Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Something that I noticed about my abilities right away was that I didn't need to actively use my magic to help my patients. Just being near me was enough for them to start getting better.

I mainly treated humans in my clinic since wolves don't get sick that much. One of the only things that can truly affect a wolf is cancer and it's still very rare. The thing about the cancer though was that it was worse in a wolf than in a human. A wolf's fast metabolism and accelerated healing made the cancer cells grow at an astronomical rate.

Cancer in a nutshell is when your cells have become corrupted. The corrupted cells think they're healthy and are attacking the body to get rid of what they think are the bad cells. Now imagine someone who creates new cells ten times faster than a human being. That person will almost always die when they get cancer.

Now, since Trinity gave me my powers I was able to cure these patients with and without magic. Just them coming to see me meant that their cells were returning to normal. I noticed it in my human patients as well. This made things that much better for every patient I would ever have again. And I also noticed the same thing happening with Lana. It was going to be a great time of healing for all of our patients.

We were working hard in the clinic together since the day after the battle. Getting back to a semblance of normality was what was best for us, or at least me. I didn't know how normal Lana thought it all was since she had lived in a seaside abbey in France for over a hundred years. Still, she seemed to be adjusting well.

It had been nearly two weeks since the battle and Lana had been working with me every day since. I could feel my bond with her, my attraction to her growing every second of every minute of every day since.

The problem was, I didn't know what to say to her. I had gone so long thinking I would be alone forever that I didn't know how to be with someone. Lana, likewise, didn't say anything. Did she not feel what I felt? Did she not want to be my mate? I had thought things were going so well that first day too.

There was a tension so thick between us that it was impossible the others in the office didn't notice.

I was currently sitting at my desk and watching Lana work through the opened door. Julie, one of my nurses, came in to ask me something but I didn't hear her at all.

"Dr. Griff?" She called me over and over before coming to grab my shoulder and pull me out of my daze. "DR GRIFF!" she practically yelled at me.

"Huh? Oh, hi Julie, what can I do for you?" She just glared at me.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted me to lock up since all the patients are gone and it's just the three of us here." She was glaring but there was laughter in her voice. "Now I want to ask you to take care of this before I come back into work tomorrow."

"Take care of what?" I was confused.

"This thing that has been going on between you and the new girl."

"I don't-." I was going to deny it all but Julie interrupted me.

"Don't give me that horse shit, Griffin. I know what is going on here even if you're too stupid to realize it."

"I realize it, it's just-." I stopped again.

"What? You're not brave enough to talk to her about it?"

"That's not it." I was getting frustrated now. "It's just, I don't know how she feels."

"That's cause you're too busy drooling to actually look at her. She's pining over you just as much if not more. Stop wasting the girl's time."

With that Julie left my office and then left the building. I heard her lock the front door behind her as she left. It was now just me and Lana, all alone. I could still see Lana where she was working on charts out in the hall. She stood after she too heard the lock click shut.

"What's going on?" She asked me with a worried expression. "How come Julie locked the door?"

"She, uh, wanted to give us time to work on things."

"Huh? But I'm almost done with my charts, there isn't much left for us to work on."

"That's not what I was talking about." I looked down nervously.

I heard Lana walk up to me then, her footsteps soft and gentle just like she was.

"Griffin, is something wrong?" She seemed worried.

"Lana, what do you think of me?" I had looked up just in time to see the shocked expression on her face.

"Oh?" She blushed at me then, a cute smile on her lips. "Well, I don't know how to explain it. It's like back on the day that we first met. I felt connected and drawn to you. I thought you felt the same but now I am not so certain."

"I do!" I jumped to my feet and exclaimed the words excitedly. "I do feel the same. I just didn't know how to say it. Goddess, Lana, I am already head over heels in love with you. You're all I can think about. I love your beautiful voice and your pretty face. I love how smart and sweet and kind you are. I love your sexy body and I can't stop fantasizing-." I cut myself off then by clamping a hand over my mouth. Why was I about to say that? What the hell was the matter with me.

I saw a smirk on her face. She knew what I was going to say. She knew what was going through my mind. And it was like some sort of switch had been flipped. My sweet Lana was gone and a sexy, sensual, and provocative Lana had taken her place. I instantly felt the fit of my slacks tighten when I saw the change in her.

"Fantasizing huh?" She asked me as she walked toward me slowly. "And what exactly have you been imagining when you fantasize about me? Have you imagined doing anything to me at work? At home? Someplace else?" Oh she was good, she already had me aroused to the point of pain and she hadn't stripped or touched me.

"E-everywhere." I struggled to get the words past my tongue since it itched to lick somewhere on her.

"Is that so?" She had reached the spot where I was now.

With a gentle push Lana forced me back into my chair. It wasn't so much as her forcing me so much as I just didn't fight her.

"I should tell you then, that I have been fantasizing about you as well." Her voice was husky and thick with desire. "There have been many things I have imagined you doing to me and me doing to you since we started working together. Especially things that could happen right here in this room.

"R-really?" I was still in a state of shocked disbelief.

"Yes, really."

With no warning, Lana seemed to pounce on me. She was sitting on my lap and pressing her lips to mine with a heated passion that was so thick and strong that I didn't know if I would survive the burn. Even still, I would happily perish in the flames if they brought with them a fraction of the pleasure just this kiss held within its depths.

Our hands tangled slightly as we both fought to remove each other's clothes. Lana had lost patience and just ripped my shirt open, buttons flew everywhere. I followed her lead and ripped the shirt from her body as well. Before I knew it every piece of clothing we were wearing had been ripped and thrown aside in our hurry to get to each other.

With me still sitting on my chair Lana wrapped her arms around my neck and lifted herself off of me. She positioned her dripping core over me and slowly slid down my shaft. The feeling of her enveloping me was pure heaven. It was the best thing ever.

Or so I thought. But the moment she started to lift herself again and fall back down to my lap I knew that the pleasure was just getting started.

I dug my fingers into her hips and lifted her this time. With just my tip left inside of her I slammed her back down while also thrusting my hips up to meet her. Lana screamed in passion and pleasure then, a sound that was music to my ears.

I kept a rhythm going like that for as long as I could, but it just wasn't enough. As mind blowingly amazing as it was, I needed more. I needed to feel her pressed beneath me. I needed to feel her legs wrapped around my waist. I needed to slam into her body with a ferocious passion.

I stood with Lana held against me. I swept a hand across my desk quickly, clearing it of any and all obstacles. With the surface now clear I laid Lana on it and she immediately wrapped her legs tightly around me.

With my hands braced against the desk beside her head I began to slam into her body over and over. Her screaming moans of pleasure only intensified with the new position. This new position also offered me the ability to slide deeper into her heated depths. It was perfect and I wouldn't trade this for anything, not even my life.

I could feel the two of us slowly reaching our peak. I was on the edge of climax when I felt Lana's inner walls begin to tighten around me, milking me with every stroke.

I forced a few more thrusts into her glorious body and heard her scream my name just as I exploded inside of her.

Panting, I just barely held myself off of her while I finished emptying myself. After a few moments I pulled my shaft from her throbbing core and lifted her to hold against me while I sat back into my chair.

It was an amazing night that I was not ready to see the end of. That was why we each put on a set of scrubs and went back to my place, after cleaning my office of course.

We went again after dinner, this time in my bed that soon became Lana's bed as well.

Lana moved in with me immediately. We already loved each other. We were mated. What more was there to wait for.

A week later I proposed to her before we went on a work trip together to California. There was a lot of excitement that happened there but I was still looking forward to getting home and getting married.

We were very busy with everyone else's pregnancies, being the only ones that could check up on them, so we kind of put our own stuff on hold a little bit. But we got married in October and were pregnant right away. Our twins were due at the beginning of April but they ended up coming early. Vivian in honor of my sister and Dominic which was the name of Lana's only childhood friend. They were born on March the fifteenth and we couldn't have been more proud.

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