Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






I had walked back to the Alpha's estate with a grin on my face. I didn't know which room was meant for me, but I knew that I was supposed to stay in that house. Thankfully, the staff was already hard at work when I got back and they happily showed me to my room.

It was a nice enough room, very comfortably decorated. There was a large, plush, king sized bed, I admit the first thing that went through my mind was a vision of Shawn laying on that bed. Oh how I wish I could see his body bare before me. But I needed to take this slow, he would not accept a position like that so easily.

Oh, but that will be fun as well, earning his trust. This whole mating had me flying high and I couldn't wait to move forward with this man.

I collapsed into the bed, not even bothering to go to my luggage that was sitting near the window, I was exhausted but pleasantly so. I needed a nap and a shower after that, then I could go back to find my new mate. My new boyfriend if you will.

A few hours and several blissful dreams later I was up in the late morning and preparing to take a quick shower. I still had some less than pure thoughts flowing through my mind when I stepped into the steady stream of hot water.

I let my imagination run rampant, feeling my desire and arousal take over. I needed to get this out of my system now before I went to see him next. It was a preemptive solution to a future problem.

Several moments filled with happy thoughts later I was drying myself off and getting dressed. I dressed comfortably, for me, in a crisp black suit, black leather shoes, and blue gray tie that reminded me of Shawn's eyes. When I went down stairs I found the Luna looking over some magazines with a smile on her face. She really was radiant and glowing in her joy.

"Good morning Dietrich, how are you today?" She smiled happily at me.

"I am wonderful, thank you for asking Trinity. I see you are exceptionally happy as well, you must be excited for the wedding and the baby."

"More than I ever thought was possible." She blushed as she answered. I noticed you got home very late.?"How did things go?"

"I spent the night talking with Shawn, things were going quite well and I truly enjoyed the night. I'm sorry I didn't get home until this morning."

"Think nothing of it, you're more than old enough to do as you please and I am glad that things went well. I am happy for you and Shawn."

"Thank you for your approval and encouragement. It means a lot to have his Alpha and Luna's blessings."

"What are your plans for today?" She questioned me.

"I want to go see my mate." I grinned at her and was pleased to see the approval and happiness in her eyes.

Not long after that conversation I was walking into town. I had sent my subjugate home and had the car returned to the airport. I would need to get my own car if I planned to stay in town for any length of time, which I did.

I followed the path I had taken this morning, and also my nose, as I made my way to Shawn's apartment. I made my way to his door and smiled happily before I knocked.

The scent that was walking closer to the door was not Shawn's, and I was not yet accustomed to the owner's scent to know who it was. But when the door opened

"Oh!" Shawn's twin brother was the one who had opened the door.

"Good day to you, Shane." I smiled at my future brother in-law.

"Dietrich, what a surprise." Shane grinned at me. "Shawn's inside, come on in."

"Thank you." I felt my smile broaden even more.

I followed Shane into the house and was led into the living room, the sight that met me made my throat close tight, my mouth begin to water, and my entire body go on high alert. I was glad I had been preemptive before I left.

Shawn was sitting there on the couch. He was not wearing a shirt, just the black cargo pants he had been wearing the night before. His skin, so gloriously displayed for me, was just lightly tanned. His muscles were well defined with perfect pecs and drool worthy ripple of abs. The situation was giving me a scrumptious uninterrupted view of his wonderfully sculpted body.

Oh, the glory of a warrior's body. It was definitely obvious that he trained his body on a regular basis. I itched to run my hands and my tongue along that body of his, but I had to behave myself. I had to restrain myself, but that was going to be hard.

"Good morning Shawn." I purred to him as I appreciated the view before me. I had noticed that Shawn had tensed a little when I walked into the room. No doubt he knew that I was coming in, he most likely knew that it was me when I knocked on the door.

"D-Di-Dietrich what are you doing here?" Oh that pure innocence of his was just so adorable. I don't think he knew how appealing it made him look. Why was it I envisioned myself as the wolf in our relationship? I just wanted to eat him right up.

"I thought we could spend some time together today, get to know more about each other." I knew I was smiling and I couldn't help it."

"I think I'm going to go." Shane was grinning as he left. "I'll call you later." He waved to his brother just before he shut the door.

Now that we were alone, it seemed that Shawn was very aware of the situation we were in.

"Uh, give me a moment." He said in a rush as he ran from the room. I figured he was going to his room. That would be a good place to see, but I wasn't going to push it. I needed to make sure this relationship worked, no matter what.

I had decided to make myself comfortable, sitting on the couch that I had seen Shawn on a few moments before.

His place was small but cozy, and I liked that. There was a rack with DVDs and a massive bookshelf that was crammed full. The couch and one arm chair along with a couple tables were the only major furniture in the room. The TV sat on a small stand with the remotes lined up neatly. I could see his quaint eat-in kitchen with everything seemingly in its place. He was very neat and tidy.

When I heard the door to his bedroom open I turned to look, a reveal like this couldn't be missed of course.

Shawn emerged from the room wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a light gray, long sleeved sweater. And his short hair was neatly combed into casual yet tidy little spikes as it stood mostly up on his head, this looked more like his hair's natural position rather than a chosen style. But he looked comfortable and still very well put together. I wouldn't have cared if he had come out looking like a bum though, he was all that mattered to me.

"Feel better?" I asked him with a grin, causing him to blush as he came over to sit on the couch with me. I was glad he hadn't chosen to sit in the arm chair.

"I had just woken up when Shane got here. Actually him pounding on the door was what woke me." I liked that he seemed to be getting comfortable talking to me.

"I'm glad he woke you then, that way it wasn't me who had done it. This way your ire is aimed at him." I laughed, unable to help myself.

"I wasn't mad really, annoyed at first because I had gotten to sleep so late, but not mad. Besides, we had a good chat before you got here."

"Did I ruin things?" I felt like my bubble was about to burst for a moment.

"No, we were close to being done anyway."

"Might I ask what happened between you two?"

"What do you mean?" He seemed perplexed.

"His broken and bruised cheek and your split knuckle." I indicated the hand that had a slight amount of blood on it.

"Oh." He looked down at his hand like he hadn't even noticed it yet. "He said something that had pissed me off, so I hit him."

"What did he say to anger you?" I didn't expect the blush that had just begun to fade would come back stronger than before.

"W-we-well, he called me-." He stopped and took a deep breath, then started again. "He asked me if I was going to be the empress because you're the emperor." His face flamed even redder than it ever had before.

I couldn't help it, I laughed. It was quite funny really.

"We will have to think of what your title will be, but he's not completely wrong. You are of a high status among the vampires."

"But I'm not even a vampire." He exclaimed, shock and fear in his eyes.

"That doesn't matter, you will have authority over them." I grinned at him. "And me." I couldn't help but add that last part, wiggling my eyebrows seductively as I did so.

"Oh Goddess." He buried his face, causing me to laugh again. I could already tell that this was going to be a good day.

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