Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Although he cursed to his hearts content, Oh Ha-seok had no choice but to help Mansur.

He believed that if Mansurs family collapsed, the chances of them returning to Joseon from Aden were almost none.

If were ruined, well most likely become slaves.

Mentioning slaves, Oh Ha-seok shuddered.

It was because the image of the slaves he had seen at the slave market in Alexandria came to mind.

Therefore, its do or die. Everyone, steel yourselves.

Yes, sir!

At Oh Ha-seoks words, the military officers responded, gritting their teeth. Oh Ha-seok turned to the interpreters.

You should also prepare yourselves. I saw that you were all skilled archers on the way here. Im counting on you this time as well.

Understood, sir.

The interpreters replied, fingering the mounted rifles and bows at their waists.

Having made his resolve, Oh Ha-seok headed to where Mansur was.

I will assist the leader.

Thank you!


Having made up his mind, Oh Ha-seok moved proactively.

First, we need a map.

There is no map, sir!

At Mansurs answer, Oh Ha-seok cursed inwardly. Taking a deep breath to quell his rising anger, Oh Ha-seok spoke.

Then draw a rough sketch on the ground.


Mansur picked up a nearby branch and drew a rough map on the ground. Seeing the sketch of the Ottaibis mansion and the neighboring houses, Oh Ha-seok went outside the main gate to compare it with the actual streets.


Stroking his dusty beard entangled with sand, Oh Ha-seok observed the surroundings and returned inside to command Mansur and the military officers.

Go to the ship and bring all the long guns, gunpowder, and pellet shots.

Yes, sir.

And leader, are you close with the neighbors nearby?

Most of them are either our relatives or the homes of those who work for us.

Then gather them all

Pausing for a moment, Oh Ha-seok used the branch to point at various spots on the rough map drawn on the ground and continued.

Fortunately, the back is facing the sea, so theres no road. Therefore, the enemies can only come from the front. There are three main roads leading to the mansion. Block the other two roads and small alleys immediately, except for the largest one in the middle. We need to minimize the enemies approach routes for easier defense.

I will do so.

Responding to Oh Ha-seoks words, Mansur immediately issued orders to the elders.

Upon hearing Mansurs orders, the elders promptly mobilized people to carry out Oh Ha-seoks commands.

Meanwhile, Oh Ha-seok continued to assess the situation.

That Azzam, was it? Did you request support from the family that was moving together with you?

I sent someone, but theres no reply yet.

Damn it

Hearing Mansurs answer through the interpreter, Oh Ha-seok unknowingly cursed.

Seeing Oh Ha-seoks expression, Mansur continued.

They are probably not in a good situation either. Weve turned three out of the five families that shake Aden into enemies.

In response to Mansurs answer, Oh Ha-seok made a cutting remark.

That family may not be finished, but dont forget that your family will be.

Now your nose is three feet long, and youre thinking about whom to spare Tsk!

Clicking his tongue, Oh Ha-seok noticed the camels and horses being led inside and hurriedly turned to Mansur.

Dont tell me Youve already distributed the wealth brought from Alexandria?

Not yet.

Hearing the answer, Oh Ha-seok let out a sigh of relief.

Phew~. Thats fortunate, at least. Keep the wealth brought from Alexandria in the deepest part of the mansion. And send someone to that Azzam family or whatever and tell them, If we fall, you fall too.'

But if the Azzam family holds a grudge

As Mansur hesitated, thinking Oh Ha-seoks words were too extreme, Oh Ha-seok raised his voice.

Theres no room to worry about future matters now! Save those concerns for after we survive this ordeal!

Ah, understood.

At Oh Ha-seoks words, Mansur called for an elder. Although it was radical, Oh Ha-seoks words were not wrong.

Seeing this, Oh Ha-seok grumbled.

Whats with that man? He was so decisive at sea, but why is he like this on land? Is he afflicted with a disease that turns him into a coward the moment he steps on shore?

However, Mansur had his reasons. The five families of Aden, especially the Azzam family, were the families with the longest history and the greatest power.

That was why Mansur had to be intimidated, whether he knew it or not.


Shortly after, the military officers who had headed to the pier returned with the crew of the Mansur family.

Weve brought all six long guns, pellet shots, and gunpowder!

Did you also bring the gunpowder and bullets for the long rifles and mounted rifles?

Aye, sir!

Hearing the military officers response, Oh Ha-seok took an officer skilled in gunnery and went outside the main gate again.

Oh Ha-seok pointed to a small puddle in the center of the square in front of the gate.

Do you see that puddle?

Yes, sir.

Oh Ha-seok continued, pointing to the road stretching beyond the puddle.

Currently, all other roads are being blocked except for that one. Then the enemies will all flock to that road, right?

The military officers immediately understood Oh Ha-seoks words.

We can fire the pellet shots from the left and right, using that puddle as a reference point.



The military officers turned their bodies and examined the walls extending to the left and right of the main gate.

It would be good to position ourselves about one zhang (, approximately 3 meters) away from the main gate.

Rather than collapsing it, it would be better to make holes.

Including the spares we brought, there are six long guns, so we can divide them into three each and take turns loading and firing.

Words about what to do poured out of the military officers mouths.

Seeing this, Oh Ha-seok couldnt hide his reassurance.

As expected of Joseons naval officers!

Among Joseon, or even including Ming China and Japan, the most familiar with firearms were Joseons naval forces. And the individuals in front of Oh Ha-seok were the cream of the crop among those officers.

What are you doing? Move quickly!

Yes, sir!


Inside the Ottaibis mansion, people were moving busily.

Yalla (, quickly)! Yalla!

Amidst the shouts urging them to move faster coming from all directions, Oh Ha-seok continued to issue orders.

Remove the leaves covering the roofs of those sheds and stables!

Place buckets of water at the entrances of the buildings! We need to be able to extinguish fires immediately if they break out!

Gather all the cloth and make them into bandages! Prepare medicinal herbs in advance too!

The interpreters had to shout until their throats were hoarse to convey Oh Ha-seoks orders.

Although the conversation took place through the interpreters, the work progressed quickly.

It was because the workers were well aware of the desperate situation.

Watching this, Oh Ha-seok gave a bitter smile.

I never thought Id use what I learned while being plagued by the Jurchen and Wako here.

As the hurried preparations were nearing completion, those keeping watch shouted.

Theyre coming!

Its the flag of the Sindwa family!

Hearing the shouts, Oh Ha-seok and Mansur climbed the temporarily constructed watchtower next to the main gate.

The private soldiers of the Sindwa family were approaching, filling the only road leading to the Ottaibis mansion.


The private soldiers of the Sindwa family stopped their march at the entrance where the road entered the square.

A man on horseback came forward through the silently standing soldiers.

Recognizing the mans face, Mansur muttered a curse under his breath.

Damn baldy

The one who had come forward was the bald merchant who had visited when the first voyage was completed and seized everything brought from Joseon.

The merchant who had entered the square raised his voice.

Listen, Ottaibis! The Ottaibis and our Sindwa family have maintained a good relationship for a long time! Lets resolve this peacefully without incurring great harm over a small profit!

At the merchants words, Mansur shouted loudly.

How do you propose we resolve this?

We wish to share the wealth obtained from Alexandria

The bald merchant couldnt finish his sentence. It was because the arrow shot by Mansur had pierced his heart.

Mansur, who had fired the arrow, muttered with a satisfied expression.

Damn baldy.

The Ottaibis fired an arrow!

Its a battle!


At the charge order from behind, the private soldiers of the Sindwa family rushed into the square with a roar.



It has begun.

Indeed, sir.

Hearing the roaring sound from ahead, the head and elders of the Sindwa family knew that the battle had finally commenced.

There was an optimistic atmosphere among the head and elders.

The military power of the Sindwa family was overwhelming the Ottaibis.

According to what was known, the number of private soldiers of the Ottaibis, including the crew, did not exceed 200. However, the Sindwa family had over 400 pure combat troops, excluding the crew.

Of course, the Azzam and Zayed families were a concern, but currently, the private soldiers of the other two families allied with the Sindwas were blocking the entrances and keeping them in check.

Although their shallowness is evident

The head of the Sindwa family licked his lips.

It was because he could see the shallow scheme played by the two families allied with him to avoid losses.

However, the Sindwa family had to overlook it despite knowing.

For them, the best course of action was to mobilize their overwhelming military power and crush the Ottaibis in the shortest time with minimal losses.

If we launch a single overwhelming attack with our superior forces, they will crumble on their own.

At the elders words, the head of the Sindwa family nodded.

Dealing with the two foxes later will be a bigger problem.

The head of the Sindwa family was more concerned about the two families that had formed an alliance with his family.

At that very moment, a tremendous explosion shook the square.

Bang! Kaboom!


Theyre coming! Hold! Hold!

At Oh Ha-seoks command, the archers of the Ottaibis nocked their arrows and swallowed their saliva.

The main force of the Ottaibis was the crew.

Through the training they had received in Joseon and the real battles they had experienced on the way back, they had transformed into well-honed warriors. And the crew understood Oh Ha-seoks orders without the need for interpretation.

Although those orders consisted of only four: Hold!, Aim!, Fire!, and Shoot!.

Of course, they had become several times more familiar with Joseon curses.

In any case, through the battles they had experienced on the way back, the crew had absolute trust in Oh Ha-seoks judgment.

Mansur also trusted Oh Ha-seok just as much.

In fact, Mansur had even issued the following order to the crew.

When the battle begins, obey the commands of the Joseon commander absolutely! My orders come next!

Therefore, the crew members who had climbed onto the scaffolding along the walls and held their bows were waiting according to Oh Ha-seoks commands.

Even though the private soldiers of the Sindwa family were approaching right in front of them.

As the vanguard of the Sindwa family passed the puddle while approaching, Oh Ha-seok shouted and pulled the trigger of his mounted rifle.



The gunshot became a signal, and the waiting military officers ignited the fuses of the long guns.


With a thunderous explosion, two long guns spewed fire.

A total of about 200 pellet shots loaded in the long guns rained down on the private soldiers of the Sindwa family.

With a single volley, the front line of the Sindwa family completely collapsed.

Experiencing this for the first time in their lives, the private soldiers of the Sindwa family stood frozen in place.

Seeing the gruesome scene unfolding before their eyes, the soldiers unknowingly muttered.

O Allah

The comrades who had been charging forward with high spirits until just a moment ago were now lying in a sea of blood.

The newly improved pellet shots by Hyangmaintaining lethality while minimizing size to allow more to be fired at oncehad once again proven their effectiveness, this time against soldiers instead of pirates.


At Oh Ha-seoks following shout, the waiting crew members fired their arrows in unison.

It was not only the crew members standing behind the walls.

The soldiers of the Ottaibis, who had been hiding behind the roofs and windows of the houses located around the only entrance, revealed themselves and began to draw their bows, aiming at the private soldiers of the Sindwa family.

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