Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Tonight was my date with Carter. He didn't tell me where we were going or what I should wear but I didn't care. As long as we were together that's all that mattered to me.

I chose to wear a light sundress, something cute yet flirty. It was a bright green and was in a halter style. I had just tied the dress's straps behind my neck and put on a pair of black sandals when I heard a knock at the door. I could tell by the scent that it was Carter.

My hair was done. My makeup was perfect. My outfit was wonderful. All I needed was a light jacket and my purse. I grabbed an emerald green satin jacket to slip over my shoulders. It's sleeves were only three quarter lengths that I pushed up to my elbows. Now I was ready to go.

When I opened the door I saw Carter's handsome, smiling face.

"Hello beautiful." His words brought a blush to my face as he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Hey." I was breathless now, with the excitement of the upcoming date, the kiss, and how handsome he looked. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a dark blue button up shirt that was fully open showing the light gray t-shirt underneath. He looked casual but so sexy and handsome.

"Ready?" He asked me with a grin.

"Yeah." I nodded my head, I had been looking forward to this all week.

Carter helped me into the Jeep just like he had last time before driving us into town. He took us for an early dinner at a nice restaurant that I had always dreamt of going to. It was called The Fiery Jewel and it was a popular place for dates. But I had never dated anyone before Carter so I was excited for this chance to finally go.

The food was amazing, the menu was high class and full of expensive fine dining options. We ordered saffron risotto, langoustine ravioli, turbot and morels, filet mignon with fondant potatoes and asparagus, and chocolate millefeuille. The food was enough to make me feel like I had just been taken to another planet and spoiled beyond my wildest dreams.

After the dinner was over the sun was just beginning to set so I thought we might be going home, or maybe for a walk. So I was really shocked when I saw Carter start to drive into the mountains. This wasn't his pack and he didn't know the area, but he seemed like he knew what he was doing.

When he finally pulled the Jeep to a stop I saw that there was a whole place set up. There a large dark gray tent set up in the middle of a clearing with the opening facing the mountain's flat surface.

I saw that there was a large white screen standing in front of the rocky wall with a battery operated projector in front of it. There were candles waiting to be lit, an ice bucket with a bottle of wine, some simple yet nice snacks that we could eat later, and of course a bag of popcorn to have while watching a movie.

"What's all this?" I asked him, with my heart fluttering excitedly. It was beating very rapidly because I could see a king size air mattress inside the tent covered in soft looking pillows, sheets, and blankets.

"A movie date." He grinned. "I thought it would be best if it were just the two of us."

"Really?" I asked him to make sure even though I could tell that there was no one else around.

"If that's alright with you." He held my hand firmly in his, but his eyes were questioning and full of hope.

"That sounds wonderful to me." I was happy, nervous, excited, and scared all at once. But this night was meant to be special. It was meant to be just the two of us and that made me smile.

Carter walked me into the tent and I sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't want to make the sheets dirty so I slid my sandals off.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, confused.

"I don't want to get dirt in the sheets."

"That makes sense." He said as he sat beside me and slid his hiking boots off and put them next to my sandals.

"So, what movie are we going to watch?" I asked him. "Anything specific?"

"I have a couple of options, I thought I would let you choose."

"Awe, that's sweet of you."

I looked at the list of movies he had chosen for the night. They were all romantic comedies and sweet chick flicks, and they were all the types of movies that I had told him I liked. He listened to me, that was so sweet of him.

I picked one of my favorites and he put it on, streaming it from his phone wirelessly through the projector to the white screen. We snuggled together among the sheets and pillows and settled in to watch the movie.

I had seen the movie a dozen times. I knew exactly what was going to happen. Which was good, because I couldn't concentrate on the movie at all with my head laying against Carter's chest and his arm wrapped around me.

We were pressed so close together, cuddling and snuggling each other, that I could hear each beat of his heart, every breath he took, every shift of his body beneath my head. This was a closeness and a level of intimacy that we had never had before. It was amazing, wonderful, and nerve wracking.

The movie just played on as I ignored the screen completely. I was daydreaming the whole time, hoping, begging inside my head for Carter to pull me closer, to hold me tighter, for him to press his lips to mine and kiss me.

I longed for one of those kisses that stopped all rational thought. The ones that made me want to beg him to not stop, to keep going. I had been waiting for a night like this where we could be alone, where we didn't have to worry about anything or anyone else.

I wanted him.

I took my eyes off the screen, they hadn't seen any of what happened in the movie at all anyway. When I turned my head and my eyes met his, I saw that he was staring down at me. There was a heat, a passion that I had never seen before filling his eyes and it sent shivers running through me.

Our eyes were locked and there was no separating them. I had a feeling that neither of us had seen any of the movie. And that the rest of the movie was going to end up just as ignored as the beginning of it had been.

"Carter?" I called his name and was shocked to hear that my voice was deeper and more raspy than usual. A darkness settled over his eyes when he heard that one word spoken in my voice.

"Emmalee." He called my name right back and I could hear the desire, the need, that was swelling within him. It all but dripped from the syllables as he said my name. The sound of his voice made me shiver against him, bringing us closer together.

I tilted my head up, hoping for a kiss. He did not disappoint me.

His head lowered as mine raised and our lips met in the middle. I heard the groan of satisfaction as we felt each other's lips, but I couldn't tell you if it was my groan or his as we both seemed to sigh with happiness.

The kiss started soft, gentle, and chaste but it soon morphed into something more, something hungry and needy.

My arms slid up his chest so my hands could link behind his neck. His arms slid around my waist, pulling me against him.

I gasped when I felt him pressed against me, hard and ready. He took advantage of my mouth opening on the gasp. His tongue slipped into my mouth to tangle with my own. I felt the added heat of his mouth inside my own.

We were desperate for each other, frantically trying to pull each other closer. His hands were roaming all over my body making me tremble.

I felt the moment his fingers slid to the hem of my dress, tickling my thigh and sending a shiver running through me. He pulled back then, breaking the kiss to look me in the eyes.

"Emmalee? Do you want me to-." He trailed off, seeming uncertain how to finish asking what was on his mind. I loved him even more at that moment, for right then he would have stopped it all if I wasn't ready.

"Don't stop Carter. Please don't stop." I both told him it was ok to keep going and begged him not to stop at the same time. I wanted him, I needed him. I was ready for him, so why not tell him that now. "I need you Carter. Please keep going."

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