Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1117 Eduard Valentinovich

Approximately three hours after leaving behind the Russian base practically in ruins and razed to the ground, Bai Zemin was riding Little Snow's back and deep in thought as he felt the feather-like weight of Kali resting on his back.

In front of him, little Bai Shilin was sleeping comfortably with her body leaning back and resting on his chest. 

In cases like this Bai Zemin had no choice but to try to ignore the jealous stares he was receiving from Luo Ning and Xiao Xiao, these two little lolis who loved so much to be pampered by him. Although the Wen sisters were similar they were not as close to him compared to the aforementioned four, and with the more mischievous of the two constantly playing pranks it helped to make the more timid one even quieter.

Just as Bai Zemin was wondering why they had not been attacked by any nuclear missiles so far, a blast of hot and cold wind approached from above. Raising his head, he immediately saw a beautiful giant crimson-red bird flying from the distance and spiraling down.

Once the Devastation Queen found herself flying barely over his head, Bai Zemin calmly asked, "Feng Tian Wu, did you spot anything?"

"There doesn't seem to be anything or anyone in the next few kilometers ahead of us." Feng Tian Wu shook her head and said softly, "May I ask why did you send 5000 men south?"

Feng Tian Wu never doubted Bai Zemin's intelligence anymore, and anyone who did was probably the stupidest living being in the universe. However, she was really curious and puzzled regarding his decision from before, so after a long time of hesitation she finally decided to approach to ask.

Although her question was somewhat vague, Bai Zemin was quick to understand that she as well as many others saw the problem in his earlier decision.

"While it is true that it is impossible for 5000 soul evolvers to perfectly protect or guard over 200,000 people, my main goal is to get the teleportation gate and energy shield that we managed to take from the enemy base earlier into the hands of our faction." Bai Zemin paused before continuing, "Russia is a country full of mutant beasts so sending less than 5000 would be like sending troops to their deaths. As for the Russian survivors... if their fate is strong enough they will survive, and if not then it means they were destined to fall early."

Bai Zemin was not any kind of god and thus was far from omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent. Among the 200,000 Russian survivors and his 5000 soldiers there was no need to say that Bai Zemin would always choose the people on his side. 

"Besides..." Bai Zemin's eyes shone with a strange light as he whispered something that only Feng Tian Wu heard.

The beautiful fire mage's eyes trembled slightly and when she looked at him the shock she was feeling in her heart could be seen through her eyes. She whispered urgently, "You.... That's too risky! What will you do if the teleportation gate and shield are stolen?"

Bai Zemin shrugged and said casually, "They won't be able to. But in the hypothetical and unlikely event that what you said actually happens, none of that really matters since we'll be wiping out the Russian faction before we return to China anyway."

Feng Tian Wu felt that what he said made sense but at the same time felt that Bai Zemin was playing with fire. Although he had not explained too much to her, what he had told her earlier was more than enough for her to understand that another terrifying battle would soon break out in southern Russia.

She did not think for a moment that a person who loved his family as much as Bai Zemin did would send his father to a seemingly lost battlefield... But what Feng Tian Wu could not understand was the simple fact of why did Bai Zemin only send Chen He and Bai Delan as the strongest generals...

* * *

-Russia's capital, Moscow.

The capital of Russia had more than 15 million survivors before the apocalypse broke out when the Soul Record made its appearance without warning. 

When the apocalypse occurred, 80-90% of the human population immediately turned into zombies and the remaining 10-20% immediately began to be slaughtered practically one-sidedly by zombies and mutant beasts. However, Russia like the Catholic Church forces in the Vatican and like Angelo's forces in the United States managed to pull together quickly due to the fact that their central command did not collapse.

With their Leader in command, the military forces of Moscow took only 3 months to recover most of the capital. Although no one knew what happened to the zombie leader, everything pointed to the fact that the Russian special forces managed to successfully drive him off to some unknown location.

The base built in the center of Moscow was possibly the most powerful in Russia. Its walls were over 500 meters high and were made of giant stones with the ability to absorb limited amounts of mana, which would weaken enemy attacks and help the walls stand stronger in times of war. 

On top of the walls were giant catapults that had clearly been built using magic. These Giant Ice Trebuchets could hurl gigantic stones over 5000 meters in distance but thanks to the heightening of the walls that distance could reach up to three times as far! 

Moreover, the most terrifying thing was that the Giant Ice Trebuchets had two surprisingly good qualities for the defense of a city. 

First, a normal stone would turn into a magic stone enveloped in ice and frost magic as soon as the trigger was activated. Provided they were fed with enough Soul Stones, the Giant Ice Trebuchet would not fail to fire extremely destructive magic projectiles capable of crushing entire armies on their own.

The second special quality was that upon impacting the ground, the giant stones not only did not explode but bounced and spun like footballs, crushing everything in their path and releasing gusts of frost capable of freezing everything within 100 meters around them.

If the enemies wanted to break through the Moscow fortress using numbers they would definitely have to pay a terrible price to have the slightest chance of success.

-Kremlin, fortress of the Tsars.

This historic place where the Grand Palace was located had become the home of the Leader of the New Russia. The Leader of the Russians had taken advantage of the already built defense of the Grand Palace and turned it into his personal castle.

The place was heavily guarded and inside there were more than 100 beautiful maidens performing domestic chores. All of them seemed to be used to it as they divided the tasks to perfection and moved with practically inhuman synchronicity.

In the extremely luxurious and carefully decorated main hall of the castle, a man who despite looking like a handsome young man with blond hair in his 20's was over 60 calmly sipped a shot of whiskey. His posture was like that of an elegant nobleman, one leg crossed over the other and he wore all-white military clothing except for the small gold chains and buttons.

Even as he listened to Colonel Roman Valeryevich's report, even as this man who had done so much for him writhed in pain and rage, the blond man's expression never changed. No one knew what he was thinking.

Behind the handsome man in white clothes was an incredibly beautiful woman. Her body was so curvaceous that it seemed to have been modified by divine hands as it was hard to believe that a human woman could achieve such a level of physical perfection. However, Bai Zemin would certainly be surprised if he saw this woman's face.

This was because the girl's face resembled by at least 30 to 40% the face of one of his most trusted and powerful generals.

Roman Valeryevich finally finished his report after several minutes. He related everything in detail and did not skip anything before looking at the tallest Leader in silence. However, after 5 minutes of silence this fierce and brave Colonel could not stand the silence any longer and with tears of anger in his eyes said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty Eduard?"

Eduard Valentinovich. This was the name of the Leader of Russia, and also the person who more than 17 years ago had wiped out Evangeline's family.

"Mhm..." Eduard finally opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his own reflection in the thin layer of whiskey remaining in the glass. He played with the liquid by swirling the glass gently, and after a short pause said slowly, "I understand. I am sorry for your loss and that of your family, Colonel Valeryevich. Go get help to recover your lost limb first and spend 2 days at home afterwards."

Roman Valeryevich stood and performed a military salute before turning with the intention of leaving. However, before he crossed the door to the salon he stopped.

Eduard Valentinovich looked up and looked at his back calmly as he asked, "Is something wrong, Colonel?"

"Your Majesty, this is just a theory on my part but I hope you will take it into account."

"Oh?" The Russian Leader's eyes flashed with a hint of interest before nodding to himself, "Go ahead please."

Roman Valeryevich took a deep breath before suddenly saying, "I don't know if Your Majesty remembers that thing that attacked Moscow last month?"

Eduard Valentinovich's expression changed slightly and even the beautiful lady behind him experienced changes in her demeanor upon hearing Colonel Roman's words.

"Where are you leading with your question, Colonel." Eduard Valentinovich's voice was rather displeased. 

The events that had occurred a month ago was something he would rather not remember if possible, and every time someone mentioned it Eduard's mood, which was usually quite good immediately turned dismal.

"As I said, this is just a feeling of mine and nothing else." Roman Valeryevich did not turn around nor did he flinch at the change in the mood of the person behind him, he continued in a hoarse voice: "But I think it would be good if we consider the strength of the Transcendent faction's Leader, Bai Zemin, as an equal of that winged thing... The blow with which he killed my son-in-law was not a fist that contained only pure physical force capable of knocking down a dragon but also had an energy very similar to that expelled by the teleportation gate when we activate it."

Without waiting for a response, Roman Valeryevich left silently a few seconds later.

For about 10 minutes, the room was silent and the only sound that could be heard was that of the hands of the antique clock on the opposite wall where there were also some giant bear heads and mutant deer.

After what seemed like an eternity, Eduard Valentinovich asked without looking back: "What do you think? You are the person with the most knowledge and advantage when it comes to space power."

The beautiful blonde woman thought silently for a few seconds before saying in a surprisingly sweet voice, "This person named Bai Zemin is definitely not simple. Whether we like to admit it or not, Xuanyuan Wentian was really powerful even in the past so he had definitely become way stronger after evolving... and yet, he was still defeated. I think we need to investigate a bit more, and taking Colonel Valeryevich's words into account might not be a bad idea."

"Bai Zemin, uh..." Eduard Valentinovich leaned back and looked up at the large chandelier hanging in the high ceiling as he said in a nonchalant voice, "I never in my life thought that a cryo could give me so many headaches."

The beautiful woman smiled slightly and began massaging his shoulders as she said sweetly, "I don't think there's any need to worry too much... Even that thing retreated when it entered that place so we just have to wait. Bai Zemin is walking to his own death without knowing it anyway."

Hearing the words and the sweet voice of the woman behind him as well as her soft hands gently kneading his shoulders, Eduard Valentinovich's mood immediately brightened.

With a chuckle, he nodded and closed his eyes.

"Khristina, you really are my guardian angel and salvation in this shitty world."

Khristina Ilyinishna. This was the name of the beautiful, seductive woman with the sweet voice... the older sister and the person Evangeline most wanted dead in this world!

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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