Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Spring of the 13th year of King Sejong’s reign (1431, the Year of the Metal Boar).

A cavalry unit arrived at the administrative headquarters of the pioneer group located in the northeast region of Gilju.

“A royal decree has arrived!”

As the military officer who dismounted from his horse announced the arrival of the royal decree, Hwang Hui, Kim Jong-seo, and other officials who were attending to official duties inside hurriedly rushed out.

“Chief Administrator Hwang Hui, receive the royal decree!”


Shortly after, a straw mat was laid out in the front courtyard of the administrative headquarters, and Hwang Hui, neatly dressed in his official robes, paid his respects toward the capital and knelt down.

Once all the preparations were complete, the military officer unrolled the scroll and read its contents.

“Chief Administrator Hwang Hui, listen.”

The contents that followed began by praising Hwang Hui’s merit in establishing the administrative organization in the pioneer area of the northeast region.

Furthermore, it stated that the newly expanded territory, including the northeast region, would be renamed as Hamgil Province and officially incorporated as a province of Joseon.

“…Accordingly, the name of the newly created province shall be called Hamgil Province. Hamheung shall be elevated to Hamheung-bu (prefecture), and Gilju shall be designated as Daedohobu (grand protectorate prefecture).”

The officials who were respectfully standing and listening to the contents of the royal decree inwardly cheered at the news that the northeast region was being promoted to Hamgil Province.

It meant that their hardships thus far had not been in vain.

The military officer’s reading on behalf of the king continued.

“…In recognition of his meritorious service, Chief Administrator Hwang Hui is hereby appointed as the Provincial Governor[1] of Hamgil Province. Take charge of this position and solidify the stability of Hamgil Province. However, the quarterly face-to-face reports in Hanseong shall continue as before.”

After some minor details, the reading of the royal decree concluded. The military officer, who neatly rolled up the scroll, handed it to Hwang Hui and congratulated him.

“Congratulations, Your Excellency.”

“Thank you. By the way, what happened to General Choi Hae-san?”

“He has been promoted to the Chief of Staff of the Joseon Army Headquarters.”

“That’s wonderful news. He has endured so much hardship, so it’s fortunate.”

“Indeed, Your Excellency.”

“If you meet the general, please convey my sincere congratulations to him.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

Hwang Hui expressed his heartfelt congratulations upon hearing the news of the promotion of General Choi Hae-san, who had come up north with him and was in charge of pacifying the area west of Baekdu Mountain.

‘By the way… When General Choi Hae-san returns, the shape of the fortresses located on the plains, excluding the mountain fortresses, will all change.’


During the conquest of the northern regions, which was carried out under the pretext of ‘reclaiming the land of their ancestors’ origins,’ the Joseon army established fortresses and military camps at strategic points in the newly reclaimed areas.

In the process of constructing these fortresses and camps, the Joseon army unveiled a new material: they used iron-reinforced concrete, which they had introduced through road paving projects, to build the walls of the fortresses and camps.

The Jurchen tribes, who were eagerly eyeing their lost lands, had to shed tears of blood in front of these walls.

This was because in the time it would have taken to erect mere wooden fences, solid stone walls had been built instead.

While constructing the facilities inside the stone walls took additional time, the mere existence of the sturdy stone walls itself had crushed the Jurchen tribes’ morale.

Moreover, the shape of the erected stone walls forced the attacking Jurchen tribes to make unnecessary sacrifices.

The walls, which the Joseon army named ‘thorn-shaped defensive walls'[2] because the four corners of the fortresses protruded like sharp thorns, were a simplified variation of star-shaped fortresses.

The fortress walls, which had a rectangular shape with rounded corners, concentrated the gunfire of the musketeers positioned on the walls into a single spot.

The thunder bombs fired from the cannons placed on the cannon mounts built at the center and four corners of the walls inflicted fatal damage on the Jurchen tribes clustered along the walls.

These walls, which made the Jurchen tribes shudder in tears, were also the work of Hyang.

While the fortresses were responsible for the first line of defense, the military camps were responsible for the second line of defense. The fortresses installed in these camps were built according to the standard star-shaped fortress design.

The walls, constructed with two to three layers intersecting each other, were designed to rain crossfire upon the Jurchen tribes.

Moreover, there was the location where these camps were established. Hyang had set the positions so that the main land transportation routes would pass through the center of the camps.

This made it impossible for the enemy to advance into Joseon’s interior without capturing the camps.

Of course, to prevent falling victim to the ‘Trojan Horse’ tactic, where enemies disguised as civilians attack from within, the military and civilian areas were internally segregated.

The camps and fortresses constructed in this manner were of considerable size.

This was to accommodate nearby civilians and reduce casualties when the Jurchen tribes attacked.

Lastly, Hyang’s ingenuity was fully demonstrated.

In the case of the fortresses, the walls were built with a strength that could withstand the Jurchen tribes’ attacks but would crumble under friendly cannon fire.

In the case of the camps, secret passages were created for counterattacks when the enemy captured the fortresses.

These secret passages were top secret, and related information existed only at the Army Headquarters in Hanseong.

Even those serving in the respective camps were unaware of these disguised secret passages.

With such multi-layered countermeasures, the camps and fortresses were built, and the Jurchen tribes had to retreat after suffering heavy losses without even being able to cross the fortresses.

And the Jurchen tribes who retreated in such a manner were pursued by the Joseon army and vanished into ashes, leaving no trace behind.

An extremely small number of survivors crossed over to the Ming Dynasty, but that was the end of it.

The fate of most Jurchen tribes who dared to challenge the Joseon army and people was to become food for wild beasts.

And Choi Hae-san, who had developed a taste for the combination of concrete walls, guns, and cannons, was planning to transform Joseon’s main defensive bases in a similar fashion.


The military officer handed a thick scroll to Hwang Hui.

“What is this?”

“It’s a personnel transfer order.”

“Personnel transfer?”

Hwang Hui nodded his head as he received the scroll.

The officials had endured hardships for several years in the remote and rugged northeast region. Appropriate rewards were a must.

“Many of our friends will be delighted.”

“The offices in Gilju will be busy.”


Laughing at the military officer’s words, Hwang Hui assigned lodgings for the military officer’s party to rest and returned to his office.

Back at his desk, Hwang Hui unrolled the scroll and examined its contents.

The scroll was densely filled with the names of those being promoted, the ranks they would be promoted to, the positions they would be transferred to, and other details.

As Hwang Hui meticulously reviewed the contents, he smiled contentedly upon reading one section of the scroll.

“These people… They’ve been properly rewarded.”

Having finished the review, Hwang Hui handed the scroll to Kim Jong-seo, who was fidgeting impatiently in front of him.

“Make a copy and post it on the bulletin board.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

Kim Jong-seo immediately unrolled the scroll and checked its contents upon receiving it.

“Huh? No! Your Excellency!”

As he read the contents of the scroll, Kim Jong-seo clung to Hwang Hui with a flushed face.

“What is this? Assistant to the Provincial Governor[3]? What kind of bizarre position is this that I’ve never heard of before?”

“It’s a newly established position this time. Did you see the rank? It’s a junior 4th-grade position. Congratulations on your promotion. Going from a senior 5th-grade to a junior 4th-grade is a rapid advancement.”

“Your Excellency! Is promotion the issue here? Many of our other friends are going to Hanseong, so why do I have to stay here?”

“But you’re getting promoted quickly in return, aren’t you?”

“I’m telling you, is promotion the problem right now?”

In response to Kim Jong-seo’s protest, Hwang Hui leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and looked at Kim Jong-seo.

“So, what? Are you going to submit a resignation letter?”

“How can I not submit one?”

At Kim Jong-seo’s words, Hwang Hui chuckled.

“You brat. Do you think it’s within my power to raise your rank by several grades at once?”


Kim Jong-seo paused and pondered the hidden meaning behind Hwang Hui’s words.

After a moment, Kim Jong-seo muttered with a pale face.

“Don’t tell me… Don’t tell me…”

“That ‘don’t tell me’ is what gets people in trouble.”

Hwang Hui pointed his index finger toward the ceiling and continued.

“Our king has a great desire for talented individuals. I wrote in your evaluation that you’re ‘a talent hard to come by twice,’ and you did a great job during the last secret envoy mission. Do you think His Majesty will let you go easily? I could even bet half a year’s salary that he ‘won’t let you go.'”

“Damn it…”

At Hwang Hui’s words, Kim Jong-seo’s head drooped low.

Seeing his reaction, Hwang Hui rubbed salt into the wound.

“Of course, if you want to give up the promotion and remain a 5th-grade civil service examiner until retirement, I’ll send you to Hanseong. But you know what, Jong-seo? How much is the salary of a 5th-grade civil service examiner? Will it be easy to support your family and enjoy a life of luxury with that salary? Can you endure that? A dog can hold in its poop. If you do that, the only answer is bribery. And if you get caught, you’ll end up in the Records Office… No, with your personality, you’ll likely end up in the mines.”


Kim Jong-seo could only let out a groan at Hwang Hui’s words.

Even he thought that in such a situation, the chances of accepting bribes would be high. And given King Sejong’s personality, if a capable person engaged in corruption, he would give an even greater punishment. A trip to the mines was certain.

Seeing Kim Jong-seo’s reaction, Hwang Hui gently persuaded him.

“So, Jong-seo. Do you want to receive a meager salary in Hanseong, be mindful of your wife’s gaze, lament your light purse, and live holed up, or do you want to endure a little hardship but get promoted, boast to your wife, and live while being treated well doing what you love? You know it well, don’t you? Customers who come frequently and spend a little are treated better than those who come occasionally but spend lavishly each time.”


Kim Jong-seo’s groaning grew louder at Hwang Hui’s words. Seeing his reaction, Hwang Hui dangled a tempting bait.

“I’ve become the Provincial Governor this time. You know, right? The term of a Provincial Governor is usually 2 or 3 years. Given the situation here, I’ll probably serve the full 3 years. If you endure hardship for just 3 years, you’ll return to Hanseong. What do you want to do? Suffer for 3 more years and continue to get promoted and treated well, or go to Hanseong now and live while being mindful of others?”

At Hwang Hui’s words, Kim Jong-seo fell into deep thought with his lips tightly sealed. After much contemplation, Kim Jong-seo burst out shouting.

“Keep that promise! If you leave me behind after 3 years, I don’t know what I’ll do!”

“Hey! You just need to stick close to me and follow my lead! So go and do what you’re told to do!”


Muttering a small curse, Kim Jong-seo returned to his office.

As Kim Jong-seo disappeared outside, the officials who witnessed the scene cautiously approached Hwang Hui.

“Your Excellency, we too…”

“The same goes for you all. Just work hard!”

“Yes, Sir!”

At Hwang Hui’s reprimand, the officials hurriedly returned to their respective positions. Suddenly, as if he had just remembered something, Hwang Hui called a subordinate official.

“Hey, you! Go and tell Jong-seo to prepare properly since he needs to go to Hanseong in five days!”

“Yes, Sir!”


A few days later, Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo entered Hanseong. It was for the regular face-to-face report with King Sejong.

Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo, who entered Geunjeongjeon Palace, respectfully paid their respects to King Sejong, who was seated on the throne.

“Your subject, Hwang Hui, Provincial Governor of Hamgil Province, humbly presents himself before Your Majesty.”

“Your subject, Kim Jong-seo, Assistant to the Provincial Governor of Hamgil Province, humbly presents himself before Your Majesty.”

“You’ve worked hard on your long journey. Thanks to your excellent handling of affairs in the northeast region, the northeast region could be promoted to Hamgil Province. I am truly grateful.”

In response to King Sejong’s praise, Hwang Hui bowed his head and replied.

“Your grace is immeasurable.”

“And Kim Jong-seo, you have also worked hard. Both your secret envoy mission to Daenaecci and your diligent assistance in the northeast region. I am truly grateful to have an outstanding talent like you.”

“Your praise is far too generous. I am at a loss for words in the face of such undeserved praise.”

“No, not at all.”

After commending Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo, King Sejong received reports on their work.

The report proceeded in a warm atmosphere from beginning to end. The court historian who recorded it added the following:

-…Thus, His Majesty praised the merits of Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo.

The court historian comments:

Kim Jong-seo’s abilities are outstanding, so he will likely be very busy.

  1. 觀察黜陟使[↩]
  2. 棘形防壁[↩]
  3. 都觀察黜陟使[↩]

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