Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 217 - Trinity - Enemies Spotted (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 217 - Trinity - Enemies Spotted (VOLUME 2)




I was still laying in Reece's arms, held firmly against his body, when I heard his phone start buzzing incessantly.

"Mmm, Reece." I said, poking him and causing him to stir a little. We were both still exhausted from last night, but it had been so amazing that I would never complain about being tired or sore as a result. "Reece, answer your phone." I pulled away from him causing him to wake up the rest of the way.

"They can call back, I'm still sleeping." He grumbled.

"It might be important." I poked him again. "Go on and answer it." I told him as the phone started to buzz through its second cycle of rings. That meant that whoever it was was calling again.

"Fine." He growled as he reached over to pick up the phone.

"Stop complaining, Fido." I joked with him as I moved to get out of bed. I could see the sun was up and that it had clearly been up for a while. A quick check of the clock told me it was almost noon. Wow, we had slept late.

"What is it?" He growled into the phone."

"I really should have gone for Cujo instead of Fido this morning." I giggled. I was just getting out of bed, wincing a little from the sore muscles from the olympic level feat we had managed last night, when I heard the voice that answered Reece's growl.

"Alpha, there's trouble approaching the borders." It was Zeke from the gate guards.

"What kind of trouble?" Reece asked now fully alert and slipping out of bed. I was already changing my path from the shower to the dresser so I could get dressed. My shower could wait if it was an emergency. I wouldn't be happy about it but I would deal.

"Purple smoke and what smells like hundreds of those monsters we fought before."

"How far away? How soon will it be here?"

"At least fifty miles, maybe a little more, I would estimate that they'd hit the city limits in not more than an hour, it's not moving super fast, but it's not slow either."

"We will be there soon." He spoke through clenched teeth.

I had hoped that Edmond would wait until nightfall to begin this battle. It would be easier to hide us all from the prying eyes of humans in the dark. But if he was intent on doing this sooner rather than later, we would comply. Illusions and aversion spells from the warlocks and myself would help keep the humans safe.

Reece grabbed a handful of clothes like I had done but he then dragged me into the bathroom.

'We have time for a quick shower."" He said as he turned the water on. That made me happy, I needed one, desperately.

Once we had showered and dressed we headed to the place where Zeke was waiting. Edmond's beast seemed to be coming in at the edge of our land and away from the city. We had summoned half the troops guarding the city to where we were, hoping to handle this soon. The other half would be guarding the rest of the border, we didn't trust Edmond to only send one battalion of monsters.

We were ready and prepared for battle long before they showed up. But we had not even been there for five minutes when we got another call. There was another battalion at the opposite end of the town. Soon, there were four more calls like the first two. Edmond was surrounding the city.

"What are we going to do?" Shane asked as we strategized once more.

"Take care of the threat." Reece said matter-of-factly. "Edmond didn't seem to be among any of the groups closing in on the city, so this is most likely a diversionary tactic."

"But what about the citizens of the city? We need to protect them." Shawn seemed worried as he looked over the horizon and saw the buildings stretching toward the sky.

"I will work with Crawford and Eldrige to place a shield over the city." I told him. The two warlocks nodded in agreement with me as we stepped forward.

"We will be happy to protect the city with you." Crawford tried to smile, tried to show his confidence in our victory today, but he failed.

I stood between the two elderly warlocks, eyes closed and hands linked to make a chain. I concentrated on the shield I wanted to place over the city, over its population. I would lock the city to anyone in cahoots with Edmond.

I felt the power swirl around the three of us for just a moment as it built itself into a stronger force. Once the spell was properly weaved I felt the wind pick up as the magic flew toward the town. There was a slight pull in my chest as it flew so far and stretched so big, but once it was fully in place it was like fitting a puzzle piece into place, it just fit perfectly.

"Well, that takes care of the city itself, but what about the other hordes?" David asked, his usually calm voice now full of nerves.

"We spread out and divide the troops." I answered him. "We need to balance the power. So you will each go to meet a horde as it approaches."

"I don't think it's wise for us to split up." Vincent wasn't happy with my suggestion.

"This could be a trap to get you alone." Dietrich added.

"It most likely is, but Edmond will be ill-prepared for it. He doesn't know what I can do." I told them. "Those beasts are not the smartest, but they're strong, and you're all stronger than any other fighters in the pack. We need to use your abilities to fight them. Reece and I will stay here, but the rest of you will need to split up."

"Understood." Vincent knew he couldn't argue, having no other choice he conceded and agreed to the plan.

"Remember that we need to protect the humans and our territory both. All of you are stronger, faster, and more powerful than all the others. This might be an undesirable situation and seem bleak, but we will overcome this and rise up as the victors." Reece gave a speech that seemed guaranteed to spur them on to a spirited fight.

Within minutes, the split of troops was decided upon. Shifters from wolf, bear, and feline packs were spread evenly as were the warlocks and vampires that had been summoned for this fight. It was the best we could do for now, but I was sure that it would be more than enough.

Soon, I saw the hoard for myself as it crested a hill in the distance. There had to be at least two hundred monsters approaching.The sight of all those twisted, mutated bodies as they shambled closer with dead, lifeless, zombie like eyes and expressions, it was enough to send a chill down my spine and make me shiver.

"Nearly time." I heard Reece declare to those around us. "Be ready and take no mercy. They used to be shifters but there is nothing of their old selves left. They're nothing but mindless weapons for Edmond now."

"Yes, Sir." A chorus echoed softly through those gathered around us.

"And if you see anyone who is not a mutant, let us know. It will most likely be a warlock. We're on the lookout for the coven leader but that doesn't mean he won't send in his cronies as well."

"Understood." The group chorus again.

Just hearing them speak as a group made me think about my dream and that premonition. The group speaking as a whole was so much like the voices in my dream. The voices of Edmond's children. The voices of my long dead siblings. My heart ached as I thought about them.

I pictured their faces, their features that were so similar to my own. I pictured their clothes, an array of fashion and styles from different eras through the last couple hundred years. I imagined what they might have been like had they not died, had our shared tormenter not murdered them and snuffed out their life's candle too soon.

These thoughts brought a tear to my eye. Just one solitary tear that rolled out of the corner of my eye and streaked an invisible path down my clean, pale cheek. I didn't have the time, nor the energy, to spare on tears right now. I would mourn them all once I had murdered our father and allowed them to finally find peace.

"I will avenge you, all of you." I whispered quietly to myself. "He will pay for what he's done to us all." I felt the firm conviction in my heart as the truth of the words rang inside my head. I knew I would succeed, I had no other choice. My surety spread through me, enveloping me in a warmth that was secure and comforting.

"Alright Edmond, I'm ready for you."

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