Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






I hurried back to the station to give my report of tonight's events to Captain Franklin. He was concerned for the woman that I had rescued and encouraged me to go visit her as well. He could and would be a hardass most of the time but he was still a good guy.

I hurried over to the hospital that the driver told me that Ella was being taken to. I didn't know what room or even what floor she was going to be on when I got there so I flashed my badge to get the information that I needed. Apparently she was still in the emergency department and she was being seen by a doctor before she was to be discharged.

That angered me. Why the hell were they going to discharge her already? What the hell was going on? She was clearly hurt when I saw her, couldn't those assholes see that? What the hell were they going to do if she got worse through the night.

Despite still being in the emergency department, Ella was in a private room with a door. I saw that the curtain was pulled around the bed when I made it to her room but the door was not shut all the way.

Stupid people aren't even giving her the proper amount of privacy. They could have shut the door all the way. Was that so fucking hard?

I pushed the door the rest of the way open as I knocked on the glass panel in its frame.

"Can I come in?" I didn't really announce myself well there now did I?

"Who's there?" A man's voice answered me and I instantly felt a wave of jealousy so intense it was like some kind of beast had welled up inside of me.

"Detective Scott of the CSPD." I used a very authoritative tone when I spoke then.

"It's ok." I heard Ella's voice but it sounded like she was talking to the man behind the curtain with her. "Let him in Griffin." So that was the doctor's name.

"Ella?" He sounded shocked as he whispered back to her. I didn't care what the man had to say about it all anymore. Ella said to let me in so I grabbed the curtain and flung it open, probably a little harder than I had needed to.

"Hello Ella." I smiled at her when I finished walking into the room.

"Oh, I get it now." The man named Griffin smirked as he looked between me and Ella.

"Get what?" I wondered, curious to what it was he was trying to say.

"Nothing." He shook his head gently then held his hand out to me. "Hello Detective Scott, my name is Dr Griffin White, it's a pleasure to meet you." I shook his hand out of professional courtesy only. I wanted to know why he was so friendly with Ella.

"How do you know Ella?" I got straight to the questioning.

"Griffin is the family doctor as well as a family friend. When he heard I was here he rushed over to help right away." I looked a little closer at the doctor in the room. He was closer to forty years old, good looking but still too old for Ella.

"Alright." I nodded to accept the answer. "I hear she will be discharged soon, do you want to explain why? She was injured too badly." I glared at him then looked at Ella again.

This was the first time that I had looked closely at her since coming into the room. Most of my attention had been on the rival that was before. No, the doctor. He was not my rival because Ella wasn't my woman in any way. What the hell was the matter with me?

Though, what I saw now that I was looking at Ella with my full attention was that she didn't look nearly as injured as she had less than an hour before. The bruises on her face already looked like they were fading and the cuts on her arm, that the doctor had clearly been cleaning, were already starting to close.

And now that I saw those cuts I could tell they looked like claw marks. Like she had been attacked by an animal and not a group of men.

"What the hell is going on here?" I was so shocked to see her and the nearly healed injuries that it seemed like I was a bit wobbly on my feet.

"Detective Scott, I can explain." Ella looked worried when she saw my reaction.

"Have a seat." The doctor put a hand on my shoulder and tried to guide me to the chair that was sitting next to Ella's bed. I let him, since I felt like I was spinning out of control.

Once I was seated Ella looked at me with steady eyes and gave me a wry smile.

"First, I want to say I thank you. I don't think I said that earlier but I was in a bit of shock with everything that had happened."

"You don't need to thank me, it's my job to help people." I smiled at her and I couldn't help but add a little more to that answer of mine. "But I would save you anytime, anywhere." Why did I say that? I must sound like a creep.

"Thank you." I saw that she blushed but looked happy to hear what I had said. "I am glad you're the one who saved me." She was looking at me with such sweet and tender eyes. And if I was not mistaken there was a look of longing in her eyes.

"Ella, I am going to step out to give you some privacy." I heard the doctor's words but I paid him no mind. He wasn't important right now anyway. Ella, however, nodded at his words before he walked away.

"I am actually glad you came here. I am glad you saw what you did when you got here because it makes it that much easier to explain things to you."

"I don't understand what is going on here. How did you heal so fast?" She looked at me uncomfortably, like she was uncertain of what to say.

"Well, let's just say that I am not like other girls. I don't know if I should explain it all to you, it's not just my secret to tell."

"Whose secret is it then?" I needed to know this, I needed to figure all of this out soon.

"There are a lot of people involved. But I do promise you will get answers, and soon."

"I can handle whatever it is. I mean, it's not like you're going to tell me you're not human." I laughed, half embarrassed by the word, my hand was even rubbing the back of my head as I squinted with the laughter, however, then I noticed the look on her face and that wasn't all that comforting. "Wait, are you not human?" I was truly worried then.

"I'm close enough to count." She sounded nervous.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I think I am starting to flip out here.

"Ok, let's put it this way, I am human but with a little extra."

"What do you mean by extra? You were born on this planet weren't you?" Was I seriously having a discussion with the beautiful woman about aliens?

"Goddess, yes. As far as I know aliens have never actually visited this planet."

"But you're not saying they don't exist?" Yup, I was talking to her about aliens now. Smooth Devon, smooth.

"Well, to think that our planet is the only one in existence with life on it is just conceited and stupid. There are too many galaxies with too many planets for me to believe that aliens don't exist."

"Well, that's actually a sound argument." I was nodding my head while I thought about what she said. "But, you're not an alien?" I still needed to make sure.

"No." She laughed as she said the word and it was such a cute laugh.

"That's good. I think I can handle whatever it is. I don't know why but I am being drawn to you like there is something inside of me telling me that I need to be with you for the rest of my life." Slapped myself in the forehead then and groaned. "Damn it, I probably sound like a fucking creep right now."

"Actually you don't. And I am feeling the same thing. What we're feeling is the pull of fate, which is something everyone of my type of people longs for and is always overjoyed when they finally find it."

"What are you saying?" She had just made me feel like it was normal to be feeling what I was currently feeling.

"It's destiny. The goddess that my people worship determines the perfect person for us to spend our lives with and that person will find us at some point in our lives, no matter what."

"So, you're telling me that you're-?" I couldn't finish the question just yet, I was too nervous to say the words.

"I feel like I fell in love with you at first sight. Well, actually it was when I first smelled you, or when I heard your voice. Take your pick." She was grinning now. "But, if you'll have me, I could be your mate for the rest of my life."

I couldn't believe my ears. It was like a confession of love and a marriage proposal from her all at the same time. This was insane. I know it was insane. But I still loved it.

"I think I would be willing to entertain that idea." I blush and smirked at her, trying to be smooth but feeling like I failed miserably.

"I'd like that." She seemed happy nonetheless. "Oh, by the way, Detective Scott, what is your name?"

"Oh." I laughed, I hadn't properly introduced myself to her had I? "My name is Devon, Devon Scott." I grinned at her.

"Nice to meet you Devon, I am Ella Taylor." We just grinned at each other for a while. I was truly loving that smile of hers already.

After that we talked and got to know each other while we waited for the discharge papers. That was when I found out that Ella's brother had been the first child kidnapped and that the men who attacked her had probably been working for them, if they hadn't been the culprits themselves. That pissed me off, my Ella was targeted and so was her brother. But then again, if she hadn't been targeted we would never have met and I wouldn't get to spend time with her. Fate can be cruel as well as rewarding. Fate was definitely a mysteriously cruel bitch.

I drove Ella home when she was discharged, I just didn't want to leave her alone yet.

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