Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Sayid, who arrived at Jemulpo port, sent a pre-written memorandum to Hanyang.

Upon reading the memorandum, King Sejong convened his ministers and summoned Hyang.

“Please read the memorandum,” Sejong ordered.

The ministers and officials read the memorandum and then looked at King Sejong.

“Crown Prince, explain again the necessity of glass artisans.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Although glass existed as far back as the Samhan period1, there are no artisans who can craft it now. The main reason is that we already have pottery.

We have limited the utility of glass to merely making containers or ornaments. However, considering the properties of glass, we need to secure glass production technology.

Firstly, there’s the industrial need. For example, when making gunpowder or processing metals, we use various acids. These acids are usually stored in pottery containers, which are inconvenient for several reasons. The biggest inconvenience is the inability to check the contents. To do so, one has to open the lid and look inside, which could cause severe injuries if done incorrectly.

But if we use glass, we can check the contents without opening the lid. This is not limited to acids; it can also be applied to food, allowing us to check for spoilage without opening the container.”

“That seems useful.”

Sejong, who enjoyed gourmet food, immediately showed interest. Seeing this, Hyang breathed a small sigh of relief.

‘My Royal Father, when will you lose weight… Even if you’re a healthy pig… Talk to your liver and exercise more…’

“Crown Prince?”

Caught daydreaming while observing the still portly King Sejong, Hyang quickly focused as Sejong called for him.

“Yes? Ah, Your Majesty. I was organizing my thoughts. The second reason involves the military. We can process glass to create lenses, which can be used to see distant places up close. Additionally, we can place glass devices on lanterns to project light further away.”

“Hmm… Sounds good. Ministers, listen. The reason the crown prince had to explain the necessity of glass artisans again is due to the route Sayid and his entourage took to search for one.”

The ministers nodded at King Sejong’s explanation, and Hyang grimaced.

‘Sayid has scored a windfall…’

* * *

Following Hyang’s order to ‘Find and bring a glass artisan,’ Hassan and Sayid tried to gather information in the Islamic community in Ming, but they were unable to find any glass artisans.

“Brother, let me go back to my hometown.”

“Hometown? Distance is an issue, but can we find a glass artisan there? Sayid, you heard, right? This ‘plate glass’ is something those Italians are producing these days.”

“Still, we can’t return empty-handed. That would certainly mean losing this golden opportunity. Let’s give it a shot.”

Hassan nodded at Sayid’s words.

The nation had changed from Goryeo to Joseon, and the situation was increasingly dire. They had no choice but to either move everything to Ming or return to their hometown. And even if they did return, the chances of succeeding again were very low.

In such a circumstance, the crown prince’s offer was truly a ‘golden opportunity.’

Ultimately, Hassan had no choice but to agree with Sayid.

“Be careful on your journey, my brother.”

And so, Sayid hitched a ride on another merchant’s ship and headed for his hometown.

However, even upon arriving in his hometown, Sayid could not easily find a glass artisan.

There were glass artisans, but they were either working at the factories of their targets or were part of a powerful family’s workshop.

“I should go to Alexandria.”

Deciding thus, Sayid requested help from his own family.

‘A family member from Joseon is asking for help.’

Having heard the story through Sayid’s grandfather, the elders of the Otaibi family exchanged opinions.

“Do we need to find a glass artisan?”

“That’s what they say. An artisan capable of making plate glass, to be specific.”

“Is plate glass not something that only artisans from Murano Island in Venice, Italy can make2?”

“I’ve heard that artisans in Florence have started making it as well.”

“Wouldn’t we need to go to the slave market in Alexandria for such an artisan?”

“That’s why he’s asking for help.”

“What kind of help does he want?”

“Transportation to and from Alexandria, financial support for buying a slave, and a ship back to Joseon.”


“The country that rose after destroying Goryeo.”


The elders deliberated and had heated debates. Despite the tension, they came to a conclusion.

“Let’s provide the support!”

The family’s eldest member made the decision, influenced by a letter from Joseon that Sayid had brought.

—If you help us find a glass artisan, I will support Otaibi’s trade with Joseon. I guarantee this as the crown prince of Joseon.

“Isn’t it good to help when the crown prince, who will inherit the throne, has made a guarantee?”

“He is just a crown prince.”

“Indeed, he’s only a crown prince. But in Joseon, such a letter cannot be written without the king’s permission.”

There were objections until the end, but support was decided when Sayid’s grandfather explained the letter’s importance.

With the full support of his family, Sayid headed to the sl@ve market in Alexandria.

Through divine intervention—or what was written as Allah’s help in Sayid’s ‘records’—not long after Sayid arrived, Barbary pirates put Italian plate glass artisans on the slave market.

These artisans were highly valuable, and a fierce competition ensued with Arab merchants and even Northern European merchants. Sayid was able to barely secure the artisans.

However, the money spent on securing these artisans was so large even for the Otaibi family that two of its elders accompanied Sayid back to Joseon. This was the main content of the ‘records.’

The reason King Sejong convened the ministers and scholars was due to the amount spent by the Otaibi family.

“As written in the ‘records,’ the Otaibi family spent 20,000 Ducat (about 7 kg of gold). It’s not a small amount. I want to confirm whether it’s justified to spend this much to obtain glass artisans.”

Sejong paused and looked at Hyang.

“If it were up to the Crown Prince, he would say go ahead. But since it’s a lot of money, I want to hear the opinions of the ministers.”


The ministers pondered. They knew that the Crown Prince did not spend money frivolously. At times, they questioned his purchases, but they always turned out to be necessary.

That’s why they couldn’t easily say, “That’s not acceptable!” Even Minister Kim; Minister of Taxation, who would foam at the mouth if spending exceeded 10 nyang of silver, was deep in thought.

While the ministers were pondering, the Crown Prince spoke up.

“Father. I have something to say.”


“If we consider only the cost of the artisans, it’s a huge amount. However, if we think about the glass they make, it has more value.”

“Of course. But isn’t that why we are discussing this, because we’re not sure?”

“Father, earlier I mentioned that I could create a device using glass that would bring distant objects closer.”


“Consider its military value. If we can identify the Yeojin tribes or foreign invaders from a greater distance, think of the enormous benefit it would bring us. The advantage gained by our troops being able to prepare faster than the enemy is substantial. We may not recoup the initial investment in 1 or 2 years, but we can certainly do so in 10.”

Upon hearing Hyang’s words, Sejong began to tip the scales in favor. However, he was still hesitant to make a decision right away.

“Can you guarantee it will be made?”

“I will take it upon myself to make it!”

Convinced by Hyang’s resolute answer, Sejong looked at his ministers.

In response to his unspoken question, one by one, the ministers opened their mouths.

“The military value alone makes it worthwhile.”

“I agree.”

When the ministers concurred, Sejong made his decision.

“Then, let’s settle the accounts with the glassmakers.”


Meanwhile, people from the Otaibi tribe, who had settled in an Islamic community near Hansung, were equally concerned.

“Will Joseon pay the right price?”

“They will.”

Despite Sayid’s answer, the elders of the Otaibi clan were full of worries.

Coming all the way to distant Joseon, if the prince doesn’t pay the right price, it would be a significant loss for the clan. The authorities they had dealt with had routinely failed to pay, either with petty excuses or larger sums.

“If they were glassmakers from Italy, we could have easily resold them for a huge profit…”

Seeing the worried expressions on the elders, Sayid and Hassan did their best to reassure them.

“Don’t worry. The prince of Joseon will certainly pay the right price.”

“I have been working closely with the prince of Joseon. From my experience, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

“Is that so?”

Despite Sayid and Hassan’s words, the elders remained worried until the end.

“A royal decree!”

“A royal decree?”

At the shout coming from outside, Hassan and Sayid hurriedly rose from their seats and went out.

“Are you the Hassan and Sayid brothers?”

“Yes, we are.”

“Receive the royal decree!”

At the messenger’s shout, the brothers straightened their clothes, bowed towards the palace, knelt, and sat down.

“You are to bring the elders of your clan and the glassmakers to the Geunjeongjeon Hall by noon tomorrow.”

“We receive the decree!”

After bowing once more, the two brothers politely received the scroll.

As the messenger left, the elders who had been watching came out.

“What is that?”

“It’s an order containing the king’s command, and also an invitation.”

“I see. Finally, everything will be settled tomorrow.”

“How did the order come down so quickly?”

One of the elders with more experience asked. The authorities he knew would make them wait for at least three days just to see their faces. However, since arriving in Joseon, Sayid’s report had been filed, and a royal decree had been issued on the day they arrived at the community outside Hansung.

In response to the elder’s question, Hassan gave a slight smile and replied.

“The current king and crown prince of Joseon are quick to handle matters.”


The next day, at noon.

Hassan and Sayid, accompanied by the elders and glass artisans, headed to Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Upon seeing Hassan and Sayid in traditional garments, the soldiers respectfully saluted and then spoke.

“Who are these people behind you?”

“They are accompanying me by royal command.”

Hassan fumbled through his sleeves and presented a scroll written with the royal order to the gatekeeper. 

Upon confirming the contents of the scroll, the gatekeeper stepped aside and returned it.



“Your Majesty, we have arrived!”

Reaching the front yard of Geunjeongjeon, the Hassan brothers knelt and bowed deeply.

The accompanying elders and even the slaves followed suit, kneeling and bowing. They seemed to understand that a misstep could put their lives in jeopardy, at least at this moment.

“You may rise.”

“Your graciousness is immense.”

At King Sejong’s words, the Hassan brothers stood up and spoke politely.

“Who are the people that have come with you?”

“They are the elders of our family.”

“Is that so? Tell them they’ve worked hard.”

Upon hearing Hassan’s translation, the elders bowed their waists politely as their response.

“Are those behind you the glass artisans?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


After inspecting the glass artisans, Sejong spoke to Hassan.

“We will accurately calculate and repay the expenses you incurred while rescuing them. Plus, for their nearly two years of hardship, an additional 10% will be given.”

“Your graciousness is immense!”

Upon hearing Sejong’s words, Hassan and Sayid bowed deeply. The elders, who heard through Sayid, also bowed even more respectfully than before.

“From now on, converse with the crown prince.”

As Sejong stood up from his chair, the Hassan brothers knelt again.

When Sejong left, the Crown Prince Hyang stepped in.

“First, let’s have a brief discussion with the glass artisans.”

“We shall do so. Sayid will interpret.”

“No need.”

Stopping Hassan from interpreting, Hyang directly spoke to the artisans.

“Exspectata ut Hao Coreanica regnum. (Welcome to the Korean Kingdom.)”

Upon hearing the somewhat clumsy but familiar Latin from an ‘Eastern pagan,’ the glass artisans looked at Hyang in astonishment.

“Hic autem non est servus. (You are not sl@ves here.)”

Upon saying this, Hyang ordered Hassan.

“Free them from their restraints.”

Following Hyang’s command, the elders ordered those behind them to unshackle the artisans.

Now free, the artisans bowed deeply to Hyang in genuine gratitude.

“Venite post verba autem ex illis. (We’ll speak with you later.)”

“Ita! (Yes!)”

As the artisans promptly responded, Hyang gestured to the soldiers.

“Take them to Area 51.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The soldiers escorted the glass artisans away.

Witnessing all of this, the elders couldn’t gather their wits.

When Hyang initially spoke in Latin, one elder quietly asked Hassan.

“Did you teach him Latin?”

“He already knew it.”

‘Just who is this Crown Prince of Joseon?’

They had heard the words ‘enormous talent’ from the Hassan and Sayid brothers, but seeing it firsthand made it all the more unbelievable.

Meanwhile, after sending the artisans away, Hyang looked at the elders and spoke.

“Now, let’s discuss how we’ll handle the payment.”

  1. Samhan, or Three Han, is the collective name of the Byeonhan, Jinhan, and Mahan confederacies that emerged in the first century BC during the Proto–Three Kingdoms of Korea.[↩]
  2. Murano Island is famous for their glass craft making[↩]

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