Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

After the ‘Hanseong Circular Railway’ officially opened, it recorded full capacity for a while every day.

“It’s truly amazing!”

“Isn’t it? A carriage that moves without cattle or horses in this world!”

“Look at the windows on that wall! They’re all covered with glass!”

“Wow! Look out the window! Everything is passing by so quickly!”

The residents of Hanseong who boarded the passenger cars marveled at the interior and exterior of the train and the movement of the scenery visible outside.

In the midst of this, it was natural for various problems to occur.

“Hey, you! Come over here! There’s a seat here!”

“Hey, you! I came first!”

“Oh my! Did you have a drink in broad daylight? Anyone can see that I arrived first!”

Occasionally, when an empty seat appeared, a dispute would break out to claim that seat. At that moment, the car attendant who was on board intervened.

“Choose. Will you go quietly, or will you get off? Or would you rather go to the authorities?”

“Ahem! Harrumph!”

At the attendant’s warning, those who had started the seat fight sat down, clearing their throats.

“Listen here! How can I, a nobleman, sit with these commoners?”

From time to time, some people would show off their nobleman status and demand a separate seat. Each time, the attendant would raise a finger and point to the plaque hung at the front top of the passenger car.

-Seats are to be taken regardless of social class. By the King of Joseon.

Next to the sentence, which was written large enough to be clearly read from the opposite end, the royal seal was prominently stamped.

“If you’re really dissatisfied, why don’t you write a petition? Who knows? You might even be specially recruited.”

“Ahem! Harrumph!”


At the attendant’s words, the nobleman who had raised the issue sat back down, clearing their throats. And those around them burst into small laughter.

-When writing a petition, be prepared. Will you face shame throughout Joseon, or will you be summoned to the Gyeongbokgung Palace?

This was a well-known fact not only to the residents of Hanseong but also to the people of Joseon.

And the residents of Hanseong knew one more fact.

-The truly wealthy and powerful nobles ride horses and carriages or at least palanquins.

In a situation where even the renowned incorruptible official Maeng Sa-seong rode a donkey or an ox, those who paid 1 won in copper coins to ride the train were insignificant noblemen.


After about a month, the initial fervor subsided.

Many people still used it frequently, but they were the ones who rode the train out of genuine necessity, not curiosity.

As autumn passed and winter approached, the train began to fill to capacity again.

It was because people from the provinces, who had gained economic and time flexibility after the harvest season ended, flocked to see the train in Hanseong that they had only heard rumors about.


“Oh my! Just look at this thing running! It’s amazing!”


Seeing people exclaiming in all sorts of dialects, the residents of Hanseong muttered softly.

“Country bumpkins…”


Meanwhile, in Daejeon, a heated debate was taking place regarding the expansion of train operations.

“Even if it’s impossible for all the urban areas in Joseon, at least the dohobu (provincial capitals) should have them installed!”

“That’s right! Petitions are already pouring in, requesting for trains to be laid in the counties where they live! Hasn’t it been proven that sufficient profits can be made based on the operating performance over the past few months?”

“It is also necessary for the balanced development of the entire Joseon! The saying ‘If you want to live like a human being, go to Hanseong’ is already common among the people living in the provinces!”

The ministers and vice ministers of the Ministry of General Affairs and the Ministry of Land and Transport strongly advocated for the expansion of the train system.

It was a natural argument for those in charge of the administration of the entire country at the Ministry of General Affairs and those responsible for the development of the land and transportation policies.

However, starting with the Ministry of Finance, there were quite a few who opposed this.

“Although you say it has made a profit, the initial construction costs haven’t even been recovered yet! That profit is merely the result of comparing the monthly fuel costs, maintenance costs, salaries, and the fares collected! It’s still a long way from getting out of the real deficit!”

“Think about the production costs, transportation costs, and installation costs of the railroad tracks, as well as the production and transportation costs of the locomotives and passenger cars! Those aren’t just a penny or two! Consider the expenses that will go into training the locomotive engineers to operate the trains and the car attendants to manage the passenger cars! And you say the tracks should be laid up to the provincial capitals? Talk some sense!”

“The production capacity of the 1st and 2nd Ironworks is already at its limit! The demand for iron keeps increasing, but the supply is limited! Should we go back to using bows and arrows instead of guns and cannons?”

The forces and arguments of those who opposed, centered around the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Defense, were not to be underestimated.

As the debate intensified, the conversation began to flow back into personal attacks.

“How did he pass the civil service exam with that brain of his?”

“What? If it weren’t for the hereditary civil service, he wouldn’t even be a local clerk!”

“What did you say? You bastard!”


As the level of personal attacks went too far, mentioning not only the civil service exam scores achieved to become an official but also whether they entered through the hereditary civil service system, Sejong slammed his armrest.


“Enough! Be quiet!”

At Sejong’s rebuke, the Daejeon Hall fell silent in an instant.

Sejong reprimanded the ministers without hiding his anger.

“There can be differences of opinion in determining the nation’s policies! This is natural! When such differences arise, it is only logical to persuade the other party with reasonable grounds! Why are you engaging in personal attacks? There are mountains of tasks to be dealt with, so how can we proceed if there is no cooperation like this? And you call yourselves the ministers leading this Joseon?”

“Please forgive our unseemly behavior, Your Majesty!”

“Forgive us, Your Majesty!”

Although the ministers bowed their heads and sought forgiveness, Sejong’s reprimand did not stop.

“Is the only time you unite when you gather for a drink and gossip about someone? Is that it?”

The faces of the ministers, which had already turned pale at Sejong’s words, became even paler.

“That is an unbecoming remark, Your Majesty.”

“How could we engage in such an outrageous act?”

The ministers vehemently denied it, but Sejong, who had seized the opportunity, fiercely pushed them.

“If you passed the civil service exam with such outstanding scores, why can’t you speak properly in the royal lectures attended by myself and the Crown Prince? Even though we reduced the daily lectures to once a week to give you ample time to prepare, why is that?”

At Sejong’s point, the ministers who had been boasting about their civil service exam scores were left deflated.

Sejong’s words were true.

The royal lectures held for the king were a set protocol. Therefore, Sejong had to conduct the lectures twice a day, every single day.

This was a system designed to ensure that even an ordinary and unexceptional monarch, or one worse than that, could operate state affairs with a minimum level of cultivation and administrative knowledge. However, the other party was Sejong. As the lectures continued, the ministers were increasingly pushed back.

In this situation, when Hyang, who had been appointed as the Crown Prince, joined the lectures, the scale completely tipped in Sejong’s favor. It became a situation where the ministers were quickly defeated by Sejong and Hyang whenever a debate broke out.

Eventually, after the purge of senior ministers led by Ryu Jeong-hyeon, the frequency of the royal lectures gradually decreased.

“Since there are mountains of state affairs to be handled, I suggest reducing the frequency of the royal lectures. What do you think?”

“I believe it is a very appropriate measure.”

“Then let’s do that.”

As an agreement was reached, it was decided to hold the royal lectures once a week.


Sejong also remarked to the other side.

“And as for the issue of being unqualified due to obtaining an official position through the hereditary civil service system? Then what am I, who became king thanks to my father being the previous king? If you think about it, haven’t I also benefited from the hereditary civil service system?”


At Sejong’s point, the faces of the ministers turned completely pale.

If they were to argue, it was indeed a remark that could be problematic.

Seeing the faces of the ministers that had turned ashen, Sejong continued to press them.

“I overlooked the incident at the drinking party as well, considering it to be the grumblings of ministers exhausted from the heavy workload. However, this kind of unseemly behavior! Do you really want me to thoroughly investigate and pursue this matter?”

At Sejong’s threat, the ministers collectively prostrated themselves on the floor of the Daejeon Hall.

“Your Majesty! Please forgive our unseemly behavior!”

“Forgive us, Your Majesty!”

“Forgive our unseemly behavior, Your Majesty!”

After silently glaring at the ministers pleading for forgiveness, Sejong spoke.

“Very well, I will let it slide this time. However! If you ever again slander someone’s parents or engage in personal attacks, I will never overlook it! I will severely punish you, taking into account all the incidents up until now! Understood?”

“We will engrave it in our minds, Your Majesty!”

“Rise. Let’s get to work.”

“Your grace is immeasurable, Your Majesty!”

At Sejong’s words, the ministers hurriedly rose and sat back in their chairs.


Hyang, who had been watching the scene from the side, looked at Sejong with a face full of curiosity.

‘Is this a double whammy? It’s totally that, right? By the way, it seems like the old men caused trouble at a drinking party… When? Where? There hasn’t been any official or unofficial banquet recently.’

While Hyang was racking his brain over the unresolved questions, the court historians who recorded all of this added a remark.

-…Thus, His Majesty sternly rebuked and admonished them, and the ministers sincerely reflected on their actions.

The historian states:

As His Majesty pointed out, opinions can differ, and it is proper to persuade the other party with reasonable grounds. However, it is not right to engage in personal attacks instead of doing so.

This is not something I say because I entered through the hereditary civil service system.

That aside, when and where did the ministers cause trouble to be rebuked by His Majesty?

As he was recording this, the historian sitting across from him glanced at him and diligently moved his gold brush.

-The historian states:

I believe that the position of a high-ranking official is attained through one’s scholarship and ability to handle state affairs, not determined by family background or the scores achieved during the civil service exam.

This is not because I passed the civil service exam with a byeongga (third-class) score.

That aside, it seems that the rumors circulating in the past were true.


Thanks to Sejong’s outburst, the meeting proceeded quite calmly.

“So, what are your thoughts on operating railroads and trains in the urban areas of the provinces?”

At Sejong’s words, Maeng Sa-seong stepped forward and summarized the situation.

“It is true that if railroads and trains are laid in the urban areas of the provinces, it can prevent the concentration of people in Hanseong and achieve a balance between Hanseong and the provinces. However, considering the costs and time required to manufacture, transport, and install the railroads and trains, as well as the time and expenses needed to train the personnel to operate them, this is not an easy task either.”


After hearing Maeng Sa-seong’s explanation, Sejong stroked his beard, deep in thought.

‘It seems like the answer is vaguely visible… What was it?’

Sejong, who was trying to recall the vaguely visible answer, felt suffocated.

‘The ministers must be suffocated too. It would be good to take a short recess. I should go for a ride after a long time… A ride? A horse!’


“Crown Prince!”

As Sejong, who had been pondering, slammed his armrest and called for the Crown Prince, not only Hyang but also the ministers were startled and looked at Sejong.

“Yes, Your Majesty! Did you call for me?”

“Yes! What do you think about operating the horse-drawn trams that we had only planned before?”

After briefly deliberating on Sejong’s proposal, Hyang immediately answered.

“It is entirely possible, Your Majesty! Although the urban areas in the provinces are sizable, they are inferior compared to Hanseong. Horse-drawn trams can sufficiently handle them!”

At Hyang’s positive response, Sejong turned to the ministers.

“What do you think, ministers?”

“I believe it is a suitable plan, Your Majesty!”

“It is the optimal solution, Your Majesty!”

“Then let’s first allocate horse-drawn trams to the bu (prefecture) and daedohobu (grand provincial capitals) among the urban areas in the provinces. When the trains and railroads are ready, we can replace them. After the replacement is completed, the mok (county) and provincial capitals (protectorate) will operate the horse-drawn trams. Ultimately, let’s plan to have the gun (district) operate the horse-drawn trams as well.”

“We will proceed accordingly, Your Majesty!”

In this way, one of the various policies for the balanced development of Hanseong and the provinces was decided.

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