Casual Heroing

Chapter 77: Holy Grail

Chapter 77: Holy Grail

Stan is cleaning the place with some stuff I didnt know we had.

I went shopping with some of the funds for cleaning supplies. I got soap, buckets, and mops. This place is filthy. And we have to take the bedsheets and blankets to a [Washer].

Huh, thats a class too, huh?

The silver-haired ex-homeless man keeps mopping the floor while completely at easewhat a guy.

We also need to hire a few [Bakers] to help you out with all the work, Joey, Stan says with an air of responsibility about him.

We could poach someone from Happy Bakery and the Three Roses, I nod while drinking some of the tea Camilla has brought.

Ill have this place burnt down if you do, Camilla says with a huge smile.

Stanimal, the shortie here is threatening me. Where is Lucillus? I need to report the owner of the Three Roses to the Watch.

Camilla stares daggers at me while I keep sipping this hellish beverage with an accomplished demeanor.

Lucillus said he would be back this afternoon with a regular contract. He has to take care of some stuff with the Watch first.

Man, its nice having people who know what to do around.

We also have to talk, Joey. I bet you have many questions, but I can only answer the

Nah, Stanimal, no questions. I dont care. As long as you dont stab me in my sleep, you do you. Im only curious about the lack of a walking stick. It would really help the whole wise sage vibe. Well get you one, and thats that.

Stan looks at me with a frown.

You have no questions?

No questions at all, man. Keep doing what you do. If you want to chat as friends, we can. But I have no reason to interrogate you.

I mean, I do have reasons. But who cares?

So, really, no questions?

Just the lack of a walking stick, Stanimal.

He laughs heartily and shakes his head.

You, Joey Luciani, are a truly wondrous person. I might have more questions for you than you have for me, then.

If its about your salary, just take I start thinking. Ten times what shortie McCheap here pays her managers. We can probably afford it.

Camilla has been staring at us the whole time, probably wondering what we are even talking about. She doesnt know that Stan is a weird, probably-[Druid] guy with lots of magic under his beard.

Thats twenty golds a day, Joey. You cant afford that, Camilla sniffs.

Yo, Stanimal, take thirty golds a day as long as we dont go under. Alright?

I truly dont care about the money. Not only am I just getting started with my baking, but I also dont think that croissants will be my biggest hit. They are good, but they are one of many things I know will fly off the shelves.

Oh, we have to go shopping too. Is frying oil cheap around here?

I know some places he starts talking while something suddenly goes off in my head.

I start laughing like an idiot.

Oh man, I didnt even realize I made such a great pun.



And he is a [Druid]!

I think.

Well, thats a good one.

Like, what are the chances of something like that?


Truly incredible.

Joey. We might get the oil at five silvers per gallon if you buy a lot at once. But it will take twenty golds worth of sales.

Yeah, lets do that. Why not. I also need to shop around the gardens orwhats it called again? The Gardens but with a capital g?

Yes, the man looks at me with his grandfatherly expression. You have still not visited the place?

Im waiting to have a date with Lucinda there. I need to shop for hazelnuts, coffee beans, and chocolate. Im pretty sure I can spot the raw fruits. You know what, palm oil, too, would be great for baking. People hate its ecological impact on the world, but its truly the best for baking. Some margarine too.

I know where to find hazelnuts. But I have never heard of coffee beans or chocolate. And if you describe this palm oil to me, we might find that too. Amorium has a vast repository of fruits, plants, and seeds. If we cant find it here, we will not find it anywhere else.

Palm oil is likehow can I explain. Its these red fruits that hang off palm trees? And you can squeeze them orI dont really know how you get the oil out of them.

I can help you find that. There are tons of those trees in Amorium. People feed it to cattle. Its extremely cheap, but I dont know anyone using it for humans. The trees are too oily.

I rub my hands with an evil grin.

Oh, boy.

I only lack one ingredient to make the perfect filling then.

Ill single-handedly create a diabetes epidemic in this city!

What are you going to do with those? Camilla looks at me with shining eyes. She can smell business opportunities from miles away.

Nothing, nothing. Why dont you come back this afternoon? I didnt agree to let you in on every secret of this bakery, you little spy.

Camilla narrows her eyes at me.

And what about my recipes?

Well, the first one is not even a real baking recipe. It should be quite easy to make on a large scale. But youll need [Butchers] to help you with that.

[Butchers]? she raises an eyebrow.

Oh yeah. Butchers. Im going to teach you about the holy grail of fast-food and street food. The hot dog.

Camilla looks at me, slightly pale.

We dont eat dogs here, Joey.


Ambiguous name.

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