Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

With the strategy for dealing with Japan decided upon, the court swiftly sprang into action.

The first and foremost thing we must do is to clearly notify that Usando (Dokdo) is the territory of our Joseon, stated Heo Jo.

At Heo Jos words, the Minister of Rites asked in astonishment, But why do we need to bother with our own land?

We should also record it in an official letter to other countries. To prevent them from making any other claims in the future.

Everyone nodded at Heo Jos explanation.

We must send an envoy to Ming. Since Japan also pays tribute to Ming, we must use Ming to warn Japan. This will give us justification against Japan later on.

King Sejong responded to Heo Jos words with a smile.

Sometimes, even flattery is necessary. It also serves as a legitimate reason for us to build ships.

In a position where they still had to be mindful of Ming, there was no better excuse than this.

Thats a good method. Are there any other ways?

We should erect a stone stele on Usando. We must engrave a clear declaration that this land is our territory, along with the date, leaving no room for argument. Additionally, the navy should periodically check the condition of the stele. If its damaged? We must sternly reprimand the King of Japan.

Thats not bad either.

As King Sejong listened to their discussion, he had another thought.

It would be wise to do this in advance in other places as well.

King Sejong was already thinking ahead, preparing to stake his claim for the future, even if it wasnt immediately apparent.

Afterward, various other agenda items were brought up, and the ministers selected the two most effective ones to report to King Sejong.

Very well. In addition to sending an envoy to Ming, lets also dispatch an envoy to Japan. We can send them together when we return the captured fishermen.

You mean not to hand them over to the Lord of Tsushima?

At King Sejongs decision, the Minister of Rites immediately sought confirmation. Until now, when Japanese fishermen in distress due to storms or other accidents were rescued, they were handed over to the Lord of Tsushima.

King Sejong explained the reason for the Minister of Rites question.

In the past, we did so because they were poor souls who had lost their boats and were in distress due to various circumstances. But this time, the situation is different, isnt it? The Lord of Tsushima is an untrustworthy person, and we dont know what trickery he might employ in the middle, so its better to send them directly to the King of Japan. Come to think of it, isnt the Ouchi clan closer to the King of Japan?

There are such rumors.

Then, inform the Ouchi clan to convey our Joseons intentions to the King of Japan.

I shall obey your command.

Once King Sejong made the decision, the Ministry of Rites moved swiftly.

Due to the importance of the matter, the Minister of Rites personally visited Ming, while the Vice Minister of Rites sought out the Ouchi clan.

An envoy has come from Joseon?

Yes. They wish to meet with the Shogun.

Upon hearing the retainers answer, Ouchi Moriharu (Ouchi Morimi) expressed his puzzlement.


They say they captured fishermen who were illegally fishing in Joseons waters. However, weapons were discovered on their boats.

At the retainers response, Moriharu clicked his tongue.

Tsk! Thats just asking to be labeled as Japanese pirates!

The envoy from Joseon is saying the same thing. Thats why they want to discuss this matter with the Shogun.

Damn it

Moriharu let out a brief curse at the retainers reply. The current Shogun was a very ruthless individual. He didnt want to get involved with him.

Were in a bind.

Realizing there was no solution no matter how much he calculated, Moriharu ordered his retainer.

Send someone to the Bakufu to inform them that the envoy from Joseon requests an audience.

Yes, my lord!


And so, the Vice Minister of Rites was able to meet with Ashikaga Yoshinori, the 6th Shogun of the Muromachi Bakufu.

I am pleased to meet the lord of Japan.

I am delighted to meet the envoy from Joseon. You must have faced many hardships on your long journey.

Thank you.

The formal diplomatic language continued for a long time after that.

After the complicated greetings ended, Yoshinori brought up the main topic.

So, what is the reason the envoy from Joseon wanted to see me?

As you may have learned from the report, some fishermen were caught recklessly fishing in our Joseons waters.

I am aware of the report.

However, Japanese swords (wato) were discovered on their boats. Therefore, our Joseon suspects that they may be the vanguard of Japanese pirates.

At the Vice Minister of Rites words, Yoshinori looked at the retainers accompanying him. Receiving an unspoken command, one of the retainers answered on Yoshinoris behalf.

Ah! Those are weapons for the fishermens self-defense. Japanese pirates are a headache for us as well, you see.

So, you mean to say that even fishermen carry weapons to protect themselves from Japanese pirates?

As the Vice Minister of Rites pressed the issue, the retainer nodded.

That is correct.

Self-defense, my foot!

Inwardly cursing up a storm, the Vice Minister of Rites composed himself and continued.

In that case, we will understand and overlook that part. Then, the next issue is Japanese fishermen crossing the border and fishing.

At the Vice Minister of Rites point, the previous retainer spoke up.

Where were the fishermen captured?

Near Usando.

Usando is

It is 200 li away from Mureungdo.

Isnt that too far?

The Vice Minister of Rites smiled and replied to the retainers remark.

It is more than 400 li away from Japans Oki Islands.


At the Vice Minister of Rites point, the retainer fell silent.

After a brief silence, Yoshinori opened his mouth.

Very well. We acknowledge that part as our fault. I will issue an order for the fishermen to be more cautious in the future.

They must be extremely careful. Our Joseon navy stationed on Mureungdo will soon enforce strict measures.

At the Vice Minister of Rites words, the faces of Yoshinori and the retainers turned unprecedentedly grave.

Did you say the Joseon navy will be stationed there?

That is correct.

Along with warships?

How can there be a navy without warships?

How many?

That is a state secret.


At the Vice Minister of Rites response, Yoshinori and the retainers couldnt hide their disappointment. However, they couldnt recklessly pressure the envoy.

In the end, Yoshinori had no choice but to answer in a serious tone, unlike before.

I understand. I will strongly caution them.

Thank you.

Thus, the talks concluded, achieving the desired results.

Yoshinori hosted a grand banquet, trying to extract information, but he was blocked by the Vice Minister of Rites impenetrable defense.

Even though I may not look like it, my body has been tempered by pure alcohol in the alleys of Hanseongs pleasure quarters! Did you think I would be swayed by a few drinks?

Eventually, after seeing off the Vice Minister of Rites, Yoshinori summoned his retainers.

What do you think is the best course of action?

For the time being, it would be wise to move according to Joseons wishes.

At the retainers answer, Yoshinori spat out a curse.

Damn it!

Seeing Yoshinoris reaction, the retainers tensed up and carefully observed his mood.


Yoshinori, who had newly ascended to the position of Shogun, was ruthless.

He greatly strengthened the military forces under the Shoguns direct control and used it as a foundation to reinforce the Shoguns power.

Yoshinori believed that his becoming the Shogun was the will of the gods.

The 5th Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshikazu, had died young, and the 4th Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, had served as the acting Shogun.

Yoshimochi did not designate a successor until his death. Therefore, the Bakufus leaders selected multiple candidates and drew lots at a shrine. They sought the will of the gods.

In two rounds of drawing lots, Yoshinori was chosen both times.

As a result, Yoshinori believed that his becoming the Shogun and all his actions as the Shogun were the will of the gods.

Consequently, he considered opposing his will as defying the will of the gods and punished them cruelly.


Because of Yoshinoris nature, the retainers were highly anxious and carefully observed Yoshinoris mood.

Suppressing his anger, Yoshinori issued an order.

Execute all the men Joseon sent back! How dare they cause such a problem! They deserve to die!

Yes, my lord!

And which family governs the Oki Province?

The Kygoku family.

Tell them to pay attention!

Yes, my lord!

With that, Yoshinori concluded the situation. Yoshinoris retainers let out sighs of relief.

Fortunately, a storm didnt brew!


However, not long after, an envoy sent by Ming arrived, turning the Bakufu upside down.

  • According to what the envoy from Joseon informed me, fishermen from your country of Japan recklessly crossed the border into Joseons waters and were caught fishing. Although there are no clear borders on the sea, going more than 400 li from the Oki Islands is far beyond reason.

If such incidents become frequent, the relationship between Joseon and Japan will inevitably become strained.

There is nothing more unfortunate than the deterioration of relations between vassals, so the King of Japan must exercise the utmost caution.

While the envoy read Emperor Xuandes imperial edict, Yoshinori respectfully knelt and, once the reading was finished, politely paid his respects.

I accept the command of His Majesty the Emperor!

A few days later, after the envoy from Ming had departed, Yoshinori exploded.

Send someone to the damn Kygoku family and tell them to severely punish those responsible!

Yes, my lord!

As Yoshinoris order was delivered, the middle and lower-ranking samurai managing the Oki Islands had to take responsibility by committing seppuku or being beheaded.

It was a desperate measure to avoid being subjugated by Yoshinori.


While such a diplomatic battle was unfolding, Hyang was busily working to build the new warships requested by the navy.

Although the shape of the hull was quite different, the experience gained through the Challenger accelerated the progress of the work.

As a result, the prototype ship could be launched in two and a half months instead of the initially estimated four months.

Oh Ha-seok was tasked with the test voyage of the prototype ship.

What about my ship?

It cant be helped. Theres no one as skilled with such ships as you.

I understand.

At Jo Mal-saengs words, Oh Ha-seok set out to sea with the prototype ship and a group of carefully selected crew members.

This is insane!

As Oh Ha-seok ventured into the East Sea, he couldnt help but be startled.

The prototype ship, properly catching the tailwind, rushed through the sea at a truly crazy speed.

It was a mad speed that neither Oh Ha-seok nor the crew members had ever experienced before.

After completing the test in an unarmed state, Oh Ha-seok and the crew members hurriedly returned to Wonsan.

Load the cannons and ammunition immediately!

Oh Ha-seok and the crew members loaded the prototype ship with the designated amount of cannons, gunpowder, ammunition, food, and drinking water, and set out to sea once again.

Three days later, Oh Ha-seok returned to Wonsan and concluded his report with a single sentence.

Its the best!


Upon reading the report documenting the final test results, King Sejong ordered the ministers.

Ill make a quick trip to Wonsan.

Pardon? We shall accompany you!

And so, King Sejong and the ministers, who had headed to Wonsan, expressed their admiration upon seeing the newly built warship.

This ship has its own charm as well!

At King Sejongs praise, Hyang bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude.

Thank you!

Since its said to be so fast, I should also take a ride.

Its dangerous!

I trust you, Crown Prince. I trust only you.

The ministers also boarded the ship, following the stubborn King Sejong.

Their thoughts were unanimous.

Rather than dying from the aftermath if something goes wrong

Contrary to Hyangs concerns, the ship safely completed its voyage and returned.

King Sejong, who had even witnessed the firing of cannons during the voyage, highly commended Hyang as soon as he disembarked.

You have truly created a remarkable ship! Its truly amazing!

Thank you, Your Majesty.

I have decided on the name for this ship. Since its as swift as a falcon, I shall call it Haeung (Sea Hawk)!


And so, the Haeung-class high-speed ships, born in this manner, gained fame alongside the Challenger-class battleships.

If the Challenger-class was called the Ruffian of the East, the Haeung was known as the Gray Seagull or the Gray Watchdog.

These nicknames were given due to the inherent limitations of the Haeung.

As its primary mission was high-speed patrolling near ports, the Haeung had limited cargo capacity and couldnt venture far from the ports.

Consequently, merchants welcomed the Haeung, calling it the Gray Seagull. Spotting a seabird on the vast ocean was an auspicious sign indicating nearby land.

Similarly, encountering a Haeung meant that a port would soon appear.

To pirates, the Haeung was a spine-chilling watchdog.

The basic tactic of the Haeung-class was to move in groups of at least two ships, so encountering one meant another Haeung was nearby.

Moreover, its speed was unrivaled, making it nearly impossible to shake off and escape.

According to the standard speed criteria later agreed upon by Europe, Ming, and Joseon, the Haeung recorded a top speed of 18 knots (approximately 33.3 km/h).

This record remained unbroken for nearly a generation.

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