Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Yesterday was the wedding for Trinity and Reece. Things were a little more exciting than I thought they would be, but then again, given the past event I don't know why I thought it would be anything less than exciting. Still it was amazing.

Yesterday was the first time that I had seen Rawlynne in a dress. When she had agreed to be my date for the wedding I had been so happy and excited that it had completely slipped my mind that she would be wearing a dress to the event.

When I saw Rawlynne that morning with her soft pink dress on I almost had a heart attack. The color seemed so feminine and looked wonderful on her. It was definitely not something I ever thought I would get to see, though I wouldn't trade that moment for anything. She was radiant and perfect. The only downside was Jackson walking along next to her.

Jackson was getting more used to me, but he still didn't seem to like me very much. I didn't know why, shouldn't he be happy that the woman he considered to be his sister had finally found the man to spend her life with?

Still, I had been making a conscious effort to get along with him better. I didn't want us fighting and bickering in front of Rawlynne anymore.

The surprise guests to the wedding seemed to make a big splash. All of us in attendance were flabbergasted at their revelation, though I honestly was not too surprised. If you told me Trinity was the Goddess Incarnate I would believe you because she was simply that amazing of a Luna.

Now, however, we were just wrapping up a meeting with Trinity, Reece, all the guards, Trinity's cousins, Gabriel, and Rawlynne and Jackson. When Trinity addressed us all we were shocked to find out that we were being blessed and given new powers.

Everyone there, aside from Trinity, walked out of that room with new tattoo like marks on their chest near their collar bone. One meant we had received an ability, the other was to signify us being part of the Goddess Guard. We were meant to be her protectors and fight in her stead.

Rawlynne and even Jackson the human were granted abilities too. The two of them both received the same power, the ability to find hidden information. We weren't completely sure what that meant, but I had a feeling it would help them in interrogations and investigations.

As for me? I got the ability to move really, really fast. I was already one of the fastest wolves in the pack and now I was able to move so fast I disappeared. It would take me some time to practice it, but I knew that I would be able to learn what I was capable of.

Following this meeting we prepared to go to the headquarters of the warlocks. We were looking for the missing kids and information on the asshole who had invaded our lands. But the fight that happened to break out almost immediately after caused more problems than we had hoped for. Trinity lost her baby and the Aerie Convento was nearly destroyed, however Cedar and Noah were able to fix it up again somewhat. We still couldn't stay there for the night though.

The night in the hotel had basically been like a resting time for us while we waited for further instruction. I quite enjoyed spending it in the arms of my mate. She really was an excellent lover and I would never tire of being with her.




I was creeping down a dark stairway behind Reece and his men when the fighting broke out. We were supposed to be here to rescue the missing children. This was why I was here. This was the culmination of my investigation. The only drawback was, I wasn't the one responsible for this rescue. My mate's Alpha and Luna were.

I had felt a strong wind blow past me and the next thing I knew there was shouting in the hallway. Trinity had flown, blown, forward just so she didn't have to miss what was happening.

Everything happened fast after that. Trinity took me and David along with some others into the room she had seen the children in. There were several adults in the room that had cuffs and collars and were just as much prisoners as the two dozen children were. I would not only be rescuing the children I was sent here for, but several others as well.

It was a chaotic scene filled with tense moments. Monsters broke into the room and I stayed back to protect the children, they were my main target here. I needed to get them home and keep them safe. David stayed with me to accomplish that goal. Once the monsters in the room were vanquished the others went to the hall to keep fighting, but David and I stayed to keep the children calm.

"You don't need to worry. We're here to help you. I am Rawlynne Otsana of the FBI, I am here to take you back to your families." I smiled at them warmly, comforting them as best as I could.

"There is nothing to be scared about anymore. We will stay with you until we get you out of here." I saw David kneeling with the kids and calming them as well. The kids seemed to really take to him, I didn't know he was good with kids. This was actually really cute, seeing him with the kids all staring at him like that.

I wonder what David would be like as a dad.

'SHUT UP RAWLYNNE!' I screamed inside my head. 'I SO DO NOT NEED TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS YET!' I needed to focus on my career, then David and I could start a family. But dammit, he made it look good with that kind, warm smile on his face.

We spent the next hour or so keeping the kids and the prisoners calm. By the time that Trinity came back in, the fight was over. Things moved quickly after that and we were able to get the kids back to Trinity and Reece's estate.

There were twenty-four kids that we rescued and brought back. Eight of those kids went back to their families here in Colorado Springs, another ten of the children went to their families in the surrounding areas of Colorado, Wyoming, and Kansas. The other six children had been orphaned.

I spoke with my section chief, Director Harris, and told him what was going on. Harris was a djinn that had given up half of his magic to leave his family curse behind. He was powerful enough yet nothing compared to what he used to be, but that made him more than appreciative of me and my uniqueness. It also helped to let him know what it was I was asking for.

I was asking him for anonymity and discretion. I wanted to make it so that the children that had no homes went with the warlock and witches that had no place to go.

Reece was building a new community, a home for all of supernatural kind. He wanted this new world to flourish under the rule of the new Goddess Incarnate. We would all see prosperity during this time, I was certain of that. Trinity was a wonderful person, a good friend, and a great leader.

I just hate that shortly after coming back from recusing the kids and that battle, David and I had to say goodbye. He was going with Trinity to France to train as her guard knight. That was kind of hot to think about. I was dating a knight, how sexy is that.

I was standing in the doorway, watching as David pulled away from me. I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes and my heart breaking slowly. I didn't know how long he was going to be gone for.

"He will be back soon." Jackson spoke softly as he slipped an arm around my shoulders. "He is going to get stronger and more powerful. When he comes back you will be proud of him."

"I'm already proud of him." I heard my voice crack as the tears started. I couldn't see the car anymore.

"You miss him already don't you?" Jackson sounded sad on my behalf.

"Yes, I do." I answered honestly.

"You love him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. I really do."

Jackson pulled me into a hug then, squeezing me tight. I could feel how much his heart was breaking just by seeing me this upset. He really was like the family I needed at times like this.

"Work hard while he is gone and you will hardly miss the time at all." I know he was trying to help, but Jackson just didn't get it. He just didn't understand what I was feeling.

"I don't want to leave here, Jack. I want to stay in Colorado Springs."

"You're leaving the bureau?" He sounded shocked by my revelation.

"No, I want to see if Harris will let me run the local office when it is finished. I want to stay here, but I also want to keep working."

"Then I will come with you. I am part of Trinity's guard now too." He was grinning at me. I knew he would say that.

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