Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Contrary to the concerns of the training commander, the high-ranking officials, including the naval commanders, gave a rather favorable evaluation.

Overall, the effect seems to be good, remarked Jo Mal-saeng, and the other naval commanders nodded in agreement.

Indeed, I believe it would be beneficial for the Turtle Ships to create similar facilities and use them for training as well.

I concur. Unlike on land where there is no rocking, even a slight breeze can cause the sea to sway. However, if the trainees know beforehand how to move, they only need to get accustomed to the rocking. This is especially advantageous as it allows us to weed out those who cannot properly grasp the rhythm of the sea from the beginning.

Precisely. Grasping the rhythm of the sea is crucial. We cannot afford to have an unlimited number of people on board.

The naval commanders became more vocal in advocating for the extensive use of the training facilities.

As the officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs and high-ranking military officers were discussing their opinions, they turned to Hyang.

What are your thoughts on this matter, Your Highness?

Upon being asked, Hyang replied with an awkward expression, As you all have given a positive evaluation, I have nothing further to add. I am simply satisfied that it proves to be effective in nurturing a strong navy.

With everyone present giving their approval, a report documenting the results was submitted to King Sejong. After reviewing the report, King Sejong fixed his gaze on his ministers, particularly Kim Jeom, and spoke.

The report states that the training facilities are highly effective in cultivating the crew members who operate the ships and suggests implementing a similar process for the Turtle Ships. I believe this is an excellent proposal. What are your thoughts?

At King Sejongs words, Kim Jeom began to calculate the potential gains and losses.

It will undoubtedly require financial investment. However, building the facilities on land makes maintenance easier. Moreover, considering the potential losses that may occur if inexperienced crew members were to venture out to sea immediatelynot only in terms of human lives but also the ships themselves

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Kim Jeom promptly bowed his head and replied, It is true that constructing the facilities desired by the navy will incur considerable costs. However, if we can cultivate skilled crew members through this, it will ultimately reduce losses in the long run. In the grand scheme of things, I believe it will prove to be profitable.

Does the Minister of Taxation agree with this?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Upon hearing Kim Jeoms answer, King Sejong looked around at the other ministers. As the Minister of Taxation, who held the purse strings of the court, had given his approval, no other ministers opposed the idea.

After confirming the reactions of his ministers, King Sejong asked once more, Do the other ministers also agree?

Yes, Your Majesty.

With a clear confirmation, King Sejong made his decision.

Then, accept the navys request and proceed with the construction of the training facilities.

We shall obey your command!

The court historian who recorded all of this added the following:

When the King inquired, the ministers unanimously agreed, and thus, the King ordered for the navys request to be carried out as proposed.

The historian remarks:

It is surprising that the Minister of Taxation, who usually opposes any expenditure, has given his approval.

Perhaps he has been consuming too much medicinal tonics.


Meanwhile, the Challenger was engaged in real combat training in the East Sea.

Unlike the West Sea or the South Sea, the East Sea was an optimal training ground for ships like the Challenger.

As the Challenger roamed the East Sea at every opportunity, the shouts of its captain, Oh Ha-seok, resounded throughout the ship.

You scoundrels! Move faster!

Lets finish quickly and return early!

Is this your first time on a ship? Get your act together!

Each time Oh Ha-seoks reprimands echoed, the crew members responded like startled rabbits.

We apologize, sir!


Yes, Captain!

Move swiftly!

Yes, si Captain!

As the crew members scurried away with their responses, Oh Ha-seok let out a long sigh.

Phew To think these fellows will be in charge of the second ship

The tasks currently assigned to the Challenger were numerous.

  • As the flagship of the Ocean-going Fleet, it was set to embark on a long-distance voyage soon.
  • It had also taken on the responsibility of patrolling the East Sea, which had been neglected until now.
  • It was responsible for training the crew members who would operate the second ship, which was currently in its final stages of completion.

As a result, most of the crew members currently operating the Challengerfrom the military officers to the sailorswere not the original crew but those who would be manning the second ship.

Oh Ha-seok served as both the captain of the Challenger and the instructor tasked with training these individuals.

Given the immense responsibility, Oh Ha-seoks nerves were on edge.

You scoundrels! Move properly! Is this how you call yourselves the navy of Joseon?

Dissatisfied with the movements of the crew, Oh Ha-seok raised his voice once more.

You scoundrels! At this rate, Ill retire before we even reach Aden! Well? Can you see your feet?


One day, as Oh Ha-seok was berating the crew while the Challenger was traversing the East Sea, the lookout at the top of the mast frantically rang the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Startled by the sudden ringing, Oh Ha-seok, who was commanding the ship, ran to the base of the mast and shouted through a megaphone.

Lookout! Whats the matter?

Japanese ships on the starboard side!


Upon hearing the lookouts response, Oh Ha-seok dashed to the stern deck.

Reaching the highest point of the stern, Oh Ha-seok took out his spyglass and scanned the sea.

Noticing several ships in the distance, Oh Ha-seok observed them more closely.

Definitely Japanese ships. Judging by their size, they appear to be fishing boats.

After examining the Japanese ships that looked tiny even through the spyglass, Oh Ha-seok issued an order.

Helmsman! Starboard full rudder!

Aye! Starboard full rudder!

As the helmsman responded, the Challenger began to tilt diagonally, turning its bow.

Drummer! Beat the drum! Were engaging in combat!


At Oh Ha-seoks command, the drummer began striking the large drum.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the drumbeat resounded at regular intervals, the voices of the crew members erupted from all directions.

Battle stations! Battle stations!

Simultaneously with the cry of battle stations, the crew members moved swiftly.

Observing their movements, Oh Ha-seok shook his head slightly.

At least theyre quick in preparing for battle

Despite his constant grumbling, Oh Ha-seok gave his all in commanding the ship.

Unfurl all the sails! Advance at maximum speed!

Aye! Hoist the sails!

With all six sails unfurled, the Challenger began to increase its speed, heading towards the faintly visible Japanese ships in the distance.


Old man! A ship is approaching!

A ship? What ship?

Ooshiro, who was joyfully directing the fishing expedition after a long-awaited bountiful catch, lifted his head at the young fishermans shout.


To the north!

The north? Did you say the north?

At the young fishermans response, Ooshiro raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun and scanned the northern horizon.

Theres nothing

Just as Ooshiro was about to say, Theres nothing, he couldnt finish his sentence.

A massive ship with gray-dyed sails was rapidly charging towards them.

Where did such a ship come from?

Old man! What should we do?

Ooshiro, who had been staring at the rapidly approaching ship with bewildered eyes, came to his senses at the young fishermans cry.

Throw away the nets! Then hoist the sails! Were fleeing! And row with all your might!

At Ooshiros shout, the fishermen on board threw the nets they had been holding into the sea and immediately prepared to escape.

The fishermen unfurled the folded sails and began rowing with all their strength.

The fishing boat carrying Ooshiro and the other boats desperately attempted to flee, but the gray warship in question drew closer at an increasingly rapid pace.

What kind of ship has such speed?

As the gray warship approached, Ooshiro turned pale.

The large ship, with its sails that appeared larger than the sails on Ooshiros boatand there were six of themcontinued to advance swiftly.

As the distance rapidly closed, allowing Ooshiro to discern the individuals on the problematic ship, he exclaimed in dismay.

Damn it! Its the Joseon military!

Ooshiro, who had experience raiding Goryeoor more precisely, the newly established Joseonin his youth, recognized the military banners and the sight of soldiers wielding swords.

If it was the Joseon military, they would undoubtedly possess firearms, and given the size of the ship, the number of firearms would be substantial.

The nightmare of the past resurfaced in Ooshiros mind.

Although Ooshiro was unaware, the battle that had given him nightmares was none other than the First Tsushima Island Conquest that took place in the fifth year of Taejos reign (1396).

Gritting his teeth, Ooshiro shouted, Damn it! If were caught, its a death sentence! Flee with all your might!

There are a total of four Japanese ships!


Oh Ha-seok assessed the situation. The Japanese ships desperately fleeing ahead were undoubtedly fishing boats, judging by their size.

Firing cannons at such small boats would be akin to wasting gunpowder. However, launching small boats to pursue them was also impractical.

In times like these the Joseon Matchlock is the best! Gather the musketeers on the deck! Prepare only the grapeshot cannons!

Aye! Captain!

Following Oh Ha-seoks orders, the musketeers assembled on the deck, and the cannons were loaded with grapeshot.

Oh Ha-seok then commanded the helmsman.

Overtake them and block their path!

Aye, Captain!

The pursuit ended with the Challenger overtaking the fleeing fishing boats and blocking their escape route.

Is there anyone who can speak Japanese?

At Oh Ha-seoks question, one of the crew members raised his hand.

I can speak a few simple phrases.

Thatll do. Tell those wretches to stop immediately.


Taking the megaphone, the crew member shouted towards the fleeing fishing boats.

(Tomare, Stop)! !

Despite the crew members throat-rending shouts through the megaphone, the fishing boats continued their attempt to escape.

Observing their actions, Oh Ha-seok shook his head and grumbled.

These fellows never listen to words Gunnery Officer!

Aye, Captain!

Fire the starboard cannons! Tell them to block the path of those fishing boats!

Aye, Captain!

Upon receiving Oh Ha-seoks order, the Gunnery Officer stood at the entrance leading to the second deck and shouted through the megaphone.

Starboard cannons, fire! Dont sink them, just give them a scare!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shortly after the Gunnery Officers command, the 25 cannons positioned on the starboard side of the second deck fired in unison.

Moments later, huge columns of water erupted in front of the fleeing fishing boats.



The Joseon naval forcesfrom Oh Ha-seok to the lowest-ranking sailorswere astounded by the sight.

The fishing boats caught in the water columns created by the cannon fire had completely capsized.

What kind of boats No matter how small, this is Are they made of paper?

The Joseon navy had not yet realized the formidable performance of the cannons improved by Hyang.

It was only natural, as it was the first time they had been used in actual combat.

During the previous training exercises, they had not fully grasped the cannons true power.


Witnessing the flailing fishermen who had been flung into the sea, Oh Ha-seok promptly issued an order.

Lower the small boats and rescue them. Dont forget to have the musketeers accompany you.

Aye, Captain.

If they resist, shoot them on sight.

Aye, Captain.

Following Oh Ha-seoks command, two small boats carried by the Challenger were lowered into the sea.

Each small boat, carrying a squad of five musketeers, headed towards the capsized fishing boats.

After making two more round trips, the surviving Japanese fishermen were brought aboard the Challenger.

Oh my Tsk!

Oh Ha-seok clicked his tongue upon seeing the fishermen kneeling on the deck.

The fishermen were in a state of shock due to the impact of the cannon fire.

Theyre in no condition for a proper interrogation, and we dont have an interpreter

After assessing the situation, Oh Ha-seok ordered the helmsman.

Set course for home!

Aye, Captain!

Tie up these wretches and lock them in the hold! And keep a strict watch over them!

Aye, Captain!

At Oh Ha-seoks command, the fishermen were escorted to the hold under the surveillance of the crew members.

As the bow turned towards Wonsan, Oh Ha-seok pressed his fingers against his brow.

Im dreading the report Ill have to write

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