Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

While preparations for acquiring territories across the sea were steadily progressing, a small commotion occurred in Gyeongbokgung Palace.

The commotion began in the Crown Prince’s palace.

“Your Majesty! The royal physician says he has an urgent matter to report.”

King Sejong, who was continuing a meeting with the ministers in Geunjeongjeon Palace, paused the meeting upon hearing Sangseon’s report.

“The royal physician? Let him in.”


King Sejong’s expression was slightly tense at Sangseon’s report. The combination of the words ‘royal physician’ and ‘urgent news’ was never to be taken lightly. The ministers felt the same way.

‘There are no elders in Gyeongbokgung Palace right now. Then, who could it be?’

‘The Queen Consort or the other concubines? Surely not, they’re all in their prime, just like His Majesty…’

‘Could it be an epidemic? No. It’s not the time for epidemics to spread, and if it were such a matter, a dispatch rider would have come, not the royal physician.’

Amid the slight tension between King Sejong and the ministers, the royal physician entered Geunjeongjeon Palace and paid his respects to King Sejong. After receiving the salute, King Sejong asked the royal physician.

“So, what is the urgent matter to report?”

“The Crown Princess is with child.”


King Sejong leaped up from his seat at the royal physician’s report.

“Furthermore, Yangwon and Yangje are also with child.”

[TL/N: Yangwon and Yangje are titles for crown prince’s concubines]

“Such joyous news!”

King Sejong could not hide his delight at the royal physician’s report.

The ministers, who had been tense at the words ‘urgent news from the royal physician’, soon came to their senses and bowed their heads to King Sejong in unison, exclaiming.

“This is a great celebration for the royal family! Your Majesty! We offer our respectful congratulations!”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

Everyone in Geunjeongjeon Palace offered their congratulations to King Sejong.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

King Sejong, who had sat back down, could not contain his joy, with his mouth stretching from ear to ear.

It had been over four years since the Crown Prince’s marriage. During that long time, the lack of an heir had been a growing concern.

“Ha, haha! Hahaha! To have three pregnancies at the same time! He truly is no ordinary fellow! Hahaha!”

King Sejong, barely suppressing his laughter, looked around at the ministers.

“It’s truly a great celebration, so shouldn’t we announce it?”

“We will dispatch riders throughout Joseon.”

“As it is a great celebration for the nation, how about issuing an amnesty decree, Your Majesty?”

“That’s good, but it seems somewhat lacking.”


The ministers raised their heads and looked at King Sejong. Usually, when such a celebration occurred, it would end with issuing an amnesty decree.

However, the current king had said that it was not enough.

“What would be good? What should we do to make the people rejoice and pray for a safe childbirth?”


The ministers nodded at King Sejong’s murmur. It was news of pregnancy that came after a long time since the Crown Prince had taken a consort. It was the heart of a parent wishing for a safe delivery.

After a brief contemplation, King Sejong soon reached a conclusion.

“For the next fifteen days, reduce the price of all goods sold at the Office of Monopoly by 10 percent.”

“Pardon? Yes.”

And so, a ‘special sale’ began at the Office of Monopoly throughout Joseon for fifteen days.

The court historian who recorded all of this added the following:

-…Thus, when His Majesty made the decision, Minister of Finance Kim Jeom bowed and accepted it.

The court historian comments:

The issue of an heir had been a concern for the royal family. It is a great celebration among celebrations to have it resolved.

I should take this opportunity to buy a lot of salt and sugar. They don’t spoil, so it’s a good chance.


While King Sejong was generously opening his purse strings in Geunjeongjeon Palace, filled with joy, the Queen Consort’s palace was also full of delight.

“Is there such a celebration! One would be grateful enough, but three!”

“Congratulations, Your Highness.”

“Congratulations, Your Highness.”

Queen Soheon smiled and replied to the congratulations from the court ladies and servants.

“Thank you. Thank you all.”

While responding to the congratulations from the court ladies and servants, Queen Soheon suddenly seemed to remember something and ordered the head court lady.

“Oh my! Look at me! Listen, head court lady.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“How could we let such a celebration pass by? Double the amount of offerings sent to the Great Monk this time.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


Queen Soheon, thinking about the next steps, rose from her seat.

“We can’t sit still during such a celebration. Let’s go to the Crown Prince’s palace.”

“Yes, Your Highness. We will prepare immediately.”


That day, the Crown Prince’s palace was bustling with people. Not only King Sejong and Queen Soheon but also King Sejong’s concubines all visited the Crown Prince’s palace to congratulate the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje on their pregnancies.

“Truly a joyous occasion.”

“Indeed, it is.”

Following the words of King Sejong and Queen Soheon, who were seated at the head of the table, King Sejong’s concubines also offered congratulatory words to Hyang, the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje in order of their rank.

Each time the congratulations continued, Hyang, the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje respectfully bowed their heads and repeated their responses.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you very much.”

After the congratulations, the table was piled high with all kinds of tonics and medicinal ingredients for the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje.

Hyang, who had seen off the elders, including King Sejong, expressed his sincere gratitude to the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje.

“Thank you.”

“Not at all…”

“I know how much concern you all must have had until now. From now on, I hope you will only see, hear, and think of good things.”

“Thank you very much.”


That night, Hyang, who was alone in his bedroom, looked at the moon beyond the window. His expression as he gazed at the moon in the sky was complex.


Hyang mulled over the word ‘pregnancy’.

“Come to think of it, in my previous life, I was far from the word ‘marriage’.”

In his previous life, Hyang had lived a life far from marriage due to his reputation as a famous eccentric otaku.

Suddenly, the faces of his 21st-century parents flashed through Hyang’s mind as he looked at the moon.

“Are they doing well?”

Hyang’s parents, who had been worried about the narrowing employment opportunities and the insecure working environment, had insisted on a stable job as a civil servant.

However, when Hyang couldn’t endure the depression and quit being a civil servant, his parents had suffered from guilt.

Therefore, even when Hyang went down to Yangsan, opened a workshop alone, and insisted on living single, his parents couldn’t persist in their opposition.

As Hyang recalled his parents from his previous life, who were always filled with regret and sadness whenever they saw him, he had to calm his melancholic feelings.

“I hope they live a peaceful life…”

Hyang’s melancholy did not last until the next day.

“Refrain from sharing a bed for the time being?”

“Yes, Your Highness. It’s still dangerous as it hasn’t been long since the pregnancies were confirmed.”

Hyang nodded at the royal physician’s answer.

“I understand. Please take good care of them.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As the royal physician left the room, Hyang clenched his fist and shouted softly.



Having received an official ‘prohibition on sharing a bed’ from the royal physician, Hyang immersed himself in the research institute and Area 51.

“Opportunity is chance! If you miss this moment, you’re a fool!”

Hyang passionately devoted himself to various tasks.

“First, focus on miniaturizing and increasing the output of the steam engine! How many years has it been since the steam engine was introduced, and it’s still in this state!”

“Speed up the production of position measurement devices and precise compasses for ocean navigation!”

Under Hyang’s whip-cracking, driven by excitement, groans escaped from the mouths of the people at the research institute and Area 51.

Their groans were not solely due to the increased work intensity.

“He still hasn’t gone home?”


At the answer from the subordinate official with a gloomy face, Jeong Cho sighed while looking at the clock.

“Oh my… It’s already past haeshi-cho (9-10 pm) and approaching haeshi-jeong (10-11 pm)… Oh my…”

Sighing once more, Jeong Cho rose from his seat and went to Hyang’s room.

“Huh? You’re not going home yet, Your Highness?”

At Hyang’s nonchalant question, Jeong Cho suppressed the sudden surge of anger and asked back with a forced smile.

“Aren’t you going home, Your Highness?”

“For me, even if I go back, it’s an empty workshop, so I’m thinking of working.”

“Is that so?”

“But you’re still not going home… Could it be because of me?”


Seeing Jeong Cho’s silent affirmation with a troubled face, Hyang leaned back in his chair and ordered.

“Convey that those who have no urgent tasks to handle by today should go home immediately.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“This order remains in effect from now on.”


Although Hyang gave this order, few followed it straightforwardly.

‘What if I fall out of favor?’

While everyone was just being mindful and enduring, there was one person who dared to leave work on time.

It was Lee Soon-ji.

“Oh, that weirdo!”

Everyone shook their heads at the sight of Lee Soon-ji.

However, the moment they confirmed that Lee Soon-ji suffered no harm, everyone started leaving work on their own.


There were others who became gloomy due to Hyang’s behavior. They were the court ladies working in the Crown Prince’s palace. There were quite a few court ladies who dreamed of ‘turning their lives around’ by catching the Crown Prince’s eye, as he couldn’t control his spring passion due to the prohibition on sharing a bed with the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje.

In principle, court ladies were the king’s women, so such an act would be a scandal, but the world didn’t always operate according to principles.

However, their dreams of ‘one big break in life’ turned into fleeting dreams as Hyang immersed himself in the research institute and Area 51.


Meanwhile, Hyang’s actions were reported to King Sejong almost in real-time.

Upon receiving the report, King Sejong smiled with satisfaction.

“Is that so? Then when would be a good time?”

King Sejong was delighted at the thought of dragging Hyang in and shaking him down.


Dispatch riders carrying King Sejong’s royal decree rushed throughout the country, and soon after, a ‘discount sale’ began at the Office of Monopoly across Joseon.

The people of Joseon were also delighted by the ‘discount sale’ at the Office of Monopoly.

“Honey! Did you hear the news? Go to the market right now and find some money!”

“I already found it!”

“Then let’s go to the Office of Monopoly before it’s too late! If we miss the timing, we’ll have to wait at least three days!”

And so, with A-frames on their backs and baskets on their heads, the people flocked to the Office of Monopoly like a herd of African buffalo.

To control the crowd that had gathered, the police officers from the law enforcement office had to shout at the top of their lungs with megaphones.

“Line up! Get in line!”

“Please line up! Line up!”

“Damn it! Line up!”

During the fifteen-day discount sale period, the Office of Monopoly recorded its highest sales ever.

Upon receiving the report, Kim Jeom made a serious suggestion to King Sejong.

“Your Majesty, it would be good to hold regular discount events at the Office of Monopoly.”

Meanwhile, an amusing joke was circulating among the people who had excitedly swept up the goods.

“Should we offer purified water every night and pray for this?”

“What should we pray for?”

“For the Crown Prince to have a son.”

“Why should you pray for that?”

The person who had started the conversation beat his chest at the neighbor’s question.

“You’re such a frustrating woman! Think about it, woman! The child born this time will be the Crown Prince’s firstborn, right? But what if that firstborn comes out with a pepper (penis)! They gave a 10 percent discount for the pregnancy, so if it’s a son, wouldn’t they start with at least half off?”

“Wait, wait, that makes sense, doesn’t it?”

“Right? Right?”

“But will it work if we pray for it?”

“Who knows if a slim chance might actually work?”

“Is that so?”

A few days later, King Sejong received a secret report from the secret royal inspector.

“The number of people in Hanseong praying for the safe delivery and birth of a son for the Crown Princess, Yangwon, and Yangje is increasing? Is there such a grateful thing?”

King Sejong, who was reading the report with a pleased face, smiled wryly as he read the following sentence.

‘They are looking forward to the discount event that will be held at the Office of Monopoly? With an even greater discount than this time? Oh my, oh my…’

At that moment, King Sejong’s face turned into one of dismay.

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