Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






About two weeks or so after Devon proposed to me I found out I was pregnant. Since he wasn't a wolf he was unable to detect the change in me. I was so happy, but Devon thought that I would be upset about it. We were getting married anyway so why would I be upset.

Since we were engaged and going to have a baby we needed to have me meet Devon's mom. I was happy that things were going great between us, but we also needed to tell his mom that I wasn't human.

At first Devon questioned why we needed to tell her but when I pointed out that our baby would be born full term after only six months and that eventually our child would most likely turn into a wolf she needed to know.

Devon's dad wasn't around since he had run away with a mistress when Devon was a little boy. I learned that Devon had been raised by a single mom with a heart of gold. His mom, April, was a wonderful woman who had welcomed me with open arms when I went to meet her at lunch one day. She had welcomed me almost as readily as my mom welcomed Devon.

Devon's mom lived in a cute little house with a white picket fence in the quietest subdivision in all of Colorado Springs. It looked like the perfect little home and I could tell immediately how much April loved Devon.

After his mom had hugged him and kissed his cheek Devon turned to look at me with his hand held out toward me.

"Momma, this is Ella, my fiance." I saw the smile that spread on April's beautiful face. Her warm brown eyes and light brown hair that made her look so much like her son were not the only similarities, because that smile seemed to be a family trait. I wonder if my baby would have that sweet smile as well.

"It's so great to meet you Ella." She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that my son is finally settling down."

There was a little small talk by the door but we eventually went into the dining room where April had prepared a lovely lunch with some sauteed chicken with zucchini and summer squash with a delicious butter sauce. It was all laid over a bed of white rice and it was so good. I ate every bite that was on my plate.

"I see the appetite has started already." April giggled as she looked at me. "So, when is my grandchild due?"

"Huh?" Devon and I were both shocked to hear the words that she had said.

"I'm not as oblivious as I look." She laughed again. "I could see that pregnancy glow on Ella the moment I saw her." I was nervous for a second because I knew she was going to ask a lot of questions.

"W-well, we're due at the beginning of October."

"Hmm, isn't that a tad bit early?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"N-no." I tried to play it off.

"But you just met my son last month." She didn't look upset or anything, just curious.

"W-well-." I was trying to come up with an answer.

"If you're going to imply that the baby isn't mine then you're wrong." Devon was defending my honor to his mother, I liked that but I didn't want them to fight.

"I wasn't implying anything of the sort." She smiled broadly. "I'm just going to take a guess here, but is Ella one of the not quite normal people that live around here?"

My heart stopped beating. I couldn't believe what I heard. Did she know about wolves and the other supernaturals?

"Mom? Why would you ask that?" Devon looked scared. "What do you know?"

"So I'm right?" She grinned. "I don't know what all types of people live around here, but I have seen the man that runs the deli look a little too blue from time to time, and I am not referring to him being sad. I don't think most people notice, or maybe they just ignored it. But I asked him about it one day, curious."

"That's dangerous Mom, why would you do that?"

"Oh Marin is the nicest man you could ever meet. Obviously he didn't tell me what he really was, but he did tell me that there were a lot of people around here that were not quite normal. He said to just ignore it unless someone was telling me what they were."

"Oh my Goddess." I exclaimed, clamping a hand over my mouth.

"Oooh, I like that, so you worship a goddess then?" April looked very excited.

From there, I told my future mother in-law everything. She loved hearing what I was, and what her grandchild was likely to be. It was a strange day for sure, but it had also been a wonderful day as well.

I went with Devon the next month to get an ultrasound of the baby, or should I say of our identical twin girls.

It was going to be fun though tough and hectic as well, but I didn't care. I was starting a family with the man I loved.

We were married a month after we were engaged which was also a month before the Alpha and Trinity came back to fight that evil Warlock that had kidnapped my brother. Once Trinity killed him everyone in the area was able to rest easy.

It became known at the beginning of July that Reece had been granted a new ability from the Moon Goddess. I hadn't heard much about it because I was busy making dresses for some of the guards' upcoming weddings, their mates were going to look amazing.




At the beginning of July, just after Reece Gray's birthday, there was talk among the pack that he had gained a new ability. I don't know when I started thinking of him as my Alpha or referred to that group of people as my pack, maybe it was when I married Ella or maybe it was sooner than that, but it was what it was now.

I waited a few days to see what all the rumors had to say about this new power of his before I went to see him. I went to see him on the ninth to ask him what it was I wanted. He was in his office, alone, when I knocked on the door and he told me to come in.

"What can I do for you Devon?" He really was a nicer guy than I had originally thought, so I hoped he would help me out here.

"I heard a rumor that you and the Luna were given new marks recently. The rumors say that the Goddess told you what those marks were for."

"It would seem that the rumor mill has been working overtime." He grinned. "Do you know what that new ability of mine is?"

"People are saying you can now turn people into werewolves." I gave him a pleading look.

"That's what we were told. But I am going to warn you, I definitely haven't done it yet so I don't know how it will go."

"I don't care. I want to be a wolf like my wife. Please." I was begging him. This was not like me but I was so passionate about it. "You promised me that you would change me if you ever found out how."

Reece was laughing now. Why the hell was he laughing?

"You're right, I did promise that, didn't I?" He gave me a knowing look. "I guess I can't go back on my word then can I?"

"No, you can't." I was being a little forceful but I didn't care, I wanted this, I needed it. Ella would outlive me if I didn't do something. I wanted to be with her forever. And I needed to be strong enough for her.

"Alright, come with me to the basement."

"Basement?" I was confused but I followed him anyway.

When we were in the basement I saw that there were two rows of cells, where prisoners would be kept.

"I am going to ignore these and pretend you don't hold people against their will down here."

"My last guests in here were trying to kill children and my mate. They were cold blooded killers."

"Then I don't have an issue with that." When did my morals start to change to fit wolf law? Oh well.

"Alright Devon, take your clothes off and enter that cell there."

"Excuse me?" I was so shocked by Reece's words that I thought I had misheard him.

"We don't know if you will shift immediately after the change is over. You will rip your clothes, which hurts the first time you shift. Plus, if your new wolf is a little frightened then we don't want him running amok and hurting people."

His words made sense, and I wanted to be a wolf, so I just did as he told me to. Once I was naked and in the prison cell Reece came in after me.

"Now, I have to get a little closer to you than either of us would likely be comfortable with. I don't want to look into your face when I do this so I will stand behind you while you sit down." This was sounding so crazy right now. If I didn't know that the man was madly in love with his wife I would question his motives right now. Still, I sat on the cot in the cell while Reece walked behind me.

"When this works, you can mark Ella with a mate mark, here, on the left side of her neck. I, however, am going to bite you on the right side. It will be like a vampire biting someone but with a wolf mouth instead."

I was trying to take in everything that he was saying but I noticed that he was also taking his clothes off.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed at him in a panic.

"Calm down dumbass. I am shifting into one of my other forms to bite you."

"One?" I know my eyebrows had shot up at his words.

"Yes, it now seems like I have a lycan form. I can look just like a Hollywood werewolf." He laughed then and I remembered when he told me about the wolves for the first time. This was so weird.

I didn't usually look at naked men, and I was definitely not looking at that. But I watched as Reece, the Alpha King of shifter changed, not into a big four legged wolf but into a massive lycanthrope. It was actually cool though still scary as hell. What weirded me out the most was when he spoke.

"Turn around." It sounded like he was having trouble enunciating the words since he had said them slowly.

I did as he told me to and tried to ignore the fact that a naked man behind me turned into a real werewolf and was about to bite me. I closed my eyes and waited for the process to start.

Without warning Reece latched onto my neck. It wasn't hard but it still hurt and I instantly felt a massive amount of cold enter my body. Was this the power of the magic that was needed to change me?

I don't know, and probably never would, since the flow of that cold knocked me unconscious in less than two minutes.

When I woke up two days later I was standing on four legs and covered in fur. It had worked, I was a wolf. However, Ella was a little peeved that I didn't tell her I was leaving for a few days. I had to apologize profusely but she forgave me, especially considering what I had done for us.

About two months after I was changed into a werewolf, that was no different from Ella, our babies were born. Sophia and Isabella were born just after one in the afternoon on September nineteenth. We were a happy little family and I couldn't be more proud.

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