Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 220 - Trinity - Another One Of His Experiments (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 220 - Trinity - Another One Of His Experiments (VOLUME 2)




I took one look at the horizon and wanted to vomit. I felt the churning, the hypersalivation, the muscle spasms. I felt the intense desire to purge myself of everything that was foreign, that wasn't part of me. The desire was so strong that I had no choice but to comply. Just as the collective gasp shuddered through the gathered fighters I leaned forward, held my stomach and heaved. But there was nothing to come up. There was nothing in my stomach because I hadn't had the chance to eat today. All I managed was a thin watery gruel filled with stomach acid and fear.

As I watched on I heard the voices start screaming inside my head. The intense emotions they were emitting gave me a splitting headache but I had to hold myself together.

'What is that?' A man screamed inside my brain.

'Oh Goddess, what the hell are those things?' Another voice joined the shouting.

'Are those people? He made those out of people too?' A scared woman's scream reverberated inside my skull.

'Oh Goddess, it's attacking.' A man shouted to us all before he was quickly silenced.

"Oh my Goddess. He's dead!" These words were not spoken in my head but out loud. The fear and sorrow in that voice was enough to grip my heart in an iron vice. I felt his pain, his tears. The man who was killed was obviously a friend of his.

"Don't let your fear take over." I yelled at them all, mentally and verbally at the same time. "Stay strong. He's trying to break you. You're better than this." I felt the conviction strengthen just a little in the hearts of all those I was linked to.

The sounds of the battle raged around us. Warriors, warlocks, and vampires attacked the newest horde of beasts in teams. There were some saving graces though. There didn't seem to be as many of these monsters. Also, they didn't seem to have an elemental affinity like the first wave of enemies.

The draw back to these things, was that they seemed to be ten times stronger than the average shifter. Even stronger than Reece. And their heads, with their nasty, lethal looking pincers, seemed to be able to extend from their bodies on some sort of retractable spinal cord.

When I first saw one of these beasts stretch its head out to bite the arm off of a vampire in one lightning quick move my stomach roiled again. I very nearly had to lean forward and heave once again.

These new monsters may be easier to kill, in a sense, but they were much more dangerous than the last ones. I just had to wonder, how did Edmond gather so many people to do this to? How did he manage to make so many creatures that fight for him like mindless zombies?

I couldn't think about it for long though. Those things were swarming us and they would quickly overwhelm us all if I wasn't careful. I needed to help everyone. I needed to do my best to protect my people.

Slowly, I made one quick circle as I stood in place, looking out over the battlefields. I saw so many of our number being overwhelmed. There were so many people hurt. And for what?

These people were fighting and hurting. They were being injured all because of me. They were my people fighting my battle. I had to put an end to this. I had to save everyone that? I could. I had to stop more people from dying.

I closed my eyes and summoned as many arrows as I could. I felt my power seeping from within me. The familiar warmth that enveloped me when I pulled power to me was gone. I was pulling so much magic that it felt cold, for once.

I felt the wind whip and buff against my face. It was like a storm was brewing and the clouds were rolling in. Even the sun was being blotted out, but that could have been from the sun beginning to set.

I didn't know how many arrows I had called to me, but I felt them floating in the air beside me. With a quick prayer to Thoth and Nehalennia, I opened my eyes. When I could see again, I gasped.

Not only did I have thousands of arrows arrayed around me, but I was also floating in the air. I looked down to see two shocking things that made me gasp.

First, I was floating inside one of my tornadoes. Only this wind vessel wasn't taking me anywhere, it was cradling me inside of it. Also, this tornado was much larger than any of the others I had ever summoned. And the last thing about the tornado was that it was not affecting anything about my surroundings.

The next thing that I noticed was that my entire body was glowing a bright, sapphire blue, just like the markings on my wolf. There was also a thin, but sturdy, layer of ice covering my entire body.

I could also feel the power radiating from my eyes. This was something I hadn't even thought to train at the abbey but was glad came to me when I needed it. The last time I had seen something with eyes like this was when I had been attacked at Riley's pack. I could feel my eyes zooming in and out, zeroing in on the different targets.

I felt powerful, and more than capable in my current state. I knew that I was going to be able to handle this situation. There was no way I would let myself fail here. There were too many people counting on me for that.

I felt my pupils expanding, my vision widening. I could see the entire clearing and everyone in it. With one quick thought I sent a volley of arrows in every direction at the same time. It was like I could see everything not just in front of me but also everything behind me. I didn't have a single barrier in my vision right now.

With this new all sight of mine I was able to see every arrow at the same time. And with a grin of satisfaction I saw my arrows strike home, hitting their targets with deadly accuracy. The remaining molded beasts from before and these new spider creatures, none of them were exempt from my attack.

With a little bit of concerted effort, I connected minds with the other warriors. Those warriors that were not fighting alongside me but at another equally deadly battlefield. I linked my mind with all of them, and in an instant I was able to see everything that they could see. I was no longer limited to my own field of vision.

I quickly locked on to where all the remaining enemies were. With all the targets located I just needed to send my attacks. I still had a large amount of arrows floating around me but still I summoned more.

I didn't know if there were enough arrows yet to finish them all off at once. I needed more. More arrow, more power, more time.

As I summoned more magic and more arrows I looked at the fight waging around us all. I saw the carnage laying scattered on the ground. Those were not just enemies, those were allies too. How many people had I lost? How many more would be sacrificed.

These thoughts seemed to swirl in my mind as I gathered my weapons. Just as I felt I most likely had enough I saw something that made my stomach drop.

There, at one of the other battlegrounds, a new group of spider beasts were sneaking up on one of my guards as he battled against two of the twisted once men. There were three scuttling sneakily behind him while he landed blow after blow to the things in front of him.

Even though his attacks were doing their job and he was about to win, there was nothing he could have done. In an instant the three spider things leapt forward and attacked him.

"Shawn!" I cried out in horror as I saw blood spray from a vicious swipe from one of the spider freaks.

With a lot more force than I intended I loosed my arrows once more. I sent them flying in every direction as quick as I could. Only this time I sent them much farther than before. The arrows were all landing in their rightful places, destroying their targets almost immediately.

But I didn't care about that. All I could think about was one of my closest friends lying on the ground and bleeding. All I wanted to do was get to him and help him.

"Shawn." I cried out again as I turned in his direction. I settled on the ground, out of my tornado, and began to run after him. If I had been paying attention to anything else around me, I would have noticed that the ground was icing over with every step I took.

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