Joseon cavalry with superior firepower would charge in and inflict irrecoverable damage, which became the main tactic.


When they were first incorporated into the Joseon army, many Jurchen cavalry had the same concerns as the Jurchen people who went to Hanseong.

What if the Joseon bastards discriminate against us?

Although they pledged loyalty to Joseon upon surrendering, the relationship between the Joseon and Jurchen people until then had often involved bloodshed.

However, when the Joseon soldiers encountered the Jurchen military officers who commanded the units, the flag units (consisiting of 3-5 units) commanded by the flag commanders, and the higher-ranking Jurchen military officers, they politely saluted them.

The polite salutes were so respectful that the Jurchen military officers who received them were rather flustered.

This was due to the royal command that Hyang had issued through King Sejong when the incorporation of the Jurchen people was decided.

King Sejong and the ministers were concerned about the disharmony that would arise from incorporating the Jurchen people into the Joseon cavalry.

Seeing this, Hyang advised King Sejong.

The military etiquette prescribed in the military code is not about respecting people but about respecting ranks. Therefore, it is the military code to salute superiors regardless of whether they are Joseon or Jurchen. Failure to follow this is a serious crime of violating the military code.

Borrowing a line from a drama about U.S. airborne troops during World War II that he had seen in the 21st century, King Sejong was impressed by Hyangs advice and clapped his knees.

Those are truly fitting words! Indeed! What does it matter if the superior is Jurchen or Joseon! It is only natural to salute a superior, as it should be!

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