Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






I had a quick ceremony in town with Carter, we would have a big celebration once everyone was home from France and things had settled down. I was loving the idea and feeling of being pregnant. I wanted to be a mother, to take care of my own family. I know it was a little rushed, but we couldn't be happier.

We had kept it all a secret from Carter's family back at his pack, I didn't want to make things hard on them while the training and fighting was still going on. It was just over two weeks after the wedding that we got a call from Noah, Trinity and Reece were on their way home because Edmond, the crazy evil warlock, was on his way to their city.

The fight was coming, and it would be a bad one. All the non fighters like the elderly, women, children, and weaker males were sent to other packs for their own safety. We took several of them and I noticed that a lot of them seemed scared and worried about their family members.

I spent most of the time that they were all there making them feel welcomed and comfortable. I used my ability of making people smile to help the kids. I didn't throw a party, but apparently I was able to use that ability in other ways. I may not have been granted a power by Trinity but I was still special.

After the battle was over there were a lot of lives lost, but it could have been worse. Though what mattered was that the threat was gone. Edmond was gone. And none of our close friends and family had been lost. I had been holding my breath with my heart in my throat as I waited to hear how it all went down. Thank the Goddess Carter was alright.

There was a collective funeral after the battle, but that didn't seem like the right time to share the news of the baby and wedding that had happened while they were all gone. And then at Reece's birthday they announced that Trinity was pregnant, she had gotten pregnant the day they came home from France, the night before the battle. Well, ruining her big moment by telling her then just didn't seem right.

When was I going to stop procrastinating and tell her?

My sister-in-law Nikki was in labor with her baby and Carter and I were on our way back to their pack to see them. This might finally be the right time.

We didn't make it in time for the delivery, but all of Carter's family was there when we arrived. When Nikki's parents and brother had left to go get some lunch and it was just the eight of us, plus that adorable little baby boy, my first nephew, I thought it was time to spill the beans. But how to do this?

"Oh, Carter, do you think our baby is going to look like him?" I asked in an offhand sort of way. I hoped they would catch the phrasing.

"I'm sure any baby of yours will look adorable." Trinity smiled at us.

"Yes, when the time comes it will be just as beautiful and unique as the two of you." Eve assured me.

"But I'm talking about now." I smiled at them.

"What?" Wesley was the first to react as everyone just stared on in confusion.

"Emmalee, you're-." Trinity started but stopped as I just nodded to answer her already.

"Oh Goddess, they're going to be so close." Nikki squealed.

"Actually." I smiled awkwardly. "My baby will be older than Trinity's."

"What?" Noah asked with his eyebrows raised.

"We got pregnant at the end of May." Carter answered him, a grin firmly in place.

Eve, standing so close to Carter already, just reached her hand out and slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for Ma?" He yelled at her.

"Why didn't you tell me, you jerk?"

"I'm sorry Eve." I hung my head. "We didn't want to burden Trinity and Reece while they trained, or Noah while he handled business in their absence."

"Oh, sweety, it's not a burden." Eve came to me. "I'm so happy." She was grinning at me.

"Now you just need to get married." Trinity was grinning.

"Well." I smiled sheepishly.

"CARTER!" Eve yelled at him.

"Bryce made me." He squirmed away from his mother.

"He's telling the truth. Dad made us get married the day we found out. But I want to have a big celebration soon. A proper wedding and a reception to let everyone know."

"I'll help you plan it." Trinity hugged me.

"Me too." Nikki chimed in.

"This really is quite wonderful." Wesley smiled.

"I just wish Grandfather had been here today to hear all this." Trinity smiled happily.

"We'll tell him later." Eve assured her.




Two weeks after Nikki had her baby we were all back at Bryce's pack. And I do mean all. Mom, Dad, Grandfather, Noah, Nikki, Trinity, Reece, and of course Emmalee and myself. It was time for us to have our big party to celebrate our wedding. So why was Bryce calling me to his office all of a sudden?

I walked, slowly, to the office. It almost reminded me of the day we found out Emmalee was pregnant. Was he going to punch me again? Was he going to shoot me this time? Would I ever make it out of this house, his office, alive? I didn't know the answer to any of those.

My heart rate sped up and my pace slowed with every step that brought me closer to the doom room. That's what I was currently calling his office. Hey, look, I was even wearing a suit. They could just bury me out back and not have to worry about a funeral or a casket, or an investigation into the murder.

Oh man, what did I do this time? I asked myself, running my hands through my hair as I rounded the corner to his office. I could already hear the funeral march. Bum bum ba-bum bum. The classic Chopin song was playing in my head on an endless loop.

When I finally got to the room, though, I noticed that Bryce wasn't alone inside it. No, Reece was in there on the other side of that door. Maybe I wouldn't die today. Then again, I had made it known before that I didn't like Reece, maybe he was helping Bryce get rid of me.

No, he wouldn't do that, it would upset Trinity. So what the hell was going on here.

"Took you long enough." Bryce griped the second that I opened the door.

"Hey Carter, you don't look so good." Reece noted, commenting on my ragged, tired look. I could have told him that being dragged to Bryce's office was not my favorite thing after the punch he had given me and the massive black eye I had been sporting afterwards.

"I'm alright, just a little nervous about today." I answered, partially honestly. Bryce laughed.

"Tell him the truth." The laughter made Bryce sound young and fun, making me think about the time I had made him laugh when looking at Stanley's head. "Tell him you're afraid I'm going to try and knock your block off again and you're too scared to fight me."

"He won't fight you?" Reece questioned. "Is he afraid to lose?"

"No, we don't know who would win. He's bested me and I've bested him. But if we were to fight for real it wouldn't be a good thing for Emmalee, she would be upset either way." I nodded to show that Bryce was right.

"And what do you mean knock his block off 'again'?" Reece wondered.

"When I found out he'd deflowered my little girl, marked her, and knocked her up all in the same night I punched him in the face."

"To be fair, you punched me when you only knew about two of those three." I corrected him.

"Yeah, and I would have hit you harder if I knew about the last one beforehand." Bryce snapped at me. "So count yourself lucky." Reece laughed at our exchange.

"Don't worry Carter, this isn't a bad thing. We both need to talk to you."

"What about?" I asked him, my curiosity peaked.

"Sit." Bryce pointed to the chairs opposite him. I sat down in one, but Reece continued to lean against the wall behind him. "You remember my wedding present to Reece?"

"Yeah, Stanley's head. He got what he deserved."

"That he did." Bryce grinned. I had to remember that he had ripped that head from Stanley's body with his bare hands.

"Well, that's left a vacancy. And in the absence of their Alpha lately, Bryce has been maintaining their pack. But we need to find a new leader for them, and soon." Reece explained to me.

"So you want me to find someone?" I asked them, confused. They looked at each other and laughed.

"No, Carter, we want you to be the Alpha." Reece answered me.

"And you're lucky we decided it before you knocked up my daughter." Bryce snapped at me.

"Me?" I just gaped at them and asked that one word question after a stunned silence.

"Yes. You've proven yourself to me, and Bryce said he's been training you since we left for France. We think you're ready now."

"You've been planning this for a while?" I was still stunned. "Why not Noah?" I asked him, confused.

"Noah is my Beta, and he's not the type to want to be an Alpha. He's happy and would have said no."

"Why not Jordan."

"My son will take over my pack, you fool." Bryce snapped. "Do you want the job or not?"

"I do. I want it." I answered in a rush, making them laugh.

"Good." Reece laughed. "Now you just need a job."

"I don't even know where to start." I laughed.

"If you're willing to work hard I know what you can do." Reece grinned.

"You know I always work hard." I smirked at him.

"I'll train you to work for me. In my company."

"Doing what?" I had to know, the look on his face told me he had something up his sleeve.

"As a talent scout, since you so enjoy being a scout."

I groaned at his words but I couldn't help but smile as well. If I had never become a scout I would never have the mate and family I have now. I'd take it, and I would make the best life for my wife and child.

And, so my new life as an Alpha began, in the recently renamed wolf pack. I had renamed my pack The Rising Moon Wolf Pack. It was a new start for the pack and a new start for my wife and me.






I was sitting in the hospital room, holding the baby in my arms as Emmalee slept soundly. The bright blue blanket wrapped around my son's pink little face. He was so adorable. He looked like me, though I would have been just as happy if he had looked like Emmalee. He was sleeping just as soundly and peacefully as his mother was while holding onto my finger gently.

"I love you CJ." I whispered the words to him. The name, Emmalee's choice, made me happy as well. My son was named after me, my little CJ, my little Carter Jr., my little bundle of joy.

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