Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Dietrich rose up onto his elbows then, a grin on his face and joy in his eyes.

"Geliebte, you have no idea how happy that made me just now?"

"How could it have made you happy?" I was confused, I was the one who had been, well, pleasured. There was no other way to say it.

"You came screaming my name. Just like I was hoping you would." I blushed again after hearing his words. And as I looked at him, I remembered what I had just done.

"I'm so sorry Dietrich."

"What for this time, my love?" He laughed at me softly.

"I came in your mouth. I couldn't stop myself so you could get away." He laughed at me again then, this time with more mirth than the first time.

"Liebling, did you not notice that I chose not to move. I wanted you to do just that my love."

"Really?" I was still nervous and apprehensive about it.

"Yes, Liebling." He leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss to my cheek. "Now, if you're ready, we can continue with our fun."

I felt another jolt run through me then, it wasn't from nerves but from excitement. I wanted him. I hadn't had nearly enough yet. But that didn't mean that I wasn't still nervous, I was just choosing to ignore it.

"Yes, Herzchen, I am ready." I kissed him then, a quick peck on the lips.

"That is all I needed to hear."

With that Dietrich rose above me once again. This time he was using his hands to touch me all over. I was already aroused. I was already hard again. I already wanted him more than anything I had ever wanted before.

"Just remember not to be afraid, my love." Dietrich whispered into my ear before licking gently up the ear from the lobe to the shell.

That was when Dietrich's hands that had been exploring my body, the front of my body, started to roam to the back. His left hand strayed to my shoulder blades and tickled playfully there for a little bit while his right hand came around and cupped my ass cheeks.

I thought I wouldn't like the feeling of someone playing with, touching and fondling that area. But if anything it was making me even more excited. I could feel myself growing harder and harder while he played with me but I could also feel some sort of arousal taking place in the back as well. It was like my body was telling me that I wanted him, needed him, to be inside me. But I wanted to take him some time too.

"Dietrich, enough, I want you, please." I couldn't believe I just begged for it like that. I was really changing compared to how I was just two months ago.

"Whatever you want my love."

Dietrich, who was already straddling my legs with one knee in between mine moved his other leg next to the first, causing me to spread my legs even more. That was when Dietrich used his hands to push my legs further apart and then gripped me behind the knees and pulled me down the pillows and a little closer to him.

There was a quick jolt of panic for just a moment when I felt Dietrich's erection pressed against my bottom until I remember what he said about not being afraid. Plus, I was trying to remember when exactly it was that he had removed the black silky boxers he had been wearing.

Slowly, and gently, Dietrich fitted himself against my opening that I once thought would never be used in this way. But now, just the feeling of him there, poised and ready, was making me even more aroused and excited.

Heat flooded inside of me as some sort of reaction was already happening inside of me. I could already feel how wonderful this was going to be.

"Relax my love." He whispered to me once before pushing forward. His forehead was pressed against mine when he made his entrance into my body.

That first push in, slow as it was, still made me cry out.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ngh!" The cries continued as he continued to push into my body.

"You're so tight, my love. You need to relax. I don't want to hurt you." 'I don't see how that's possible.' I thought to myself as I felt just how huge he was. I realized now I hadn't looked at his even though he had clearly seen mine.

Still, I took a deep breath and tried to relax the muscles and nerves in my body. I reminded myself this was my mate, this was the man that I loved. He would never do anything to hurt me and I wanted to be with him.

Slowly I felt like the pain was ebbing and he didn't feel like he was stretching me too far anymore.

"Calmer now?" He asked me, tenderness in his voice.

"Yes." I said as I slowly opened my eyes to look at him.

"I love you, Shawn." Dietrich's words were so sincere, so full of that emotion he was professing.

"I love you too." I stroked his face softly as I smiled up at him.

"You're just too adorable for your own good sometimes." He was grinning but that was the last of words for the time being because that was also when he decided to thrust forward. He took advantage of my relaxed state to push himself all the way inside of me.

"Ahh!" I cried out once again.

That was the last of the pain too. After that, after he was all the way in it was like the pain just decided to go away. Perhaps it was just our bodies coming together finally, it was like they were rejoicing.

"You feel amazing, Liebling. You feel like home and heaven at the same time."

"This feels much better than I thought it would." I laughed softly for just a second.

"It will get much better soon, my love." He kissed me then, a slow kiss that intensified as he started to pull out of me.

My body wept for him, wanting him to come back. He stopped with just his tip left inside before he thrust forward again, this time with a lot less resistance. He repeated this motion again and again, slowly out, and slowly in, until he could enter me with no resistance at all. All the while I was gasping, panting, and crying out in pleasure.

From there Dietrich set about creating a steady rhythm that was making him pant and moan almost as much as I was. I was crying out his name so much that I lost count of how many times I'd said it already.

"Ah, Dietrich! Ngh!"

Dietrich had chosen an intimate position, one that allowed me to look in his eyes and to hug his upper body to me as he pounded in and out of me. I planted small kisses to his face, neck, and lips while he drove me toward insanity.

The heat was building between us. I saw the heat flushing in his cheeks and knew that it was already staining so much of my body, not just my cheeks.

"Shawn." He called out my name in response to me calling out his.

"Dietrich?" I seemed to be asking him a question, but one that I didn't even know I had for him.

"I want us to come together my love." He whispered the words into my ear as he reached between our bodies and gripped my throbbing dick in his hot, hot hand.

Dietrich was getting close to his limit, I could tell by the look in his eyes, but he was still worrying more about me as he stroked me both inside and out. I could feel the pleasure taking over me, ruling my brain. And, I could feel another orgasm building inside of me.

I felt my breathing hitch up again and didn't try to fight it this time. I willingly let myself ride the waves of pleasure he was bringing me.

It didn't take long for those waves to come crashing down on me, pulling me under. I felt myself explode in his hand at the same time that I felt him explode inside of me. I had never thought about that either, but it was hot, and felt comforting in a way. It told me that we were indeed connected as one.

"Shawn." He had said my name as he exploded.

"DIETRICH!" I had yelled his name at the same time.

Briefly spent and out of energy Dietrich collapsed on to me before pulling himself free of my clutching body. The moment he left my body I felt like something was missing. I still wanted to swap positions and take him, but I would also enjoy him taking me as well.

"Are you ok my love?" Dietrich whispered into my ear as he rolled to the side and snuggled in close to me.

"I'm just fine." said with more embarrassment. Now that it was over I couldn't fight off the blushes.

"I think we should take another shower, to clean up."

"Who should go first?" I asked him only to get a laugh in response.

"Shawn, Geliebte, my love, there is no reason to take two showers anymore, we will just share from now on." He was grinning at me with a very mischievous look on his face. "Come now, Liebling, let us clean up."

Dietrich pulled me from the bed then and into the bathroom. Thankfully the shower was just that and nothing more but I had been nervous the whole time. I had enjoyed myself, but I didn't think I could handle more at this time.

Once we were cleaned up we went straight to bed, naked.

The following morning we learned that training was cancelled and we could do as we pleased. We spent the entire day in our bedroom. To be more exact we spent the entire day, and subsequent night, in bed. I had learned a lot of Dietrich's tricks by the time that day was over and I would be making sure to use them on him in time.

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