Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 197 - Trinity - Inside The Abbey (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 197 - Trinity - Inside The Abbey (VOLUME 2)




Once the introduction was over, the entire group of kneeling Sentinelle members stood in unison. That was a slightly jarring sight, to see them all rise to their feet at the same time as if it was planned. I noticed that there were about one hundred and fifty members of the Sentinelle in total. Each of them were now, supposedly, at my disposal. I would have to get used to the idea of having so many people who looked at me like I was an answered prayer.

"Queen Trinity, would you and your group like a tour of the abbey before we show you to your rooms?" Ghirald asked me in a kind, soft tone.

"That would be lovely, thank you." I nodded as I answered him.

The courtyard was cleared, people returning to where they belonged. Then Gabriel and Ghirald escorted our group around the abbey.

"After the village was destroyed before, the abbey was rebuilt as a castle instead of a church, but we continue to call it by its original name." Ghirald explained as he led us around the very large interior. There were hallways leading in many different directions, hidden corridors, secret passageways. Chambers of all different kinds that were useful for many different functions from weapons training to massive libraries, and what would be magic training rooms. There were two different dining halls and a massive kitchen.

The Sentinelle didn't employ any outside staff but the various members each had their own job on top of being trained as a warrior. This location was fully functional with no outside help.

On the upper floors there were several wings full of bed chambers. That was the only way I could describe them. There was little other than stone in the construction of the abbey. The floors, walls, ceilings, everything was made out of stone. Only the furniture offered a relief to all that stone. Consequently, aside from stained glass every room looked much the same until you looked at the furniture inside the actual chamber.

When the warlocks, warriors, Reece and I were all led to our respective rooms I noticed that mine and Reece's was the last one in the procession. All the bedrooms we had been led to so far had looked identical with a king sized bed with a soft looking mattress and matching wooden dresser, armoire and trunk. There was also a sitting area and adjacent washroom for every bedroom.

I had assumed that my room would look exactly the same as the others. But I couldn't have been more wrong. Those other rooms couldn't hold a candle to the last one.

While the room I was to share with Reece was in the same wing as the others, all the way at the end, it couldn't have looked more different. The other rooms were all uniform and bland but this room was definitely regal in appearance.

There were countless silk drapes in the room to hide the stone walls. The windows were a beautiful stained glass unlike any of the others I had seen so far. And none of the other bedrooms had stained glass. The pictures depicted in the stained glass seemed to be showing pictures of the legend of the Goddess Incarnate in vivid colors.

Aside from the wall and window dressings there was the floor. Unlike in the other rooms where everything was stone, the floor in this room was made of a beautiful white marble that made the room look so elegant. The furniture was done in a dark mahogany. The extra large bed was surrounded by a canopy of midnight blue curtains that matched the ones on the walls. These curtains would definitely help to block out the light from the windows.

When we looked in the adjacent bathroom I noticed that this too was different. More of that white marble was present on the floor. The sink, tub and other amenities in the room were made out of a contrasting black marble so instead of the mostly white with black swirls this one was black with the faint white swirls. The contrasting colors made for an eye catching sight. The taps on those amenities were a bright shining silver.

One thing I noticed was that there seemed to be no electronics in the abbey at all. There was electricity for lighting but that seemed to be it. Even with that slight drawback it was an amazing place to be.

I also noticed that there was going to be plenty for me to read while we were here. I found that thought to be very exciting. I couldn't wait to see what those books had to offer me.

While we were here in the abbey, I wouldn't be the only one training. The guards and Reece as well were going to be training with the Sentinelle warriors. We would all be coming out of this experience stronger than we were before. That was something that made all the men very excited.

We had left the airport back home around six in the morning and consequently didn't reach the abbey until nearly midnight in our time back home but it was again six in the morning here. It had been a long and exhausting day already and all we wanted to do was eat and rest.

The breakfast that was being served was for our benefit only it seemed. The food was amazing though, their cook was on par with Abigail. We all ate to our heart's content and then were ready to call it a night, or rather day. Reece and I took a quick shower and crawled into our luxurious bed.

I guess they had been keeping this chamber for when the Goddess Incarnate arrived. There was no other explanation for why it was so beautifully decorated and designed. It was a little awkward to be here, away from home and all, but I would do my best to make Reece, my warriors, my family, and my pack proud of me. I would not fail in this endeavor because I needed to prove that I was worthy of the adoration all these people were heaping onto me.

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