Bonded Summoner

Book 5. Chapter 17: Jake and Fhesiah - Clash of Champions Pt. 2

Book 5. Chapter 17: Jake and Fhesiah - Clash of Champions Pt. 2

Jake stood over the dead grasshopper man, dozens of questions in his mind. Ira roared in triumph at Jake having killed the terrible creature. He looted the creature, wanting to make sure it was dead.

Just what was going on? He received no Divine Spark from his victory. Only that he was able to loot the foes corpse proved that he had actually killed the creature. The book on Champions did indicate there were circumstances where the spark would not be awarded immediately.

However, they were not inside of such a challengethey were in the field, on a Tier 1 World. Usually, the spark was awarded immediately as a point of balance. If several Champions faced each other, it required a full sweep without losses to have a complete victory.

If one Champion died on the winning side, the net gain for them would be one less.

The implications of not receiving the spark were scary. It meant that if his family lost this day, even if they killed three or four of the enemy Champions, they could lose all the sparks they gained in addition to their own.

When it came to Jakes fight, it looked like his easy victory was thanks to his void bloodline. It appeared the Greed Champion couldnt directly assault his mindat least effectively.

Jake was not really able to see anything, other than his entire view filled with locusts in a dust storm, his head pounding from the mixed sonic and mental attack. There were some odd visions that seemed to try to creep into his mind and desire to give up, but he easily powered through those.

It was only thanks to Ira and his [Arcane Eye] that he could see anything at all.

He knew through his wives that nothing was actually here besides his enemy and the mostly harmless insects, and because he wasnt harmed, he didnt try calling any of them to his side.

He avoided doing that because the battlefield was highly tenuous at the moment. If he called any one of his wives away, another would quickly get overwhelmed by two Champions teaming up on them.

Jake could call all the girls, but he definitely didnt want any Champions attempting to flee instead. He certainly wanted to defeat them here and now.

It was thanks to Davonius and Ira preparing Jake for this moment that he was able to spot the giant grasshopper with his [Arcane Eye]. Once again, he had searched for the lack of something within his sight, and managed to find him.

He also used Iras position, but it wasnt that easy. He would try to step nearer to Ira, and would find that he was stepping in the wrong direction. It was like left was right, or down was up, to him, and he would stumble in the wrong direction, his body not moving where he thought it was.

Just when he thought hed be getting used to the situation and getting closer to Ira, his perception would shift. He found he was moving in the wrong direction the whole time.

Thus, he used his Arcane Eye to triangulate it. Having that extra point of reference helped ensure he continued moving toward his target. Without both Ira and his Arcane Eye, he was screwed, or would need to fill the field with flames, blowing all his mana.

Even now, each of the opponent Champions were looking for an opening for striking out against an adjacent battle.

Jake winning first was a serious tactical advantage, and he wasnt about to give it away. He had found resonance with Tanda in those final moments, and that was as good a target as any.

Picking up his spear, he was about to dash toward Tandas fight when Valora entered the clearing.

He asked, Take me to Tanda? I can use your help. With a happy whinny, she rushed to pick up Jake. Jumping on her back, they rushed to Tandas battlefield. They had traveled a bit away, the Apophis Champion dragging her away toward Bloodberris fight, it appeared.

Finding the copse of trees Tanda and the Apophis Champion were fighting, Jake couldnt help but wryly smile. This was the third one he was about to face and defeat. This particular god must really hate Jake, as Hestia had called out that the waning god would not want to pay so dearly for such insignificant challenges.

Something in the area was still inhibiting their Nordic Runes, but that was fine for Jake.

He had planned various spells that used only demonic runes, though he had fewer diverse options. The problem was the lack of group casting or empowered, Tier 2 spells.

Only him and Fhesiah had truly worked out a decent group spell with demonic runes exclusively, but nothing that would really turn the tide of a battle, at least he didnt think.

Tanda danced around the enemy Champion, slicing and thrusting, as snakes continued to climb down the dark elfs body and try to bite her. Vines entwined some approaching snakes, keeping them from attacking Tanda.

The others were destroyed by swipes of her odd cape flaps.

Jake wasnt sure exactly was going on, but it appeared the Dark Elf could generate venomous snakes nearly infinitely. With her bow, her venomous attacks would be deadly, but Tanda properly kept her busy.

Compressing his Divine Hearth Flames within his Champions Staff, he found this step never went as smoothly. He didnt even need to inject a small amount of Divine Energy, this time.

His Hearth flames had taken a qualitative leap forward from increasing his Core Level, but also the dual cultivation with Fhesiah. He was sure he was evolving the core toward something even more special.

The Dark Elf felt that something was happening, and retreated from Tandas assault, even as she called up more snakes. It appeared her mana sense was capable of detecting Jakes magical buildup from the edge of the trees.

Jakes attack ready, he released his powerful beam of fiery light, while Tanda switched to her bow. The [Scorching Ray] was met with hundreds of snakes swirling around in the shape of the same, biting into the attack.

The counterattack of the swarming snakes was powerful, but Jakes beam still managed to pierce through and burn into the Dark Elfs shoulder. The woman gave off a pained wail as she was struck.

Jake now charged with his spear riding Valora, and Tanda began releasing powerful shots with her bow.

Once again, snakes tried countering, but her [Cyclic Resonance] had built to where her attacks were more devastating; her body filled with golden light. A chunk was bitten off the dark elfs leg, and Jakes Hearthblade went straight for her chest.

Blocking the attack with her staff lined with the snakes crawling up her body knocked her back, and Jake did his best to contain her while riding Valora. She had healed her own wound with her black Divine Energy, and Jake knew this was going to take some time to win if he let it.

Tanda was flying and looking for the perfect angles, and despite the Dark Elf being fast, Jake was able to keep up easily thanks to Valora.

Snakes tried leaping at him from the Dark Elfs body or the ground, but his Aura enhanced by his Avenger covenant actually burned them away as quickly as they attacked.

Jake harried the dark elf with his spear, Valora pushing into her personal space. Her staff tried taking a bite out of him as if alive, but his [Sacrificial Barrier] covered him just as he stabbed into her left shoulder.

She screamed as she kicked out at Valora, but the Longma kicked the dark elf into the air with a powerful kick instead, with a chirping chuckle.

Which Tanda fired a fully charged attack at. She was now almost entirely golden now, and the fire was blazing even brighter. A giant wolfs head bit into the Champion, removing her right arm and a chunk of her torso as she fell to the ground.

Snakes swelled up her body and began entering it. It was as if she was filling the gap from where she took damage. However, her ability did not replace these snakes. Now that they were used this way, she had fewer protecting her, from what he could tell.

As Valora charged again, it appeared the Dark Elf realized the status quo couldnt continue. She reached into her armor and grabbed a totem that evil was wafting off of it.

Crushing it, a powerful energy surged, and even drained energy out of the dark elf, freezing her in place. A wave of darkness echoed out and began to build up, and Jake did his best to use Fhesiahs demonic fire runes to cast several waves of flames into the target, as Tanda fired her bow repeatedly.

Despite their efforts, it continued to charge up its horrible attack. Jake had Tanda instead give a prayer to Cernunnos.

A massive snake of darkness manifested, and it surged at Jake and Valora. But Ira shifted him out of the way and behind the dark elf, where Jake stabbed right into the enemys head with his [Hearthblade].

She had been drained by beginning this special attack or using the artifact, it appeared.

Even with the enemy killed, the attack persisted toward Valora, with Tanda behind her. Valora dispersed into motes of light, as if denying being killed by the terrible snake.

The snake continued toward Tanda, where she finished her prayer. The thornlash plants she grew all over the area now rose up and twisted, being infused with Divine Energy. Some vines twisted into those emanating boundless life, while others twisted into rotted vines made of death and decay.

They formed a wreath similar to what Cernunnos made when they faced off against the evil dragon. Jake couldnt help but marvel at the Celtic knot work of the vines as it crashed into the evil manifestation of the snake.

The vines grew and contorted as they wrapped around the oncoming snake of darkness, but just like the battle before, it was created just for that purpose. The decay tore at the enemys assault, and the life restored and burned away the evil.

The snake apparition railed against its bindings, its hatred seething. It screamed in anguish, as it was wrapped completely in vines. Within moments, the attack was captured, the wreath shrunk down to

Jake asked, Is that an acorn?

Tanda chuckled, as she picked it up. It is! Lets get moving!

They had won two battlefields. It was time to win over the others.


Fhesiah fought in her dragoness form, her body filled with draconic empowerment. While she had made herself large and imposing to the demons within the Greater Rift before, her increase in size was the minimum requirement to face the challenge in front of her.

The massive scorpion warrior, after he called upon his goddess, made Bloodberri appear small.

For Fhesiah, it was a challenge to face such a difficult melee combatant. He was not only large and wielding a powerful polearm, but his pincers and tail from the additional scorpion body he sort-of stood on, aided each of his attacks.

If it werent for her mixing her illusions in, shed have already needed to flee.

Then, he was completely covered in regenerating armor. Most of her attacks left little more than a bruise underneath it. Like members of her party, wounds that merely caused bruises were something they could withstand near indefinitely.

Fhesiah was in a bit of trouble. She had used too much of her kitsune bloodline flames in the previous fight. There was only a little left in reserve for her, so she had been drawing the fight out.

Her [Sun and Moon Hex] now burned away at the enemy, but it was like his living armor regenerated as fast as her flames of creation could damage.

She tried using her dance to gather flames, but the Champion of Eternal Night was like a permanent eclipse over everything she did. It smothered her flames as they entered the air, so that left her with only sending or storing them within herself or her Torch.

Jake had just finished his fight with the mentalist, and so Fhesiah knew he would soon be helping Tanda.

The Scorpion Rider was a Templar, just like Timone. He was truly powerful, and she wagered the man was originally at the Third Tier. However, that wasnt even the worst part.

He laughed wickedly. All glory to the Goddess of Eternal Night! For her presence eclipses everything there ever was, and ever shall be!

He wouldnt shut the fuck up! She desperately wanted to land a powerful blow on him, so he would close his stupid mouth. But he continued spouting his nonsense, even when she destroyed a pincer on his body.

What is the matter, heathen? Give in to the Goddess, and she will welcome you into her infinite maw, the eternal bliss its greatest reward.

Of course, he healed his pincer damage easily, but that was just adding insult to injury. Fhesiah just wanted to rain attacks down from above, but his crazy eclipse magic would make her run out of Qi before she came anywhere near winning against him.

Her Dao could certainly counteract his ability, but it wasnt enough. The creature was just too sturdy, like attacking a brick wall.

Fhesiah thought she was being smart not going after the Parasite because it would have been a huge pain in the ass for her. Her flames were fantastic for burning or spreading, but killing all the dinosaurs would have been less than ideal.

Now, it seemed Berri would be best for this enemy instead. Perhaps, she was lured, the creature going straight for her.

She would wish Ophelia faced this guy, but the Enforcer was certainly challenging enough on his own. Fhesiah wasnt sure how much longer Hestia as a summon could hold up, but once she was gone, Fhesiah thought Ophelia was going to be in big trouble.

That was why Fhesiah needed to hurry. She would quit waffling and go for the victory, or at least land a significant blow. Her concern was not having anything left to aid her other family members, as the Enforcer was a significant challenge.

Just as she was about to go on the attack, several alchemical fire potions fell from the tree above, landing on the scorpion man.

A javelin was thrown as well, striking the man. Dave shouted, For the Goddess! as auril built and drew into him, preparing more javelins.

Filling herself with draconic might, she gathered all of her bloodline flames. Several fox fires flickered into existence behind her, and she grew just a little further as her scales grew over more of her body.

Filling the demonic runes on her armor, she blazed toward the man.

He held a large glaive, and he swung in counter to her leaping attack. He met nothing but air, as Fhesiahs leap was shadowed by her real one. Bypassing his glaive, her dragons claw enhanced by her Dao of Dragon Claws, sliced right through his armor and deeply into his chest.

As she was able to take a second swing, his stinger blurred toward her. It took her second swing, her powerful claws filled with her Dao keeping it from piercing her.

However, her being busy with that allowed him to angle up his lower body, the pincers to come at her one after the other, forcing her to dodge once more, and meet his glaive with a cross-armed block.

The power of the attack was shocking, nearly sending her crashing into the ground. Being pushed back to the ground, the scorpion rider follower her, undaunted by his bleeding chest.

She launched three of her fox fires to slam into his chest, burning him with goddess-empowered flames.

The alchemical flames plus her additional ones finally burned past his armor, her [Sun and Moon Hex] reaching his actual body. His body was cursed or hexed now, and he was not easily able to cleanse it from himself. He roared in anger, spewing more nonsense about his Goddess.

Dave had remained mostly invisible, continuing to throw his javelins on the move.

She continued her melee with the massive scorpion man, having to shift between dodging and blocking as the terrible monster kept up his attack. Even though her claws scored rents in his armored carapace and added hexing kitsune or dragon flames to its flesh, it didnt have the impact she needed to find victory.

Several javelins now stuck into him from Dave, and the scorpion rider mostly ignored him. The damage was insignificant, the man sneering at the attacks as they were pushed out from his flesh.

Fhesiah could feel the deep reserves the man had. If anyone was being whittled away, it was her. The calling of his Goddess had created this superior protection, and enhanced his Templar powers, it appeared.

She would just have to go for brokeit was then that Bree the giant Heroic Boar entered the clearing from the hill above. She looked at Fhesiah in question, her odd boar brow raised.

Fhesiah chuckled as she blocked yet another stab of the stinger. Ill gladly take your help.

Bree gave a vicious smile as her vine flowers brightened, and she charged down the hill at the scorpion rider. Vines whipped about and circled in front of her, as she created a sort of shield she held aloft above her, perpendicular to the ground as she rushed at the enemy.

Even though Bree was rather large, she certainly didnt look like it against the giant scorpion. But her weight could not be ignored because when she crashed into the scorpion rider at full speed, he was pushed back.

Its pincers blocked Brees tusks, but he couldnt counter with his glaive, with the vine shield right in his face. He swung his glaive and attacked with his stinger. However, it appeared her vines were able to hold up, the strange braiding or knotting making it difficult to slice through.

While they unraveled somewhat from the attacks, they merely grew back.

With Brees distraction, Fhesiah used her draconic empowerment to leap from the side, landing another slash on the mans side with her claws, followed by more cursing hexes. Wherever she struck, he would be unable to heal. He brought his glaive around to counter, but Bree gave him another shove.

The stinger moved in to pierce Fhesiah, but she ducked underneath and gave him more claws into his body, enhanced by her Dao. Despite the tremendous power her claws were able to give off, her attacks did not reach too deepthe man was simply too large and dense.

Pincers angled up after her, but she danced away from its claws as she struck his new wounds and burned them with her kitsune flames.

Enough! The Champion roared, sending a blast of darkness out in a wave. Bree was struck hard and sent angling away, despite interposing the shield in between her and the enemy. Fhesiah was flung away as well, landing not all that far away from her.

The evil Champion built up a powerful attack, a giant eclipsing sun and moon above his head. The moon passing in front of the star was red and ominous, and the light being blocked cast a grim glow over the clearing.

While it might have been day up to now, the sun above was nowhere to be found.

Behold, her splendor!

He raised up his glaive, and the eclipse appeared to move along with it.

Fhesiah found that she could barely move her draconic flames at all. Her kitsune flames could move, but she was down to nearly nothing left. She even shrunk somewhat, her sun within her spiritual temple being hampered to draw upon her draconic flames.

Bree stomped insistingly, a vine pointing out her flowers still blooming and aflame. She then reached a vine out to her chest, and another one to Fhesiah. Was she pointing out the bond? Could she really use Qi?

Having no other options, she used Jakes bond to the strange creature like a nexus, shoving her Qi, auril, and mana that she had into Bree. Fhesiah only kept her bloodline flames, wanting to draw them into a draconic might attack.

Brees vines brightened into bonfires all over her body, which pushed away part of the eclipse effect. The entire clearing brightened up and was filled with the vitality of spring, then her flames withdrew from the vines.

With a bellowing roar, Bree launched a massive flame attack from her mouth.

A cone of flame was belched from Brees bellows, and the Scorpion Knight swung down his fiery eclipse to meet it. Vines also approached from the sides and wrapped around the Scorpion Knight, restricting him.

Fhesiah filled herself with her draconic empowerment, and leaped at the opening provided by the two clashing. Aiming for the mans heart, she pushed everything that was left of her mental energy into her Dao of Dragon Claws.

A manifestation of an eastern dragon swirled toward his chest, its claw piercing into the mans heart. The eclipsing sun shattered, light restoring to the clearing.

Looting the creature, Fhesiah sighed with relief when it died, frowning that the same thing happened on Jakes side.

Good job, Bree. I am uncertain if I could have won without you. How do I keep getting set up with pricks that like to talk too much and were set up to kill me?

Bree just gave her an incriminating stare, and charged back toward Bloodberris battlefield. Jake had just finished his fight and Tandas, and would be joining Ophelia.

She looked up at the tree. Thanks for the help, Dave. You didnt win the battle, but your assistance was appreciated. Your aid against the ambush helped turn the tide. Now, I need you to help me by removing the stakes.

She was eager to work with Bree to wrap up Bloodberris fight, but she had another idea. There were only a handful of stakes that inhibited their runes left. She thought she could count on them to win, and instead make sure they could face the Enforcer with their best.

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