Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Not long after the Otaibi family rejoiced at earning a fortune of 48,000 ducats from a single voyage, they found themselves gritting their teeth in frustration.

Though the Otaibi family had a proud history and sizable influence, they were situated next to the Sindwa family, an even larger merchant family. The Sindwa family was one of the five major merchant families controlling Aden1.

Even when the Otaibis brought over glass artisans from Alexandria as slaves, they had to give considerable gifts to the Sindwa family.

“We of the Otaibi family have not acquired slaves to establish a glass workshop. We bought them because they were requested from a place called Joseon. I swear to Allah that this is not intended to rival the Sindwa family.”

Due to the earnest explanations and gifts from the Otaibi family’s patriarch, the Sindwa family decided to overlook their purchase of glass artisan slaves.

They also had their own intelligence network and knew that next to China was a country called Goryeo, which had recently fallen and been replaced by a new country called Joseon.

When the Otaibi family started selling goods brought back from Joseon, an envoy from the Sindwa family arrived.

“Give us all your goods at a good price.”

“Excuse me?”

“Even if you sell to other merchants, the goods will eventually end up with our Sindwa family. So, just hand it over directly. Do you have the confidence to safely transport a ship’s worth of goods to Alexandria?”


And so, negotiations began between the envoy from the Sindwa family and the Otaibi family’s patriarch.

“200,000 ducats? Isn’t that too expensive?”

“Think about the round trip to Joseon. Pirates from Malaya2 and Majapahit, let alone from Jipangu3, are swarming those waters. Do you think it’s easy to travel through such dangerous waters?”

“Still, 200,000 ducats are too much. Let’s settle on 100,000.”

“This is outrageous, even for the Sindwa family! Are you saying you don’t want to trade?”

“Isn’t it just too expensive?”

“Fine, 180,000 ducats!”


“175,000! That’s my final offer!”

“Do you think we’re not aware of how much you paid for those glass artisans? 20,000 ducats, right? Even if you had to bring extra funds, your family could’ve afforded at most 30,000 ducats. Who are you trying to fool? Since we’re both merchants in Aden, I’ll go up to 100,000!””

“We have promised rewards to the crew!”

“That’s why I said 100,000! Any more and it would be hard for you to do business in Aden!”

Confronted with the Sindwa merchant’s words, the patriarch of the Otaibi family realized he had no other options.

“…Fine. We’ll hand it over for 100,000.”

“It was a good deal.”

In the end, the Otaibi family handed over their goods from Joseon to the Sindwa family for 100,000 ducats. After transferring the goods, the patriarch ground his teeth in frustration.

“These people are worse than pirates!”

However, the family elders were actually pleased, claiming they had made triple the profit.

“Aren’t they basically pirates? Making three times the profit is a successful deal! We should prepare to go to Joseon again instead!”

“Exactly! Without a permit from Joseon, other merchants can’t procure goods! We should seize this opportunity for greater gains!”

“Hoo~. Let’s do just that.”

The patriarchr had no choice but to step back at the words of the elders. Left alone in the room, the leader thumped his chest.

“Damn it! Damn those Sindwa bastards!”

While waiting for a favorable wind to go to Joseon, the Otaibi clan began to procure what was requested from Joseon.

“They asked for horses from Joseon. They said they’d pay well for horses with good pedigree.”


“Horses in Joseon are really… adorable.”

Arabian horses at the time were famous for being excellent. They were large and had both agility and endurance.

“Is that so? Then we should procure the best pedigree horses.”

As the Otaibi clan members were busy procuring horses, news of the Sindwa clan reached their ears.

They heard that the Otaibi clan had bought goods from Joseon for 100,000 ducats and sold them in Alexandria for 1,100,000 ducats. Especially silk and spices had caused bloodshed—literal bloodshed—among the European merchants crossing the Mediterranean.

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

Everyone in the Otaibi clan, even those who had been happy about doing three times the business, exploded in anger.

Considering the time and risk it took to go to Alexandria, doubling the profits was a big win, but they had missed out on the opportunity to make almost 40 times the profit.

While the people of the Otaibi clan were grinding their teeth, merchants from another clan approached them.

“People have come from the Azlam clan.”

“From the Azlam clan?”

“The clan leader of the Azlam clan has come as well!”

“Bring them in!”

The news that someone, even the clan leader, had come from the Azlam clan—one of the five major clans of Aden—made the Otaibi clan leader jump from his seat.

A moment later, the merchants entered, and the leader greeted them respectfully.

“Welcome. It is an honor to meet the greatest elder of the Azlam clan.”

“Thank you for welcoming us.”

“Please sit.”

As the Azlam clan merchants sat in the designated seats, tea was served.

Members of both the Otaibi and Azlam clans prepared to converse while sipping tea.

“Ho? This aroma is unique.”

“It’s tea from Joseon. A relative who works at the Joseon royal court gifted it to us. It has a different aroma from Chinese tea.”

“It’s indeed a rich aroma, fitting for the successor state to Goryeo, which was famous for its fragrances.”

Starting their conversation with talks about Joseon tea, they soon got to the main point.

“I heard that your recent venture was a great success.”

“By Allah’s grace.”

“But it must be a bit disappointing because of the Sindwa clan?”

“We still made a profit.”

The leader of the Otaibi clan chose his words carefully. The power of the Azlam clan was significant, but so was that of the Sindwa clan. And the Sindwa clan was right next to the Otaibi clan. A wrong move could result in their ships at the docks going up in flames or their warehouses being burned down.

“However, the profits gained by the Sindwa clan in Alexandria dwarf yours.”

“Isn’t it a matter of capability?”

An elder from the Otaibi clan interjected. The merchant from the Azlam clan nodded at the elder’s words.

“I agree with that. But unfair is unfair. Let me get to the point. How would you feel about partnering with our Azlam clan?”

“Are you saying that our clan should join the Azlam clan?”

As the atmosphere among the Otaibi clan members grew tense, the leader of the Azlam clan hurried to defuse the situation.

“Not at all. The Otaibi clan is a clan with a long history, how could we suggest that?”

“Do you promise in the name of Allah?”

“I promise in the name of Allah.”

At the firm assurance of the leader of the Azlam clan, the atmosphere among the Otaibi clan members cooled down.

“So when you say ‘let’s join together,’ do you mean to form a partnership?”

“Is it true? The Otaibi family is preparing to go back to Joseon?”


“It looks like your family is mobilizing all three of its merchant ships. Our family will also contribute the same, three ships. Alexandria will support us as well. We’ll divide the profits 6:4, with us getting 6 and the Otaibi family 4.”

The leader of the Azlam family made the offer, and the leader of the Otaibi family’s face turned serious.

After pondering for a while, the leader of the Otaibi family asked the leader of the Azlam family, “It’s a very generous offer, almost too much. What’s your reason for making such an offer?”

“To not miss an opportunity. You’re going to Joseon because of that relative’s request, right? That means the Otaibi family has ties with the Joseon royal family, which is an opportunity we cannot miss as merchants.”

The leader of the Azlam family explained, locking eyes with the leader of the Otaibi family. Although he was smiling, his eyes weren’t.

“By Allah, I swear I have no hidden motives! So please make your decision! Oh, and let me advise you in advance; doing business with Sindwa is not a good idea.”

“Can your family protect ours from Sindwa?”

“On the name of our family and Allah, we will!”

The leader of the Otaibi family sighed deeply at the promise from the Azlam family leader.

“We have no choice. We accept the Azlam family’s offer.”

“A wise decision.”

Satisfied with the negotiation, the leader of the Azlam family stood up from his seat, a smile on his face.

“It was a delightful meeting. Starting today, we’ll send our people to the docks and the warehouse.”

“Thank you.”

The leader of the Otaibi family thanked him. After seeing off the Azlam family, an elder of the Otaibi family spoke, “I wonder if we’ve jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.”

“We’re weak right now, what can we do?”

The Otaibi family did have some strength, but compared to the five great families, they were lesser.

* * *

As soon as the rumor that ‘the Otaibi and Azlam families have joined hands’ spread, people from the Sindwa family stormed in.

“Why have you joined hands with Azlam! Have you forgotten about us, your neighbors, Sindwa!”

Though the emissary from the Sindwa family was furious, the leader of the Otaibi family responded calmly.

“Didn’t you enjoy your time in Alexandria?”


“Merchants move where the profit is, don’t they?”

“Profit is important, but so is faith!”

“Did the Sindwa family keep that faith?”

Hearing that the Otaibi family was resolute, the Sindwa emissary left with a warning.

“Don’t expect any favors from our family from now on!”

“We’re prepared for that.”

After the envoy from the Sindwa family left in a huff, the leader of the Otaibi family ordered the elders, “Even though the Azlam family has promised to help, just to be safe, increase security at the docks and warehouses.”


“Pay close attention to the stables as well. Our most important goods are there.”

“We will.”

The leader of the Otaibi family looked up at the sky. If this voyage was successful, and they could replicate it just two or three more times, the Otaibi family could become the sixth major family of Aden. However, they had now turned the Sindwa family into enemies, and the Azlam family was a threat that could swallow them up at any moment.

Staring at the sky silently for a while, the leader of the Otaibi family muttered as he turned around, “Inshallah (God willing)…”

* * *

Upon securing the selected mares and stallions as requested by Joseon, the Otaibi family began preparing for departure.

“We also wish to accompany you!”

Small merchants from nearby pleaded to join, but the leader of the Otaibi family flatly refused.

“The journey is long and filled with pirates; I can’t guarantee your safety.”

“We don’t care! It’s well known that the sea route is dangerous! However, if there’s an opportunity, a merchant risks his life for it!”

As the merchants continued to pester him, the Otaibi family’s leader played his trump card.

“Joseon only allows trade with those who have this permit! Without it, you won’t even be able to disembark.”


Certainly, Joseon was selling permits, but the leader of the Otaibi family had no reason to disclose this.

Thus, the Otaibi and Azlam family merchant ships set sail from Aden port. On board the largest of the Otaibi family’s ships was its leader. As he watched Aden harbor recede into the distance, he clenched his fist.

“There will not be a second failure!”

  1. A major port/harbor in ancient Yemen.[↩]
  2. Malacca strait which borders current Malaysia and Indonesia, was a major sea route.[↩]
  3. Old name Japan[↩]

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