Book Eater

Chapter 164: Heaven, Earth and Human Test (2)

Chapter 164: Heaven, Earth and Human Test (2)


A blue flash erupted from Theo’s fingertip. Magic Bullet could now penetrate 6th Circle defense spells, and the spell’s execution was so fast that even a sword master’s aura might be delayed by one beat.

However, it didn’t do any good against this target.

Seimei grinned. “Whoa, whoa. Don’t be so angry. Calm down. Is this a story that can’t be discussed among men?”

He’d erased Theo’s Magic Bullet without leaving a trace. He hadn’t blocked or deflected, but rather just obliterated the projectile entirely. The 7th Circle Dispel shouldn’t have been faster than Magic Bullet, but Seimei’s hand gestures had almost been lazy. It was like a cold shower to Theo.

Seimei seemed to realize Theo’s irritation as he continued smugly, “Your body doesn’t have any physical problems, so it needs to be approached from a mental point of view.”

Theo asked curtly, “Does this have anything to do with the Earth Test?”

“Uhuh! Young man, that question is really stupid!”

Theo was sick of Seimei’s voice, but Seimei started to rave about the meaning of the Heaven, Earth, and Human test.

“Men are yang and women are yin. The Art of Onmyōdō is also about the harmony between man and woman, so why are you ashamed? You shouldn’t have such an attitude!” Seimei’s loud voice expressed his pride as an onmyōji.

However, Theo didn’t even raise an eyebrow as he responded calmly, “So, what do you want to say?”

“Which female suits your taste the most?” The dignified onmyōji was actually just after gossip. “Is it the girl with the silver hair who napped in the carriage? The quarter dragon who always enjoys skin contact with you? The long-eared family member who has a charming atmosphere, or the sea dragon who bit your neck?”

“What the hell are you talking abo—”

“I’m just curious why you continue to ignore their affection.”

Theo stiffened as Seimei’s words struck true. He knew about it, but it was a topic he had been avoiding for so long.

However, before Theo could make up an excuse, Seimei’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t bother with any excuses. The Path of Five Desires technique is a spell that grasps the desires dwelling within humans, so I already know.”

“D-Damn bastard...!” Theo was dismayed at having his inner thoughts read, but there was nothing he could do against Seimei. His opponent was a monster who had destroyed Magic Bullet with a wave of his fan and created an illusion which felt like fifty years.

So, Theo chose to breathe calmly. Seimei wouldn’t have brought this up for no reason. Theo buried his anger as he tried to reason through it

Why did I ignore them when I know their hearts?

Theo already knew the answer. He just didn’t want to face it. Maybe it was because he had seen the other possibilities during the Earth Chapter, so he could now look at his weakness with a clear eye.

“... I wasn’t ready yet.”

“Ready, that is also a silly answer.” Seimei snorted derisively. “You can’t always be prepared in life. There is no guarantee that a thousand years of peace won’t be broken tomorrow. How much does a man need to prepare to accept a woman’s feelings? What are the necessary qualifications?”

“That...” Theo found himself at a loss for words.

The word qualifications was the root of many of his insecurities. Theo was from a humble noble family. It was only a stroke of luck that he had stumbled upon a grimoire and risen to his current heights. He didn’t think he was actually suitable for the women who shone brilliantly.

So, he had been constantly running away. He had tried to fill up his self-esteem by becoming stronger every day and telling himself that there was no time to waste on love and feelings. He had believed that he could someday face these emotions when he had become stronger.

“Hrmm, I guess you can see a little bit now.” Seimei smiled when he saw the eyes of the young man blurring with impatience.

“... Seimei.”

“What is it?”

“How do I act from now on?”

“Of course, I don’t know.” Seimei tapped his temple with his folded fan and smiled. “Well, you don’t have to worry about it right now. You have faced it in your unconscious mind, so you will be able to deal with them more honestly in the future. A man who died a thousand years ago can’t give advice about love affairs today! My friendly advice ends here.”

Theo’s anger faded away, even though Seimei was no less annoying than a few minutes ago. His methods were distasteful, but he had resolved a problem that had been lingering in Theo’s mind. Alternatively, perhaps he had just been having fun at Theo’s expense. Either way, this conversation was worth it.

Seimei continued to speak as Theo’s complexion returned to normal. “Now, you have obviously passed the Earth Chapter.”

Just like the Human Test, several system messages emerged.

[You have passed the Heaven, Earth, and Human: Earth chapter.]

[The progress at the current stage is 66.6%.]

[After thirty seconds, you will automatically enter the third stage Heaven, Earth, and Human: Heaven Chapter.]

The Heaven Test...

Theo was a little worried about what the test would be like. The sky had always symbolized grandeur and profound meaning. According to Lee Yoonsung’s memories, the emperor of the middle kingdoms in the eastern continent had called himself the Son of Heaven.

Seimei also seemed more dignified and solemn. His low voice rang out in the dark void, “Finally, you will take the Heaven Test.”

Seimei opened his fan, but he didn’t explain what the test would examine. Instead, he said, “You will have to realize the meaning of the Heaven Test yourself. If you can’t see the essence of the test and reflect on it, you will never pass.”

“The meaning of the test… and its essence?”

“That is all I can say. Please, I hope you will succeed.”

[Entering the 3rd stage Heaven, Earth, and Human: Heaven Chapter.]

Once again, Theo didn’t feel anything as he was thrown into a new environment. Four identical white walls rose around him, but they only had windows, no doors.

He shot a few Magic Bullets, but they didn’t penetrate through the floor or the walls. It seemed this wasn’t a space he could break through with simple destructive power.

If it’s impossible to leave, what type of test will occur in this place?’

Just as Theo was going to take a second look...


Someone appeared in the room.


Theo’s eyes reflexively widened as surprise and curiosity covered his face. Her red hair stood out even more vividly in this white space. Perhaps it was just an illusion of Veronica based on Theo’s memories, but he couldn’t help feeling happy to see her.

“Tower Mas..ter?”

He was happy to see her, right up until he saw her face.


The moment he met her eyes, Theo felt a chill go down his spine. Her eyes were like transparent glass beads, and there was no emotion on her face. This was something he had never seen in the real Veronica. As Theo stiffened in surprise, the fake Veronica moved.

It was a pure coincidence that he avoided the first attack.


Veronica’s fist cut through the air like a knife, and Theo was tossed back. Veronica’s fists contained the physical prowess of a quarter dragon and a Tower Master’s magic. Theo tried to orient himself, but he simply didn’t have the time. He had miraculously avoided the first attack, but Veronica’s second attack was already coming.

The second fist was like having the sky collapse on him.


The fake Veronica’s fist broke through Theo’s four-layered defense magic and two desperately reinforced arm guards, and crushed Theo’s head. Technique felt like tissue paper before absolute strength. Theo’s death was decided the moment her fist hit his head.

This was Theodore Miller’s first death.


“... Ack?!”

Theo frantically reached up to touch his skull and realized that he was still alive. His arms and legs seemed to work properly, and there was a stinging pain when he pinched his skin. It seemed he had survived.

Theo looked around again in confusion.

This is still the white-walled space, so what was that? Was it a mere hallucination? Or the Heaven Test?

His skull was completely intact, even though the fake Veronica had crushed it. However, the memory of his death was vividly clear. He had been vigilant, but there had been an overwhelming difference in strength and skill. So, he couldn’t think of it as just an illusion.

Seimei hadn’t given Theo any advice. Theo didn’t know the intentions of the test, and he couldn’t pass if he didn’t understand it. However, before Theo could realize anything, someone appeared.

“... Blundell, is it your turn?”

Meltor’s Blue Tower Master, Blundell Adruncus, stared at Theo with an expressionless face. Rumor had it that he could break an ogre’s wrist with one hand, but this time, he was facing Theo. Just like the fake Veronica, Blundell didn’t say anything as he pointed his staff at Theo. And that’s all it took.

“Ah...?! Aaack!”

Death came to Theo before he could react. He couldn’t even scream as his vocal cords dried up. His blood, bone marrow, and bones dried up and disintegrated. Dehydration was Blundell’s best attack. It was a cruel spell which took away all water, which was the foundation of life.

The more fearful thing wasn’t the power, but that Theo hadn’t noticed the activation.

T-This is ridiculous! The mana didn’t ev… en… mo... ve...

His sensitivity had been stretched to its limits. He could hear the sound of a needle being dropped on sand and see specks of dust in the air. Even still, he hadn’t perceived when and how Blundell’s magic had worked on him.

This was Theodore Miller’s second death.



Theo appeared again, panting. His skin, which had cracked from dehydration, was fine again. He could still feel the terrifying horror of all the moisture in his body evaporating.

First, it had been Veronica, and then Blundell Adruncus. They were the two magicians who were considered to be the strongest in Meltor. Theo was at the threshold of a master, but he couldn’t challenge them. If he fought them a thousand times, he would die a thousand times.

Theo looked down at his hands as he contemplated the difference that a single threshold made.

No, not just that. My physical condition is also a bit strange.

When Veronica’s second fist had descended toward him, Theo had wanted to escape using Fluidization. A physical attack wouldn’t be able to strike his spiritual body. However, Umbra didn’t work for some reason, causing Theo’s defense spells to be delayed by half a beat.

Things had also been off when he had faced the fake Blundell. His perception hadn’t warned him when Dehydration had been used. In fact, it hadn’t even activated when Veronica had first attacked him. That first dodge had been pure coincidence.

He didn’t know what the Heaven test was, but he was now also lacking some of his abilities. He started to sweat.

“Damn, this is a little dangerous.”

He couldn’t hear Mitra, the Ring of Muspelheim was sealed, and there was no reaction from Aquilo’s blood mark on his neck. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Theo’s actual combat strength had been cut down by half or more. In addition to that, all of Gluttony’s functions, including Memorize, were tied up.

The enemies who had appeared in this space had been monsters that far exceeded Theo’s best state. The third person was no exception.

“... You are wearing a mask here as well, White Tower Master.”

It was the best space magician, White Tower Master Orta. Even in this spiritual world, he was wearing a white robe and mask. Perhaps it was because Theo didn’t know his face.

The 7th Circle magician who had defeated a sword master, presumably one of the Seven Swords of the Empire, and cut off one of the sword master’s arms... How long could Theo stand against him?

The cruel answer was exactly five seconds.


He was able to avoid the first attack thanks to his battle experience, but that was his limit. Space was neatly divided into cubes as White Tower Master Orta used an attack which ignored physical defense.

Seventeen space cracks were used successively, slicing Theo to pieces like a carrot.

Crazy… How can I fight these monsters?

Theo had a hunch as he greeted his third death. If the condition for passing the Heaven Test was fighting and overcoming the odds, then there was no chance that he would pass.

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