Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 611: With A Sword In His Hands, No One Is His Match..

Chapter 611: With A Sword In His Hands, No One Is His Match..

Chapter 611: With A Sword In His Hands, No One Is His Match..

“Elder Kang,” Zeras asked as he and Kenji followed deeper into the underground. “Who was Jiang Wushuang?”

“Jiang Wushuang, a sword emperor who had left his universe to challenge worthy fighters from other universes.

He was so strong that he couldn’t break through the next level of his cultivation,” Elder Kang said as he led Zeras and Kenji deeper into the underground.

“What was mystifying about Jiang Wushuang was the fact that, even though he was obviously a very proud expert, the other experts of various universes were all destroyed with a single slash of his sword, earning him the title, ‘With a Sword in his hand, no one is his match.’

Even his name, ‘Jian’ and ‘Wushuang,’ meant Sword Emperor, and soon, he became the uncrowned sword emperor of the various realms.

Years passed, and soon, he became a pompous expert, claiming that anyone who could defeat him would be given his sword, Blade of Tianqu,” Elder Kang narrated as they finally arrived at the end of the flight of stairs, which was actually nothing but a dead end.

But, Elder Kang kept walking forward as he arrived before the wall, drew blood from his finger, which he used to draw a special rune on the wall. Like magic, the red blood flared with a green light, and immediately, it opened up for them.

Inside the room was a large rectangular pool, which could have been called so if not for the fact that it had no water and a flight of stairs going deeper down for about five meters to the depth of the pool. At the center of the pool, there was a cylindrical stone monument about two meters tall, and gently suspended above this stone monument…

“For thousands of years, there was almost no one who could match Jian Wushuang’s sword’s destructive power, until one day, a man came to him just a hundred years ago,” Elder Kang said as he took off his shoes and walked down the steps barefooted.

“Jiang Wushuang, in pride, ordered the man to bring out his weapon. As he drew out his Tianqu, and shocking the various experts of the realms, the man bent down and removed a leaf stalk beside his legs before pointing it to Jiang Wushuang. He claimed that he would defeat Jiang Wushuang with a leaf stalk, Hahahahaah!” Elder Kang said, laughing loudly as Zeras followed behind him, barefooted, while Kenji remained at the top of the flight of descending steps.

“So, did he defeat Jiang Wushuang with nothing but a leaf stalk?” Zeras asked as he followed behind Elder Kang, and even though he was silent, it was because he was listening with rapt attention to him.

“Jiang Wushuang felt hurt by such an accusation in front of all the other realm kings, and in anger, he unleashed the strongest attack that he had ever done, pouring everything into his attack to sever the man out of all existence,” Elder Kang said, as Zeras’s heart quaked within his chest.

“An attack that could sever life in the present, the past, and the future. Only a single weapon can do this in the entire universe, and that is this sword you’re standing in front of,” Elder Kang said, as he shifted to the side, leaving nothing between Zeras and the sword.

But instead of moving forward to immediately claim the sword, Zeras didn’t move a single step away from where he stood. He turned to Elder Kang instead.

“What was the result of the battle between the deranged man and Jiang Wushuang?” He asked once more, the question which Elder Kang had brilliantly weaved before.

“Jiang Wushuang slashed out with his powerful Tianqu sword, and the man slashed out with a stalk of leaves.

The attacks ripped through a total of ten dimensional voids before canceling each other out, and Jian Wushuang lost his right arm!” Elder Kang said, as Zeras stood rooted in shock, his jaw dropping to the ground.

“He canceled out an attack that could slash apart the future, the present, and the past, and even managed to steal away Jiang Wushuang’s right arm with nothing but a grain of stalk. Is that possible?” Zeras asked, as Elder Kang shook his head.

“Jiang Wushuang lost his sword arm, and instead of getting angry, he smiled and gave the man his sword, just as promised. But the man was very prideful and ripped open a hole in the dimension before flinging the sword in, saying he had no need for the sword. Truly, he really didn’t need it, did he?” Elder Kang asked Zeras, whose eyes furrowed as he put himself in the mysterious expert’s shoes.

If he also had enough power to make a leaf stalk easily subjugate a sword that could slice all aspects of time, why would he take the sword of his defeated opponent? He might have taken it, but he definitely didn’t need it.

“The man said a word to Jian Wushuang that made him finally ascend his cultivation, something he had always tried to do, his purpose for becoming so famous in the first place.”

“What did he say?” Zeras asked, as Elder Kang’s eyes looked at Zeras deeply before his lips moved, yet no sound was made, but Zeras could more than hear his words.

“He said, ‘The power lies not in the sword that is held, but in the heart of the beholder. But the sword is required before the intent becomes imprinted in the heart,'” Elder Kang said, as Zeras looked blankly into the distance. He could immediately understand what that meant, yet it also created a feeling as if he couldn’t understand a single thing about it.

“That day, Jian Wushuang ascended to the next level of cultivation after the man spoke. I chanced upon the sword on a dangerous mission, but it’s not my destiny to wield it. So I decided to have one more mission in my life, and that is to keep it for the right person. One with more potential than me.”

“That person is you.”

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