Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






The date Carter took me on was perfect. It was amazing and fun, and the kiss was enough to knock my socks off. But things were moving so fast now. The wedding was just a day away and we had the bachelorette party first. I knew that would be fun.

I got to spend a lot of time with Trinity, my future sister-in-law Nikki, a wonderful new friend named Juniper, and a few people I had never met before that night. It was fun and we all had a good time, even though the guest of honor and another guest were pregnant so there wasn't a lot of craziness we still enjoyed ourselves. It was a great night that I would never forget.

And the next day was the wedding. I worked with Nikki, Juniper, and Eve to make Trinity look amazing. The wedding was perfect. The ceremony was beautiful. Everything was going right, there were even some new mated pairs from the wedding. Then, the others showed up and dropped a bomb on us all.

Trinity was the new Incarnation of the Moon Goddess and that meant she was the Luna Queen. I knew she was special the first time I met her.

The problem was that it made things move just that much faster. The warlocks needed to meet with her, the Sentinelle had to talk to her, and the kids needed to be found. The thing is, they probably had to all roll in together somehow.

I was waiting in my room while Carter had some sort of meeting with the others. I didn't know how long it was going to take so I was just reading a book. I was still staying with Trinity and Reece so I was still treating this like a vacation. I was really enjoying my time here and I was loving being with Carter so much.

As I was sitting on the couch, my nose buried in the story of romance and intrigue, I heard the door open. But, oddly, when I looked up no one was there. I got off the couch and walked toward the door.

There was no one in the hallway, I didn't see anyone, hear anyone, or smell anyone. I thought it was odd, but I ignored it. I just shut the door and moved back toward the couch and where I had left my book.

When I was halfway to the couch, I noticed that my book was gone.

"What the?" I asked the empty room. "I know I left it right there."

That was when I felt a brush of air and the distinct sensation that someone was moving past me. The sensation was enough to make me shiver.

"Who's there?" I asked. I knew that there had to be someone in here with me. I couldn't see them. I couldn't smell them. I couldn't hear them. But I knew they were there.

Something brushed past me closer this time, close enough to make my hair move, and I thought I felt fingers run along the skin of my arm playfully. I couldn't help it, I jumped.

I felt goosebump start all over my body as the movement around me made me shiver. I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort as I backed away from where I had been.

"What's going on in here?" I asked my empty bedroom. "Is there a ghost in here?"

I heard a chuckle then, something soft and quiet. The sound wasn't scary but the situation was.

"Carter?" I called for him. I didn't know if I thought he was here or if I was wanting him here, he was just the only thing that I could think of.

As I was backing away toward the wall I ran into something. I ran into something where there was nothing for me to run into. And just as I felt the scream building up inside of me the empty, yet solid, space in front of me started to fill in with color. In the blink of an eye, Carter was standing in front of me.

Carter leaned in quickly and kissed my cheek while I stared, gaping, at the formerly empty spot in the room.

"Hey babe."




Today had not gone as I expected. Here, let me recap:

I was in the meeting with Noah, Reece, Trinity, and all her guards. We're getting ready to go to the Aerie Convento to speak with the warlocks. Everyone was a little tense because of the attack on Ella and then Trinity using her Luna Queen abilities to grant powers and sucking herself dry. She apparently could now give out these new powers to make people strong. She had been staring at us all with a smile on her face. I will never forget the words she told me then.

"Carter." She smiled at me, one of familial love and happiness. "You are my brother, there was never any doubt. We were as thick as thieves when we were kids. Whenever I did something you were always there with me. You helped me, guided me, and protected me. Without you I never would have been able to be a part of the world, to blend in with those around me."

The moment she had said those words I felt the power begin to tingle within me, to slowly build. But it wasn't until she was done with all the blessings and there was a bright flash of light that I could really truly feel the power inside me.

"Welcome to the Goddess Guard, use your new abilities to serve your Queen well." A mysterious voice had accompanied the light. Goddess Guard? I guess that meant we were now part of Trinity's special army. I had always been in her special army, protecting her.

When she went on to explain my powers I had to fight really hard not to grin. I could camouflage myself. They thought that was just with being invisible, but I could feel what the power was allowing me to do. I could mask my footsteps if I wanted to, and I could mask my scent.

I had always been good at hiding in plain sight, I guess now I was just that much better at it. And yeah, it would come in handy for a fight, but there were other things too, and I already had an idea.

When I left the meeting I noticed that Shawn went off with Dietrich somewhere in the house. Noah, David, and Vincent all went outside. Gabriel stayed behind to talk to Reece, and the FBI agents left.

I didn't have any pressing plans, and I really wanted to see Emmalee, so that's where I decided to go. With a nice little plan in mind.

Before I even got to the hallway that Emmalee's room was on I started to mask my scent. I had been told that when I wanted to hide before it was like my scent was less strong and would fade away, I guess this power was always lying dormant inside of me.

Once I had masked my scent I hid the sound of my steps and turned myself invisible. It was now like I wasn't even there. I was a ghost in the house. And this was going to be fun.

I crept down the hallway, slowly even though I was masking my movement. When I got to her door I stopped and listened to what was on the other side for a minute or two.

I didn't hear anything on the other side of her door, but I could tell she was in the room. Her intoxicating scent was already going to my head.

Slowly, and silently, I turned the knob and opened the door. I pushed it just enough for me to squeeze into the room and hurriedly walk to the otherside.

I almost laughed at the look on her face when she stared at the door for a moment. She wasn't thinking too much of the door though, because she just stood up and walked across the room.

While she was quickly checking the hallway, I grabbed her book and hid it.

It took her a moment, but as she was walking back to sit down she saw that the book was missing, which made her stop dead in her tracks.

"What the? I know I left it right there." She seemed to be at a loss for a moment.

While she was distracted I took the opportunity to walk past her, really close. While I walked I blew a small stream of air at her and I grinned when I saw her shiver.

"Who's there?" She asked, but I stayed quiet. This time I walked closer to her, gently tracing two fingers on her arm as I went. I saw her hair move and she jumped to get away from the sensation.

"What's going on in here?" She looked around nervously. "Is there a ghost in here?"

I couldn't help it, I chuckled then. But that's when I learned that my voice would be muffled as well as it came out soft and sounded far away.

"Carter?" She called my name, but it was like she was calling for me, for my help. Not like she was accusing me of being the one in the room. I smiled happily knowing she would want me in her time of need.

She started to back away then, like she was scared. It was time to bring this to a close. I positioned myself behind her and let her bump gently into me. She turned around, a look of wonder in her eyes and just as she opened her mouth I reappeared before her.

I leaned in quickly and kissed her cheek while she stared with wide open eyes.

"Hey babe." I said playfully as I pulled away.

She didn't scream, yet, she didn't yell, yet. No, that would have been expected. What I didn't expect was the hand that came shooting out of left field, or out of sight of my left eye, as it slammed into the side of my head.

"OW!" I screamed in pain at the same time she started yelling at me.

"DAMMIT CARTER!" She was panting heavily and holding her chest with one hand as she continued to yell at me and beat me with the other hand. "What the hell were you thinking? You could have given me a heart attack. What the hell is the matter with you?"

"Ow, stop it. I'm sorry. Ow, please stop hitting me. Ow." She kept hitting me over and over as she yelled at me.

"How did you even do that? You scared me half to death."

It took a long time to calm her down and explain what had happened. By the time it was done, I was covered in bruises. And she wouldn't even let me kiss her for the rest of the day.

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