Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






It turned out that Emmalee was planning on staying in town until the wedding. She wanted to be part of the process and to be there for her friend. I wouldn't lie that this made me very happy as well.

I couldn't believe that everything had settled itself, that my mate was finally mine. And it was all thanks to my cousin Trinity and the Alpha, Reece. I couldn't thank them enough.

I guess things really do work out in the end.

After Emmalee's family left and she went to the room Trinity had shown her to, I decided to make my way upstairs. I had hung around the house after everyone else had left and I guess I was getting on people's nerves.

"Just go see her already." Reece had snapped at me, laughter clearly present in his voice. I wanted to, but I was nervous. "Get out of here and go see your mate, that's an order." He laughed, but he actually made it a command. I had to follow his orders. Well, might as well follow the direction my feet were already taking me. I happily let my nose guide me to the stairs and up to the third floor where she was staying.

I just stood outside the door reveling and basking in her beautiful scent while nervously trying to decide if I was brave enough to knock on the door. I guess I was standing there for too long and she noticed me, because before I knew it, the door in front of me flew open and was replaced with her smiling face.

"Are you just going to stand out there forever?" She laughed at me. "You don't have to hide from me anymore. Unless you really don't want me as your mate." I saw the sadness flash across her eyes at those words.

"No!" I hurried. "I want you as my mate. I always did." I didn't want to see that sad look on her face ever again.

"Then why are you acting like a ghost at my door?"

"I was nervous." I looked down at the floor, hiding my eyes from her, in the process I saw that she was standing in front of me barefoot. Her cute little toes had a pretty purple polish on them that looked perfect on her. I couldn't help myself, I smiled then. "I grew so accustomed to running from you, thinking you'd never accept me after I ran because of what I had done, who I was. I guess that feeling is a little harder to shake than I thought."

"You don't need to be afraid anymore Carter." Her sweet voice, her smiling face, they were working together to mend my broken, dismantled heart. Just being near her was making me feel whole again.

"I never knew it was going to be that hard, that painful." I ran a hand through my hair sheepishly as I gave a small chuckle.

"What?" She asked me with a look of confusion in her eyes.

"Staying away from you. It was the hardest, most painful thing I had ever done. My wolf even took over when I fell asleep once. He was trying to walk us back to your pack territory."

"Really?" She laughed. "Well, at least he likes me."

"I like you." I told her in a rush of words as I moved to stand closer to her. I took her hands in mine as I pleaded with my eyes. "I more than like you, Emmalee. I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, the first time I heard you speak, the first time I smelled you. Before I ran away that day, my heart was already yours, forever and ever. It nearly broke me to leave. I thought I would die of loneliness."

"That's how I felt. I thought my heart had shattered into a million pieces and would never be whole again. I thought you had seen me and thought I wasn't good enough."

"No, never. If anything I'm not worthy of you." I put my hands on her downcast face and brought her eyes to meet mine. "I didn't know you had scented me that day. I thought I got away before you noticed me. I didn't know I had hurt you as well. I thought I was the only one suffering and I could live with that. But to know I had hurt you, caused you so much pain, I am so sorry. I can't go back and change it, but I can promise that I will never do anything to hurt you ever again." I was making a man's promise, something I would never break. This was a promise to my partner, my soulmate.

"Promise?" She asked me apprehensively, her eyes rimmed in unshed tears, tears that I had caused.

"I promise." I assured her as I looked into her eyes.

I felt the pull. The undeniable urge to gently place my lips against hers and feel the warmth of her soul. I saw no resistance in her eyes or face, none in the way she was nearly leaning against me. So I went for it.

I closed the distance between us, leaning my shoulder against the frame of the door we were still standing near. My right hand stayed on her face, cradling the softness of her supple cheek. My left hand slid down the side of her neck, across her shoulder, and down her back. It came to rest at the small of her back, pressing and holding her against me.

My lips settled onto hers lightly, but even that was like paradise. The kiss started soft, gentle, and sweet. But there was an underlying need and urgency inside me that soon took control. With a humming growl of pleasure, my wolf took over.

When my hand slid to the back of her head to better angle her for the kiss I heard her gasp, but it was a surprised and happy gasp, one that had her smiling against my mouth as I deepened the kiss.

My hand on her back moved as well. It slid from its position just above her waist down to settle on her soft, glorious bottom. I kneaded the supple flesh through her jeans and felt her jolt of excitement as she clung to my shirt.

When I licked my tongue across her lips, encouraging her to open her mouth to further the kiss, she responded in stride. With the path now clear my tongue dove right in. I moaned against her mouth with satisfaction as I twisted my tongue with hers.

I don't know how long we stood there, the kiss intensifying with each passing second, but I didn't care. I just needed more. I was learning the feel of her mouth, the touch of her hands on my body, the warmth of bodies pressed together, the taste of home as my tongue mapped out the contours of her mouth.

We were both breathing hard by the time the kiss had broken. The smile on her face made my wolf purr in satisfaction. I could finally be with my mate, and I would never leave her again.

"Maybe you should come into the room, so we can talk." She smiled at me. For a moment I wanted to make a suggestive joke, but I wouldn't. Not yet. We would just talk for now, and maybe have a few more of those mind blowing kisses. I could go for a few of them.

"Yeah, I think we should definitely talk." I smiled at her as I followed her into the room, shutting the door behind me.

The room was set up a lot like Trinity's, only smaller. I kind of wanted to complain, but I knew that would be stupid. Trinity had been given one of the largest rooms because she was the Luna and lady of the house, but still, didn't my mate deserve the best too?

The room was still very large, with the bed, dressers, sitting area, and all of the same amenities. It was just slightly less grand. The room was done in shades of purple and green with hints of blue, pink, and yellow all around. It actually made me think of a flower garden with all the colors splashed about. It fit Emmalee perfectly, she was my little bouquet of flowers after all.

Emmalee took my hand as she led me into the room. She guided me over to the lavender colored loveseat. It was just big enough for the two of us to sit together. She planted me in one corner and she sat in the other, facing me. I may have had a few less than pure thoughts at that moment, but I pushed them out of my mind. I was going to treat her right, with the respect she deserved. I'm sure it would be just as hard as staying away from her was, which felt like it nearly killed me.

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