Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 233: Quiet Day

Chapter 233: Quiet Day

So thats how it is

His fingers unconsciously rubbed the cup in front of him a few times, and Muyangs face showed a smile that Matsumoto Rangiku could not understand.

But since it is something related to Ichigo, why would it send you? Compared to you, it should be Rukia, who is more familiar with Ichigo.

Who made me now the direct person in charge of the connection between Soul Society and you? Besides, Rukia is here too, but she just didnt come to look for you. She must have other ideas..

Dont be so reluctant. It wasnt easy for you to get this job. I remember you asked a lot of people to help you! Well, I know what youre thinking. Go, Ill give the fox a few days off.

Thank you, youre the best boss.

Matsumoto Rangiku jumped up and cheered, and then ran out with her trembling chest, her face full of the joy of a little woman.

Ah The proud cat and the proud fox, so interesting.

Looking through the room, looking at Rangiku who excitedly ran out with Ichimaru Gin, Muyang showed a smile on his face.

Compared with this

His eyes fell on the cup, looking at the coffee that spread a layer of ripples, Muyangs eyes were deep, making people unable to understand what emotions were hidden inside.

Whats wrong, what did Rangiku say?

Suzuki Kusu walked behind Kimura Muyang at some point, and placed her hands on his shoulders to lightly beat him. Soft tone.


Reaching out and holding the other persons hand, Muyangs heart gradually calmed down. As long as there was such a person accompanying him like this, there was nothing to worry about.

This matter does not matter. It is not a big deal. As long as the other party does not provoke us, do not pay attention. Of course, if Soul Society made a request, he naturally has to help. What I care more about now is the matter of Hueco Mundo. Although Stark has already investigated, I still cant put down a little.

Hearing Muyangs words, Suzuki Kusus body slightly paused. She also knew something about what happened in Hueco Mundo. This time things were not ordinary.

Dont worry,

You also know the strength of Stark, but there is no problem with the investigation. Just wait in peace. You should know the specific situation in these two days.

Thats the only way.

Standing up, Muyang looked at the sky through the window. Was such a quiet and peaceful life coming to an end? He had finally managed to lead such a life with great difficulty. He really couldnt bear to part with it.


Why did his body tremble when he thought of the possibility of enemies appearing and his peaceful life being destroyed and forced to fight with all kinds of enemies he didnt know at all? A strong desire would emerge in the depths of his heart!

Sure enough, you are still a person who likes to fight!

Walking to Muyangs side, she leaned into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his body. Suzuki Kusus voice was very gentle.

Although you also enjoy a quiet and peaceful life, deep in your bones, you still desire to fight. You like the crisp sound of swords clashing, enjoy the feeling of blades brushing past you, and the satisfaction of sending your blade into your enemys body.

Will you feel uncomfortable living with me like this? I know that you dont like to fight.

No, you are the real you in my heart, and also the one I like the most. I like to see you waving Zanpakuto to kill the enemy.

The two of them stood in front of the window, quietly watching the sun gradually setting on the horizon. Their hearts were full of peace.

Someone is being attacked.

Suzuki Kusu, who was leaning against Muyang, suddenly said.


Its Ichigos companion, the Quincy called Ishida Ury.


After a pause, Muyang went on to say,

Its Ginj Kgo, but what does this have to do with us? As long as they dont provoke us, they can do whatever they want. I also want to enjoy a few more days of quiet life. There is not much time.


Suzuki Kusu buried her head back into Muyangs chest and slowly closed her eyes.

Through the recent events, both of them felt a sense of oppression. An unprecedented battle was about to break out. It was an even more intense battle than the previous one. No one could avoid it. Therefore, at least before the battle began, they would enjoy this precious peace.


Putting the thing in his hand on the table, Hiyori threw her body into the sofa.


His eyes came out of the comic book. He glanced at Hiyori on the side, but he did not say anything. Love buried his head down again and burst into laughter.


Seeing Loves reaction, Hiyori snorted heavily.

That, Hiyori, what happened to you?

Seeing Hiyoris reaction, Ushoda Hachigen, who was sitting on the side, suddenly opened his mouth and said, his tone as gentle as before.

My body is fine! Damn it, Shinji and those guys actually went back to Soul Society to be a captain, bastard!

Thats because Soul Society is very weak now and needs someone to fill in the vacant position of Captain.

Isnt there a 3rd Division Captain who defected here before? Why didnt he call that fox-like guy to go back and continue to be a Captain!

Hiyori, didnt you say it yourself? He is the Captain who defected before. Although he has his own difficulties, Soul Society will not accept him to continue to be the Captain.

What difficulties? Isnt it just for a big-chested woman! Damn it, why can that guy not work again? And you two, actually do nothing, damn it!

This is what you want to say the most, Hiyori, right?

Love poked his head out of the comic book and said indifferently.

So what if its like this! Speaking of which, why didnt you return to Soul Society? Why did you insist on staying here and not doing anything?

Because Soul Society didnt have . If I leave the comic book world now, I wont be able to live.

After giving a faint explanation, Love buried his head in the comic book again, and then burst into laughter again.

So why didnt Rose stay? In this way, he could go out and play for a while. At least he could pull the business. It was better than this bastard.

Picking up her things from the table, Hiyori walked to the front hall with dissatisfaction on her face. Although she complained, she still had to finish the work she had to do. Thinking of the rules listed by Muyang, Hiyori gritted her teeth.

That baldy Kimura actually made those demands. Bastard!


Suddenly stopped, Ichimaru Gins gaze turned to the distance, he felt a collision of Reiatsu, that direction was Kurosaki Ichigos house.

Whats the matter, Gin?

Matsumoto Rangiku turned her head strangely and looked at the silver-haired man who stood still, a trace of doubt on her face.

No, its fine. By the way, didnt you say before that you wanted to go see the clothes? This is the commercial street, right?

Ah, right! I remember seeing a very good shop here when I came last time. I like the clothes inside very much. It seems to be not far ahead. Lets hurry over. Hurry up, Gin!

Yes, yes!

His arm was pulled. Ichimaru Gin dragged his footsteps and followed Matsumoto Rangiku. Finally, he took a look at the abnormal direction he felt before. Then he retracted his eyes and quickly followed Matsumoto Rangiku. Looking at the cheering woman in front of him, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Although in the end, he couldnt take back what was taken away from Rangiku, but at least, he could keep looking at her smiling face. As long as it was like this, it was enough.


General Hospital.

Ishida, what is going on?

Looking at Ishida Ury who was lying on the bed, Kurosaki Ichigo asked nervously.

It has nothing to do with you

Ishida Urys voice came from behind the curtain. Although his heart was very touched by Kurosaki Ichigos concern, he knew that Kurosaki Ichigo, who had lost his strength now, should not be involved in these things.

How can it be unrelated! You are already injured. If you cant deal with it yourself, of course, everyone should think of a way together! Tell me quickly!

Hearing Ishida Urys refusal, Kurosaki Ichigo waved his fist and said excitedly. Although he had lost his strength now, he could not watch his companion get hurt without doing anything.

The sharing of information is very important. Do you want to disappoint your companions good intentions?

Shut up!

Oh, what a pity. If your voice was higher, the wound would crack again.

Hearing his son roaring at him, Ishida Ryuken was not angry at all. Instead, he leaned against the wall and teased.


Sorry, Inoue, now I really have nothing to comment, you should go back first..

Um Kurosaki

Ah? Oh Oh Its already so late, you must be very sleepy, right? Let me send you back.

Returning to his senses, Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Orihime on the side and said.

Hearing Kurosaki Ichigos invitation, Orihime immediately fell into a violent sense of happiness. He said in a flurry, and his face could not help but blush.

Ill drive her back. You should go back early too. If you stay outside too late, your father will be long-winded again.

Looking at Ishida Ryuken who was holding Inoue Orihimes shoulders, a strange color flashed in Kurosaki Ichigos eyes, and then he covered it up.

I understand. Thank you.

Bowing deeply to Ishida Ryuken, Kurosaki Ichigo turned around and left Ishida Urys ward, quickly running outside.

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