Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Shawn hadn't stopped shaking and spasming from the pain by the time I got him back to my room in the estate. I knew that this part was going to be the worst of it for him. I didn't remember my days of the change hitting me in the beginning, but I have seen it in many others. The pain would ravage through his whole body, changing his entire genetic make up until he was an entirely different being.

At least, that is how it happens for humans becoming vampires. I had never seen, nor made, a hybrid. I had never seen nor heard of a werewolf becoming a half vampire. I had no idea how this was going to affect him, or if he would even survive the change itself.

I was filled with hope and fear, optimism and pessimism, determination and guilt, all of it at the same time and it was making me feel like my heart was being pulled in a million different places at the same time.

While I sat in the chair next to Shawn's side I felt a sort of pull. Something tugging at me, but only my consciousness, not my body. I tried to fight it, I tried to stay with Shawn, but it was no use. I couldn't fight the power of whatever it was that was summoning me.

I felt myself slip into a semi unconscious state. My mind felt like it was falling. Just falling and falling and falling.

When I felt myself slowing down, when I was finally able to see what was around me and where I was I saw that I was in the clearing where Trinity and Reece had held their wedding. There was a large circular stone that seemed to be shining in the light of the moon. I didn't even know it was dark outside yet.

"Hello Dietrich." I heard a smooth, beautiful female voice. I jerked around upon hearing it and saw a woman standing before me. She was shorter than I was by several inches, probably around Trinity's height. Her black hair and silver eyes were striking against her pale complexion. She seemed to be dressed in what looked like a black spider silk dress that barely covered the top of her body but went into a full skirt to trail behind her. She had black makeup on her eyes and lips as well as black nails. And her fangs were poking out from the top of her mouth.? She was like a vampire born of the night.

"Who are you?" I asked her, even though I had a feeling I already knew.

"Come now, Dietrich, you know who I am, don't you?"

"You're Selene, the mother of vampires."

"That's right. See, I knew you were a smart man."

"Why am I here? Why are you here?"

"Did Trinity not pass along my message for you?"

"She told me I was to be the-.

"King." She finished for me. "That's right. I chose you as my successor. Trinity is not of our kind, but she is closely linked to you. You are an elder vampire and a powerful one at that. I am choosing you to link her kingdom with yours. You already lead our people, so this will not change much. What it does change is your abilities."

"What kind of abilities?"

"Your mate is the first hybrid I have allowed. He will usher in a new race that will link us all together. I will not stand in your way to make these decisions unless I feel they are detrimental to my children. I too wish for peace among the shadows. For millennia there have been too many conflicts, too many wars, it is time for peace."

"What abilities will I have?" I had to know. Trinity had so many powers, what was I going to receive from my goddess?

"First, only you have the power to make a hybrid. Secondly, you will have the ability to speak telepathically with all the vampires, just like your friend can do with her people. It is a useful skill after all. Third, your ability to control has been upgraded. You may control multiple targets at once now. As for the rest, that will remain to be seen."

"Why not tell me now?" I pleaded with her.

"For one, it will be fun to watch you learn and grow, and for another, you are not strong enough to stay here much longer. I fear it is your worry over your mate that is causing you to be weakened. Go, return to him, but never stop striving to be the best King you can be.

I felt myself falling again. Up this time. I was falling through the air for a while until I somehow fell into myself, coming to my senses.

A while later I was waiting in a chair next to the bed when Trinity and Reece knocked on the door and came into the room.

"Thank you for coming to check on him." I smiled as I stood.

"I'm so sorry for what happened." Trinity's voice shook with guilt, clearly she blamed herself for Shawn being in such a bad state when we had found him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Trinity. We had so much to deal with. We all did."

"Will he be ok?" She was looking at Shawn as she asked this question.

"I believe so. While I was waiting at his side I had a conversation with Selene. You must be powerful, Trinity." I grinned at her.

"What do you mean?" She sounded and looked as confused as I thought she would.

"That conversation felt like it drained every drop of my energy. If it weren't for my love for Shawn I would already be asleep. Yet, you spoke with her and other gods several times. The power you must possess to be able to survive so many and such lengthy talks, it's simply amazing and so enviable."

"I don't know about that." She blushed and turned her head to the side with embarrassment.

"I do." I smiled at her with awe.

Just then, Trinity swooned on her feet. It only lasted a second but she nearly fell to the floor in that moment.

"Whoa." Reece cried out as he caught her and held her against his chest for balance.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired." And as she spoke her stomach growled loudly causing a blush to stain her cheeks a deep red color. "And hungry I guess." She was laughing now. "Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything today."

"You need to make sure you're eating properly, it's not good for the babies." I reprimanded her immediately

"Excuse me?" Reece exclaimed.

"What did you say?" Trinity seemed just as shocked as he was to hear my words. Uh oh, I think I messed up there. I looked away embarrassed that I had ruined something for them.

"I'm sorry, I assumed you knew. I didn't say anything this morning because of the impending battle but I noticed the change in you immediately. Did you not already know?"

"No, the day started with bang, so to speak. We were literally awoken by the call that the enemies were coming. I admit that I didn't pay as much attention." Reece looked embarrassed now, probably because as her mate he should have noticed first.

"Wait, Dietrich, did you say babies?" Trinity finally caught what I had said.

"Weren't you paying attention. He said he noticed you're pregnant again." Reece was grinning so wide it looked like his face was going to break in half.

"I heard and I know what he said. But he said babies, Reece, not baby."

"Wait, you're right, he did." In unison they both turned to look at me as I grinned back at them.

"I was asked recently if I could tell the difference between single and multiple pregnancies and I said I didn't know. Well, I guess I can." I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at how happy they were.

"Twins?" Reece asked with a shocked look before he grinned again, wider than before.

"Twins?" Trinity echoed his question.

"Yes, twins. Congratulations." I clapped them both on the shoulder at the same time, squeezing gently just to drive the news I had just shared with them home.

Trinity stood there in a daze for a few minutes until Reece dragged her away. I was now alone again with my mate. I settled into the chair, prepared to wait for a while until he was conscious again. I didn't care if I had to sit here for a week, I would not move. I would sleep in this chair when I had to and I would watch him sleep while I was awake. But no matter what, I refused to leave his side. He was my mate, my love, my Shawn, my everything and I would stay with him until the end of time.

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