Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 615: Ways Of Joining The Inner Sect

Chapter 615: Ways Of Joining The Inner Sect

Chapter 615: Ways Of Joining The Inner Sect

“MEOW…” Fluffy said as it hurriedly skipped over and jumped into Zeras’s chest. Zeras gave him his share of gentle scrubs under his jaw, causing it to release its favorite purring sound.

Right now, Fluffy had grown to the size of a small tiger cub from its previous tiny form, but Zeras knew Fluffy was a deceiver.

Secretly, he had watched Fluffy turn into a two-meter-tall, ginormous tiger while playing around in the forest. But once it heard Zeras, it quickly turned into a cub again before running towards him.

The mischievous cat was hiding its true form from him, and Zeras also pretended as if he didn’t know it.

“How’s the day gone, boss? Hope you didn’t lose any ‘body parts’?” Kenji said as he burst into loud laughter, and Zeras himself grinned hard. Every day, they had strived to make it one of their jobs to mock the event of a year ago.

“That said, Kenji, I have a really important thing to ask you.”

“I already know it, boss,” Kenji replied as they walked down to his mountain abode.

“Oh really?”

“Yes. Almost every outer sect disciple knows it too, and the inner sect disciples can smell it. You want to join the inner sect members, don’t you?” Kenji asked him, almost as if he could read his mind.

“Guess words must have been going out that I’m not aware of…” Zeras mused as Kenji nodded.

“You’ve been too busy, boss. Too busy to notice the gossip. You know, normally, the most common way for an outer sect member to become an inner sect disciple is to receive an invitation.”

“An invitation!?” Zeras asked in shock as he looked at Kenji with creased eyebrows.

“Yes, boss. An invitation of honor. While it might look like the outer sect disciples only work for the sect all day, the truth is that there are special elders who have been placed to watch over every one of us here and notice our growth in strength and potential.

Sometimes, an outer sect member’s increase in strength and potential would be noticed, and they would be invited to join. It is the highest grace of honor an outer sect can obtain, boss. It denotes the sect’s recognition of the disciple’s talent.

But your case is a little bit…special, boss!” Kenji said.

“And in what way is my case special?”

“The truth is, everyone had noticed your act. You wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is go to the Shadow Oppression Valley.

Then you come out with not a single scar. If you were fighting for all seven hours, then you surely should have your clothes at least roughened. That means you aren’t fighting all the time, boss, but actually either lazing off or cultivating hard.

The second choice will be closer to the truth as once you arrive from the Shadow Oppression Valley, you go to your mountain abode and cultivate the entire time frame till it’s morning.

And then at the first sight of dawn, you immediately return back to the Shadow Oppression Valley. The circle is ever continuous.

Everyone knows your strength will no doubt be rapidly improving and they have watched you climb from the cosmic rank to the galaxy rank to the Pseudo Universe rank, and then the universe rank. And now, I can’t see it anymore.

To break through so many cultivation stages in a single year, and with such relentless hard work, you are more than worthy of receiving an invitation. Ever since you kept going at such a schedule of three months, you ought to have been sent one, but a year passed, and all the elders are silent and no one sends an invitation.

That is a sign that something is wrong somewhere, boss. Almost like you don’t appease the eyes of the elders. And now that I know you’re a skunk that lied to me about you being the younger brother of Elder Narelle…” Kenji said as Zeras’s head grew red.

As time passed, Zeras’s history was finally revealed and Kenji finally learned he is no elder’s sister or any elder’s, but a bastardly liar and faker.

Surprisingly, though, the fatty wasn’t that much bothered by the fact and still kept calling him Young Master Zeras even after catching his lies. It was a reason Zeras didn’t know at all.

“So I want to ask, boss, do you happen to have, I don’t know, offended an elder?

A single elder can’t prevent other elders from not giving you an invitation, so you must have offended someone very higher up.

So do you happen to have offended some grand elder really badly, boss?” Kenji asked him as Zeras’s eyes flashed, his memories of Grand Elder Celestine flashing in his head.

“Is there another way to join without an invitation, Kenji?” Zeras asked, weaving away from the question as Kenji’s eyebrows furrowed.

“There is only one other way, boss…” he replied to him, but his expression wasn’t that good.

“And what is that?”

“It is by taking the popular test. The Test of Worthiness! Set up by the grand elders of the sect. If an outer sect disciple feels like he is worthy of being an inner sect member, he can choose to take the test, but I wouldn’t advise you to do that, boss.”


“Because taking the test is calling all the elders blind for not noticing your talent. It’s an outright slap on the faces of all the elders of the sect, and while some shameless people have tried it before, none of them has ever passed.

The elders won’t want you to be right, so fairness doesn’t really exist. If you pass the test, you become an inner sect disciple, and you would be like an outcast among them, as you’ll be hated by some whose masters are elders and the ones you ridiculed, and you will gain the ire of the elders themselves.

If you lose and manage to not die while taking the test, you will never be able to show your face again, and you will be targeted by the elders, and your workload doubled till you eventually give out!”

“Both results lead to a negative ending that will destroy the person’s image!”

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