Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

The envoy group departing from Tsushima headed to Kyoto via the sea route.

“I’m worried about pirates.”

Although Todo Takayuki, who had boarded the ship with the envoys, expressed concern, Nam Gi-ju unexpectedly did not seem very worried.

“Surely there wouldn’t be anyone bold enough to attack these panokseons?”

Not only the three ships carrying the envoys but also all the escort ships were panokseons. Of course, the panokseons carrying the envoys and cargo had to reduce their gunpowder and fire arrows by about half to accommodate them, but the three escort ships were loaded with the designated amount of gunpowder and fire arrows.

There were few daring pirates who would attempt to attack a panokseon fleet so heavily armed.

However, as the saying goes, “Misfortune comes from the least expected,” and there were pirates who attacked on the way from Tsushima to Shimonoseki.


“Unidentified fleet approaching! Fleet approaching!”

“Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!”

“Confirm the number of approaching ships!”

“Approximately 30 ships and increasing!”

Boom boom boom!

At the shouts of the soldiers watching the sea from the watchtower, the battle drums rang out loudly, and the naval forces of the fleet hurriedly began preparing for battle.

Shortly after, two panokseons broke formation and blocked the path of the approaching fleet, while another one supported them from behind.

The three ships carrying the envoys formed a formation at a slight distance and began battle preparations.

Once the preparations were complete, the interpreter on the panokseon forming the first line of defense shouted into a megaphone.

“This is a ship carrying envoys of the great Joseon nation! Retreat! Retreat! If you do not retreat, we will attack!”

Despite the interpreter’s shouts, the unidentified fleet continued to approach.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

As the interpreter shouted once more, there was a response from the fleet.


The Japanese on the approaching ships began raising their swords and spears, shouting battle cries. At the same time, as arrows began to fly, drums sounded from the panokseons, and a new flag began to be raised.

The newly raised flag signified battle.

“It’s a battle! Fire the cannons!”

Boom boom boom!

The two panokseons forming the first line of defense simultaneously spewed fire.

Each time the large cannons mounted on the panokseons fired, the number of pirate ships carrying the pirates rapidly decreased. Ships directly hit by large arrows or iron pellets were immediately riddled with holes and disappeared beneath the surface.

Even if they were not directly hit by the large arrows or iron pellets, it was problematic if they fell right next to the ship. The small ships carrying the pirates often capsized due to the waves created by the large arrows and iron pellets falling nearby.

“Enemy ships approaching!”

However, there were tenacious pirates who tried to approach and cling to the panokseons of the Joseon forces despite the barrage.

At the soldiers’ shouts, the ship’s commander shouted.

“Fire the scattershot cannons!”



At the commander’s order, the soldier in charge of firing the scattershot cannon pulled the lanyard.

With a thud and a spew of fire from the scattershot cannon, the small boat targeted was stained with blood. The pirates standing on the boat and letting out terrible screams were dismembered without even a chance to scream.



The scattershot cannons that had finished firing were quickly reloaded. The loaders in charge of reloading pulled the breech at the rear of the cannon and turned the handle of the breech containing the pellets and gunpowder. As the handle turned, the engagement with the barrel was released, and the breech was removed. The loaders then inserted a new breech by turning it.

Meanwhile, the gunner, who had attached the lanyard to the breech, aimed at another small boat and pulled the lanyard.



After a total of four rounds of bombardment, even the tenacious pirates had no choice but to retreat.

The number of pirate ships that had initially attacked was about 40, large and small. However, when they retreated, there were less than 10 remaining.

“The pirates are retreating!”

“Check for casualties among our forces and inspect the condition of the ships!”

“Yes, sir!”

After issuing orders to his subordinates, the commander turned to the deputy commander beside him.

“I never thought they would be bold enough to attack us.”

“Indeed, sir.”


In the seas between Ming, Joseon, and Japan, the panokseons of the Joseon navy had a notorious reputation. Pirates or fake Japanese pirate ships consisting of junks or small ships would immediately retreat upon seeing a panokseon.

The panokseons, which had become larger under Hyang’s influence, were equipped with the most cannons and were the sturdiest ships among the warships of the three countries in Northeast Asia. The only drawback was their “damned slow” speed.

However, even with their slow speed, the value of the panokseons was not diminished. The narrow straits between Joseon and Japan and the routes in the West Sea to Shandong could be sufficiently covered by the panokseons.


“By the way… When this report goes up, there will be another verbal battle between the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Supreme Council, and the Naval Command.”

“Is it about the scattershot cannons?”

The commander nodded at the deputy commander’s question.

The ships mainly used by the pirates were junks and small boats. The pirates’ favorite tactic was to tie small boats behind junks with ropes or attach them to the rear, then deploy the small boats along with the junks to swarm merchant ships or raiding targets when they got close.

To counter these pirates, pellets were superior to large arrows or iron pellets. Of course, the arrows shot by the pirates were threatening, but the gun shields equipped on the scattershot cannons and the shields lined along the side railings of the panokseons protected the soldiers.

Therefore, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Supreme Council wanted to change the armament of the panokseons in charge of the South Sea.

“It’s excessively heavy armament for dealing with the pirate ships, so let’s remove the large-mounted cannons and increase the number of scattershot cannons!”

The navy strongly opposed the opinion of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Supreme Council.

“The pirates also have large ships, and the large-mounted cannons can also fire pellets!”

“They can fire them, but when actually used, don’t they all fly over the pirates’ heads?”

Considering the height of the panokseons, even if the large-mounted cannons was fired at the maximum depression angle, the pellets often passed over the pirates’ heads.

“That’s why the large-mounted cannons are only effective against the fake Japanese pirate ships when firing pellets! Reducing them is more economical!”

“The fake Japanese don’t only operate in the West Sea, and the pirates don’t only operate in the South Sea, right? We cannot accept the removal of the large-mounted cannons!”

“Then let’s adjust the numbers!”

“No way! Over my dead body!”

The navy could not give up firepower even if they were accused of being overarmed.

Seeing this, Hyang had to smile bitterly.

“Was the tradition of overarmament a deep-rooted tradition passed down from the Joseon Dynasty?”

He recalled the image of the 21st-century Korean Navy, which was evaluated as a “moving powder keg” or “It’s a wonder they can float with that much loaded.”

The Ministry of Military Affairs and the Supreme Council insisted, but the navy had justification on their side.

“Damn it! Then at least build more panokseons!”


Since they had not yet deployed an adequate number, the navy was sailing the seas with as much armament as they had.


After a fierce battle, the fleet, having checked their condition, continued their voyage.

“This is why… our Joseon navy wants to establish a port in Tsushima.”


At Nam Gi-ju’s words, Todo Takayuki nodded with a pale face and trailed off.

Todo Takayuki inwardly screamed.

‘Is this the power of the new Joseon naval ships that I’ve only heard rumors about?’

He had certainly heard rumors that the panokseons of the Joseon navy possessed tremendous power.

‘If you encounter the new ships of the Joseon navy, flee with all your might. Otherwise, you’ll end up as fish food.’

It was a rumor that had been circulating for the past 2-3 years.

“The new ships of the Joseon navy seem to be powerful.”

Having heard the rumors, Todo Takayuki discussed it with his retainers.

“It seems so. However, it appears their numbers are not yet great, so it’s not something to be too concerned about.”


At his retainers’ words, Todo Takayuki nodded and lost interest.

Even after that, rumors about the new warships called panokseons continued to circulate, but the prevailing opinion among the retainers was “nothing to worry about.”

“According to the merchants traveling to and from Waegwan, their numbers are still not large. The sea is vast, and their numbers are few, so they don’t pose a significant threat.”

“Wouldn’t it be a problem if those ships enter the ports?”

“If they enter the ports, that place will become their graveyard. The main weapons of the Joseon navy use gunpowder, so if we shoot fire arrows from all directions, they won’t be able to withstand it.”

Recalling the confident answers given by his retainers, Todo Takayuki looked at the retainers beside him and growled softly.

“They won’t be able to withstand it if we shoot fire arrows from all directions?”

“We are ashamed.”

At the answer from Hatoyama, the leader of the retainers, Todo Takayuki replied softly.

“We’ll see when we return.”

“My lord!”

At Nam Gi-ju’s call, Todo Takayuki composed himself and replied.

“Where do you think these pirates came from?”

At Nam Gi-ju’s question, Todo Takayuki took a moment to gather his thoughts and answered.

“They seem to be pirates from the east.”

“The east? Where in the east?”

“The east of the Chinese region.”

“China? Do you mean our Joseon?”

At Nam Gi-ju’s question, the interpreter beside him explained instead.

“It refers to the area facing Joseon from the main island of Japan.”


Nam Gi-ju nodded at the interpreter’s explanation. Not missing the opportunity, Todo Takayuki added.

“They probably mistook this fleet for a simple merchant fleet and attacked.”

“If they are pirates, they should be well aware of the panokseons, shouldn’t they?”

“Well, that’s……”

At Nam Gi-ju’s words, Todo Takayuki struggled to find an answer with an embarrassed expression. Seeing Todo Takayuki’s expression, Nam Gi-ju answered himself.

“Perhaps they knew our fleet was carrying envoys to Japan and attacked. Considering the traditional scale of envoys to Japan, they might have thought the panokseons would have reduced their armament and loaded people. Isn’t that right?”

“That could be the case.”

“Then it means they knew in advance that our fleet was carrying envoys……”

As Nam Gi-ju trailed off and glared, Todo Takayuki hurriedly waved his hands.

“No! I didn’t utter a word.”

“Could it be among your retainers……”

“They are all my loyal retainers! There must have been pirates hiding in the port.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is!”

Hurriedly resolving the situation, Todo Takayuki pointed to the scattershot cannons beside him and changed the subject.

“By the way, these small cannons are very powerful!”

At Todo Takayuki’s words, Nam Gi-ju’s face brightened as he replied.

“They are cannons made by His Highness the Crown Prince! They are truly remarkable! Few can withstand them in close combat.”

‘Except for those insane Divine Thunder Strike cannons!’

Nam Gi-ju replied to Todo Takayuki with a face full of pride.


As Nam Gi-ju said, the scattershot cannon was the strongest weapon in close naval combat.

This cannon with the simple name “scattershot cannon” was a modified version of the cannon called “Bulganggi” (佛狼機) in the history before Hyang’s intervention.

Hyang had played a little trick on the simple method of inserting the breech into the barrel, lighting the fuse, and firing. He made it so that the breech and barrel would be firmly engaged by aligning the grooves and turning it sideways. Additionally, he extended the muzzle part of the breech and made it engage more tightly with the barrel for better sealing.

In actual combat, the loader would insert the breech into the barrel’s groove and turn the handle. If properly engaged, the position of the vent on the breech would precisely align with the position of the breech on the barrel.


“A large fleet is approaching!”

The fleet heading to Shimonoseki after the battle tightened their guard once again at the lookouts’ shouts.

As the naval forces of the fleet tensed behind the cannons again, the approaching fleet stopped its approach.

Shortly after, a small boat was lowered and approached the fleet carrying the envoys. The interpreter, who had spoken with the warrior on the small boat, reported with a relieved expression.

“It’s the escort fleet sent by the Ouchi (大內) clan.”

At the interpreter’s report, Nam Gi-ju also showed a similar expression.

“That’s a relief.”

Under the protection of the fleet belonging to the Ouchi clan, Nam Gi-ju’s group entered the main island of Japan.

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