Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1096: Unsatisfied?

Chapter 1096: Unsatisfied?

Two figures landed in a massive space, primarily made of a dry, rocky ground.

Large tombstones of different colours could be seen sprinkled all over on the barren dirt and pebbles, a harsh wind that blew from west to east not fazing them in the least.

In the sky above, a shade of blue could be seen that didn't seem to have any ties to the Aigas sky. Instead, it gave off a foreign feel that only the owner of this domain could have relished in somewhat.

Pale figures, like ghosts, also littered this world, standing on the ground with their arms wrapped around their bodies. Most had human forms but with no discernible life or consciousness.

When Vohnvolt saw them, he was startled.

'Where am I?' he wondered.

His encounter with a Deity just now seemed like a dream, but the aching of the very roots of his existence told him that it had been very much real... and enlightening.

Beside him, the one who had dragged him away from that encounter collapsed face first into the dry dirt, and then rolled to look up as he laid on his back.

Actuass breathed out heavily.

"This is one of the gifts Somanda gave me, you know?" he said without looking at Vohnvolt, who was stunned by this revelation. "It has served me well. Its existence is one of the reasons why I was able to actualise my plans to begin with. It all began with one unwilling Paladin Champion whom I had a pretty fun fight with."

There was a nostalgic tone in Actuass' voice.

This was the Outworld Attic, a storage space of sorts where he kept the souls of deceased Green Neolist members.

It was located directly over the Yormuness, which was just outside Aigas, smothered by vast swaths of Stagnant Space.

The last time Actuass had brought someone here was when he took Revia and exploited her dormant Spirit Warden abilities to safely make a trip in and out of the Yormuness to make a deal with Rayn.

(A/N: Refer to Ch.397).

In that sense, it truly felt nostalgic.

Vohnvolt narrowed his socket flames at Actuass.

"So that's all you wanted to do in the end? Your big plan? It was all to meet your... mother?" he said, a barely veiled burst of fury in his voice.

Even if the amalgam didn't particularly care for the many people who were killed during the Premium Age Royale, or even Aigas as a whole for that matter, it staggered him to think that the goal all along had been as simple as this.

Allora died for someone to have a simple catch-up with their mommy?.

Sensing the judgment coming from Vohnvolt, Actuass spat blood and rolled his blood- drowned eyes.

"Oh, please. I saw what you are all about too when we melded together. You are Somanda's slave. Your whole goal is to reconcile with your past otherwise you will go mad. How has your journey till now been so different from mine. We both didn't give a damn how many people we killed – and you killed a whole bunch too. Just as long as we survived to find closure with who we are, we were satisfied. You have no right to judge me," Actuass said. "We both don't belong here, so we couldn't care less."

Vohnvolt's socket flames flared madly.

He wanted to say Actuass was wrong, that somehow when he killed the goblins in the Tremur Forest, when he slaughtered innocent people in the library in Inhone City, and when he killed his fellow contenders in the Premium Age Royale, he was justified, but he couldn't.

Not like this.

"It wasn't senseless murder," he said with a sharp voice. "This world would have devoured the weaker version of me. I had to fight back. I had to kill. What you did was vile."

Actuass laughed and coughed up a pool of pink blood.

"Senseless? Sorry. Where I come from, murder is the first step towards boundless accolades. It is a way of life. It is never senseless. Denying that there is meaning in killing is how fools reject this reality."

Vohnvolt scoffed.

"You are delusional if you think your version of killing is similar to mine. Now that I think about it, you aren't so different from your mother. You think your ideals should swamp over the entire world regardless of how disgusting and how wrong they are. Just because you are stronger than everyone else, or that you beat everyone who opposed you, doesn't mean you are right!"

Actuass' frowned slightly and finally turned his head to the amalgam.

Silent tension crashed between them for a few minutes and then Actuass went back to gazing at the sky.

"Ah. What does it matter now? I'm right here. Kill me. Kill me and avenge that woman I killed. That's all you want, right?"

"What?" Actuass said, befuddled.

Actuass chuckled hoarsely.

"It wasn't really my plan before, but since you decided to butt in at the last moment, I thought you deserved that much. I didn't intend to get killed or trapped by my mother, but I knew I was going to die anyway. Since you are here, you might as well put me out of my misery. How does that sound? Be my executioner."


Vohnvolt was lost for words.


Something seemed to explode inside him.

"What?" Actuass said. "Not satisfying enough for you? Haha. I figured. You probably wanted

to beat me to a pulp with your own hands and have me at my knees before you gave the

finishing blow. Sorry. You should be proud though. You did interfere with my plan significantly and even stole a whole dragon from me. That was good, right? To top off all that,

this is as much as you will get... Skullius."

Vohnvolt trembled at the mention of his name.

He balled his hands into fists.

Actuass was right.

This wasn't what he hoped would happen.

The first time he met Actuass all the way back then, he had frozen. The bastard had been too

powerful for him.

During the Premium Age Royale, when he encountered him a second time, he had also held a

strong advantage.

Now, Vohnvolt had given Actuass a run for his money, but still...

Is this all he could get?

"You better hurry. I'm fading fast. And when I die, this place will probably crumble shortly

after," Actuass said.

He didn't seem to be lying.

His body, in additional to having an unnatural colour, was now convulsing horribly.

Actuass had expected Vohnvolt to deliver a crushing blow with indignance and frustration,

but the amalgam sat down instead.

"Hm?" Actuass found this odd.

Vohnvolt spoke.

"Before that, how about you tell me about how you met Somanda?"

Actuass frowned.

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